Year 6 Half Term Learning

Well…we made it and not only did we make it…I feel like we have smashed this half term. Well done every single one of you. My heart is bursting with pride!

Maths - Continue to work through the C strand of IXL. Visit the previous home learning page to check which strands they are.

Reading - READ, READ, READ AND READ SOME MORE! Get ready to take some AR quizzes when you return to school.

Science - Have you finished your electricity leaflet on Purple Mash? Spend some time making sure it is ready to hand in.

Can you see me? Well…wasn’t that an emotional book to read (and that was just Mrs Gregan!)

Can you write a letter Tally? I have set you a task on Purple Mash - a letter document.

Use the school address as your address.

Can you see me.jpg

I would like you to include:

  • Why are you writing to Tally?

  • How did her story make you feel?

  • What parts of her story stood out for you?

  • What parts of her story are you going to learn from?

  • Why is Tally’s story important?

I cannot wait to see what standard of writing you produce. I am going to send these letters to the author. Think about being a Year 6 writer - how are you going to upskill your writing with language, punctuation and sentence openers?

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 14th October 2020

This is your final homework of this half term. I want to thank you for all of your efforts at home this half term. It has really made a difference to what we are getting through in class and the quality of learning that you are producing.

Spelling: this is a revision week of all of the spellings that you have had this half term so far. There will be a 20 random word spelling test on all of the suffix work that we have completed. Make sure that you revisit the spellings on the home learning.

Maths - this is to be completed over the half term holiday. Keep your maths ticking along!

C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7

These strands are all multiplication strands.

Do not forget Times Table Rockstars! I have had a look and some people have not been on for over 10 days!

Hit the Button - Division Facts

Use Hit the Button to practise those division facts.

Geography - choose one of these Amazon Animals to research.

Amazon Rainforest animal research.PNG

This is a task that I have set you on Purple Mash. Be creative with your presentation.

Jaguar, Pootoo, Red Eyed Tree Frog, Scarlett Macaw, Sloth, Emerald Tree Boa

You have a blank document that has been set for you on Purple Mash but this document to the left may help you.

Think about:

  • The image of your animal.

  • Introduction about them.

  • Appearance.

  • Habitat

  • Diet

  • Interesting facts

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 7th October 2020

Spellings - these are more suffixes.

careless, flavourless, hopeful, deceitful, meanness, lateness, achievement, definitely, thoroughly, pitiless, beautiful, merriment, laziness, speedily, simply

Maths - this week we have been working on our formal multiplication method. Have a go at the questions that are stuck into your book. If you need another copy, click on the button below.

Don’t forget Times Table Rockstars!

Geography - Deforestation in Brazil

This is a huge global problem, but more so in Brazil! Can you research this topic using the websites below and collect facts and figures in your homework book.

Think about:

What is deforestation? What are the effects of deforestation? How much of the Amazon is being lost to deforestation? Facts and figures surrounding deforestation.

Science - Electricity at home

What electrical items have you got at home? Have you got something that you think everyone else might not have?

Take lots of photos of the electrical things in your house and make a pic collage. You can use an app or make it on a document. Email it across when you have finished it.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 30th September 2020

I am blown away by the standard of homework that I have received again this week. You are all clearly listening to my feedback and ensuring that your next work is even better.

Why not have a look at our Purple Mash display board…I will keep adding to it in the coming weeks.


This week is an online homework. We will keep your books in school for a week.

Spelling - we are still working on root words and suffixes. Can you spot the root words? Can you see where the end of the root word has changed and the suffix has been added?

nicest, sensible, cycling, tasted, slimy, joker, famous, observant, persuaded, appreciated, creating, smiled, nervous, commitment, important.

I have added a PDF on spelling strategies. You may find these useful when playing around with your spellings at home.

Maths - Negative Numbers. Can you complete the following IXL strands?

A.10 - Understanding integers, A.11 - Compare integers, A.12 - Putting integers in order

Remember to use a number line to help you if you need it.

Times Table Rockstars


Today you have been introduced to this new online programme. You have all taken your login codes home, you can now have a practise at home.


English - Anne Frank


Our next biography, which you will be writing as an Outcome 2, will be all about Anne Frank. I have set you a Purple Mash To Do where you can record the research that you find. I have created the layout for you. There is nothing stopping you adding more pages, the more research that you collate, it will only impact positively on your writing.

Can you collect some cohesive devices that you might use in your writing? What about vocabulary? Is there a time line of key dates? Use the websites that I have given you as a starting point.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 23rd September 2020

Another excellent week of homework Year 6…you have set the standard high.

Spelling - Suffixes

asking, jumped, fastest, hunter, shouted, neater, lightest, yawning, sprinting, floated, proudest, sweetest, rusting, fighting, dawning.

Maths - IXL

F4 - Place values in decimal numbers

English - Can you create a character description about your favourite Disney character?


Can you write a character description of your favourite Disney character? I have included a prompt sheet to help you and a WAGOLL (What a good one looks like) to help you. Think about your language and punctuation. Can you start sentences in different ways? Can you include an element of advanced punctuation? Your mission is to make your writing the same (if not better) than your writing in class.

Please type it up on the Purple Mash to do.

English - Who was William Shakespeare? - NEEDED FOR MONDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER PLEASE

Next week we will be starting our biography work on William Shakespeare…but who was he? Can you produce a 1 page brainstorm all about him? Think about information that includes: his early life, family life, early career, playwright days, final years and legacy.

We will be using this information in class next week.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 16th September 2020

Last week’s homework was EXCEPTIONAL…well done everyone! Your Walt Disney homework was fantastic! Same again this week please.

Spelling - a selection of words that you learnt last year in Year 5

leisure, measurement, autocue, pilot, magically, cheekily, international, submarine, neighbour, freight, tremendous, glamorous, seriously, scent, science

English - Disney film review on Purple Mash

This week we have been starting to look at Walt Disney and who he was…his biography is fascinating. For homework, I would like you to watch a Walt Disney film and then write your own film review. I am looking for detail in this, not the minimal amount of words, the maximum! Enjoy and have fun doing it. I can’t wait to see which film you watched.

English IXL - K.1 Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words

We have been having a look at root words in english alongside our prefix and suffix work. Can you complete this IXL strand?

Maths - IXL A5 and A6

This week we have been ordering and comparing numbers up to 10,000,000. Can you complete both of these strands on these topics.

Year Home Learning - Wednesday 9th September 2020

Enjoy your home learning tasks this week!

Spelling - 15 spellings from the work you completed with Mrs Hotchkiss last year. You will have a spelling quiz next Tuesday.

disagree, misbehave, unfair, inhuman, treasure, measure, puncture, autobiography, mobile, heavy, heroic, sleepily, hastily, courage, mountainous

English - Walt Disney Research


This week, we have started to look at what a biography is and the information that we can gain from a biography: date of birth, place of birth, etc. I have attached a photo of the information that we recorded in class.

I would like you to create a 2 page spread in your homework books about Walt Disney. Think about all of the accolades he has achieved and how you are going to present this information.

You can be as creative as you like with this and include images where necessary. We want lots of relevant information.

I look forward to seeing your work.

Maths - IXL Strands - A1, A2 and A3

All of these strands consolidate learning that we have completed in school this week. Let’s see how you get on.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 2nd September 2020

Your weekly homework due in on Tuesday 8th September.

English: Next week we will be starting our biography unit of work in English. Can you find a biography about someone who inspires you and either email it across to me or print it off and bring it into school? We will be making a class book with all of the biographies that we have collected. Think about somebody who may be a good leader or who has done something inspirational with their life.

Maths: IXL Strand A4 - Don’t forget to go on Year 6

RE: Can you create a piece of artwork inspired by our mission statement You are Precious in my Eyes. Be creative and think about how you would illustrate it.

Class Council: On Monday 14th September, we will be holding class council voting in class. If you would like to run for Class Councillor. Please have your speeches ready for then.

Home Learning - Monday 29th June 2020

Good morning Year 6. This is your final week of formal lessons - so let’s make sure that we finish on a high and complete everything. We will be finishing our maths lessons, continuing with Wonder and completing lots of history and science. There is a practical element to science at the end of the week so I will put a shopping list on the blog tomorrow.

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