Happy New Year and welcome back!

I trust everyone had a lovely Christmas are are well fed and rested? I think both the children and the nursery ladies were ready to come back to see their friends and start learning again!

This half term our learning thread will be all about ‘space and the planets’. We started ‘finding out’ on Monday and just cannot stop. The children have thoroughly embraced the topic and have learnt so much already. We are learning a poem to help us remember all the names of the planets and some of their characteristics. It is truly amazing how quickly the children are able to recall facts and information as well as making observations and connections; for example, if Jupiter is a gas planet or rock planet?, or, if Venus is hot or cold and why that might be?

Groups of children have been painting pictures of the planets and have created a fabulous display. In the garden we have pumped up the inflatable planets and hung them under the nursery canopy. See if you can spot them when you come to nursery and if you can name any of them.

On Monday, after finding out that Saturn had icy rings a small group of children wanted to think about how we could make ice. After much discussion we decided to place a toy astronaut into a bucket of water and put it in Jacqui’s very cold freezer. On Wednesday the children discovered the astronaut was trapped inside the solid ice. The water was no longer a liquid…how would he escape? Eventually we discovered that the ice returned back into a liquid when it melted in our warm nursery… we could then rescue the astronaut. As some of you will be aware I then challenged the children to recreate this experiment at home (with mummy and daddy’s permission of course!). I am glad to say that we have had lots of toys trapped in ice coming back to nursery! Well done everyone!

It is all so exciting, learning knows no bounds!

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 15th January

READING - Keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING- We have new words for the next two weeks to learn at home, please make sure you look up the meaning of the words and learn how to spell them.

Strange peculiar describe sentence grammar straight

Why don’t you come up with mnemonics for each of the words? For example:

GRAMMAR - In our English sessions we have been learning about prepositions and using them within our sentences to give extra to nouns. Try to finish these prepositional phrases in your homework books, by finishing the sentence…

Behind the shelves …

Before school starts

At home …

In the garden …

Along the lane …

CHALLENGE: Maybe you could make your own up?

Could you also please complete the following ENGLISH IXL strands Q1 and Q2 on prepositions


MATHS- Please complete the following IXL Maths strands G1 and G2 in ‘addition of two digit numbers’ and H1 and H2 in ‘subtraction of two digits’.

Year 6 Homework Week 1

Spelling: i before e except after c words

cashier, siege, shriek, believe, pierce, diesel, hygiene, deceive, conceit, receipt, ceiling, mischief, shield, perceive, relief

Maths - Please complete the 6 Rapid Reasoning questions that are in your homework book. Think about what jottings you need to do.

History - Queen Elizabeth’s speech

Click on the link above to read Queen Elizabeth’s Speech to her troops.

Imagine you are sending your troops into battle, can you write your own speech using the language that Elizabeth used in hers. Use hers as an example but innovate it to make it your own. I am looking to see a Year 6 standard of writing that includes cohesive devices for this genre of writing, advanced punctuation for effect and excellent language. What is the purpose of this piece? How does your language fit that?

Happy, curious and active new year!

What a wonderful start to our first meeting of the year when the councilors gave their approval on the drafts for the new trim trail equipment. Year six, along with Miss Hornby are going to meet with the contractor in the next few weeks and hopefully work will begin in time for everyone to enjoy an active spring.
Everyone brought such positivity to the meeting with suggestions for new games for whole classes to play together at break times, we are excited and curious to discover what other classes enjoy playing together, and we can’t wait to them try them out with our own class.
Councillors are now thinking big and are exploring options to replace the old train and ship, we already have lots of exciting ideas for fund raising, so who knows, a rocket, a helicopter or even a Noah’s ark!

'The beauty of Christmas is not in the presents but in the His presence' Matthew 1:23

What a magical week we have had in Year 3! Amid all this weeks festivities we have still continued with our learning, Maths has continued with our reasoning in addition and subtraction and we have now finished our Arctic Geography topic. This week the children have wrote some wonderful reports on Polar Bears, using all of their skills and language features from their non-chronological report learning in English.

The children have worked so hard this term and we are very pleased with the progress they are making. Today we have given the children their new ZPD codes for their reading books and all of them made sure they had a reading book to read over Christmas. All children have made good progress in their reading, but this must continue, so please over the Christmas period read frequently together and discuss the text, it helps more with their learning than anything else. We have gifted each child with a new bookmark before they left, with the quote ‘a book is a gift that you can open again and again’- how true this is!

Miss Hornby spoke to the children today in assembly about the need in wearing the correct school uniform that is in line with the school’s uniform policy- please see the website homepage for Miss Hornby’s blog.

We started the week off beautifully with our Christmas Carol Concert, where the children sang their hearts out and stood so smartly, we were all so proud of them- I am sure you will all agree that both performances were magical. On Wednesday, we then danced our socks off and had lots of fun at the Junior Christmas Party! Here are some of the pictures we took on the day!

Have a wonderful, relaxing and holy Christmas!

The awards this week go to …

Mason Thank you for being such a focused Cooper Crab, concentrating in class, managing your distractions much better and developing your resilience.

Jess what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are! You have clearly loved our Geography topic and it has show in your work- well done!

Important information:

Year 3 parents day will be slightly different to the rest of the school- it will be held on Wednesday 29th January, booking appointments will live first week back.

Christmas is here!

What an amazing week it has been! From singing their hearts out on Tuesday to rocking their socks off on Wednesday it has been a week of joy!

We have also been busy reading our new novel, The Butterfly Lion. Children have written more persuasive letters and have dived into it with their usual gusto! We have now got off to a good start with our column addition too!

All that is left is to wish you a happy and holy Christmas. Your children are such a pleasure to teach and are all on Santa’s good list as far as I am concerned! Merry Christmas!

God bless,

Mrs Lyons, Miss Atkinson, Mrs Mather and Mrs Kennedy

Have a wonderful- Happy and Holy Christmas!!!

Dear Year 5 families,

Mrs Kennedy and I would like to wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas. We have have thoroughly enjoyed this long autumn term, it has been marked by many significant moments. The children have worked hard, they have risen to the challenges they have faced and we hope that they will continue to embrace these on their return after Christmas.

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Wishing you all a happy and Holy Christmas, filled with magical moments with your family.

As the week has drawn to a close, the dining hall has been filed with an air of excitement and yet a sense of calmness and reflection. Christmas songs have played in the background as the children have dined. Yesterday, the children were joined by members of staff to have a delicious Christmas dinner. Thank you Jaqui, Sharon and Francis for providing such a wonderful feast!

A huge thank you must also go out to the Year 6 children, who have helped so graciously throughout the term, inside and out. It has truly been appreciated. Thank you to you all.

The Autumn term has certainly flown by and it has been a privilege to be able to witness some magical moments as the children have relaxed during the lunch time period. We have been fortunate to capture some of these moments on camera……..

Thank you children for such a wonderful term!

We look forward to sharing more magical moments with you in the new year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

God BlesS

The Lunchtime Team

Wishing you a Happy and Holy Christmas

We have reached the end of the Autumn term already! It has been the most wonderful time, full of fun, learning and friendships. We thank everyone for their continued support of everything we do at nursery and look forward to continuing our journey together in 2020.

The nursery team would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Holy Christmas, we will see you in the New Year!

Year 5 Homework over Christmas

There is no formal homework over the festive period- please enjoy time with family.

I only ask you to read, read and read a little more. Come back ready to tackle that reading target! I will have to set these higher as we are really embracing books in Year 5!!!

Have fun!!!

Merry Christmas

We have come to the end of our term and what a way to finish! Tuesday saw our KS2 children sing their hearts out for us at church, such a moving experience. Wednesday saw KS2 enjoy a good old fashioned Christmas party, pass the parcel, musical statues and mush merriment. Thursday saw KS1 enjoying themselves at their Christmas party, they were so excited to receive a visit from a very special bearded gentleman, dressed in red, a very jolly man indeed. Christmas dinner was made by Jackie and her crew on Thursday and was enjoyed by us all, I had the pleasure of siting with Reception class, what a joy! Friday… the children look forward to the annual staff panto and this year we did not disappoint.

In Art…

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