Mainly online homework this week
I have set you a game 2do on Purple Mash - a quiz on our spelling patterns this week - ‘ture’ and ‘sure’ Make sure you do your very best on this.
The 6 Year 1/2 spellings to learn are:
cold, old, told, both, only, most
The 6 Year 3/4 spellings to learn are:
peculiar, strange, surprise, earth, early, heard
Holy Communion
On Tuesday, we will be making our Reconciliation. Have another run through of this and practise your prayer.
However, to be ready, we have also started our Holy Communion sessions this week. Children have brought home a book, “Called to his Supper.” Over the next few weeks, they will complete sections of this at home. This week please share and complete together p1-p20. Bring in for next Thursday.
This week, it is all about learning the 4 x table. We have been practising it in class. The best way to learn tables is as follows:
Learn how to count in 4’s. Do whilst marching, clapping, do slowly, build up and get faster. Write out all the multiples of 4 -eg 4,8,12,16 etc up to 12x4
Learn the key facts which are 1 x 4, 2 x 4, 5 x 4 and 10 x 4. All other facts can be worked out from those. eg 9 x 4 is 10 x 4 - 4. Also write out the 2xtable and compare. It is DOUBLE the twos! The more patterns we can see - the better!
Begin to recite your 4 x table - one four is four, two fours are 8, three fours are etc. The following song is lots of fun and really works if you learn it off by heart: