Creative play is like a spring that bubbles up from deep within a child. Joan Almond


 Let’s Celebrate!

Kitchen Team, Class Manners of the Week: Year 3

First Sitting

Class of the Week: Year 4

Role Model of the Week:  Hugo Y3 and Erin Y4

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners:  William Y3 and Cora Y4


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Year 6

Role Model of the Week:  Edi, Y5 and Mason Y6

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Matilda Y5 and India, Y6

 What a creative week we have had, especially on Thursday!

Read more

Year 2 Weekly Blog 3rd March - 'A book is a dream you hold in your hands'

In English we have been looking at book called Journey by Aaron Becker, it is a wordless book with beautiful illustrations. It tells the story of a little girl with a magic red marker, she uses the marker to draw objects to help on her adventures. The little girls first drawing is of a door - before revealing what was behind the door the children used their imaginations to draw what they would like to find behind a magic door.

As the week progressed we worked our way through the beautiful illustrations thinking about what the girl could hear, see, smell, touch and taste in each place she visited. On Friday, we used all the information and ideas we had gathered to write some fantastic descriptive sentences.

In Maths we’ve been practicing our 2 times tables - we’re getting quite good at them now. We’ve also been looking at one more and one less that numbers ending in 0. We’ll be continuing to look at adding 2 digit numbers next week.

On Thursday, Joseph, Louisa and Scarlett led our class worship in the school chapel. It was the first time I had visited the chapel with the class, it was a beautiful experience and something we will be doing each week going forward.

In music, we have been learning to sing Zootime by Joanna Mangona. This week we added xylophones and I was really impressed with how the children keep in time. See what you think.

On Tuesday we visited St Anne’s Library. Ruth, the librarian was very helpful and told us about all the upcoming events at the library including Lego Club on a Saturday afternoon - further information can be found on the library website here.
All children who completed memberships forms, who weren’t already library members, have been issued with membership cards. Ruth showed us where we could find the books we could borrow and told us how log we could borrow them for.
We listened to a silly story about pirates, there were parts for us to join in - even the adults!
We’re planning on visiting the library again next half term.

World Book Day - wow! Our classroom was filled with fantastic fairytale and book characters. We watched and listened to authors online sharing snippets of their books including Tom Fletcher, Sophie Dahl and David Walliams. We ended our World Book Day by spending some time with our buddy class - Year 4. The children enjoyed reading to their buddies and sharing their favourite books.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


Your enthusiasm in maths is infectious. You are fully involved in lessons and are keeping up with the learning. You work well with your learning partners and give encouragement to those around you. Well Done!

Mia Grace

Mia Grace is really enjoying our maths lessons, she’s always ready to learn and takes a full and enthusiastic part in our learning. Her confidence is improving and I can see she’s trying really hard to learn her times tables.

Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Parent’s Evening (online) Wednesday 15th March and Wednesday 22rd March, from 2.00pm-5.30pm - book here

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 3 weekly blog 24.2.23 - "LENT: Prayer, Fasting, Penance, Sacrifice, Reconciliation, Almsgiving."

It was lovely to welcome the children back after their half term break, it certainly sounded as though lots of fantastic memories were created! We have jumped back into our electricity learning, and have been exploring more about how to make circuits using a power source and a range of components. It has been great to see the teamwork and perseverance as they have worked with determination to get each circuit to work.

We have also been putting our drama skills to the test as we have deepened our understanding of the difference between an accident and doing things deliberately. We learnt that doing things deliberately to hurt another person, doing things which God do not want us to do, is called a sin. The children worked in small groups to create a piece of drama which included either an accident or a sin, and the audience had to decide on which the group had demonstrated.

In maths this week we have been busy using our knowledge of multiples of 10 to reason and solve word problems. Again, we have been so impressed with the children confidence in explaining their reasoning! Mrs Hotchkiss has been in and out, quizzing us on our timetables, she is very impressed children, keep practising and spending time on TT Rockstars to keep this confidence growing.

On Wednesday we celebrated mass in school with Father Peter. We sang together and listened to a lovely piece of scripture read by our Head Girl. Following this we all received the ashes, each child doing so with great love and respect. As we now journey through lent together we aim to grow closer to Jesus through acts of kindness. I wonder what you have decided to do as a family this lent?

On Thursday I (Mrs Marshall) returned to school. What a wonderful first two days we have had already! I feel very fortunate that I get to teach your wonderful children again. We wasted no time in growing our brains and travelled back in time to 43AD as advisors to Emperor Claudius. The children weighed up whether it was a good or a bad idea to invade Britain and extend the Roman Empire. We will be finding out what Claudius decided to do next week…


As we journey through Lent we are raising money for CAFOD in school. This has started with the Lentern boxes which you so wonderfully created and swapped on Friday with nursery.

We have also decided as a class to walk to Ashton Gardens to raise money for CAFOD. The children are very excited at the prospect of doing some litter picking whilst we are there. This will be a lovely way to give generously to our community. More details to follow on when this will take place.

ART CLUB starts on Tuesday morning for the following children. Please be in school for 8am.

John Paul, Lily, Gus, Matilda, Bethany, Jacob, Daisy, Rory, Jiana, Hugo, Tilly, Teddy, Ciaran, Sean, William, Rose and Grace.


For being a determined learner. William, you have been so brave with your learning this week. You have challenged your  brain in maths and have not been afraid to have a go. We know you can be just as resilient with your reading too! Well done William!

For being a focused and thoughtful learning partner. Finley, this week you have been a considerate learner and have gone above and beyond to help others learn. You were especially kind in Science, when you helped your learning partner with the experiment. Well done Finley!


  • Please check Mrs Gregan’s blog this week as there are changes to the end of day routine - a little tweek!

  • This Monday we have our BOOK LOOK. The children have already selected the pieces of work that they cannot wait to share with you. Remember that this is a half an hour session starting at 9:00-9:30

  • Book Fair: The book fair will open for its final time on Monday morning before school, for anyone who hasn’t had chance yet.

  • World Book day: Please don’t forget that on Thursday, next week, we are celebrating World Book Day. Please come to school dressed as one of your favourite characters from a book.

  • As always if you need to speak to a teacher, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Miss Bassett is the class teacher Monday-Wednesday and myself (Mrs Marshall), Thursday-Friday.

Year 1 Weekly Blog 24.2.23

First of all I would like to say a huge thank for those who came to our Phonics stay and play, the children loved showing you around the classroom and they enjoyed playing all the different phonics activites with you. I understand it can be difficult to leave work during the day so if you would like more information or have any questions please send me an email.

I have uploaded the PowerPoint and all the activities in the help your child at home area. Click underneath to go straight there.

In Maths we have been looking at different ways to make 6 and wholes and parts, the children had playdough and had to listen to my specific instructions:

  • cut your playdough so you have two parts that are different sizes.

  • cut your playdough so you have two parts that are about the same size.

  • how can you cut your playdough to give you the biggest possible part? what do you notice? we found out we had one large part and one small part.

  • if we put our playdough together will it be whole? We combined the parts to make a whole.

  • I then asked a challenge question can you cut your playdough so one part is bigger than the whole? We realised that this was impossible!

On Wednesday Father Peter came to school for our Ash Wednesday Mass, we also exchanged out Lenten boxes with Year 5. The boxes looked amazing it was lovely how you had thought about your partners likes and created a box specially for them.

In Science we have started looking at seeds and plants, we found out about the different fruit and vegetables that can be grown in our gardens. We tasted apples and pears, cut an apple in half and drew it. Our observational drawings were brilliant, we talked about all the details and the colours we needed to use.We were inspired and wanted to know if we could grow an apple tree from the apple seeds, so we researched it. We found out you can but it takes years! You have to first germinate the seeds by putting them in a tub with damp paper towels then leave them in the fridge for three weeks. So we thought we would conduct an experiment to see what would happen to our seeds.

We went on a flower hunt outside and all took our own photos on the iPad of the flowers we found, there were crocuses, daffodils, daisies and snowdrops.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees for great improvement with her reading and super listening this week and for working hard in RWI you always join in and stay focused.

Henry is going home with this person for her brilliant artwork and fantastic sentences :).

Well done to our PE superstars for excellent teamwork :).

It was lovely to go the Lytham Heritage Centre to view our amazing artwork and see two of our children recieve their highly commended awards. Well done :)

Important Dates:

Year 1 Coffee Afternoon and Book Look

On Wednesday 1st March at 2:20-3:20 you are invited to come into school to have a look at your children’s books, they will pick their books and work that they are proud of and want to share with you.


On Tuesday 14th March it is our class assembly at 9:10, we will be practsing next week and are excited to be performing to everyone again :).


  • Please book your parents evening slots, there is more information on Mrs Gregan’s newsletter.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 24.2.23

 Thank you to everyone who managed to come to the Phonics stay and play, it was a lovely morning on Tuesday and Thursday and it was great to be able to catch up and answer any questions. I have uploaded all the activities in the how to help you child area. Please note some are folders so they need to be opened on a laptop to access. If you have any issues please email me and I will help or email you a copy. If there is anything else you need please let me know.

For your homework this week I would love for you to talk to your children about the reading/phonics challenge and have a go, remember a phonics activity can be included as your 10 min reading session, mix it up! I have shown them the certificates today and they are excited. Once again thank you for your support it’s amazing how much progress children make when we work together.

The spellings ths week are:

do is has

by was so

Don’t forget World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March, I’m excited to see who everyone will be!

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 2 Home Learning 24th February

This week’s home learning is in the children’s home learning books.

The children have been looking at contracted words. This bbc website has a helpful video and a quiz.

BBC Bitesize - contracted words

In maths we have been using dienes and pictures to represent 2 digit number - please practise these at home.

Please continue reading for 20 minute daily - reading targets will be reset over the weekend.


This week’s spelling are suffix ness - removing y and adding i before adding ness

stickiness happiness sleepiness cheekiness chattiness dizziness bossiness jolliness silliness

and word set 17

child children behind kind find told

This week...

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable half term.

A very busy week at nursery and also a different sort of week. We have started to walk in the footsteps of Jesus as part of our Lenten promises.

Each day we have been trying to be Disciples of Jesus in all we say and do. We have been mindful of all our actions and how they can impact on others. The children have embraced this difficult challenge at nursery, I hope they are at home too!

During Lent we are asking the children to continue their acts of kindness and to keep their promises so that we can collect lots of money for Cafod.

On Tuesday we had our last big treat until Easter Day by eating yummy pancakes, mmmmmmm they were delicious! Click here to listen to the story of Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes.

On Wednesday we were invited into Ash Wednesday Mass with KS1 and Father Peter.

On Friday we swapped all the lovely Lenten boxes the children had made with our paired class (Yr 3). A big thank you to everyone for getting involved. You too are becoming Disciples.

As donations have started to come in we have started our ‘totaliser’. We have a special counting machine that the children are fascinated with!

Colette’s blog

Welcome back everyone!

I hope you all managed to have a lovely half term with your families?

 It has been so wonderful seeing the children return after their rest and ready to learn.

On Monday we were able to enjoy using the apparatus in our Hall P.E. time. There were some wonderful displays of balancing, hopping and jumping. We continued to practise our skills out in the garden by making our own obstacle courses…. we are definitely getting better and better.

On Wednesday the children went in to the hall with Reception as Fr. Peter came to visit us. We talked about Lent and its meaning and we received our ashes on our foreheads. Back in Nursery we discussed why we are going to be collecting money for those less fortunate than ourselves. This year we will be collecting for CAFOD.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful Lenten boxes, the children are so excited to swap them with our Year 3 class.

Have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s blog

Welcome back everyone, hope you all had a restful half-term. The learning continues this week as we have learnt about Lent. We tasted pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and had  mass with Father Peter on Ash Wednesday. We are hoping to be more like Jesus by being kind, helpful and generous as part of our Lenten promise. We have also made Lenten boxes that we will be gifting to our friends in Year 3.

We have had a bit of a recap of the letter sounds we have learnt so far before we learn another group of 5 next week. This week we have been practising our writing by using our ‘duck fingers’. This gives us a better grip to form the letter correctly. A little bit more about pencil grip here.

Here are some activities to develop pencil grip. Click here.

We have also been keeping a close eye on the plants and flowers in the garden, there are lots of green shoots and flowers appearing. We cant wait for Spring to arrive so we can get busy growing our plants.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a lovely week we have had enjoying the sunshine in the garden. We have practised our throwing and catching skills and made a den to hide in. We were also able to practise our problem-solving skills when a toy ended up through the fence. We worked together to get it back, using a stick and eventually a broom to hook it back. What a great team!

We began the week making our ‘Lenten promise’. We all decided how we could behave during lent to help others and be more like Jesus. Lots of the children promised to help their grownups at home – if they do they can have a smiley face stamp on our sheet when they come into nursery! We have been very helpful and kind in Nursery.

We were so lucky to join the big children in the hall when Father Peter came to see us on Ash Wednesday. We sat so nicely while he told us about Lent and Easter, and showed each other the ashes on our head when we got back to class. We also enjoyed some yummy pancakes on Tuesday!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.


and our usual few extras for Justine…

Purple Mash

Don’t forget to keep checking Purple Mash. I have pinned more learning in the virtual classroom and set some activities to do at home. I hope you enjoy them.

Walking with Jesus around the field

Another part of our Lenten Almsgiving is going to be our sponsored walk around the field. Week commencing 13th March before our learning begins we will endeavour to walk three times around the school field! We may need a lie down afterwards.

This week we are sending home the children’s sponsor forms. We are hopeful that friends and family may want to contribute. All proceeds this year will be going to Cafod.

Join us during Lent help to ensure no one is beyond reach of the love and care they need.

Give today to help us reach people who are still in need of help.

Pray for our brothers and sisters living in poverty.

Book Week

Next week will be Book Week at nursery. The actual date for World Book Day is on Thursday so children are invited to come to nursery dressed a book character. I am aware that not all our children will not be in on Thursday so if you would like to choose another day for your child to dress up, please do.

Can I ask when you are choosing a outfit that you are mindful about being able to go to the toilet independently (no onesies if possible). Also, as we are dedicating a whole week to books and story telling, if your child would like to bring in their favourite book from home that would be great! Please make sure they are named.

Click on the button below for top tips for sharing stories together.

Beach School/Library

As the weather is now becoming ‘Springlike’ we will be starting our regular trips to the beach and storytime at the library.

If you click on the button below you will find our beach school information booklet.

Lastly, I hope everyone manages to get our in the sunshine this week and just enjoy being together with loved ones.

God Bless and I will see you all on Monday.


Childhood is about playing, discovering, and believing in dreams; the imagination and possibilities are endless. Unknown

What a wonderful first week back! The sun has shone and the temperature is starting to rise, meaning we have been able to extend our lunchtime fun to the field. The children, have definitely taken advantage of the extra space, allowing their imaginations to flow.

We have also captured signs that spring is on its way in the environmental garden…

 Let’s Celebrate!

Kitchen Team, Class Manners of the Week: Year 6

First Sitting

Class of the Week: Year 3

Role Model of the Week:  Daisy Y3 and Benjamin Y4

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners:  William Y3 and Cora Y4


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Year 6

Role Model of the Week:  Tabby, Y5 and Jacob O Y6

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Leon Y5 and Stephanie, Y6


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 1

Role Model of the Week: Seamus Reception, Wren Y1 and Emelia, Y2

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Heidi, Reception, Michael Y1, and Albert, Y2



Well done and thank you children for making lunchtimes such a lovely, fun filled time of the day!





 We hope you have a lovely weekend

God Bless,

The Lunchtime Team

Year 2 Weekly Blog 24th February - "As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus' thirst… Repent and believe." – St. Mother Teresa

"As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus' thirst… Repent and believe." – St. Mother Teresa

We’ve had a fantastic first week back in Year 2, the children have enjoyed spotting signs of spring around school - look out for the crocus and daffodils in the school garden.

It was lovely to see all the children’s Lenten boxes that had been made at home over half term, thank you for your help with these. The boxes have ben swapped with the children’s Year 4 buddies, there were so many happy faces and smiles.

In English we’ve started to read Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. The children thought about the advantages and disadvantages of being flat, I was impressed with their ideas and creativity. We’ve made our own Flat Stanleys, they will be coming home with the children next week ready for some adventures. On Friday we became detectives - the children told what they knew about Flat Stanley and I challenged them to show me how they knew with evidence from the book.

Our maths brains have really worked hard this week, thinking about 2 digit numbers and the value of each digit. We’ve been practising using dienes to represent 2 digit numbers, as well as drawing them on our whiteboards. We’re continuing to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

On Wednesday, Father Peter visited school for our Lent Mass. It was a beautiful mass and Father Peter was really impressed with how knowledgeable our children were.
In RE, we have made a paper chain with our Lent promises to show our commitment to keeping our promises and not breaking the chain.

Next Tuesday, we will be visiting St.Annes library. Thank you to those who have returned the memberships form. The children are really excited, please ensure they come to school with a suitable coat, its looking like it will be a dry day but its still quite cold.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


You are a reading superstar. You are spending lots of time practising your reading at home, at school and at word wizards and its really paying off.

You are taking your time reading the questions when you quiz and have had some super results this week.

Keep it up!


You are really focusing in your work at the moment and being able to manage your distractions. We love how much fun you have when you are learning and with your friends.

Your sense of humour is wonderful!

Book Look

On Tuesday morning you are invited into school for our Year 2 book look. The children will have the opportunity to show you their books and their learning. It will be held in the school hall 9-9.30am.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday - sorry for the confusion this week.
Book Look - Tuesday 28th 9-9.30am
World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 5 Weekly Blog 24.02.23 ' Lent is about becoming, doing and changing'

Our first week back of a new half term and yet again is has been action packed. This week marked the start of Lent and we celebrated this with our Ash Wednesday mass, which was led by Father Peter. The children also used our class worship as time to reflect, as we made our Lenten promises. The children also exchanged their Lenten boxes with their chosen Year 1 partners. All members of staff have been blown away by the amount of time and effort that has gone into making these boxes!

In English, we began our sci-fi story writing as the children have been re-writing the story ‘The Morning an Alien Came to Visit’, focusing on description and expanding vocabulary.

In Maths, we have begun our multiplication unit, starting with multiplying multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. We have then focused on using short and long multiplication methods to work out calculations of multiplying two digit numbers.

In PE, we have finished our outside unit of hockey by applying our passing, control, dribbling and shooting skills into games in a hockey tournament. We have picked up our gymnastic unit from Autumn 1 but have been applying our skills to apparatus. It’s fair to say the children enjoyed the lesson very much.


Finally, we need to make you aware that staff have supported the whole class in regards to behaviours that have made some children in Year 5 experience “yucky feelings”. We have written this letter to explain the behaviours we have investigated and how we have supported the class in response to what the children have shared with us.

Let’s Celebrate

Edi and Tabby for being co-operative and focused learners: Your ability to stay focused on each task we do, regardless of the subject or teacher, is really paying off as you are improving everyday. You are both wonderful learning partners, in which everyone is happy to work alongside you.


  • World Book Day- Is on Thursday 2nd March. Children can come into school in costumes, dressed as a character from a book.

  • Book Look- Will be on Monday 6th March at 9:00am. This is an opportunity for children to share some of their work they have done this year with parents. All parents are welcome to join.

  • Parents Evening- Will be on 15th March and 22nd March. Please book online for your time slot.

  • School trip to Liverpool- Our next school trip will be on Thursday 30th March to Liverpool. Please check the blog for more information regarding the trip on the Year 5 trip blog.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in Thursday 2nd March


As we have started a new half term, the children’s reading targets have been reset so children can start earning points towards their new targets now and shoot up our solar system.


This week, we have been looking at words containing double letters. The first 6 words are the new words we have looked at this week. The last 6 words are other double letter words that we have covered this year.

  1. immediately

  2. suggest

  3. marvellous

  4. necessary

  5. programme

  6. recommend

  7. according

  8. aggressive

  9. appreciate

  10. attached

  11. accommodate

  12. accompany

Mrs Mather’s group

  1. another

  2. around

  3. before

  4. after

  5. each

  6. every


Their weekly sheet has been stuck in their homework books for them to complete.


To the amazement of the Year 5 staff, majority of the children were unaware of the show ‘Countdown’, in which we have played this week to activate the children’s quick thinking skills . The game also gave us a chance to expand their vocabulary. Your task is to watch one episode of Countdown and play. This could be an opportunity for parents to play alongside the children. The children can write down their games in their homework book and we can share our answers next week.

Year 3 Home Learning to be handed in on 2.3.23


Children will be tested next Friday on a selection of the words below. Can you explain the spelling rule to your grown ups for -ation?

History Words




adding -ation to verbs to form nouns









Please remember to keep going on to practise your timetables. We have one child who has very nearly completed their map!

Preparing for World Book Day

This Thursday is World Book Day. We ask that the children come to school dressed as one of their favourite book characters.


We would like you to do some research to prepare you for our next lesson. What is a conductor of electricity and what is an insulator? Be ready to share your findings with your partner next week.

Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues’ Cicero

Welcome back to the second half of the spring term. There is no doubt that it is going to be a busy term with lots and lots going on. I am really excited that we will end the term with an Easter assembly. It will be a lovely way to bring our class family: parents and children together.

This half term, we are focusing on the virtues of being grateful and generous. There is so much to be grateful for, we just need to open our eyes and see. I am especially grateful for all of your wonderful children and how hard they are all working. Keep supporting them at home with their daily reading, completion of homework and of course attendance, it is such a crucial time, that we can not miss any learning opportunity!

Turning to the Cross

This week, we celebrated Ash Wednesday in school, marking the start of Lent. Father Peter joined us in the hall leading the whole school in prayer and refection, with the help of our head boy and girl who read the Gospel. For our almsgiving this year, we have decided to raise money for CAFOD, and support their walk against hunger campaign. Each year group has decided on HOW they would like to raise money- Year 6 has decided they would like to hold a cake sale. Next week will decide when these sales will take place, but just for forward planning- your help may be required! Alongside this, we also have now exchanged our Lenten boxes with Reception, ready to collect money for Cafod during Lent. It was so clear how much effort all the children had put in to when creating their boxes and they loved getting together again to give it to their partner.

What have we been learning this week?

I am not sure that we have drawn breath this week - it has been full on, fast paced and thoroughly exciting.

  • English - Romeo and Juliet has continued to be the central point to our English unit. We have moved onto the most iconic scene - The Balcony Scene. The children were tasked with writing in role as Juliet. To really understand her emotions and to use Shakespeare’s language within their work. I was blown away! I cannot wait to share their work with you just after half term. Our grammar focus has been active and passive voice, as well as colons and semi-colons. The children have been experimenting with them and using them within their diary entries.

  • Maths - I am incredibly proud of the work that we have done this week on fractions- we have been comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting- it’s has all been going on. This is a tricky concept that the children have grabbed with both hands. Next stop…percentages!

  • RE - With Ash Wednesday taking place next week, the children have reflected on what Lent is and why we either give something up or do something extra.

Being an active and curious learner.

I am sure the children have come home to tell you that this week we sat our first mock SAT’ paper. We have really played these assessments down this year, focusing on the children’s learning, development and any gaps they have, rather than teaching them how to take a test. Year 6 knew the day before that they were going to complete this, as I didn’t want to give them too much time to dwell, however, they came in to school yesterday with great resilience and such a positive attitude. It is often really hard plunging into the unknown, but that is exactly what the children have done. Next week, we will continue to complete the Maths and Grammar, but they all understand the importance of this and I am sure lots of lessons will be learnt which will enable us to build and move forward together as a class. Once they have completed these assessment, they will of course be marked and handed back to them where they will be encouraged to think about their progress and where they want to be next time they take a set of papers. Marginal gains is what it is all about. Over the next few weeks, the children will be bringing folders home, with their papers in them. This is their opportunity to share their work with you, to purple pen, celebrate their successes and reflect on their mistakes. At this point, it is really important to remember that the Year 6 curriculum has not been fully covered yet and we still have plenty of time. Please celebrate your child’s achievements and help them to develop their own targets. You may also find, over the next few weeks, past papers or SAT examples may come home as part of their homework. This can be completed the best way you see fit- whether this is alongside your child, independently or even, if they independently start and then go over their answers after. Homework is not always about assessing your child, this is done in class, homework is all about consolidating what they have learnt in class, revising and practicing skills they will need.

Leading Learners

Well done to Hollie-Rose and Evie this week.

Hollie-Rose we are so proud of your attitude towards your learning and your drive to succeed. In everything you do, you are trying your best, reflecting on mistakes you make and being an pro-active, independent learner, striving to improve every time! This is why you have made such great progress!

Evie, you are so focused during lessons, managing your distractions and getting lost in each task. Your work always reflects your capabilities, but also your creativity, and we love the way you never stop at what is expected from you, you always challenge yourself to take your learning to the next step!

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Kiefer for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jacob O Christian Jessica Evie


  • WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday 2nd March. The children need to come to school in their WORLD BOOK DAY costumes!

  • Parents’ Evening - Please make sure that you have booked an appointment via Mrs Gregan’s blog.

  • Don’t forget to come to our Book Look afternoon on Wednesday 8th March 2:30pm

  • Water Parks meeting is on Thursday 16th March 4pm.

Have a lovely weekend. The sun looks like it will be shining.

I will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster