Year 3 home learning to be handed in 15.6.23


After half-term we will be investigating our local area. Can you go on a walk around St Anne’s and email Mrs Marshall a photo of you stood next to a physical feature and a human feature?

Physical geography: the natural features and landscape of an area or country. e.g. mountains, oceans and desserts.

Human geography: how people interact with the world around them. e.g. communities, culture, how the land is used and trade links.

Maths - IXL

Please complete the following IXL skills:

B1: Comparing numbers up to 100

B2: Comparing numbers up to 1000

B3: Put numbers up to 100 in order

B4: Put numbers up to 1000 in order


We have been learning how to send emails on purple mash. It would be lovely to hear what you have been up to whilst enjoying the half term. See if you can send me an email.

Remember: First click onto TOOLS. Next click 2EMAIL. Then click 2EMAIL again. Now click on COMPOSE in the top left hand corner.

Once you have the above screen visible make sure you click ‘TO’ and add my email, do this by clicking on contacts along the right hand side of the screen and find my name. Then write your subject and your type your email. I look forward to reading what you are getting up to!

Year 2 Weekly Blog 26th May 2023 - Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows

Year 2 Weekly Blog 26th May 2023

Well done Year 2! What a fantastic half term we have had….each week you continue to amaze me. This week the children completed their Key Stage 1 Maths Assessments - once again their determination and focus have blown me away.

In Computing, we’ve looked at the work of Piet Mondrian, taking note of his use of vertical, horizontal lines and primary colours to produce abstract art. We recreated his work on Purple mash, then had a go at making our own abstract art inspired by Mondrain using our own choice of colours.

The children have thoroughly enjoying learning about Grace Darling, as our topic came to an end we thought about how she should be remembered and designed stamps. Many of the stamps featured lighthouses, rowing boats and Grace Darling herself.
We got crafty and designed and assembled our own lighthouses.

We have spent a lot of time outside this week, we continued improving our throwing and catching skills in our PE lessons. On Thursday Year 2 were fantastic role models when they teamed up with year 1 to practice some events in preparation for sports day.

Year 2 are lunch time superstars!!!!
They were recognised and rewarded this week for being such fantastic role models in the dinner hall. The children were thrilled when they went into the hall today and saw the table specially decorated for them

The children have been sent home today with their sunflowers, which they have nurtured and taken care of these last couple of weeks. They have also brought with them their sunflower diaries to record their sunflowers growth over half term. The sunflowers can be planted out at home or if your child prefers they can come back to school after half term and we will plant them out in our school garden. It would be lovely if the children could send photos of their sunflowers as they bloom and grow. Pictures can be emailed to me at

In science we have been looking at the lifecycles of plants, particularly strawberry plants as we have some growing in our school garden. We were able to go out and see some of the stages - the flowering, fruit and the ripening fruit.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Joseph you have had an amazing week, there have been many occasions when you have been out of your comfort zone, but you have been brave and courageous and overcome your fears. You have made so much progress.
We are so proud of you.


Jackson, I have really noticed how focused you have been in class over the last couple of weeks. You are making wise choices and managing any distractions  and this is having a positive impact on your learning
Keep it up Jackson !

This week’s Star Readers are and Anna, Nathan, Emilia and Bea


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - 20th June 1.30pm
Gym Jam Jog! - Wednesday 21st June 8am
Library visit - 5th July
Zoo trip - Date and details to be confirmed

Half term - School closes for half term Friday 26th May at the usual time and reopens on Monday 12th June.

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Day 4 Water Parks

We have had another fun filled day in the Lake District. The sun has shone down making the day even more cheerful! We have just had our pizza, wedges and banoffee pudding and now we have gone off to practice our talents ready for tonight’s show!

Mrs Harrison and Mr Cornwell’s group have been on an adventure day, walking up a peak. It was a lot of hard work and climbing but once we were at the top we were taken away with the beautiful view!

Mrs Hotchkiss’ and Mr Nay’s group have been sailing all day on the lake…

Mrs Mather, Mrs Gregan and Mrs Barker’s group have also been on an adventure day…

Water Parks Day 3

Another beautiful day - continuing on our adventures! We have had visitors you may have noticed over the last two days… Mrs Gregan, Miss Forster and Mr Cornwell (who is staying for the rest of the week) have come to join us on our adventures and cheer us on !

Read more

Water Parks Day 2

What an amazing day we have all had! After a surprisingly calm and restful night’s sleep, the children were up and ready to go this morning. We have been so proud of how all the children have eased in to their new routines and embraced every opportunity they have been given. There has been incredible team work, acts of bravery and a steely determination to try new activities.

Mrs Mather’s group today, enjoyed a lovely canoe across the lake to do a spot of climbing up a rock face. Then this afternoon, they had a lovely swim in the lake!

Mrs Harrison’s group had a wonderful walk up the ghyll this morning and then in the afternoon faced their fears on the ‘leap of faith’ challenge and balancing on top of ladders.

Mrs Hotchkiss and Mr Nay’s group this morning went for a relaxing sail in the morning and then climbing in the afternoon!

We really could not ask any more of these children, they are giving everything such a good go, but most importantly working as a team and really looking after to one another.

What a pleasure they are to take away! They will most definitely sleep well tonight after such an active day!

Water Parks Day 1

We have arrived and we couldn’t have got off to a better start. After a very excited lunch, the sun shone and we got ready for our afternoon activities.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Hotchkiss and Mr Nay’s groups were having a relaxing afternoon, gently canoeing back and forth across the lake.

Whereas Mrs Mather’s group mastered the art of kayaking, but the biggest thrill was most definitely jumping off the Jetty in the late afternoon sunshine. You may have heard the squeals of delight all the way back in St Anne’s!

Tea tonight was chicken burgers and chips, followed by a beautiful sponge pudding and custard!

At the moment, they are outside orienteering. We think everyone will sleep well tonight, ready for another fun day tomorrow.

I am so sorry, but we are having problems with the Wi-Fi and I am unable to put the photographs on but I will continue to problem solve this and hopefully get them up as soon as I can!

Year 1 Weekly Blog 19.5.23 'somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world'

‘somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world'

Matida, Roald Dahl

What a fabulous week we have had, a little bit of sunshine has made us feel happier. We have enjoyed learning about Queen Victoria and how she influenced the trend for white wedding dresses and tiered cakes. We compared her wedding dress to the wedding dresses that other royal brides wore. We drew her wedding dress and cake and then designed our own. What great designers we are. We have continued sharing our history homework and we have learnt so many interesting facts! for examle King Charles 111 is the oldest King aged 73 to be crowned and King Edward V1 the youngest at the age of 9

Maths: We have started writing ‘expressions’ (e.g. 5 + 2) and ‘equations’ (e.g. 5 + 2 = 7), We are looking at the plus and equals symbol, we have practised the stem sentences …. plus…. is equal to and … is equal to ….. plus …… and writing four equations to match the pictures e.g there are three blue birds and two yellow birds:

  • 3+2=5

  • 2+3=5,

  • 5=2+3,

  • 5=3+2

    We learnt that an addend is a number which is added to another and sum is the result of adding two or more numbers together. So the addends above are 3 and 2 and the sum is 5.

    Today we rotated different activities to give us the opportunity to practise the skills taught in maths.

English: We finished writing our retell of the Caveman Next Door and have started to innovate our stories changing the main characters and the places they visit. We are so impressed with the children’s independent writing, we are becoming accurate spellers applying the skills learnt in RWI and working hard on our handwriting and enjoying the challenge of cursive writing.

Next week we will be focusing on strategies to prepare us for our Phonics screening, this will commence the week we come back after our half term holiday. I will be making up packs next week for your half term holiday homework. Please read as much as you can and use the resources that are on the help your child at home section. There are some great games on the Phonics play and Phonics bloom websites.

 PE: We have loved our PE lessons this week, on Monday we played throlf, which is like golf but you roll or throw underarm or overarm to the target, some children managed a hole in one! Today we had a relay race.

On Thursday the whole school attended Mass, to celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. We walked and sat with our Year 5 buddies, we have developed some lovely relationships and the children are always excited to see each other.

Look at our brilliant performance of the song up and down, we have been learning this song in our music sessions.

Computing: on Purple Mash we learnt how to create a simple algorithm by using the direction keys to move the characters in the right direction and we learnt how to debug their algorithm, if we had made a mistake, we enjoyed these challenges. If your child would like to have another go, I have set it as a 2do. See if they can remember how to find and complete the challenges. Open the 2do, click on the purple menu button top left of screen, click new, click on challenges we only went up to challenge 4 but they can complete all of the challenges if they want to have a go, they get more difficult each level. Next lesson we will complete longer algorithms and creating our own challenges for each other.

Show and Tell

Please can we not bring toys in for show and tell, I do not want them to break or go missing, It has been lovely to hear about all our achievements outside of school. We didn’t get chance to finish our show and tell today so if you have something to share you can bring it in on Monday.

Let’s Celebrate:

Congratualtions to our awardees: a Sadie spider for her determination in Maths and a Lizzie Ladybird for brilliant sentences.

As everyone has had Henry we voted in class if we wanted to continue to send Henry home or to stop. As there are not enough weeks in the year for everyone to take Henry home twice. We discussed that although we will feel disappointed we should be pleased for our friends and if you take Henry home not to show off and to also to be kind and considerate. 26 voted to said continue and 4 said to stop so Henry is going home with this person for always working hard a for being a great role model in our class :).

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Homework 19.5.23

Please continue to read as much as possible at home. Unfortunately due to staff illness and time we have been unable to change all the books. If your books haven’t been changed we will change them on Monday.

I have sent home a Phonics sorting game for you to complete together at home. Ask your child to put their scanning goggles on to look for the special friends (ai, air, ire etc), chatty friends (a-e, e-e, o-e ect) and cluster blends (two or more consonants together, separate sounds that you squish together e.g. g-r gr. Please encourage your child to Fred talk, (sound it out loud) then say the word. Even if they are confident readers, this will help them during their Phonics screening, it’s very easy to make simple mistakes because they are rushing. It is important that they take their time so they are accurate with their reading and when reading alien/nonsense words that they read them carefully and don’t turn them into real words. They have been working very hard on this in their RWI sessions :).

Spellings will continue after half term so your child can focus on their phonics, please access these helpful resources below and use the websites the children love playing the games. If you any extra support, information or need anything printing off please email me and I can help you.

 Thank you for all of your support the children have made so much progress this year and I am incredibly proud of them :)

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 19.05.23 'A picture paints a thousand words’

It has been weird to complete a normal working week at school, with all the bank holidays we’ve head, but we are here again at the end of another productive week with lots of learning. After two weeks without having one, our usual Monday routine continued with the exciting afternoon of Music and French. The children have continued to practice some previously learnt songs with the clarinets such as Blossom Blues and Eye of the Tiger, whilst also learning new songs simultaneously, this week it being the theme song to Jaws. We also started our new French topic of ‘French around the world’, with us focusing on directions, which led us to creating some French compasses to work our way around a treasure hunt.

In Maths, we have focused on both equivalent and simplifying fractions and how we can apply our times table knowledge to efficiently solve these calculations. The children’s attitude towards their maths work has been amazing to see as they are very keen to throw themselves into all sorts of problems and puzzles.

In English, we have continued with our topic of newspaper journalism and have been creating our first draft of our reports, based on our class novel of the Windrush Child. The children have been excited to put their own spin on their articles by choosing which newspaper to work for, creating catchy and interesting headlines and designing the layout of their newspaper.

We have continued to experiment with light in Science, to answer lots of key questions about how light travels. This week, we looked at if light could bend when travelling through the air. We then experimented to see how light would travel through liquids and we discovered how refraction works.

In Geography, we have started our new topic of North America in which the children’s retrieval skills and effort with their homework has allowed us to fly through the learning of this topic. We recapped the continents of the world and looked into the countries that make up North America. Ask your child at the weekend of how many can they remember.

On Thursday, we spent the morning at mass to celebrate Ascension Day. This was to celebrate when Jesus ascended up to heaven and left his spirit behind. This was also covered in our RE lessons, as we looked at examples of key figures within the church who lived with the spirit of Jesus within them and compared their actions to the Son of Christ. We finished the week with an art filled Friday morning, with the upper juniors having the opportunity to take part in a special art workshop, focusing on painting.

Let’s Celebrate

Dominic for being a co-operative learner: For always being a kind and considerate classmate towards every pupil. Your ability to be able to work alongside anyone, comes from your loving nature. This is also apparent in the playground, as you can play without any disruption and are attentive towards others.

‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind’

Emilia for being a reflective learner: Emilia, your focus and drive to be discerning has allowed to you add high quality to your learning. You are keen to show your teachers through your writing of what you are capable of and this is only possible if you are a reflective learner. You always listen to and take the advice of the members of staff, whether that is in or out of the classroom.

An excellent learning quality to have!

Iris for being discerning: Iris, you are always listening to instructions and are the first one to carry out a task whenever it is set. You go the extra mile by always offering to help your fellow pupils and also members of staff. You are such a delight to have in our learning environment.

Franek- To keep up with our theme of being the eco-class of the school, one of our members of the eco-council has chosen to donate one of his plants at home, which has been placed in our environmental garden. What a generous and thoughtful action Franek.


  • Preparing for the weather: With temperatures starting to increase, children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any suncream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  • Healthy snacks: A reminder for children to bring in healthy snack for break times e.g. fruit or vegetables and for no nuts to be brought into school.

Year 2 Homework Friday 19th May

Maths -
Complete the maths questions in your home learning books.

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

SPAG - Please complete the SPAG activity in your book.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 26th May
January February March April May June July August September October November October November December.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 26th May


  1. equipment

  2. especially

  3. exaggerate

  4. excellent

  5. existence

  6. explanation

  7. familiar

  8. foreign

  9. forty

  10. frequently

  11. government

  12. guarantee

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. colour

    2. enough

    3. Europe

    4. face

    5. family

    6. final


Will be on IXL;

  • Z14- Write fractions in lowest term (simplifying fractions)


To research the capital cities of the 23 countries of North America. These are to be included in the style of a poster, similar to last weeks geography homework.

This week....

What a glorious week of sunshine. We have been in the garden all week!

Take a look at what we have been up to!

Barbara’s (and Emma’s) blog

A fun week! We started with messy Monday, yay! We love messy Monday. The children made dough. We tipped the flour on a big tuff tray and then added water…….it got very sticky! It squiged between our fingers and stuck our hand together. We loved it! After what seemed ages the mixture began to look more like dough. We made birthday cakes and put lots of candles in them.

We have been practising writing our names using the Read Write Inc. cards. The children are beginning to say the rhyme as they write their sounds. Click on the button below to have a go at home.

The children have started to design their t-shirts for Sports’ Day, they are looking fab! Don’t worry if you haven’t sent yours in yet, there’s still time!

We have loved playing with the outdoor water play, we have been squirting everything! We have made water chutes, played with the big water wheel and huge teapots!! We got so wet the nursery garden was like a launderette…cloths hanging everywhere!

We also played bobbin rolling! We raced them to see who’s bobbin went the furthest.

On Wednesday the children wanted to find out more about spiders. We watched a power point all about different kinds of spiders. Click on the button to watch at home.

We then made a huge spider web in the garden!

Phew, we have been busy!!!

Have a rest this weekend everyone.


Michelle’s blog

We have had such a busy week this week, lots of brain growing and learning in nursery. We have worked very hard working on number problems with the dice, recognising the pattern of dots. We have also worked very hard at developing our vocabulary. Click here for some ideas for developing communication skills

We were very excited to have a tour of the school as everyone went to mass. We very respectfully looked around each classroom and were amazed at all the brain growing that the big children do. We were very lucky as Mrs Nel said we could sit at the desk s in Year 6. They were so big!

We have also been very busy decorating our T shirts for Sports day. If you haven’t yet sent in your tshirt, then please send in a plain white t shirt as soon as possible.

Thank you

Have a lovely weekend everyone


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

This week we continued our coloured flower experiment and tried it with celery instead. Here is the video we watched first: Click here to watch.  

We then looked at the bottom of the cut piece of celery to see all the ‘tubes’ that the water could travel up. We were fascinated to see that the leaves on the piece in the blue water had changed colour before we had even gone home at the end of the day! It was much quicker than the flowers last week. We didn’t see much change with the red water, just like the white flower experiment. 

We have continued practising our sounds this week - we know so many now! We are now hearing more sounds in words and beginning to recognise them in the books we are reading - we are amazing! We are also having a go at writing them! See if your child can show you at home. Maybe you could use paintbrushes and water in the garden or in the bath!

We have carried on looking after our garden and watering the plants! We can’t wait to see everyone’s sunflower seed planting! Here is a little game to play at home where you can plant the seeds and watch them grow: Click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.


A look around school!

On Thursday all the children went to Ascension Mass. We thought we would have a trip around school and look at all the other children’s classes!

I think you will agree, we have all done lots of brain growing this week. Have a lovely weekend (and rest), there will be lots more learning next week!

God Bless


Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 25.5.23


This weeks spellings have the prefix sub-.









Maths IXL:

Great IXL last week Year 3! Can you have a go at these challenges?

CC.Understand fractions

8 Fractions of number lines: unit fractions

9 Fractions of number lines

FF. Add and subtract fractions

1 Decompose fractions into unit fractions

Maths (extra)

If you are feeling determined, can you have a go at one of the challenges below in your homework book?