Year 1 Homework 5.5.23

Royal Family Challenge

I have set for your homework a challenge to do some research and find an interesting fact about the royal family that you can share with the class. You can be as creative as you like and think about how you might display, present or share this interesting fact in class. You might want to build a model that explains your fact, you could draw a picture and write your fact like a fact file, you might even want to make a video like a news report!

Please bring you interesting fact into school by Thursday 11th May (or if it’s ready before that’s fine too!).

We would also love to hear if you did anything exciting over the weekend to celebrate the cornonation.

Please practise these following spellings our test will be on Friday:

push   school   where  

friend  ask  once 

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 5.5.23

We have loved celebrating the coronation in school today, we enjoyed all the different activities in class. At lunchtime we managed to get outside and have a picnic with the whole school and sit with our Year 5 buddies. It was lovely to see everyone dressed up in red, white and blue and as members of the royal family.

Yesterday we started our History topic on the royal family, we discussed what do I know about the royal family? What would I like to find out about the royal family? What is happening at the weekend and who are the members of the royal family? We learnt about the different members of the royal family and made their family tree as a class, then in groups. We were really impressed that the children worked together as a team and could make the family tree.

We are so excited for next week We are going to re-enact the coronation of King Charles and compare this to Queen Elizabeths coronation. We are also going to find out more about the royal family together.

Royal Family Challenge

I have set for your homework a challenge to carry out research and find an interesting fact about the royal family that you can share with the class. You can be as creative as you like and think about how you might display, present or share this interesting fact in class. You might want to build a model that explains your fact, you could draw a picture and write your fact like a fact file, you might even want to make a video like a news report!

Please bring you interesting fact into school by Thursday 11th May (or if it’s ready before that’s fine too!).

Maths: This week we have continued looking at the numbers 6-10 and that they can be composed of 5 and a bit representing them in different ways using a range of resources. We have used the STEM sentences 5 needs____to make___ ___ is made of 5 and___. We have also drawn our own cherry part-part whole diagrams to represent these numbers!

Mrs Hotchkiss came in to teach us a few lessons too, we looked at greater than >, equal to = and less than < please can you ask your child at home what the symbols mean, maybe they can write their own. I think you will be very impressed with how quick the children are with their answers !

English: we have started to orally retell The Cave Man Next Door and create our own story maps ready for us to start writing it up next week.

Computing: we had to order pictures for making rice krispie cakes and jelly, it was very tricky but we did it. We are getting quicker at logging on and off Purple Mash. Please keep practising.

PE: due to the bank holiday we will have PE on Tuesday so we don’t miss out, please come in your PE kit on Tuesday.

RE: We continued our discussion about how Jesus appeared to his disciples in the upper room we imagined that we were the disciples and thought of questions we would ask Jesus. More excellent independent writing, I have enjoyed seeing all the childrens confidence grow and I love how they challenge themselves and how they are are using their phonics knowledge to write without any adult support! We are incredibly proud of Year 1.


On Friday afternoon we will be visiting the library, I have the library cards ready for those who brought the form back and if you would like your child to bring a book home, please bring in your library card.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: for being a great role model in Year 1 and for super focus in RWI and excellent sentences in English.

Henry is going home with this person for her excellent Maths work, you didn’t give up when you found it difficult and you became more confident by the end of the week, well done:)

Reading Challenge:

Due to a busy day and week we will award the reading challenge winners next week in our assembly.


  • Don’t forget to wear your PE kit on Tuesday next week.

  • Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 2 Homework Friday 5th May

English - Please complete the reading comprehension on Harvest Mice.

Maths - Complete the subtraction sums in your home learning book, think about the strategies we have used in class this week.

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

SPAG - Please complete the SPAG activity in your book.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 12th May

Spellings with the ‘or’ that sounds like ir
word worm worse password workshop world worth worst workers

we’ve shouldn’t can’t they’ve I’ve

Coronation Special

A very Royal week. We have been learning about King Charles and Queen Camilla’s Coronation! Click here to listen to the Coronation Song the whole school have been learning.

We started the week by studying the Union Flag. We noted the colours and talked about all the Saints crosses that make up the design. We listened to the National Anthem and tried to learn the words. Click here.

Over the past few weeks we have been drawing pictures of the King and Queen, take a look!

On Tuesday we decided that we should send copies of our drawings to King Charles. We wrote a letter and popped it in an envelope with along with our pictures. We then walked all the way to the postbox and the bottom of Kenilworth Road. Oooooh, we are hopeful that he will write back! Fingers crossed!

In keeping with all things Coronation, we made red, white and blue ice cream on Wednesday….in a bag!!!!!!

We ate it at snack time and it was delicious!

Click here to try at home….good luck!

Throughout the week we have been making crowns. Quite splendid, don’t you think?

We have also been making red white and blue collage silhouettes of Kings Charles’ head! Again quite marvellous!

On Friday we joined the school to have a Coronation Picnic. We wore our crowns and had a great time with our paired class.

Here’s a royal story to listen to if the weather is a bit wet!

Click here for the King and his wish

Don’t forget…

  • to take a look at Purple Mash…I have set lots of Coronation activities to do (if you have time!)

  • we sent home a Coronation colouring sheet and a dot to dot of the golden carriage for you to do at home.

  • if you haven’t sent in a white t-shirt for your child to design in readiness for Sports’ Day don’t worry it’s not too late, next week will be fine. We are hoping to start them next week. (A named plain white t- shirt please).

Have to most wonderful Coronation weekend, hopefully the weather will stay fine. We will see you all on Tuesday. If you have lots planned we would love for you to share them with us…

Take care and God Bless


Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 11.5


There are no spellings to learn this week; we’ve been so busy with royal celebrations that we haven’t had chance to squeeze in our spelling lesson.

Maths IXL:

This week we have been placing multiples of 10 on numberlines. Please complete the following strands:

A4 - Skip counting by 100.

H1: Subtract multiples of 10

I1 - Add multiples of 10.

The King’s Coronation:

We want you to enjoy and celebrate the King’s Coronation. In your homework book you could dedicate a page to share what you did to celebrate, or maybe you could find out a new piece of information that we could share with the rest of the class next week? As a class we have also been asking curious questions, can you find out any answers?

Year 5 Weekly Blog 5.5.23 ' I believe passionately that everyone has a particular God-given ability'- King Charles III

It may have only been a four day week but life in Year 5 has still been full of excitement and learning. We began the week on Tuesday with the children’s usual mixed day of teachers and subjects, where they have four different subjects with four different teachers. On Wednesday, we continued with our outdoor PE unit of cricket. It is fair to say that we have been blessed with some brilliant weather whenever we now have outdoor PE, which both the children and teachers have appreciated. We have been breaking down the different roles within cricket and focusing on the technical points of each role. This week, we have been practicing drills with all three elements in as we look for some cricketers to play in our school tournament.

We have continued with our geography unit of rivers, with us taking a more practical approach to learning about the different types of erosion. The children could manage to show using just sugar cubes, water and a stirrer of how all 4 types of erosion take place. You will be glad to know that we did not let the children eat any of the sugar cubes but many did have sugar covered hands…

We finished our week in celebration with a coronation themed day, including picnics, patriotic colours, singing and lots of exciting activities. It was wonderful for the children to celebrate such a historic event, something that nobody in the school has experienced before. We began these celebrations on Thursday afternoon as we prepared our crowns and tiaras to wear for the picnic. We played various coronation themed games throughout the day such as crosswords, word searches and bingo. We had a special one off history lesson, which focused on the events of the coronation and discussed the key vocabulary, which prepped the children for both our assembly and the coronation itself.

Luckily, the weather was on our side, with the sun shining as the whole school had a coronation picnic, with each class pairing up with their buddy class.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 11th May


  1. awkward

  2. bargain

  3. bruise

  4. category

  5. cemetery

  6. committee

  7. communicate

  8. community

  9. competition

  10. conscience

  11. conscious

  12. controversy

    Mrs Mather’s group


Will be on IXL. As the children have had a full week of area and scaling. It is important to keep topping up with their fractions understanding as we pick this up again next week.

  • AA13- Add three or more fractions with the same denominator.

  • AA14- Add three or more fractions with the same denominator: word problems.


Will be on IXL;

Y1- Identify homophones with pictures.

FF9- Identify relative pronouns.

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 5.05.23


The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the Year 6 page. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.

READING- Have a go at the short reading task. Please also ensure you’re reading for AT LEAST 40 minutes per day.

GPS- Have a go at the revision maps I have sent you- there are three to do! One for each day of the long weekend!

There may be other areas you want to go over that you have identified from the last paper you completed.


Year 2 Weekly Blog 5th May 2023 - 'I believe passionately that everyone has a particular God- given ability' King Charles III

Year 2 Weekly Blog 5th May 2023

In PE this week we have focused on our throwing and catching skills. We practiced throwing accurately using beanbags and hoops as targets, challenged ourselves to throw and catch a ball around a circle without dropping it and played a game where we had to throw a larger ball against the ball and catch it after it bouncing back. As you can see from our photos we had a great lesson. We hope to continue making the most of the good weather and where it allows have most of our PE lessons outside. If your child has a sunhat/cap they may bring them in to wear outside. Next week our PE lessons will be on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In class there has been lots of discussion about he Coronation and its significance. The children acted out the Coronation in class and we discussed the main parts that they could expect to see at the coronation this weekend - the Oath, the anointing and the receiving of the crown.

We made our own crowns ready to wear at our Coronation picnic!

On Wednesday afternoon the children were very excited to visit the library again. There was a lovely sign greeting us as we arrived. During our visit the children were shown the History room where people are able to carry out local research, the children were amazed hear that the library has maps for the public to see and use that are over 100 years old. The children impressed the librarian when they were able to recognised The Mexico Disaster in painting on the wall in the history room.
Sarah read the children funny story about monsters that ate teachers - it even featured teacher from our school! All the children were able to choose books to borrow - just a reminder that these will need to be returned to the library by the 24th May. We’re looking forward to visiting again next half term.

30 little sprout houses are now homes to 90 little beans ready to sprout - over the next few weeks the children will be keeping a close eye on their beans before bringing them home at half term ready to be planted out.

We’ve also spent some time planting sunflower seeds.

Class worship this week was led by Mia-Grace, Phoebe, Lucia and Fletcher. Their chosen theme was helpfulness, loving and being attentive. We discussed what these words meant and how we had personally experienced them, it was lovely to hear the children recognise not only when they have displayed these characteristic but also when they have experienced them from others. We ended our worship by singing My Lighthouse complete with actions and dancing.

What a fantastic end to the week! The sun shone for our Coronation picnic, the whole school gathered on the field to enjoy our fantastic picnics made by by Jacqui and her team in the school kitchen. We enjoyed singing the National Anthem and our Coronation song - we may have even had a little boogie to YMCA!

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


What a Co-operative Roger Robin you have been this week Emilia! You are polite and well mannered and this is noticed not only by the adults around school but the children too. You set a fantastic example to others.  You work wonderfully with your learning partner and are always there to lend a quiet helping hand and give encouragement without disturbing the rest of the class.


You have been such a focused Cooper Crab this week Isaac! You have been ready to learn in every lesson. You have really enjoyed our science lessons and it has been great to see your enthusiasm.

This week’s Star Readers are Louie, Hugo and Mia-Grace.


Our PE days are next week are Tuesday and Wednesday
School closed Bank Holiday - Monday 7th May

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely long weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 28.4.23

Please can you go on Purple Mash, please keep practising logging on and off and complete the house activity and tell your child the following instructions:

(1) Paint the chimney using cookie dough.

(2) Paint the roof using jellybeans.

(3) Paint the door using chocolate.

(4) Paint the walls using sprinkles.

(5) Leave the windows unpainted.

Please practise these following spellings our test will be on Friday:

our house pull

love come put

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 28.4.23

Last week I set the children the challange of trying to pick healthy options for their snack, well done it has been great to see the children eating lots of fruit and vegetables this week.

On Tuesday we retold and sequenced what had happened in the classroom last week. Then this week the time machine came back! But there were no dinosaur footprints, we investigated to work out when the time machine had travelled from and who or what had come out of it. We hot seated the main characters and thought of some fantastic questions and answers. Today we had to think of advice to give to Ogg and in our sentences we had to use and/but/or. We only had a few minutes before lunch so we practised our sentences on whiteboards. I could not believe how amazing they were, they all wrote them independently. I am excited to see their final sentences on Tuesday written up neatly and remembering to use capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops.

Maths: This week Mrs Hotchkiss came to see how hard we have been working in Maths she is really pleased with us. We have been focusing on how the numbers 11-15 can be composed of 10 and a bit, we have used our rekenreks and cherry diagrams to represent these numbers. We have been practising the STEM sentences 10 needs____to make___ ___ is made of 10 and___. See if you can remember the STEM sentences for the different numbers.

Computing: we have been learning about algorithms ( a precise set of instructions used to solve a problem of achieve an objective). To do this we have had to follow instructions to colour pictures in make Lego models and on the iPads paint a bird. At first we all found it very difficult but by the end of the week we were experts. I have set for homework a house for you to colour following the algorithm:

(1) Paint the chimney using cookie dough.

(2) Paint the roof using jellybeans.

(3) Paint the door using chocolate.

(4) Paint the walls using sprinkles.

(5) Leave the windows unpainted.

PE: on Tuesday Mr Swindlehurst is going to come and teach us a lesson, so please come to school in your PE kit.

RE: We discussed that Jesus appeared to his disciples in the upper room and imagined we were Peter and wrote what happened, we drew happy and shocked faces.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: a Sadie Spider for excellent determination in maths, working well with your partner to find different ways to make the same number and a Lizzie Ladybird for super sentences in English your handwriting keeps getting better and better!

Henry is going home with this person for his excellent Maths work well done :)

Reading Challenge:

Well done to these children, they will be announced in our assembly next Friday, keep it up it would be wonderful if everyone could get their bronze certificate.


  • Don’t forget to wear your PE kit on Tuesday next week.

  • Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 5 Weekly Blog 28.4.23 ' Develop a passion for learning and you'll never cease to grow'

Another end to another exciting week in Year 5. Learning across the curriculum has definitely been flowing this week with us starting the week off with RE. We have been looking at the different types of sins and the consequences they have and how we use our conscience to make decisions. We ended this lesson by putting their consciences to the test with an interactive game of moral dilemmas.

In Maths, we have continued with our topic of mixed number fractions and have been using models to compare fractions along with adding and subtracting mixed number fractions.

In English, we have started our new class novel of ‘The Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah. This book carries a huge importance, based on a true story, of the history of slavery in our country and the ongoing issues of racism that take place today. We will be continuing to read through this novel in order to lead into our next writing topic.

We have continued learning about rivers in Geography and the children but their retrieval skills to the test by organising the course of a river based on their knowledge of the different stages and parts of a river. We looked into more details of how rivers are actually formed through erosion and transportation.

We also started our new Science topic of Light, a topic that the children covered at the end of Year 4, allowing the children to jump straight into this topic. We looked at our subject specific words for our topic and retrieved these from last year, along with experimenting how light travels.

Let’s Celebrate

Stanley for being an inquisitive learner: For asking so many curious questions in both our Geography and Science units. Your inquisition has given you the pathway to investigate these ideas and to chase your learning. You have also contributed to class discussions and provided the class with some insightful knowledge.

Evan and Owen for being creative learners: For creating a wonderful display of our solar system! The time and effort that went into making this masterpiece just shows the passion that you have for your learning. I loved all of the small details that went into it and you really impressed the class with your model.

Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Christian for being discerning. I never have to mention his name in class because he is always making the right choice and following every instruction.


  • Bank Holidays- This Monday (1st May) and the following Monday (8th May) are bank holidays, therefore school will be closed.

  • Coronation Picnic-Next Friday, 5th May, we will be celebrating the King’s coronation with a picnic. The children can come into school in their own clothes , wearing either red, white or blue.