This week......

What a week…so hectic! So little time and so much to learn and find out about!

Barbara’s blog!

Another fabulous week of learning.

We started the week with a visit from Dee the Dentist. We all learnt how to brush our teeth and which foods our teeth like and which foods they don’t like. We then thought it would be a good idea to make a dentist’s surgery. What great fun.

In our quest to explore flowers, trees and plants I brought in three stages of a dandelion. We watch two slow release videos

  1. How the dandelions grow, decay and seed. Click here to watch

  2. How the seeds disperse Click here or here One of the children said that they look like parachutes. Good thinking.

We then went to the school playing field to search for dandelions in three stages. When we got back to nursery we blew all the dandelion seeds. There were hundreds…sorry if they end up in your garden.

On Tuesday we investigated Cherry blossom. I picked some from my garden. The petals were so lovely and they floated everywhere. We use the magnifying glasses to look closely.

We have also planted some carrot tops and peas in jars….phew we have been busy.

We read Scarlette Beane this week, it is such a lovely story, click here to watch and listen.

The weather was so lovely on Thursday we got the bubble making equipment out in the garden as well as the shaving foam. Great fun…we made some huge BUBBLES!

Please remember to check out Purple Mash I have put lots of activities for the Kings Coronation for you to do! Enjoy!

Next week we will be doing all things ‘Coronation’ so watch this space. We may even write to the King and Queen.

Have a great weekend everyone


Michelle’s blog

We have had a lovely week and thankfully the weather has been very kind to us., with lots of glorious sunshine. This has meant we have been able to do lots of planting and investigating in the garden and we even had a picnic outside too. We have been exploring the  parts of a plant and investigating the life cycles of plants, learning some new words like germinate and pollinate. Here is a quiz about the different parts of a plant for you to try at home. Click here.

We are getting really good at recognising our names, the name tags on our bags really help. It would be fantastic if all children had a school book bag. It will make the transition to reception so much easier. We have also had lots of practice at writing our names and we are recognising the letter sounds in our names, not just the initial sounds.

Hope you all have a good weekend and we will see you next week.


 Steph’s blog

What a great week! We have carried on learning about rainbows and started the week conducting the rainbow skittles experiment! We worked together to arrange the skittles in order of the colours of the rainbow on a plate and watched to see what would happen when we added warm water. It was so colourful! Here is a link if you would like to try it at home. Click here.

We also experimented with prisms - we tried with torches inside which proved a bit tricky so we waited for some sunshine and tried it outside. We held the prisms in front of the sun and we’re amazed to see the colours of the rainbow on our legs, arms and on the white material on the floor! We enjoyed watching this that helped us to understand what happened, and explain how rainbows are formed: Click here.

We have continued to learn about growing this week, focusing on dandelions. We made trips to the school field to look for dandelions in all the different stages - we particularly enjoyed blowing the white seeds around! We can’t wait to see how all our sunflower seeds have grown at home!

We were also lucky enough to have a go on the climbing equipment in the big playground this week. The children loved it and said it was just like going to the park! I’m sure we’ll spend lots more time there now the weather is getting nicer. 

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week for lots of Coronation fun!


…and a few from Justine as always.

A note from Dee the Dentist

Dee recommended Brush DJ timer to help time how long the children should be brushing their teeth.

What is Brush DJ?

Brush DJ is an award-winning, free toothbrush timer app that plays 2 minutes of music taken from the user’s device to encourage brushing for an effective length of time. The app also allows users to set reminders to brush twice a day, floss, use a mouthrinse and when next to see their dentist, hygienist, therapist or orthodontist. Evidence-based age specific information is given as per the Public Health England toolkit ‘Delivering Better Oral Health’.

Click here to access and download the app

Don’t forget nursery is closed for Bank Holiday on Monday, but we will see everyone on Tuesday. Have the most splendid weekend and take care.

God Bless


Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 4th May


We have now finished our Read Write Inc spellings (orange spelling books) and are now focusing on the statutory spelling list for Year 5. Most of these spellings have been covered in the Read Write Inc books so the main focus will be retrieving tricky spelling words.

  1. accommodate

  2. accompany

  3. according

  4. achieve

  5. aggressive

  6. amateur

  7. ancient

  8. apparent

  9. appreciate

  10. attached

  11. available

  12. average

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. country

    2. don’t

    3. earth

    4. group

    5. hard

    6. important


Will be on IXL;

  • Z10- Select fractions equivalent to whole numbers using models.

  • Z18- Compare fractions with different denominators using models.


Will be on IXL;

  • X3- Find synonyms in context.


To practice ‘The Eye of the Tiger’ on charanga, focusing on the clarinet section.

Home Learning Friday 28th April

English/History - Please complete the reading comprehension on Grace Darling.

Maths - Complete the maths activity in your home learning book.
Can you draw a picture to show the equation, write it as an additive and a multiplicative

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

SPAG - Please complete the SPAG activity in your book.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 5th May

Spellings with the suffix ‘es’
ladies bodies tries flies babies cries families spies replies

because children beautiful people

Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 4.5.23


This weeks spellings have the prefix anti-.








A little bit of retrival for Computing homework this week. On Wednesday we created mindmaps (in pairs) to share the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of communication. I would like to see what you have retained from this lesson. Please find the 2Do which has been set called ‘Methods of Communication’.

The King’s Coronation!

Next week in school we will dedicating time to discover more about our new King and the coronation that will be happening on 6th May. To help get us prepared your third homework task is to learn the National Anthem ready for us to sing together during our Coronation picnic!

Year 6 Weekly Blog- “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.” J K Rowling

This power was most certainly evident in the Year 6 classroom this week… we are reminding ourselves daily that we hold this power, our inner strength, to do the best that we can, and as we remind the children daily, that their best is ALWAYS good enough. This week in class, the children have most certainly given just that… they have and I know they will continue to work incredibly hard. Their resilience and their whole attitude to their learning, makes us all so proud of them already. To us they have already achieved so much.

Revision and building confidence when approaching SAT’s style questions has been the driving force behind all of our learning this week. We have revised and have an even deeper knowledge of the different tenses and different types of determiners. In Maths we have looked at ratio and proportion and applied this some challenging puzzles, which Year 6 rose to with great determination! On top of this we have ensured our reading has continued, looking through past papers and the style of questioning. In PE this week, we worked on our athletic events: running, jumping and throwing. Art has been a big hit this week, we were stunned to see all the different types of fruits coming in yesterday! Here are a combination of photographs from last week’s Art sessions:

Continuing to learn…

We only have one more (short) week until SAT’s. It is vital over these two long weekends before it that children continue to revise and work towards their targets. I have set some papers to complete over the week for children to have a go at, but there are other areas that are unique to them as individuals that they know they also have to practice. Please have a look at the homework page and have the conversation with them to see how best to support them with their revision.

Leading Learners

Well done to Isabella and Harriet this week.

You are an absolute joy to teach Isabella! You are so focused in every single lesson and take such a calm and measured approach to your learning. We love how you get lost in each task and take it all in your stride, whilst still taking that determined approach to improve. You really are an inspiration- thank you.

Lena, you are so enthusiastic and curious in your approach to learning! You listen carefully, you believe in yourself and you always do you're best! I love how you are always fully engaged in lessons and bubbling with enthusiasm to join in! Because of this, you are curious, asking those all- important questions that make you see things from a different perspective!

Attentive and Discerning Butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are attentive to the big and small things, and to the response of others. We will also be spotting children who are discerning, who listen to what God’s calls us to be. This week we thank James for being attentive and discerning.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Evie Amber Mason India


Friday 5th May- Coronation Party Day! Come to school dressed in your regal attire or red, white and blue!

SATs week - Tuesday 9th - Friday12th May. Please ensure that your child is in school on time after a really good night sleep and a substantial breakfast.

  • Tuesday- GPS and Spelling

  • Wednesday- Reading

  • Thursday- Arithmetic 1 and Maths Reasoning 2

  • Friday- Maths Reasoning 3

Friday 12th May - End of year play read through

Monday 15th May- Auditions

Thursday18th May - Formal interviews with Mrs Gregan for positions around school. The children can come into school in formal interview wear. Dress to impress!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster

Year 2 Weekly blog 28th April - Dream big, work hard and make it happen!

We have a jam packed week in Year 2 - I cannot believe the amount we have achieved - the children have earned their long weekend!

In PE on Monday the children worked on their hopping skills through lots of fun games - throwing bean bags and retrieving them in a hop! Clearing beanbags in a game called ‘Get out of my garden’, it was a lesson full of bouncy children, laughs and smiles!
On Wednesday we continued the hopping theme playing hopscotch, then played a game called Queenie. The children loved this game and have been playing it on the playground at playtimes.

Focus, focus, focus! You could hear a pin drop in the year 2 classroom during our maths lessons this week, the children have been super focused and worked extremely hard. We’ve had some tricky work adding and subtracting 2 digit number crossing tens, but the children have taken it in their stride and mastered it.

In computing we’ve looked at the artwork of impressionists, picking out the features of their work then applied this to our own digital artwork on Purple Mash - I’m sure you will agree the results are amazing.

Our Aladdin topic in English has continued this week, we’ve focused on Aladdin character in the first chapter of the story and been surprised to find that Aladdin has not been portraited as a good character at all. We sang along to the song picking out the words that described Aladdin and added them to our role on the wall. We’ve also picked out tricky word in the text and used word hippo to find their meanings before putting them in our own sentences.

Class worship was led this week by Lettie, Louie and Hugo - the theme was hope. It was a good time for us to reflect on the hopes we had at the beginning of the school year, what we had achieved and what we hoped to achieve in the final part of our year 2 journey.

In science the children were excited to take a close look at seeds and bulbs. We talked about what seeds and bulbs need to grow and what the parts of a plant were called. We’ve started making mini greenhouses, next week we will be putting beans inside them so we can observe them growing roots and sprouting.

Next Wednesday we will be visiting St Annes library, if the children would like to bring their library cards to borrow a book please send them in. Please ensure they come to school with a coat, we’re hoping for lovely weather but its been so unpredictable lately and although it looks lovely and bright it can be a bit chilly.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


Fletcher have had an amazing week! You have been focused and ready every lesson and it makes a real difference to your learning. You are taking ownership of your learning and showing me that you are thinking about what you need to do to achieve your very best and end the year feeling proud.

Mia- Grace

Mia- Grace you have really shone these last couple of weeks, adults around school are noticing how hard you are working and the effort you always put in making sure you do the very best work you can. I am very proud of you.

This week’s Star Readers are Anna, Albert, Mia- Grace, Heath and Jackson.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
School closed Bank Holiday - Monday 1st May
Library Visit - Wednesday 3rd May
Coronation Picnic - Friday 5th May
School closed Bank Holiday - Monday 7th May

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely long weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Home Learning 21st April 2023

English - Please complete the reading comprehension in your Home Learning book.

Maths - Can you partition the numbers into tens and ones?

Keep logging on to numberbots - I can see all the great awards you are achieving!

SPAG - Please complete the work on comparatives.

Please continue reading at home, reading targets have been reset!

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 28th April

Spellings with the suffix ‘tion’
station lotion potion fiction motion section caption option nation

Word set 24

parents says thought wear laugh whole

Year 1 Weekly Blog 21.4.23

This week we discovered a time machine in the classroom with some footprints, we discussed what had happened! We thought it could be the evil pea again or maybe a dinosaur. We decided to use the iPad to record to see if we could capture our guest. We found out we had a dinosaur in our classroom! We pretented to be the dinosaur and imagined coming out of the time machine and how we would move around the classroom. Then wrote sentences about what had happened and how we could get the dinosaur back in the time machine so he could go back home.

Maths: We have been focusing on shapes, we had different challenges to complete at the end of the week to give us the opportunity to discuss these shapes and even make their own in a range of ways.

Computing: we have been looking at grouping and sorting shapes and making our own pictograms. Please can you continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash, the children’s log in cards are in the reading books or if can’t find yours please let me know and I can give you a new card.

Today Steve from CORAM life education came to speak to us about how we can keep our bodies healthy, We met Harold and helped him pack a healthy lunch. We have been set a challenge to bring in healthy food for our snacks. Your child has also brought a leaflet home with more information.

Let’s Celebrate:

Yesterday we were very lucky that Diane from RWI could come in and give us extra training, she worked with these children and they were super stars. They had a RWI session with lots of adults watching! They have all been awarded Cooper Crab certificates for being focused during the full session they were brilliant listeners and learners and Tommy Turtles for being brave and not being distracted by all the adults in the room, well done :).

Henry is going home with this person for a super week well done :)

Reading Challenge:

Well done to these children, they were announced in our assembly today, keep it up it would be wonderful if everyone could get their bronze certificate.


  • Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 21.4.23

Please can you go on Purple Mash and complete the shape activity and go on a shape hunt what shapes can you see? We have been focusing on the 2D shapes: triangles (3 vertices, 3 straight sides), circles (1 continuous curved side, 0 vertices), square rectangles (4 vertices and 4 straight sides all the same length) and oblong rectangles (4 vertices, 4 straight sides 2 shorter and 2 longer). 3D shapes: cubes, cuboids, cylinders, spheres, pyramids and cones.

Please practise these following spellings our test will be on Friday:

my were says

are said here

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 2 Weekly Blog 21st April 2023 - keep your face to the sun and you will never see shadows

Year 2 Weekly Blog 21st April 2023 - keep your face to the sun and you will never see shadows

We have had a fantastic start to the summer term - a busy week full of laughter, smiles and memory making.

In maths Mrs Hotchkiss has continued working on multiplications, the children have looked at how to write expressions with the multiplication sign, tricky stuff but as always she wa blown away by the chidren’s knowledge and enthusiasm.
We have continued our 2 digit addition and subtraction, this week extending our learning by adding and subtracting multiples of 10.

In English, the children were so excited to hear that our new topic will be Aladdin.
We started the topic looking at the market scene, picking out nouns then making the nouns into noun phrases by adding adjectives. Next week we will be using these fantastic phrases to write a description of the marketplace.
I hope to show the children some clips from the 2019 Disney film, it has a guidance rating of PG. Please contact me, if you do not given permission for your child to view clips from this film.

St Annes Lifeboat trip.

The children's had a fantastic time at the lifeboat station on Wednesday, I was so impressed with the children’s knowledge and the questions they asked. The children were split into 2 groups for our visit, with one group learning about safety and dangers they may come across whilst visiting the beach, whilst the second group learnt St Annes lifeboat and more specifically their role in the Mexico Disaster. We then swapped.
Before returning to school, made the short walk along the promenade to see the St Annes Lifeboat Disaster Memorial.

Steve, from the Life Education Bus, visited our class on Thursday. The children loved meeting Harold the giraffe, I’m sure they have come home and told you al about him! The focus of the session was ‘feelings’, it was fun and informative and asked the children to problem solve when one of Harold friends was feeling upset. Please check your child’s bag for an information leaflet sent home this evening .

In PE we’ve practiced our underarm throws, trying our best to control and hit targets. We’ve also looked at running games from past decades. We’ve played stuck in the mud and a human version of pacman!

The children have continued working on their sewing skills with Mrs Neves in art and DT.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


You have had an amazing week! You have been focused and ready every lesson and it make a real difference to your learning. You are asking questions that are deepening your understanding. Keep it up Martha!



George, what a ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ you have been this week! You have been asking some great questions to take your learning even deeper. You really impressed the adults on our trip to the Lifeboat station with your knowledge and questioning. Well done George!

This week’s Star Readers are Louie, Nathan, Scarlett, Lettie, Emilia and Alice.

Some of the children in our class featured in the Blackpool Gazette this week. Well done George, Myles, Hugo, Fletcher and the St Annes Purples, it was lovely to see the photos and write up of your football match.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Library Visit - Wednesday 3rd May

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 5 Weekly Blog 21.4.23 ' A true friend accepts who you are, but also helps you become who you should be'

Our first week into our final term! It has been brilliant to see the children again, in which they have settled in instantly as soon as they stepped foot back in the classroom. We jumped straight into our new maths topic of mixed number fractions. We have been really impressed with the children’s retrieval skills with their fractions, which has allowed us to jump straight into the work.

In RE, we have continued with our topic of ‘Reconciliation’ and have focused on the theme of forgiveness. We discussed different scenarios of disobedience and the process of forgiveness in order to reconcile our relationships.

We also began our Geography unit of Rivers. The children have been eager to begin this topic and have jumped straight into this. The children can already state the three stages of a river and recall many of the features of a river. The children loved using the geographical resources of the atlas’ to collect data on the rivers of the UK and the world.

We also had some visitors from Life Education for a HRE lesson about friendship and well-being. The children were fully engaged throughout the whole lesson which included film scenarios, discussion and drama.The children showed a real maturity surrounding the whole topic and really understood the importance of this.

Let’s Celebrate

Jay for being an enthusiastic and focused learner: Jay, you have blown me and Mrs Webster away with your excellent maths work this week. As each lesson goes by, you are more and more focused which has led to lots of progression. You are now showing a real enjoyment for maths, especially with fractions, which is a joy to see.

Angel for being a co-operative learner: For constantly showing that you are an excellent classmate, both in and out of the classroom. You are very considerate towards everyone in the class, making you a great learning partner. Your calm and kind temperament really helps diffuse situations and it shows others of how to deal with certain situations, especially during break times.

Virtue butterflies for being generous: This week, our virtue butterfly was actually a special headteacher award which was given to Leon. This was for being generous towards our younger pupils by helping them to tie their judo belts during this morning’s session, which shows that you are being a role model for the school.


  • Coronation Picnic- On Friday 5th May, we will be celebrating the King’s coronation by having a whole school picnic. A form has been posted on the main newsletter, which includes how to book a picnic lunch for your child.

  • Clarinets- Reminder for all children to bring in their clarinets in on Monday’s as this is when we have Music.

  • Trip to Blackpool Winter Gardens- We have booked a trip to Blackpool Winter Gardens on June 15th for an exciting reading opportunity which is hosted by author Cressida Cowell. More information regarding costs, travel and timing will be released when finalised.

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence'

Wow what a start to the summer term! We have all come back so well rested and ready to take on the challenges of the term! We have shown so much focus, bravery, reflection and most of all resilience this week! We could not ask the children to work any harder. This week we have received feedback from the papers we completed before half term and it is so wonderful to see them, not just focusing on their marks but celebrating their progress scores from previous paper. They are so reflective and have mastered a real positive approach, where they celebrate their successes but look carefully at the areas they know they need to work on, working in their learning partners to help one another…

Continuing to learn…

As expected, these final two weeks are all about revision and narrowing the gaps. The class have had detailed feedback on the papers that they have completed. They should now have a really focused list of revision material. The children know that their homework is all about revision and that they are leading this for themselves but you may just want to familiarise yourself with what has been given to them and offer support where needed. However, they have to be motivated to do well and to gather their own resources from class if they want extra revision material.

With a couple of bank holidays coming up, every day is crucial. Please ensure that your children are in school on time to maximise every learning opportunity.

In art, the children have loved starting their new topic, where they have al created a photomontage, inspired by the Dada art movement, why not ask them about this and what they have been creating in class.

We will be completing our last formal set of papers next week which will give the children an indication of the progress that they have made. Homework is live and all areas are a crucial tool to help your child revisit or practice skills.

Monday - GPS

Tuesday - Reading

Wednesday - Maths

Thursday - Maths

Leading Learners

Well done to Christian and Harriet this week.

Christian we have been so impressed with your desire to focus on your work, you are really becoming such a concentrated Cooper Crab! You are approaching every lesson with such a calm, logical and focused approach and this is reflected in the progress you are making.

Harriet we love the way this week you have took all feedback in your stride. You have been super reflective in your approach, quietly celebrating the areas you have achieved and recognising what you need to work on. This determination and self-reflection will serve you well in the future- well done. 

Attentive and Discerning Butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are attentive to the big and small things, and to the response of others. We will also be spotting children who are discerning, who listen to what God’s calls us to be. This week we thank Lexi for being attentive and discerning.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Christian Abi Max Isabella


SATs week - Tuesday 9th - Friday12th May. Please ensure that your child is in school on time after a really good night sleep and a substantial breakfast.

  • Tuesday- GPS and Spelling

  • Wednesday- Reading

  • Thursday- Arithmetic 1 and Maths Reasoning 2

  • Friday- Maths Reasoning 3

Friday 12th May - End of year play read through

Monday 15th May- Auditions

Thursday18th May - Formal interviews with Mrs Gregan for positions around school. The children can come into school in formal interview wear. Dress to impress!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 21.04.23

With just 2 weeks until the end of year assessments, we have ramped up learning in class. The children are very clear about what they need to do and the areas that they need to develop. Please look at the ‘How to Help Your Child’ button on the Year 6 page. There are lots of resources for the children to access as well as the revision boxes that are in the classroom.

Maths - Please complete the reasoning paper that I sent you home for homework. There is a good mixture of questions in the booklet that will challenge your reasoning. Read the question carefully! You need to decide how best to work through these so that it will benefit you individually- if you need to work on your time then you need to get an adult to time you!

GPS - Have a go at the GPS paper that I have sent you home for homework.

SPELLING FOCUS - i before e, except after c. This is a really tricky rule! Focus on it.

What other spelling rules do you need to revise?

cashier, priest, mischief, deceive, receipt, mischief, believe, brief, niece, diesel, hygiene, fierce, siege, grief, receive, perceive, inconceivable, yield, efficient, conscience


Keep helping yourself to the revision material in class and remember there is revision classes at lunctime if you want to- this is also a good time to go over any questions you found tricky in your homework!