Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 17th October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.

TT Rock stars

Please log on to TT Rocks stars and practise your times tables - We’re looking forward to moving your guitars along our TT Rock Stars display!

Assembly Lines

Our class assembly is the first week back after half term - please practise your assembly lines.

c sound spelt ch

chemist character chemical chaos chorus school scheme echo anchor stomach

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 30th October.

More learning opportunities over the half term - Year 2

Dear parents,

Thank you for all the support you have given the children over this first half term. They have worked extremely hard and it is exciting to see them making progress. Both Miss Bassett and I look forward to meeting with you online this coming Friday.

Below are tasks that consolidate learning which has just taken place and some pre-learning for the next half term.


Please read everyday. Please listen to your child and help them build up their fluency. Read a novel to them too- this has an impact on their comprehension skills and on their expanding vocabulary- enjoy!


We have played Numbots in school - sucessfully. The children have been given their password - it has been stuck into the children’s homework book or reading record. If it should get lost please email me ( and I will send it.

The children have enjoyed playing the game and it is there for them to practice their maths fluency. It is important that they complete the tasks independently as the platform gives me data - which I can use to further support them.

We reloaded the app onto the ipads in class and it is working - so you may want to do this it is free or you can play online through the website. Please note that it will ask for the correct school first - please enter our postcode FY81LB - the school name will appear and then your child’s password(pin) will work.


Research shows us that when children engage in some pre-learning they feel more confident when tackling a new topic in school. Next half term we will be studying Florence Nightingale. What can you find out about her? Can you make a Poster displaying your facts, or record them into your homework book.

Do you have any nurses in your family? Can you interview them and ask them questions about their job. With their permission you could make a short film of them in their uniform explaining what they do. There are many different types of nurses so we could look at the differences!

Do you aspire to be a Nurse or a Doctor?


Later in the half term we will be learning the difference between man-made and natural materials. I have made a link here to an educational film all about the subject! Could you collect man- made and natural materials from around your home. Could you make a collage (be creative and artistic) using just natural or just man-made? - Have fun!

Click on the image to link to the film

Finally - can you respond to Mrs Gregan’s call for crafted poppies?

Have a lovely holiday - enjoy family time.


Extra Rehearsal Time…

After half term, there is only two weeks of rehearsal time to complete the dance and we still have lots of practising to do! Over half term please encourage children to practise and try to remember the dance. We are also going to be rehearsing on a Monday until the later time of 4:45pm, as this may give us that bit more time to get finished!


It is all about the super hero theme! We will organise the majority of the costumes and there will be a small charge of £6 on parent pay added today, thank you for your support. This payment, also covers part of the travel arrangements to the venue on the day. To go with the costumes, children will need to have a plain black t-shirt and black leggings/ trousers. Some of the children have mentioned their desire to wear a tu-tu, this is fine as an add-on but will need to be organised by yourselves and would need to be the correct colour of their superhero. Half of the children will be red and half will be blue- the children know what colour they are! No shoes or sock will be worn on stage to perform the dance.

I hope you have all got your tickets by now. Arrangements and details of the event will be posted on here after half term.

Year 1 Homework 13.10.23

Reading Books

Please continue to read each day, little and often is best to start, the you can build it up. Some of the children are starting to quiz on their reading books. Use the bookmarks to help ask different questions about the story, can your child retell the story? These will help them answer a few questions on the quiz :).

Please bring your reading folders in every day so we can listen to your child read and change books.

We have loved reading Supertato this half term. My homework challenge is to create your own Supertato characters and give them names. There is a sheet either stuck in their homework book or in their reading folder.

Purple Mash

Please continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 13.10.23- ' Kindness is giving hope to people who think they are alone'

Our final full week of our first half term and yet the children are still working hard- making sure that their work is still of a top quality from previous weeks. I have been very proud of the children as I have been away on the Year 6 residential, in which I came back to a lovely note on my desk from the supply teacher saying “Thank you for letting me borrow your wonderful class whilst you have been away. They have been amazing and yes we did finish all of the English planning”- Mrs Holmes

In English, we have finished our planning of our narrative- based on The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe- and have begun to write our story. The children have been itching to get going with this and have been able to apply their planning and ideas brilliantly into their own writing.

In Maths, we have come to the end of our place value topic by finishing off with Roman numerals. The children have loved learning about these as it is seen as a ‘secret coded language’. We have been learning numbers up to 1,000 and have been using lolly sticks to display these numbers.

In RHE, we have been focusing on the importance of kindness and how we should always aim to show this- no matter the situation. We have been sharing what our gifts and talents are and how we recognise gifts and talents in others.

With the weather now turning, lots of our school days are filled with downpour and this fell on our outdoor PE lesson. Therefore, we devised an indoor plan of using different parts of the school to host different activities. We had groups of children inside the classroom, getting their heart raising with some ‘Just Dance’. We had a group of children in the Year 6 spare classroom for a mini tournament of table tennis and focusing on building rallies. Then we also had a group of children outside who completed the daily mile.

Let’s Celebrate

Niamh for being a focused learner: You could win this award for this chosen learning quality every week Niamh. To have a different and unknown teacher for half of the week and to still be so focused in every lesson is a credit to your character and what type of person you are. You treat everyone with such respect and you go everything a go.

Dominic for being a brave learner: I know how you have been so eager to play football again and for you to play in the school football team this week was a brave act and it made me very proud. You were patient when you could/couldn’t play and a huge congratulations for getting an assist in your debut (setting up your brother as well).

Ola for being an active learner: You are always so active in making the right choices. You never put a foot out of line and are always so focused and present within the classroom.


  • Parents Day- Will be on Friday 20th October. If you haven’t done already, then please book a slot with myself. The link to do this will be on Mrs Gregan’s blog.

  • Half-Term- School will close for half term on Wednesday 18th October at normal time. School will then reopen on Monday 30th October.

  • Homework- Is up on the homework blog. Please bring in on Tuesday 17th October.


This week...

It’s hard to believe that we are already approaching half term! Nursery will close for the holidays next Wednesday (18th) and reopen on Monday 30th October. This will give everyone time to recharge their batteries in readiness for a very busy run up to Christmas.

We are all so pleased with how all the children have settled into nursery life. They are making lots of new friendships and are growing their brains!

This week we have been learning about our skeletons and the major organs of the body. They children were amazed to discover that they had a skeleton hiding inside their bodies!

Throughout the week we watched a few short videos to help us understand what our skeleton and organs do.

Click here to watch What does your skeleton do?

Click here to watch Parts of the humans body

Click here to watch Major organs of the human body

Click here to watch Skeletons

We loved reading the Funny Bones stories which was great fun! Click here to listen to Funny Bones at home and here for Funny Bones: The Pet Shop

We also explored the skeletons of the human body and animals using x ray pictures. Haven’t we been busy. We will continue finding out about our bodies after the holiday. I can’t wait!

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone 

What a fantastic brain growing week we have had.

We have found out that we all have a skeleton and that we have 206 bones in our body and if we didn't have our bones, we would all be jelly (not the sweet kind of course!). We danced to a song called 'The Skeleton Song' and worked out, using a large skeleton jigsaw, how our bones all connect together to make our body parts. Barbara and the children thought it would be really fun to attach the skeleton to me to show the children where the bones would be on my body. Everybody thought it was funny. 

Here is the song we have been singing: Click here

Keeping to our leaning thread about our body, we also looked into washing our hands and why its so important to keep the germs away. We watched and sang a song about washing you hands and talked about when and how we should do it.

We then became scientists and we did a little experiment using water, pepper and soap.

I pretended to cough and sneeze in to the water and then threw in some pepper to represent germs, so the children could imagine where the germs would go. Using the soap on my fingers in the water, the pepper (germs) moved away to the edge of the water which the children were shocked to see that the soap could do this. We had such good fun! 

Here is the washing hands song. Enjoy! Click here

Continuing from last week our Harvest learning thread and working our fine motor skills, the children have been using real hammers, hammering golf tees into a pumpkin. The children and myself risk assessed the use of hammers and wore safety glasses to help protect our eyes. They had fantastic control and grip when using the hammers. We then used the other end of the hammer, called the claw, to pull out the golf tees. We had made lots of holes in our pumpkin! The children wanted to see the seeds inside and we are planning to grow our own pumpkins next year, so watch this space. 

Lastly, a big thank you for bringing in your Autumn finds. We have really enjoyed seeing what you have all been collecting.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

See you all on Monday for our last 3 days before half term.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had another busy week of learning. This week we met Number Two and have been exploring how one plus another one is two. Our number writing is now coming along as we have been practising on the white board, The Number Two writing rhyme is ‘one curve down is what to do, then straight across to make a two’.

You may have noticed that your child is starting to write lots of numbers, this has certainly been a favourite activity this week. The other rhymes to help with writing are ‘round in a loop like an empty hoop’ for zero and ‘one line down like a stick makes a one, that was quick’. You may want to help your child to practice at home.

As well as meeting Number two we also met the first of our letter sounds. We have been learning to recognize and say the letter sound 'm'. Of course, we had to have a go at writing it on the interactive white board. When we explored our 'm' sound bag we found an imposter in there. We had to work out which object didn't begin with the same letter sound 'm' as all the rest. Then we all got the giggles as we explored what our names would be if they began with 'm'. Give it a try at home, good luck!

We have been learning about our skeletons and how they help us to move and protect our internal organs. We used the skeleton model to draw out own chalk pictures. Did you know we have 206 bones in our body? 

We also enjoyed our PE lessons this week, practising out throwing and dancing to Sticky Kids.

Our gardening club has kept us busy, sweeping the leaves and putting them in the compost bin. 

Our independence skills continue to develop as this week we have practiced putting our shoes and socks on. Some of us still need a little help with this so it would be very helpful if you could practice this at home too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.


Meet Number Two

Click here to meet Number Two

Purple Mash

Remember to check if there are any activities waiting for you to do! I have pinned some topics to explore and your child’s key person will have set some learning for over the half term holiday. We hope you enjoy them.


This week we discussed similarities and differences, helping children consider what likes and dislikes they have in common. The children also participated in a story in which Mollie the Cat feels bad because she doesn’t like catching mice, but comes to a place of self-acceptance with the help of her friends. Click on the button to read the slides at home


On Thursday the children celebrated Harvest with Reception. We said ‘thank you’ for our wonderful earth and that we can grow foods to eat. If you check the school blog on the main page I’m sure Mrs. Gregan will be posting some pictures.

A big thank you to everyone for the tins of bean that you kindly sent in. We counted them and we had a whopping 47 tins!

If you want to find our more about Harvest, click here to watch ‘Harvest down on the Farm’ and here to learn about Harvesting machines.

The Crocodile Snap.

Why not have a go at the Crocodile snap to help with pencil hold! Click here

Lastly, this will be the last blog for the half term, please do have a rest and enjoy spending time with your loved ones.

Keep safe and look after each other.

God Bless


Year 6 Weekly Home Learning

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

SPELLING: this week we are focusing on words from the Year 6 statutory list. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

could should would because maybe further people


Let’s practise our rounding skills using IXL:

A14 Rounding: up to thousands place

A15 Rounding: up to millions place


Can you create your own 3D mountain from the template provided and fill it with information about about about the Andes, the mountain ranges in South America which we were learning about in class. Here are some ideas to include on your mountain of information:

•The size and location of the Andes

•How the Andes were formed

•The various climates of the Andes

•How the Andes differ in different areas

•The volcanoes of the Andes

•How people live in the Andes

•Why people visit the Andes

•The animals and plants of the Andes

When you have written all your information, fold your mountain up and glue it together. Can you add any other features like information flaps?

Day Two Castlerigg

What a lovely day we have had! This morning we had a creative workshop where we talked about our talents and how can use our talents let God’s light shine through. We also discussed the things that could hold us back showing these talents and what we need to encourage us.

After a delicious dinner, we then went on a beautiful walk to the lake where we spent our time skimming stones and did a short meditation where we took in the views and listened to the lapping waves. We are just getting ready for dinner now and party time!

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 10th October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.



Black History Month

Black History Month 2023 is a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black women.

Each year group will be celebrating a different black woman and Year 3 will be learning about Wangari Maathai. The children have been challenged to research Wangari and be ready to share one thing they have learned about her.


Grown ups, can you set a time on the clock opposite and children can you write the time digitally? For an extra challenge, grown ups can you give some context for the time of the day, so that AM or PM can be written? For example, for the clock opposite you could say ‘At this time you’re tucked up in bed reading your book’.


plantation information explanation temptation alteration exploration accusation preservation sensation preparation

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 16th October.