Year 5 Weekly Blog 04.11.22- ' A smile is the universal welcome'

A new month and a new half term! It has been lovely to have to children back. It has been a fun filled first week back with it starting on Monday, which was ‘All Hallows Eve’. We discussed the meaning of this as we prepped for mass on Tuesday, the day of All Saints, where we celebrated this at church. The Eco councilors also began their duties, each of them partaking in particular roles each day such as litter picking, switching off lights and emptying the compost bins. They also got to go out to Hope Park and plant some light bulbs. The children enjoyed their trip and were pleased with their contributions to the environment.

In Maths, we have continued our work with decimal fractions and we have explored decimal numbers greater than one. The children have shown a deep understanding of the value of the numbers and have been able to provide some brilliant reasoning into their answers. We have also been showing how we can represent decimals in various ways, along with comparing decimal numbers.

The children are wrapping up their final piece of History this term, where they have been writing diary entries as General Miltiades, the leader of the Athenian army who guided his soldiers to victory in the Battle of Marathon.

Let’s Celebrate

Christian for being a focused learner- You are always engaged across all of our subjects and you are ready to learn. I never have to remind you of your behaviour and you show me that you can work alongside anyone. You respond well to advice given to you by adults in the class which is a great learning quality. Well done Christian! Keep this up.

Daisy for being a reflective learner-You show such passion towards your work and how you present it. You are never shy to ask for help, which shows an eagarness to improve your work. You are happy to recieve feedback in which you always act upon this. You are a pleasure to teach and I am excited to watch you progress.


Year 5 assembly: Our assembly will take place on Tuesday 15th November. All parents and other family members are welcome to attend. We will be doing the assembly twice for both KS2 (starting at 9:10am) and KS1(starting at 9:35am).

Clarinets- A reminder to bring your clarinet to school on Monday for our music lesson.

This week.....

Welcome back everyone! I hope you managed to have a good rest over the holidays…I think you may have needed it. The next half term is going to be so very busy.

We have started the week with a huge splash of colour! we have been finding out about how we can mix two or even three clours to make new colours. Click here for the colours song and here for mix the colours song! We has such good fun and made some very unusual colours (and a whole lot of mess)! Check out the key person blog to see what we have been doing.

Read Write Inc

This week we have introduced the sounds m, a, s, t, d. If you want to practice and hear how to say the sounds click here .

Click here to access the parent guide to Read Write Inc. Please remember over the next couple of week we will only be focusing on m, a, s ,t, d.

Click on the button below for your speed sound set. It will show you the sequence we will be introducing each sound to your child. We need to walk before we can run!

If you want to have a go writing the sounds fab! Here are the rhymes to help you. Click on the button below.

As Bonfire Night looms we have had extensive discussions about firework safety….and Guy Fawkes! The children are all very excited but we have been instilling how to stay safe. Sorry no sparklers!

We have read stories and made firework sounds. We have even created firework splatter pictures and ICT pictures!!

Colette’s Blog

Welcome back everyone!  It has been so wonderful to see the children spring back in to Nursery after the half term holiday and be ready to learn.

We began the week looking at colours and we all talked about which one was our favourite. We decided to make a tally chart so we could see which colour we liked the best. The children had a go at mixing some coloured paint…we had to predict what colour our paints could make….it was messy but very fun! Please apologise to your washing machines!!

We have been continuing to look at numbers 1,2, and 3 and finding numbers everywhere! The children have been learning some new sounds…why don’t you see if they can tell you about them.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend together.

Kind regards


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone, hope you all had a fantastic half term! The next few weeks will be very busy as we have so much planned. This week we begin by learning all about fireworks. Noisy, loud, sparkly, colourful, and that’s just been the children as they pretended to be fireworks. We also learned that we have to be safe around fireworks and bonfires, as always, we like to follow the rules. We then made our very own fireworks pictures just like Jackson Pollock.  We  We have also made our own firework pictures on the computer as we explored mixing colours.

Stephanie’s Blog

Hello everyone!

We’ve had a lovely first week back, the children have enjoyed telling us what they got up to over the half term break.

We have started to explore colour this week, which has led us to discussions about Bonfire Night, fireworks and Diwali. One of our friends in Nursery celebrated Diwali with her family over the half term holiday. She brought in her special outfit and showed her friends pictures of how she celebrated. We spoke about how celebrating festivals is similar across religions – she said prayers and lit candles just like we do in church. She also wore special clothes, had a special family meal and received a gift – we said it sounded a bit like celebrating Christmas! The children loved seeing pictures of their friend on the big screen in the classroom. Some people make Rangoli patterns for their house to welcome in their guests and bring good luck. We had a go at drawing some with chalk in the garden and also decorated some with different coloured glitter on paper to take home. Here is a song about Diwali you can watch at home: Click here.

We have spoken about our favourite colours and explored what happens when we mix colours together. We were amazed to find out some colours mixed together make a whole new colour! It was great fun working out which colours we needed, and also adding more and seeing what happened. Barbara tried to trick us by hiding the paint on the table with shaving foam but we managed to mix it all and find the colours underneath! The white made our colours a bit lighter and we all enjoyed making handprints in our floor books with the colours that we made.

We have discussed how excited we are to see lots of different coloured fireworks in the sky this weekend, and how to be safe around fireworks and sparklers. I hope you all have a lovely weekend – I am looking forward to hearing about the colours you have spotted. I have put a firework painting activity on Purple Mash for you to have a go at – I can’t wait to see your pictures!

See you on Monday



and here’s a few extra photos from Justine !!!


Emotional Well-Being.

We have been talking about likes, dislikes and self-acceptance. Click on the button below to read the story. and discuss at home.

As you can see we have started the half term with a BANG (no pun intended. Next week will be just as busy as we find out about poppies and Remembrance Day. There will be more on ‘sounds’ and we will be finding out about the number 4. I can’t wait!

Have a fabulous weekend and see you on Monday.

God bless


Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving’ Albert Einstein

Welcome back to our second half term together and this week has certainly gone with a bang! We have completed so much work in every single lesson, I really feel like we are flying!

Thank you to all those parents who saw me on parents’ day. I always enjoy celebrating the children and to share just how well they have settled in to Year 6. We cannot ask the children to work any harder than they are doing, they just need to work smart too and produce the best work that they possibly can. Always use the opportunity to showcase just what you can do!

We started the week with Bikeablility, and what an exciting way to kick start the half term. The children were so sensible and focused at completing each task that was set, we were so proud of them all.

Read more

Year 3 Weekly Blog 4.11.22 - "Dream big, sparkle more, shine bright."

On Monday we welcomed everybody back as we began our new half term. I must admit that this half term is up there with my favourites! During the coming weeks we will begin to prepare for Advent and Christmas and there are so many exciting events to look forward to! It is always such a magical time in school and one which will be all the more special after missing out on these events in the recent years.

We have jumped straight back into our maths learning, this week focusing on subtracting through the ten. We have been learning a strategy very similar to our addition work before the half term. When looking at a sum such as 14 - 5, the children have been partitioning the 5 into 2 parts… I wonder if you could ask your child what 2 parts we would split the number 5 into in the example above and why?

On Tuesday we walked to church to celebrate the feast of All Saints. The children found it really interesting to learn a little more about All Hallows eve and how this leads into our Christian feast days of All Saints and All Souls. The following day, as it was All Souls day, we spent time to pray for our loved ones who are up in heaven. The children listened to each other as they shared their own intentions and was such a calm, prayerful and special part of our week!

We have also started our new history topic, STONE AGE. We started off by thinking about a world without our favourite foods, activities and transport… the disappointment when we thought of a world without pizza was one almost too much to bare! Following this we then looked closely at a picture which represented that of the stone age. The children used this picture to discover more about how Mankind lived during this time, many great, inquisitive questions were asked! It was great to see the children’s fascination towards our new history topic, we cannot wait to find out more and to become Stone age experts.

Finally, this weekend many of us will celebrate Bonfire night and so, on Friday the children have been thinking about how we can stay safe and have fun this weekend. I wonder what they can remember?

Let’s celebrate!

Both Seth and Jacob - Our Co-operative and Focused learners!

This week we have chosen a pair of children who have been learning partners throughout the week. They have worked together beautifully, encouraging one another to be the best learner they can be. It has been a delight to watch the pair of you support each other! Well done boys!

On Friday 11th November, we will be visited in school by Stuart Robinson. Stuart is a gold medal winning Paralympian, who represented GB in the recent Olympic games in wheel-chair rugby.

Stuart’s visit is part of an event for Sports for Schools. This is an opportunity for the children to take part in a sporting event organised by Stuart, and to then hear about his story as part of an assembly. He will be with us all afternoon. This event is also an opportunity to raise money for our school - for PE, Sport and Active Learning.

The children have all brought a sponsor form home for them to collect as many sponsors as they can before the event next Friday.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter

Year 6 Weekly Homework 4.11.22


This week our focus is going to be on words ending in ‘ible’ or ‘able’. Please see the spelling quiz set for you to complete on Purple Mash to help you practice. These are the following words that you will be quizzed on:

changeable, noticeable, knowledgeable, manageable, serviceable, forcible, illegible, legible, elligible, terrible,

Could you also complete the IXL strand English U8 ‘words with ible and able’.


Please complete the Purple Mash task on finding fractions of amounts.

History - The six wives of Henry VIII.

You have two weeks to complete this, as we are expecting depth and quality (no copy and pasting).

Henry VIII was a significant monarch in British History, but what can you find out about his 6 wives?

Gather as much information as you can about the wives and what happened to them. You can show your research in any way, in your books, on purple mash or on a piece of paper.

What was their date of birth and death?

How old were they when they came to the throne as Henry’s wife?

Did they have any children?

What was their influence on Henry?

Year 3 Home Learning to be handed in 10.11












This week we spent some time practising some key spellings and we used a fun strategy to help us practise, called rainbow writing. Maybe you could use this strategy to help you remember this week’s spellings.

Maths - IXL Subtraction

Please complete F1 and F2.


I have set you two 2Do’s on purple mash.

  1. Stone Age Art

    Have a look through the different pieces of stone age art that you can use as inspiration for your own piece.

  2. Cave Painting

    Can you paint a a picture like a stone age person?

Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘Autumn tells is the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful’

I can’t believe we have come to the end of our first half term in Year 6! It has gone by so quick, but what a start Year 6 have made. They have all grown so much in the last few weeks, developing their independence and reflecting on the areas they know they need to wok on- we couldn’t be more prouder of them. Make sure they get lots of rest this short break, so that they are ready and raring to go for another busy, run-up to Christmas. It has been so lovely to talk to you all at the parent’s meetings, celebrating the successes of each one of them.

We had a lovely start to the week by celebrating the Harvest mass together at church. The children read so beautifully, thank you Year 6 readers. Such an important time to reflect on how lucky we are and pray for those who need our help. On Tuesday was our termly e-safety days. Now, more than ever, is it important to educate our children on how to use the internet and devices safely and appropriately. During the day we looked at the safety icons during gaming, how to identify the benefits but also the risk elements when using devices. We also looked at digital footprints, looking at how and why people use their information online to create a visual image and what appropriate online behaviour looks like. We will be looking at this in more detail after half term.

This week in our Kidsafe lesson, it fit perfectly in to our online safety learning. We learnt all about what we should do if we ever see an inappropriate image or content online. Please read the letter for further information…


Year 6’s ‘Bikeability’ training is set to start the first day back after half term (Monday 31st October) and then again the following Monday (Monday 7th November). Please remember to send your children in to school with their bikes, where they are able to keep them in our school’s bike rack, as you come in the school gates on Kenilworth Road. All Year 6 children with their bikes may come through this entrance on these days. Please note, that we will not be able to keep bikes here over night.

The first morning of their training will take place on the school playground, where they will complete level 1 of their ‘Bikeability’ course. Following assessment, only those that pass this level will progress on to the next stage in the afternoon and then the following week, where they will continue their training on the roads around the school. This gives you enough time to get those bikes out and get practicing in preparation for after half term. This will also be part of the children’s homework over half term.

Leading Learners

Well done to Jack and Isabella this week.

Thank you to you both for your whole approach to learning. You fully engage in every lesson and always strive to do your absolute best, challenging yourself where you can. What inspirations you are!

Kind and compassionate butterflies

We have been on the look out for acts of kindness and compassion this week. Pure love and kindness has been shown in abundance this week. It definitely makes our classroom a happier and a richer place for it. Thank you to Asher. There have been so many times this week when you have gone out of your way to help someone in class. Thank you for all that you do!

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jack Isabella Abi Christian


  • Please send children in full school uniform in line with our school policy, children will not be allowed to wear hoodies or jumpers that are not part of our school uniform.

  • Tuesday 1st November we will be attending church for All Souls Day- please remember to send coats.

  • Please check the home learning section for homework over half term.

  • 17th November 6pm- Curriculum Evening. Please coma along and learn with us. Some children may be asked to come and help on this night.

  • 18th November- please come to school in your PJ’s to raise money for Brain House.