Year 3 homework given on Friday 10th March


Geography Words



Mount Vesuvius



Words with the sh sound spelt ch







Please have a go at using this week strategy to answer the following sums:

85 + 30 = 79 + 50 = 62 + 50 =

71 + 40 = 88 + 40 = 50 + 62 =

Did you notice anything about a couple of these sums?

Below are a few examples from this weeks work to help you…


Children, your challenge is to create a non-chronological report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. You can present your non-chronological report however you choose e.g. in their homework book, on Purple Mash, on a larger piece of paper etc. The more creative the better! Your report should be well structured with an engaging title, subheadings, photos/drawings and bursting with information that makes the reader want to keep reading…not to forget geographical vocabulary! For those children who want to really challenge their brains, can you also include a rhetorical question and conjunctions (when, if, because, although, while, since, until, before, after, so)?

Below are some resources to get you started. Parents, this event was of course devastating and I’m aware that there are photos on the internet that the children may find unsettling. I kindly ask that you monitor their research. Thank you!

You have got two weeks to complete this challenge (23.3.23) and really give it your everything!

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new' Albert Einstein

Wow we have been a class full of Isabella Insects this week: listening to advice, celebrating the things we have achieved, looking forward to the things we want to develop next and most importantly not comparing ourselves to others. Such vital skills when we are teaching our children to be independent learners; giving them the confidence to take risks, try different skills and most importantly, be allowed to make those crucial mistakes and learn from them. We have had a week of feedback from our first practice SAT’s papers. This is a huge learning curve for the children, and a crucial one, as it allows them to celebrate their achievements but also, to see for themselves the areas they need to work on. The first paper is never a full reflection of what your children are capable of, but we must celebrate them whatever mark they got as it is the first hurdle of a journey together. They now fully understand this process, as we have talked at length about how our feelings/ emotions can take control, preventing us to see or read questions carefully, the silly mistakes we make when we feel like we are being timed, the way the questions are worded and decoding ‘what does it want me to do?’ and then the strategies they can use to allow them to become more accurate or efficient. These are just SOME of the barriers, or as we would say, ‘learning opportunities’, that the children need to learn or overcome, before they even then, apply all of their knowledge.

I am so proud of the way Year 6 have approached this feedback. They have faced these sessions with such resilience, determination and maturity. This is why it is so crucial to do these papers at this time, rather than any earlier, as they are now ready and have the skills to face these challenges. The children have laughed and celebrated at their silly errors, know exactly where they have gone wrong, know what they need to work on and are, dare I say it, even excited to do it again and ‘beat’ their score. These papers will go home with the children next week to share with you. Take the time to go through these papers, to celebrate their achievements, let them explain their mistakes and what they should have done and let them share their targets with you.

Make time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small …

I hope you enjoyed our book look this week, the children couldn’t wait to show you their work and how much they have achieved this year so far …

What have we been learning this week?

English - Alongside feedback, we have also been recapping our knowledge of the possessive apostrophe, looking at where the apostrophe goes when it is a singular or plural noun.

Maths - We have continued to master our fraction work, finding fractions of amounts, solving problems, adding and subtracting fractions and of course consolidating our arithmetic.

Computing - This week we have been looking in to creating quizzes online for our reception partners and linking this to our Science work on animal adaptations

PE- This week we have applied our part-weight bearing balances to large equipment in groups in gymnastics and in outdoor PE have been applying tactics and decision making to 4 different games: rugby, basket ball, hockey and football.

Leading Learners

Well done to Jacob and Abi this week.

Jacob your enthusiasm, determination and positive attitude towards your learning is inspiring. You are super focused in class and now have the self-belief that you can do it and if you do come across an area you find challenging then you remain positive and go away and practise the skill until you master it. You have learnt that you are in control of your own learning, and that anything is possible when you have that positive growth mindset.

Abi, you never stop learning! There are times when you could sit back, relax and let the learning was over you, but you never do. You seize every learning opportunity and see every lesson or feedback as a chance to challenge yourself and take your learning to the next level. Sitting back is never an option for you, you engaged and ensure you are actively learning! Wow, your diary entry of the Journey last week, blew me away. Your rich vocabulary, your emotive language and all of your advanced punctuation that we have been learning in class, applied to a different piece of work!

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Grace and for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Max James Stephanie Mason


  • Parents’ Evening - Don’t forget when your appointments are.

  • Water Parks meeting is on Thursday 16th March 4pm.

  • Date for diaries- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly- Thursday 6th April

  • On Thursday 16th March the NHS will be conducting the National Child Measurement Programme. All children in Reception and Year 6 will have their height and weight measured, unless you choose to opt out. Please read the letter below for more information. They will also be conducting the School Health Needs Assessment Programme. This allows us to assess the health and social care needs of children in Year 6. Please read all of the information below.

Have a lovely weekend.

I will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster

Year 6 Home Learning 10.3.23


  1. Please complete the arithmetic sheet- think carefully how best to complete each question and the strategies you use.

  2. Long division- Please complete the division questions using out long division strategy. This week our focus is just on 3 digits divided by 2 digits without a remainder. Thanks to our wonderful helpers who have made a short video to help you remember the strategy …


This week our focus is on abstract nouns- please complete the spelling quiz on Purple Mash and remember to keep coming back to the spellings throughout the week- ask someone to quiz you, write them out and stick them round your house- whichever strategy works best for you!


  1. Please have a go at completing the SAT’s style grammar questions.

  2. This week we have been looking at possessive apostrophes of singular and plural nouns. Please complete the IXL strand FF 7 Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives

Year 2 Weekly Blog 10th March 2023 - Kindness is like snow, it's beautiful and covers everything

Year 2 Weekly Blog 10th March 2023 - Kindness is like snow, it's beautiful and covers everything.

Snow Day! What a lovely way to end the week, the children were so excited when they came into the classroom, there were many stories about snowmen before breakfast and snow angels in pajamas! We had a go at making our own snowmen and snow angels at break time.

In English, we’re looked at the features of friendly letters and written letters to Ruth at the library, thanking her for being such a fantastic host and telling us all about the events coming up at the library.

Mrs Gregan taught our PE lesson on Wednesday - the key learning points were pencil rolls and egg rolls. We all had a go at being coaches and looked for the features of really good rolls. When pencil rolling we ensured our toes were pointing, knees, ankles and hands were together and our tummies were firm. We tucked our knees in tight and made sure our chin were on our chests when doing our egg rolls.
We planned a sequence putting together what we had learnt and performed them to the class.

In Maths we’ve been using our knowledge of adding 1 digit numbers together and transferred this across to adding 2 digit and 1 digit numbers.
Our stem sentences were “ We know that 8 + 1 = 9, so we know that 18 +1 =19
The children were the able to carry this on adding 2 digit and 1 digit number right up to 100.

On Thursday, Myles, Anna, Martha and Alana led our class worship. The focus was kindness and compassion. We listened to the story of The Good Samaritan and thought about his actions and how we can spread our own kindness and compassion.

Herbivores, carnivores and omnivores have been key words in our science lesson this week. I wonder if the children can tell you what they mean? We used these words when putting together food chains.

Origami Workshop - What a treat!
The children thoroughly enjoyed trying their hands at origami, I’m sure many of them have continued practicing their new found skills at home too -I’ve seen lots of origami bookmarks appearing in our class reading books.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


Mia-Grace has been a determined and resilient learner this week. She has be working really hard in our maths lessons and this hard work is paying off. Mia-Grace shared with me this week that she was proud of herself – we are proud of you too.
Keep up the fantastic work Mia-Grace.


Scarlett is a wonderful member of our class. She is always focused and ready to learn and sets a fantastic example to everyone. Scarlett is well mannered and a good learning partner to anyone she is paired with. It lovely to see her encouraging her peer and celebrating not only her success but the success of those around her. Well done Scarlett!

Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Parent’s Evening (online) Wednesday 15th March and Wednesday 22rd March, from 2.00pm-5.30pm - book here

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 3.3.23

 Thank you for all the reading you have done this week, it has been lovely to see how excited the children are.

Please can you practise the assembly lines, we have been learning how to sign the Hail Mary, the children have picked it up very quickly. Please click on the link for the video to help them practise. If you haven’t already please can you email me a picture of you (mum) and your child. Thank you for those who have :).

Hail Mary

The spellings ths week are:

of his  full

some they you

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 3.3.23

It was lovely to see so many grown ups on Wednesday for our book look, the children loved looking through their books and felt proud to share their hard work with you.

On Monday we discovered a red door in our classroom, we made predictions about what we thought might be behind the door. Over the week we found out it was the red door from the book: The Journey by Aaron Becker. The whole school has had this book to use in English this week.

We looked at the first page and discussed what we coud see and how we thought the little girl (we named her Rose) was feeling.We created our own worlds behind our own red doors and wrote what our world was called, who we would bring and what we would take with us. I was very impressed with the children’s indepedent writing. We then worked in groups we each had a different picture, wrote what we could see and thought of our own sentence for the picture to create our own story.

We loved sharing our stories with the Year 5 children yesterday afternoon, everyones outfits were amazing! We also enjoyed some world book day activities too!

We had some very tricky challenges in Maths, we all had a piece of paper and we had to cut it in 4 parts with 1 part being bigger than the other 3. We had a few misconceptions as some of us were counting as we cut but forgot about the other part in our hand so we ended up with 5 or more parts, but with lots of practise we got there.

We have also been looking at a whole group using egg boxes and other objects, we had to say if it was whole or not whole. We were all very good at this even when I filled the containers with different objects and used different colours, we could see it was whole because there were no spaces. ‘This is a whole group of…. because I have all of them none of them are missing’

In RHE we discussed some good secrets and bad secrets and helped Susie, we decided on things that we could keep to ourselves such as a surprise birthday card and things we should tell an adult such as another child taking our snack and saying that we shouldn’t tell anyone. We were all

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees for being very creative thinking of lots of different actions for our poem and song, and for your enthusiasm with your reading, you have read lots this week and have ben excitied to change your books.

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week at school.

Well done to our PE superstars for excellent teamwork :).


On Tuesday 14th March it is our class assembly at 9:10, we will be practsing next week and are excited to be performing to everyone again :).


  • Please book your parents evening slots, there is more information on Mrs Gregan’s newsletter.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 3 homework to be handed in by 9.3.23


Children will be tested next Friday. They did brilliantly today with their tion words! Well done Year 3!

Geography Key Words





Words with the c sound spelt ch







TT Rockstars

We ask that you continue to practise your times tables by spending time each day on TT Rockstars. Each week we reflect on how we are all getting on. This week our top TT Rockers are Louis, Teddy, Charlotte and John-Paul who have averaged over 5 minutes each day. Well done!


We have continued to practise our touch typing skills. I have re set the task that we were working on together on Wednesday. It needs perseverance and concentration.

Task title: Homework: Home, top and bottom row keys

English - Optional homework

Following our week of celebrating World book day/week in our case. Year 3 have expressed a desire to write (or possibly just illustrate like the original book) a spin off book from the original book, ‘Journey’. They would need to create a story all about the little boy that we met at the end of the book. This boy had a special purple pencil… I wonder what adventure he had been on before meeting ‘Sophie’.

You could complete this using paper and pencils, your homework book, or I have set a 2Do on purple mash if you would prefer to use the computer to create your story.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in Thursday 9th March


This weeks focus are words with endings that sound like shus but are spelt -cious. The final two spellings are tricky words that we have covered previously.

  1. spacious

  2. vicious

  3. precious

  4. suspicious

  5. conscious

  6. delicious

  7. gracious

  8. malicious

  9. atrocious

  10. ferocious

  11. awkward

  12. definite

Mrs Mather’s group

  1. looked

  2. children

  3. house

  4. called

  5. animal

  6. clothes


Weekly SPAG sheet which has been stuck in their books.


Mrs Maddocks has asked the class to practice our new song ‘Lean on me’ on the clarinets. This is available on Charanga.

A bumper week at nursery!

What a week! We have been soooooo busy, we are exhausted!

We started the week by discussing the cross on which Jesus died. Everyone was very sad, but, we also talked about the Easter story having a happy ending. As Christians we believe that Jesus died on the cross and came back to life again to show how much God loves us.We talked about how Jesus came into the world to save us—to be our saviour—but He is just like us. Jesus had friends and family, cared about people, and helped those in need.

Next week we will be reading the Easter Story in small sections in preparation for Holy Week in school.

We have all made our own Easter cross this week and will be bringing them home in readiness for you celebrating Easter at home. Take a look they are beautiful.

We have also been making prayer rocks, some have already been sent home along with a little poem about how to use them. It was so lovely when the children told us that they had a chat or said a prayer using their prayer rock. Don’t worry if you haven’t got yours yet they will be coming home this week, fingers crossed.

World Book Day was great fun!!! We loved dressing up and staying in character all day. We read lots of stories including ‘Journey’ our whole school book study. We have now finished our display depicting the book. Take a look….

We have also written our own ‘Journey’ story and made a display.

Everyone has great fun on World Book Day, we read lots of stories! Such fabulous fancy dress costumes too, well done I know how stressful dress up days can be. Take a look at some of the photos.

Where’s Wally?

We had a fun game of Where’s Wally? The children had to guess where he was…can you?

Click on the button below to to read Happy Little People top tips talking.

As if we haven’t done enough this week look at everything else we have been up to!

Phew, I think everyone has earned a good rest this weekend!! Enjoy!

God Bless


Year 5 Weekly Blog 3.2.23 ' A book is a dream that you hold in your hands'

It has been a fantastic week, as we celebrated World Book Day! It was brilliant to see all of the children dressed up, with so much creativity and thought going into the costumes. We used this opportunity to link our writing skills to our book day characters, focusing on different grammar skills and descriptive writing. We ended our day by linking up with our ‘buddy class’ Year 1 and the children got the chance to share their books and read to each other.

Our world book week started on Monday, with our English lessons taking a focus on our whole school book ‘The Journey’. A wordless book which the children threw themselves straight into by using their interpreting skills, along with teamwork to create the order of our story. The children also got the use their story writing skills by describing the settings of the different parts of the book.

In Maths, it has been all things fluency, with our multiplication moving on the 3 digit and 4 digit numbers. The children have done so much independent work and have been taking lots of pride in the quality and presentation of their work.

In PE, we began our new outdoor topic of OAA. The focus for this unit is team cohesion and cooperation and testing these skills in unfamiliar environments. The children worked together in a set of different blindfolded games, with communication, trust and teamwork being a key factor.

We continued with our indoor PE topic of gymnastics with apparatus (a lesson the children love) with focusing on balance when challenging yourself on different types of apparatus.

Let’s Celebrate

Leo for being a creative learner: For throwing yourself completely into your writing and drawing on all of your sci-fi knowledge to really bring your writing to life.

Daisy for being a focused and reflective learner: For always being on task, no matter the instruction, and for always asking for help whenever it is needed.


  • Trip to Liverpool: Information about the trip, including permission slips, are now live as a seperate blog on the Year 5 page. Another form will be going out soon, in regards to the children’s lunch choice for the trip.

  • Book look and coffee morning: Will be on Monday 6th March at 9:00am. This is a chance for the children to share some of their work that they have completed so far this year.

  • Parents Evening: The first session will be on Wednesday 15th March and the second session will be Wednesday 22nd March. Please book your slot online. This will be the same system as our first parents evening, back in October.

  • Year 5 Easter Assembly: Will take place on Wednesday 5th April, which will be about the Crucifixion.

Year 6 Home Learning 3.3.23


Please complete the arithmetic sheet- think carefully how best to complete each question and the strategies you use.


This week our focus is on doubling consonants- please complete the spelling quiz on Purple Mash and remember to keep coming back to the spellings throughout the week- ask someone to quiz you, write them out and stick them round your house- whichever strategy works best for you!


This week I have sent home a SAT’s paper from a previous year for you to have a go at- please make sure that you complete this and bring this back to school to go over in class on Thursday. This can either be completed alongside an adult or independently, you must choose how best to work through this for you to gain the most from it.

Year 6 Weekly Blog... 'A book is a gift you can open again and again'

This week we have delved further in to our two new virtues… Grateful and Generous. In class we had a liturgy where we shared what we were grateful for and then put these on our class display. Some of the things they are grateful for are very beautiful. We have now chosen the dates for our cake sale, where we have pledged to be generous with our time in making delicious cakes for KS2 and KS1, in the hope we can raise money for our chosen charity- CAFOD- this Lent. Harcout and Bamber will bringing cakes on Monday 20th March and Plessington and Marsden will be on Tuesday 21st March. Please be aware that we are striving to be as NUT FREE as we can, so no nuts or any trace in the cakes/ biscuits. If children would like to write on what their cakes are and any ingredients, this would also be helpful.

You are never alone when you are lost in a book…

I love World Book Day! Yesterday brought us much happiness, laughter and excitement. I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs from yesterday and that they make you smile as much as we did. This year, we have tried something a little different… throughout the school, we have spent the week studying an illustrated book ‘Journey’. All of our English lessons have been centred around this book and every year group has produced some amazing work in response to it, which will be displayed at the front of our school hall. The children have loved studying this book and we discussed how analyzing texts such as these requires such a depth and perception.

What have we been learning this week?

Such another busy week! The children have approached each of their SAT’s papers with such determination, resilience and maturity- we are so proud of them. They are now itching to get these back to receive their feedback and set themselves targets!

English - We have been applying our active and passive voice this week in grammar. Our English lessons have centred around ‘Journey’ this week. We have sequenced, predicted and analyzed this book, creating a S map of the story and inferred the characters thoughts and feelings. We have then put all this knowledge and content to create a diary entry of the character.

Maths - We have continued to master our fraction work, finding fractions of amounts, solving problems, adding and subtracting fractions and of course consolidating our arithmetic.

RE- The offertory has been our main focus this week, the meaning of this at mass and the gifts that we have to offer God in our daily lives.

Leading Learners

Well done to James and Evie this week.

James you show such a deep understanding of your learning and this shows in your work but also with your perceptive and thought-provoking insights during class discussions.

Lexi, we love your recent change in attitude towards your learning. Your focus in lessons and the way you are managing your distractions is having a huge impact on your work. You have realised that in order to make the progress you want to, you have to work even harder at the areas you find most challenging. This takes real bravery and determination, both of which you are starting to show but you must continue working on this- well done.

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Lexi and Jacob O for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Abi Holly Jacob M India


  • Parents’ Evening - Please make sure that you have booked an appointment via Mrs Gregan’s blog.

  • Don’t forget to come to our Book Look next week on Wednesday 8th March 2:30pm

  • Water Parks meeting is on Thursday 16th March 4pm. MEDICAL FORMS HAVE GONE OUT TODAY AND MUST BE RETURNED ASAP.

  • Date for diaries- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly- Thursday 6th April

  • On Thursday 16th March the NHS will be conducting the National Child Measurement Programme. All children in Reception and Year 6 will have their height and weight measured, unless you choose to opt out. Please read the letter below for more information. They will also be conducting the School Health Needs Assessment Programme. This allows us to assess the health and social care needs of children in Year 6. Please read all of the information below.

Have a lovely weekend.

I will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster

Year 2 Home Learning 3rd March

This week’s home learning is in the children’s home learning books.

Next week we will be continuing to read our class novel Flat Stanley. The children have made their own Flat Stanleys to bring home for an adventure. The children will be writing about their adventure, in the first person - as if they were Flat Stanley. Encourage them to think about their senses when writing - what did Flat Stanley see, hear, smell, taste and touch?

In maths we have been practicing our 2 times table - please complete the activity in home leaning book.

Please continue reading for 20 minute daily - reading targets will be reset over the weekend.


This week’s spelling are words ending in le

rattle handle little middle rectangle table purple simple triangle

and word set 18

people climb wild even great break