Year 1 Homework 20.10.22

Thank you for all of your hard work this half term.

The homework for half term is to practise your lines, they are in your child’s reading folder and I have highlighted the lines they need to practise some are whole class lines and some are individual.

We have been practising the songs so they should know the actions to share with you.

Please continue with Maths IXL, I am happy for you to go on other games if your child has completed ones that have been set previously. Please continue to read lots at home, every child has two new books to enjoy over half term and we can’t wait to hear about all the lovely stories you have read together.

We are so sorry we didn’t get chance to do our spellings this week but keep practising them and we will do them together after half term.

Thank you,

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 20.10.22

It was a lovely start to the week, we celebrated the Harvest Mass together at church. The children sat and sang so beautifully and it was wonderful to see some of our food donations on the altar. Afterwards, we thought about those in our community who may need our help and reflected on how lucky we were to have lovely food.

Thank you to all the parents who joined me on Monday for Parent’s Day it was lovely to discuss how well the children and doing in school and the progress they are making. They have all setting in really well and we are enjoying our learning.

We have been Kiki Chameleons in English this week by creating our own story maps for Supertato. We then retold the story using our story map and made up our own actions. Didn’t we do a great job!

In Maths we have made groups of ten with lolly sticks and introduced doubling numbers up to 10, we played a dice game where we rolled the dice, drew the correct amount of dots in two boxes and worked out the double.

 During our KidSafe lesson this week, we learnt about the word bullying and what it means. We used the acronym S.T.O.P. to help us to understand that bullying is when something happens Several Times On Purpose and they now know what to do if they ever feel they are being bullied and have those yukky feelings in their bodies. Please read the letter below to find out more.

 I can’t believe that we have reached the end of our first half term already.

The children have worked very hard and have settled in well, they have particularly  enjoyed our topic Supertato and it has been wonderful to see all of their hard work at home. I am looking forward to our next half term and our Class Assembly and our Nativity performance.



 Well done to these children:

Sadie Spider for determination in Read Write Inc

Bobby Bee for enthusiasm during lessons and working hard on putting her hand up when contributing to class discussions.

 Well done to Eliza you are taking Henry home for half term for a brilliant week, you have worked hard and listened well during our input.

This half term there was an art competition for Harvest artwork, well done to our runners up and third place. Look on the art blog to see their amazing work.



Our Class Assembly is on Tuesday 8th November at 9:10 for KS2 and 9:35 for EYFS and KS1, you can stay for both performances if you would like. Their half term homework is to practise thier line and songs. Please check the blog for more details.


Enjoy the half-term holidays.

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

Dance important information

With our performance soon approaching there are a few things we want to make you aware of. By now we hope that you all have managed to book your tickets, they were selling very quickly but I know a few more have been released. We are keeping our costumes simple - not to take away from the dance. We therefore ask if you could just provide a pair of black leggings or shorts that your child could wear and we have coloured t-shirt.

The day of our performance: Tuesday 15th November.

On this day the children will come to school as normal (wear PE kit). They will access their usual morning lessons before we all have lunch at an earlier time. As this is a long day we advise that you book a hot school meal as they will not be having their usual evening meals, however this is not a must - you know your child and what they will/will not eat. After we have eaten lunch we will then get on a coach which will take us to the Winter Gardens where we will remain for the rest of the day - until the show has finished. We will have 1 rehearsal on the stage and the remainder of the time we will be backstage - we therefore ask that you bring a couple of books, colouring books or puzzle books to keep you busy (nothing valuable). We ask that you bring to school a packed meal (this will be your evening meal which we will eat at the Winter Gardens). After the show we will take the children to a meeting place (TBC via text nearer the time) and this is where you will collect your child.

To clarify your checklist for the day:

  • wear school tracksuit and bring a coat.

  • make sure your leggings are in school ready to take with us.

  • pack your bag with a couple of books, crayons and colouring book/puzzle book (no tech/valuables as belongings won’t always be supervised).

  • book a school meal or bring a packed lunch for our lunchtime at school.

  • bring a packed meal (in a plastic bag-easy to throw away after) that we will eat during our evening at the Winter Gardens.

  • make sure you have a snack or two and a water bottle/drinks(non fizzy) to keep you going throughout the day.

Final rehearsals

Our final rehearsals are as followed:

Monday 31st October

Monday 7th November

Monday 14th November

A huge well done to the children so far who have been working so hard during our rehearsals, we cannot wait for you to see what they have been working on!

Have a wonderful half term.

Miss Bassett and Miss Lavelle

Time for a rest!

It’s hard to believe that we have been at nursery for seven weeks! Half term starts today and we return on Monday 31st October, hopefully bright eyed and busy tailed. The second half of the Autumn Term is even busier as we have Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and of course Christmas. Nursery along with Reception are already thinking about our Nativity! Watch this space for more information.

As I say every week we have not stopped. Our number work is coming along leaps and bounds, we have even started to make number bonds to 3! We have been:

  • comparing numbers 1, 2 and 3 - ‘bigger’ and ‘smaller’

  • Ordering numbers to 3

  • Understanding that 3 is made of 2 and 1 or three 1s

  • Recognising the numerals in the environment

After the half term break we will be starting ‘Read Write Inc’. We will focus on five sounds every couple of weeks. The children love learning sounds. I will be posting on the blog a sound mat and activities so you can join in the fun at home!

We have been discussing at length about oral health and food that out teeth don’t like. I have noticed that everyone is questioning everything that we eat! Sorry.


On Monday the children joined Reception for a short Harvest Festival.

We gave thanks to Our Lord for all our food and our lovely world but we also remembered those children who may be hungry and need our help. We then danced around the hall, performing our Harvest samba. Here is the Harvest Festival song if you would like to have a dance at home. Click here .

After all the fun of our dancing we got down to some serious business and helped to pack all the generous donations for the food bank. Click here if you would like to know more about the food bank in St Annes.

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone! Just because it was a short week didn’t mean it was a quiet one….oh no! The children and Nursery Ladies have definitely not been resting! Sadly, we have had a few bouts of illness in Nursery but I hope that the half term holiday allows everyone to rest and recharge those tired batteries!

On Monday Nursery and Reception shared their own Harvest Festival celebration in the hall. We thanked God for all the wonderful things that grow on our planet earth and we even had time to dance our favourite ‘Harvest Samba!’ Thank you to all of you that donated the tins of soup!!

As always, there have been lots of building, puzzles singing and number fun. We have been continuing to look at number 3 and all the ways we can make a three… 2 plus 1 more or 3 and zero!

In our hall time we tried out some new songs, the floating song using some different coloured ribbons and the bean bag song where we had to follow the instructions and try not to drop the bean bag!!! Click here to have a go yourself!

We have finally arrived at our half term holiday. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and I hope you all enjoy a lovely half term together.

Kind regards


Michelle’s Blog

A shorter week than normal but that doesn’t mean we have been any less busy than normal. I think we have packed more learning into our week!

We continue to learn about healthy food and how to make sure we make healthy choices with our food to care for our teeth and the importance of exercise by taking our PE lessons outside and having lots of running races on the school field, including a running backwards race. This was tricky but lots of fun!  We then could feel our hearts beating fast in our chests, this means we are getting lots of exercise to keep our hearts healthy. Hopefully you can all get outside during half term, here are some ideas for you to try. Click here.

We have all had a fantastic start to our nursery year, and I can’t believe it is half term all ready. I have been amazed at how well the children have settled in and taken to all the routines. The children are all working so hard on their independence skills, especially putting their coats on. Next half term I will be making sure we are getting lots of practise using scissors, I hope you all enjoyed the cutting and sticking homework I sent home. Click here for some more scissor skills activities, which are really good for developing hand muscles needed for holding a pencil and writing. Click here.

Finally, I hope you all have a wonderful half term and I will see you soon.

Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What a lovely last week of term we have had. We have enjoyed role play this week, making food and drink in the house and the sand area outside. We’ve also looked after the dolls making sure they were warm enough to go outside and we even went on an aeroplane! We all lined up on the bridge and our pilot flew us to a lovely hot destination! Of course we needed snacks and drinks too – we’ve had lovely discussions about family and favourite things. It’s been so nice listening to the children having conversations with each other and continuing to develop their friendships.

We have continued to practise numbers 1, 2 and 3 – we found things in the garden and tried to match them up to the correct number. The children have developed their mathematical language without even realising – ‘I need one more!’, ‘Now I have 3! You have 2 and I have 3!’. Barbara also tried to trick us by hiding numbers and slowly revealing them but she can’t trick us! We are great at recognising 1, 2 and 3 now!

On Monday we had our first assembly in the hall with Reception. The children loved it, especially doing the Harvest Samba around the hall. We gathered all our tins of soup for the people that have hungry tummies, thank you for all your generous donations.

The children have continued to love the ‘Where’s the Monkey?’ video and have been singing the song themselves and hiding our monkey – look out for the photos of it on our heads! One of our friends even brought in his guitar from home and we sang the song together on the stage outside. I went outside this morning and found the monkey in one of our tubes! Here is the video again if you would like to watch it over half term and hide things around your house! Click here

I hope you all have a lovely week off together – get lots of rest and have lots of fun!

See you soon


Just in case you are at a loose end next week click on the buttons below for a couple of ideas! Enjoy! It would be lovely if you could send us some pictures of your adventures to share during circle time!

When we return after the holiday I will be posting the events for the half term….keep a look out so that you don’t miss anything!

I hope you all manage to have some family time and a chance to make memories that will last forever. Keep safe and well. I will see you on the 31st!

God Bless


Year 3 Weekly Blog 20.10.22 - "Autumn is the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful."

And so we have reached the end of our first half term. To say the time has flown by is a slight understatement! We started our week with a visit to church to celebrate the Harvest festival and what a lovely start to the week this was. Thank you again for your generosity, collecting tins which will already be on their way to help those who need it! It was just wonderful to hear our children celebrating mass, joining in responses and singing away to the hymn “Freely, Freely…” our final hymn during the mass.

Following this we through ourselves back into rehearsing for our assembly. The children were very excited to share their assembly with you all and, although the nerves were there at the beginning, the feeling afterward they had performed was of great elation. I always find watching the children help and support one another during their performances so heart warming and find myself holding back the tears. We were so proud of each and every one of them!

The children have also had their creative hats on, setting to work on writing their own fables. Seeing our children enthusiastically get their ideas down on paper was wonderful and hearing them proudly sharing with each other their opening sentences led me to do a happy dance… what is a teacher to do when she hears such great vocabulary?!

Let’s celebrate

Louis for being a Concentrating Cooper crab: Louis you have shown such focus this week! We were so proud of you and how you learnt your assembly part, becoming so confident in delivering your lines and helping others too! You have also shown this same focus within our lessons and have completed a wonderful piece of writing. Keep it up Louis, we are SO impressed!

Toby for also being a Concentrating Cooper crab: Toby you always show great interest and determination when learning something new. You focus carefully during our class discussions and always show great enthusiasm when faced with a challenge. You look carefully to solve problems and it is always such a special moment when we see the happiness spread across your face once you have solved a problem. Well done Toby!


  • After school club for Year 3 commence on the first Tuesday back (1st November) and will be from 3:30 until 4:15. Please find the list below to see for the children who have signed up.

  • Mass: On Tuesday 1st November we will be heading to church to celebrate All Souls day.


A big thank you for taking the time to discuss your child’s first half term in year 3 and how we can work together to best support them going forward. We really appreciate you taking the time out of your day for these discussions and it was, as always, a pleasure to get to chat with you all!

We hope you all have a very well deserved half term and we very much look forward to seeing the children on Monday 31st October as we begin the second half to our Autumn term together.

God bless,

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter.

Year 3 Home learning to be handed in on Thursday 3rd November


TT Rockstars

Please spend some time each day during half term on TT Rockstar’s. Make sure you spend time particularly focusing on the 5 and 10 timetables. You should be able to speedily recall these number facts.

Five finger breathing

This week we have been looking at finding ways of self regulating ourselves and have used this strategy to bring us back to a calmer place. Each child has created their own poster to remind them of how to practice this way of calming themselves. I would like them to find a place to display their poster at home. We will review how we have found using this coping strategy when we return from the half term.

Online safety - optional

On Tuesday we had Online safety day. We would like to see how much you can remember by creating your own online safety poster. This is something you could discuss as a family and maybe create a couple of online safety rules at home. There is a 2do set on Purple Mash for you to complete this.

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 19.10.22

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Be ready to quiz when you come back.

Could you please complete the reading comprehension on ‘electricity’. Remember to use full sentences and refer to the text where you can.

Grammar- Please complete IXL OO2- commas with compound and complex sentences.

Spellings - Please learn and practice spelling the following words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list:

  1. accompany

  2. awkward

  3. bruise

  4. familiar

  5. opportunity

  6. physical

  7. recognise

  8. system

Maths - Please complete the following strand on IXL to find fractions of numbers:

N10- Fractions of a number

BIKEABILITY- Get out on your bike, wear your helmet and get practicing ready for the first day back!