Year 2 Weekly Blog 19th May 2023 - Be proud of your progress.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 19th May 2023

This week the children have taken their end of key stage English assessments. They have all worked extremely hard and I am proud of their determination and resilience.

In English we have sequenced the events at the start of the story - the and started putting together sentence to describe what happened, really thinking about the thoughts and feelings of Jasmine. Next week the children will be writing diary entries from Aladdin’s perspective. Why did he help Jasmine? Who did he think she was? How did he feel when he realised she was the Princess?

In science we have continued caring for our sunflowers, we have now repotted them into larger pots and transferred them to our school polytunnel. We have started to make observations and measurements, next week the children will be bringing their sunflowers home and will be asked to continue caring for their plants and taking weekly measurements in their sunflower diaries.
We checked the progress of our avocado seed, the children were excited to see that it has sprouted. We will keep it warm and snug in our classroom cupboard over half term and check it again when we come back into school.
Unfortunately our beans have not sprouted - they became quite smelly so we have decided to try again with some new beans next week.

We made the most of the lovely weather and had class worship in our school garden. Bea, Ava, Alice and Liam led our worship, the theme was love. Bea read a beautiful prayer asking God to look after our Mums and Dads. We spent time thinking about those we love, who loves us and how they make us feel. Safe, kind, loved, thankful and warm were some of the words the children used to described how people who loved them made them feel. We agreed that we are lucky to have people in our lives who make us feel so loved.

In RE with Mrs Gregan, the children have been researching Saint Peter. This afternoon they have used their research to write an information page all about him. I wonder if the children could tell you 3 things over the weekend that they have learnt about Saint Peter?

On Thursday, the whole school went to church to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. Thank you to our year 4 buddies who joined us for the walk to the church and sat with us. Thank you to those parents who also accompanied us to church, it was lovely to see so many of you there.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Myles you have been a real Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird this week!  It has been wonderful to see you really trying hard in your assessments, you have been focused and reflective, checking your answers and making improvements when needed.

Lettie is  a Year 2 role model,
Some of the comments from your friends include:
She is always a kind friend.
When I am sad, she cheers me up.

Lettie always concentrates in lessons.
Lettie is always caring and helpful
Well Done Lettie!

This week’s Star Readers are and Martha, Nathan and Louie.


Our PE days are next week are Tuesday and Wednesday

Half term - School closes for half term next Friday 26th May at the usual time and reopens on Monday 12th June.

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 6 Home Learning 12.05.23

Exciting homework for this weekend, in preparation for the audition on Monday. Remember the characters you are playing on Monday is not who you are auditioning for, they just give us an idea of your potential, acting skills and stage presence. We will then decide the roles that we feel you will be best suited to- so make you character as expressive as possible to show us what you are capable of! Remember it is scene 5, just the first page.

Here are the two songs, incase you want to make yourselves familiar with them before Monday:

Year 1 Homework 12.5.23

Please continue to read as much as possible at home. I have sent home some Phonics screening practise words cards, you can cut them up and hide them around the house, turn then over and read them, use them as flashcards, read then colour, its up to you. Encourage your child to Fred talk, (sound it out loud) or Fred in your head (sound it out in your head) then say the word. It is important that they take their time so they are accurate with their reading and when reading alien/nonsense words that they read them carefully and don’t turn them into real words. Can they use their goggles to spot the special friends, chatty friends and cluster blends (two or more consonants together, separate sounds that you squish together e.g. g-r gr)? We are getting very good at this.

Please practise these following spellings our test will be on Friday: 

there   today  one 

be  your

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 12.5.23

We have had another fantastic week of fact finding and celebrations.  We have re-enacted the coronations of both Queen Elizabeth and King Charles, we discussed the similarities and differences between these two wonderful events.  We found out that in Saturdays coronation Camilla was crowned as Queen but with Queen Elizabeths coronation Prince Philip wasn’t crowned as King.  This is because traditionally Kings always reign, and Phillip could not out rank the Queen.

 We have learnt more about King Charles and made a timeline to show his life. We are looking forward to learning about Queen Victoria next week and how she changed traditions and inspired new trends such as a white wedding dress and tiered cakes.

Royal Family Challenge

Thank you for all your fact finding at home, the children have enjoyed sharing their research with the class and we have been impressed with their creativity with brilliant videos from BBC Jude, Barnaby, Danny and Jude and so much more! Unfortunately we didn’t get to share everyone’s wonderful work so we will continue on Monday. Well done everyone!

Maths: This week we have continued looking at the numbers 6-10 and made our own human number line, which was great fun. We have described where the numbers sit on the number line, e.g 3 is AFTER 2 but BEFORE 4, 3 is BETWEEN 2 and 4. Please can you make your own number line at home and practice the stem sentences to describe where each number sits.

Without mathematics, there`s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is number

Shakuntala Devi

English: We are busy writing up the caveman next door using our story maps and actions to help us remember our sentences. We have all enjoyed this book written by Tom Tinn-Disbury about Ogg the caveman and how his friend Penny helps him live in the modern age.


PE: We loved our joint PE lesson with Year 2, they were great role models and helped us develop our underarm and overarm throwing skills. PE will be back to normal next week and will continue to be on Mondays and Fridays.


This afternoon we loved our visit to the library we enjoyed choosing our own books to take home. We will be going again after half term so bring in your library cards if you would like your child to take a book home. If you do not have a library card and would like one, please let me know. There is a party for Elmer at the library on Saturday 27th May 10am-11am.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: Two Bobby Bee certificates for their enthusiasm in RWI.

 Henry is going home with this person for a super week in school, well done:)

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who recieved their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).


  • We are walking to Church on Thursday to attend Mass, please ensure your child has a suitable coat as the weather has been unpredictable recently.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 5 Weekly Blog 12.05.23- ' Pressure makes diamonds'

It may have only been another 4 day week but the children have crammed in so much learning throughout the week. The children have been really engaged across all of our subjects this week, starting with English as we focus on newspaper journalism. The children have been learning the features of a newspaper and have been analysing some old newspaper articles to find these features. We will be linking this to our class novel, The Windrush Child, in which the children have already come up with some brilliant headlines.

We have continued with fractions in Maths and have been comparing fractions with different numerators and denominators whilst also linking this back to our adding and subtracting of mixed number fractions.

With the Year 6’s finishing their SAT’s this week, lots of pressure would of been flying around so we focused on ‘Feeling Under Pressure’ this week in HRE. We looked at what this means and the different types of pressure we go through in everyday life. The children analysed different drama scenarios and also created their own to display the different types.

In Geography, we finished our topic of rivers by looking at the formation of a waterfall and how erosion changes its formation. The children also created some fact files on some of the most famous waterfalls in the world such as Niagara Falls, Angel Falls and Iguazu Falls.

In Science, we have continued experimenting with light and continued building on our knowledge of how light travels in straight lines and how it reflects off objects. We tested if we could direct light in particular directions by reflecting off mirrors.

Let’s Celebrate

Tabby for being an enthusiastic learner: Tabby, it is common for this time of year for children to lose focus in their lessons but your level of concentration and enthusiam has maintained. I an always pick you out at any point during the lesson and you will be ready to answer the question. Brilliant work and keep this up for the remaining half term!

Leon for being a focused and co-operative learner: Leon, your change in focus and attitude towards your learning has blown your teachers away. You are engaging in all of our lessons and have shown some wonderful co-operation skills by being kind to your classmates and wanting to work in group activities. This has also allowed you to take more care with your work with your handwriting improving massively. Keep this up!

Anncia for being discerning: Anncia, you are someone who lives and breathes this virtue. Not a single child or teacher has a bad word to say about you because you are always making the right choice.


  • Trip to Winter Gardens- Will take place on Thursday 15th June to see Cressida Cowell. Travel has been orgainised and we are finalising the payments, which are to be released on parent pay in the upcoming week.

  • Music- Will be back to normal on Monday so children are to bring in their clarinets.

  • Homework- Deadline is on a Thursday with Friday being available for children who have forgotten their homework. We have a homework club on Fridays for children to catch up on their homework, which is to prepare them for Year 6.

  • LSA Open Evening- Lytham St Annes High School will be hosting an open evening for Year 5 families on Thursday 22nd June. A flyer which includes more details about the evening is currently being made and will be sent out to all parents as soon as possible.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 18.5.23


This weeks spellings have the prefix super-.











Maths IXL:

We have been learning about non-unit fractions. Have a go at the challenges below to consolidate your learning. Remember to use the STEM sentence to help you: ‘The whole has been divided into __ parts. __ of the part(s) are shaded.’

CC. Understand fractions

5 Match fractions to models

6 Show fractions: fraction bars

7 Show fractions: area models


In Geography we have been learning about famous cities and landmarks in Italy. Next week we will be learning all about Italian culture (the beliefs and traditions of the people who live there). Can you choose one (or two) of the cultural aspects below, to research. You will be sharing your fun facts with the rest of the class next week.

This week.....

First of all can I say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to go on Purple Mash and complete the Coronation activities…well done!

I hope you enjoyed the Coronation as much as we did. The children have been singing the National Anthem and shouting God Save the King all week! They even were making special celebration cakes in the playdough.

This week we would like to say ‘hello’ and ‘welcome’ to Emma our new nursery lady. Please take two minutes to introduce yourself.

I have even more good news to share with you all. Our lovely Steph is expecting a baby in the Autumn Term. I’m sure you will congratulate her when you see her.

Barbara’s blog

Another short week this week, time appears to be racing ahead of us. Each morning this week we have spent playing and learning alongside Mrs Hartley, Mrs Summersall, Mrs Krol, Mrs Davis and all the Reception children. The children have had great fun on the field prctising their fundamental movement skills. Click here to find our more and how to help at home!

We even set up an outdoor classroom on the field!

We continue to practice our sounds and number skills. I must say we are getting rather good!

Here’s a number game to play at home! Click here.

Here’s a sky writing game Click here

Click here to sing along to Teach your Monster phonics songs

On Wednesday we did our flower colour changing experiment.


  1. To start you we trimmed down the stems of the flower so that they fit our cups cups

  2. We added water to each cup.

  3. Then put about 10-15 drops of food colouring in the water and stirred it around a bit.

  4. We put one white flower to each glass of coloured water.

  5. We checked the flowers every couple of hours and observe any changes.

What do you think happened?

Michelle’s blog

This week has been a bit of a different week as we have spent some time each morning with Reception on the field. We practised our throwing and also built very big obstacle courses.

It was lots of fun playing with reception and impressing the reception teacher with our super learning.

We continue to work really hard at writing our names, we have remembered to use our duck fingers, we can tell you have been practising at home.

We are so excited that our plants and flowers are growing in our garden. If you have any sunflowers that you have planted from the seeds we sent home, then send them in. We would love to see them and to measure how much they have grown. Here are some easy plants that you can grow at home. Click here

We have looked at the parts of a plant and we were very excited to find some roots growing in the sand pit.

Also in the garden, we discovered some baby spiders had hatched. We tried to count all the spiderlings and we thought there might be 500. We have been watching them in their web and wondered how big they might get. Why don’t you look for spiders and mini beasts in your garden, send us a photo or a video if you find any.

Have a lovely weekend,


Steph’s blog

What a lovely week we have had! We have spent lots of time outside enjoying the field and the climbing apparatus on the big playground. We loved seeing how high we could climb – it was great fun!

We have spoken a lot this term about plants and flowers growing so we decided to measure ourselves! We enjoyed seeing who was the tallest, and we’ll keep checking back to see if we have grown like our plants!

We loved sitting on the stage outside and drawing with big pieces of paper. The lines in the wood meant we made different marks on the paper and we could also practise our ‘duck fingers’ to help us with our writing.

We worked on patterns this week. We carried on the theme of the coronation and had pictures of King Charles and Queen Camilla to put in order. The children were great at continuing the pattern of Charles, Camilla, Charles, Camilla. Some of us could even continue the pattern when a third picture of a crown was added. This was a bit tricky! Here is a game to try at home - Click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!



Loving God, loving others.

This week we learned that we are made to love others just like God love us. We talked about considering our wider communities. Through the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with just the humble offering of a small boy, the children learnt that our loving actions can be used by God to do incredible things.

Click here to visit the parents online portal.

Even though we have only been here 4 days this week we have packed in lots of learning and fun!

This weekend may be a bit of an anti climax after last weekend so here are a few activities to keep tou busy!

Enjoy and we will see you on Monday!

God Bless


Year 5 Homework to be handed in by Thursday 18th May


  1. convenience

  2. correspond

  3. criticise

  4. curiosity

  5. definite

  6. desperate

  7. determined

  8. develop

  9. dictionary

  10. disastrous

  11. embarrass

  12. environment

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. keep

    2. own

    3. school

    4. something

    5. thought

    6. almost


Children to focus on getting through their book and ready to quiz on Monday when they’re back in school.


We are beginning our next geography topic next week, all about North America. Children are to create a research poster about North America with them putting their own design on their poster. This is for the children to build up some prior knowledge before coming into the lesson. Things to include in their poster;

  • Countries within North America

  • Location in the world e.g. hemispheres, oceans etc

  • Climate and weather

Year 2 Weekly Blog 12th May 2023 -

Year 2 Weekly Blog 12th May 2023

In PE this week we joined year 1 to practice our overarm throwing skills. We warmed up with the children’s favourite tig games and then split off into groups and worked on our overarm throws at different stations. We focused on pointing our feet in the direction of the throw, aiming with our non throwing arm before taking our best shots. It’s been great to be able to make the most of the lovely weather we’ve had this week and have our PE lessons outside. Next week our PE lessons will be back to the usual days: Monday and Wednesday.

In English we have been thinking about the thoughts and feeling of the characters at different parts of the story, next week we will be using these ideas to write a diary entry by Jasmine. The children have used word hippo to find alternative words with similar meanings.

Our sunflowers have started to grow, it’s been lovely to see the chidren’s excited faces as they have come into school and spotted more shoots each day.
On Thursday, the children gave me instructions on how to plant seeds, they thought carefully about the equipment I needed to get together before I started and the time words they were using as they gave instructions. We successfully planted some basil seeds, fingers crossed in the next week or so we will begin to see them grow.

Class worship this week was led by Ellie Rose, Nathan, Jackson and Lena. The theme was compassion, we spoke about times when Jesus showed compassion and how we can learn from his example and show compassion ourselves.

In History, we’ve continued to learn about Grace Darling and why she is remembered such a long time after she was born. The children were shocked to discover that she was born over 200 years ago. We’ve recapped and put in order the main events in her life.

You will all be aware that just a just before the start of the summer term, OFSTED visited our school, we are pleased to be able to share with you their final report over on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


Bea you are a fantastic Year 2 role model, You speak so politely to others and treat them with great respect and compassion, this makes you a great learning partner. You take care and pride in your work and it is always presented beautifully. You should be very proud of yourself.


Rodnie you are always focused and ready to work in class. You listen well and follow instructions carefully and this enables you to produce your best work. I have been particularly impressed with your work in maths and computing.

This week’s Star Readers are Joseph, Alice and Lena.


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Homework Friday 12th May

English - Please complete the reading comprehension on Twinkle Twinkle.

Maths -
Complete the maths questions in your home learning books.

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

SPAG - Please complete the SPAG activity in your book.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 19th May
here hear wait weight hole whole sighed side new knew

who where why when what