'Let your smile change the world but do not let the world change your smile.'

I don’t know about you, but this has felt like a long two weeks - saying that, you are always going above and beyond to make sure that the children’s learning is at the forefront of everything you do at home. I totally understand that under these circumstances it is tricky and the children are having to really become independent with their learning, a little sooner than we anticipated.

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Learning outdoors

Here are some website to support learning outdoors. Do be mindful when choosing activities to follow Government guidelines.







You may also like to try the following ideas…

Please continue to stay safe and keep fabulous home learning pictures coming.

A Happy Easter to you all


Year 3 Friday 3rd April Photos from your Learning from Home

Thank you for all of your lovely photos. We love receiving them and hope that you all like looking at them too.

It’s great to see so much learning going on and to see how much care you are taking when completing all of your work. Remember to keep it neat and to make sure that your handwriting is carefully joined up. We will definitely be giving some pen points out when we get back to school!

Reception home learning for Friday 3rd April

Hopefully you have all been collecting lots of empty boxes, rolls bottle lids and more. Today I want you to use your creativity to create a robot/monster/vehicle/friend. Please then send me photographs of your creations. I will upload these at the end of the day so that you can have a look and see what your friends have made.

Don’t forget to finish any tasks that you might have missed this week. Along with plenty of reading and enjoying of stories.

  • Sum dog

  • Purple mash

  • Oxford Owl Reader

  • Joe Wick does PE

I look forward to seeing your pictures,

Miss Bassett.

A message for Year 4!

Good morning Year 4. We are just about to break up for Easter - virtually! There will be one page with lots of Easter ideas for you to do if and when you want to next week.

A big shout out to the following children who have met their reading target this week:

Mark, Victor, Adam Clayton and Megan. 8 learning points!!

Here are some of your latest pics and look out for Harvey’s volcano video which I will put on later!:

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 3rd April

It’s Friday! You’ve reached the end of another week AND the Easter break! Well done Year 2. Here are your final learning challenges of the week - keep being those ‘Focused Cooper Crabs’ that I know you are!


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am



Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.


It’s your final day of writing today and your chapter will be finished! I can’t wait to read them, so when you have finished your whole chapter, please do send them my way.

Today, you will be writing both the resolution and the conclusion. Don’t forget to use your plan as a guide and refer back to the structure of the original chapter in ‘The Museum Thief’.

Grammar focus for resolution:

Sentences containing subordination for time using ‘before’, ‘after’ and ‘when’. For example: After Stanley shouted for help, the police came and arrested the thieves. Don’t worry if you are unable to use all three of the subordinations in your writing - one or even two would be great!

Finally, use your plan to write the conclusion.

Grammar focus for conclusion:

subordination for reason using ‘if’ and subordinating conjunction ‘that’. For example: Stanley wouldn’t have been in the newspapers if he wasn’t so brave. The police were so impressed with Stanley that they asked him to work for them.

Now you have finished writing your chapter, feel free to enjoy the final chapter of Flat Stanley together.


Please access:

Week 2 - ‘Lesson 5 - Step 10 - ‘equivalence of half and 2 quarters’ - by clicking here:


Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - Related addition and subtraction facts within 100


Work through section S ‘Money’ on Maths IXL.

Don’t forget to look back at the weekly challenges for all other learning for the week!

Have a great Easter break Year 2 - you all definitely deserve it and you have worked so hard in these uncertain times. Enjoy the time with your families. Don’t forget to check back for a few reflective and fun RE tasks to complete over the break.

Stay Safe

God bless,

Miss Woodend

Year 4 Friday 3rd April Home Learning


Today, you are writing your ending to your Dragon Slayer story. You need to think what might have happened to the Dragon Slayer and his little dragon family in the future. Maybe you could use one of our novels as inspiration - what happened at the end of Charlotte’s Web or the Butterfly Lion? Make sure the reader feels happy at the end and the Dragon Slayer is no longer a killer!


Let’s use our extended method for multiplication now with three digit numbers. Fist watch my short video and do a few examples with me.

Then complete the further activities on the sheet below. I will put the answers on from 6.00 tonight! No cheating though!

Purple mash time - conversions.


Have you managed to do a quiz yet this week? Which books have you enjoyed? Why not share what you have read on our class blog. Is there a good book you can recommend?

Weekly activities

How did you get on? Which have you got left to do?

Home Learning Snapshots

Here are more snapshots of your fantastic learning from home.

Keep it up - it’s very nearly the Easter holidays!

Year 3 Home learning photos Thursday 2nd April

Keep up the excellent work, your smiley faces are brightening up our days. It is lovely to see you are embracing the challenges, and making the best of being at home for your learning. I’m sure you are enjoying seeing what your friends have been up to and how well they are getting on with their work.

Reception home learning for Thursday 2nd April

1. PE with Joe Wicks—Start your day with a fun workout (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/videos )

2. Phonics: Please continue to practise one of those tricky sounds that you identified last week.

For the rest of this week I would like you to focus on recognising the tricky words: I, the, to and me.

There are many fun activities that you could do to help your child to build their familiarity with these tricky words such as:

· Creating a bingo board using these words along with other 3/4 letter words. This could be a fun and competitive game for the family.

· Reading and spotting these words in stories

· Practise writing these words in fun ways: Using squeezy bottles of water outside, painting, gluing and sticking objects over the written word, icing biscuits and adding choc chips to spell out the words.

· Play the game 4 corners either inside or outside (always a fun game but it does need a few participants.

· Creating the words using Lego.

· Using your Purple mash login and creating a tricky word picture using 2Paint.

3. PE: Today  I would like you to continue to practise your ball control skills. If you have access to a bat and ball, you could practise striking a ball using the bat. If not, use what you have, be that a bounce ball/basket ball or football. Shuttlecocks for a game of badminton are a great way to practise overarm throwing too.  If you don’t have any of these available, you could still practise throwing and catching… just find an old scarf, scrunch it up and practise your catching skills.

4. Sum Dog: Remember that you can still practise our second challenge this week, comparing numbers to 10. This challenge will be available to use until Friday.

5. Home reading: If you have not yet been onto Oxford Owl to practise your child’s reading please do so following the link below to create your account and the following link to take you to the first set of books. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Link for the first set of reading books:


*** Keep saving some toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, bottle lids etc. ready for Friday’s learning challenge.***

Miss Bassett.

Year 4 Thursday 2nd April Home Learning


Time to write your resolution paragraph. This is when the Dragon Slayer makes his decision and then the other babies appear! Try to use those fronted adverbials to make the start of your sentences more interesting. You may need possessive apostrophes and don’t forget to slip in some extended noun phrases!


Now complete IXL H8 and H9. You will need to work out some of the answers using the extended method in your maths books but others are easy enough to work out mentally.

Purple mash Time - mixed clock times.

I have also set you a new Sum Dog challenge - practising multiplication and division. On Friday, I will set you a few to keep you busy over the Easter holidays. I know you all love it!

Daily reading and select some thing/s from the weekly tasks. Happy learning!