Home Learning - Monday 29th June 2020

Good morning Year 6. This is your final week of formal lessons - so let’s make sure that we finish on a high and complete everything. We will be finishing our maths lessons, continuing with Wonder and completing lots of history and science. There is a practical element to science at the end of the week so I will put a shopping list on the blog tomorrow.

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Year 3 home learning photos

What a lovely week of learning we have had, I have been so pleased with the efforts you are making to continue your learning and make those brains grow. Well done Year 3 and of course your grown ups, children please remember to treat your growns up with love and respect like you do your teachers at school. Have a lovely weekend with your family and I will be back on Monday with some more exciting challenges for you.

Year 4 Home learning Friday 26th June


Another great myth today - Tyr the Hero. Today’s reading skills are:

1. Identify main ideas from one paragraph and summarise:

2. Analyse and evaluate texts to look at language


White Rose Summer Week 1 Compare Decimals


Today, for history, you have to prove that Vikings were maybe not as bad as everyone says. Not everything we hear about them is true and perhaps there is more to them than bloodthirsty warriors.

Look at the slideshow below where you will find numbered sources of evidence - that prove different things about Vikings.

Look at your statements about Vikings and pick the appropriate source which proves that fact. Write the number in your table.

The answers are below.

You may find it easier to print out the sources so you can look at them all at once and decide which would fit best. Some prove more than one thing about Vikings.


Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 26th June

Another Friday has yet again been reached! I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s learning activities. Which one was your favourite I wonder?


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.

Enjoy Chapter Three of The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark - ‘Dark is Fun’


Day 5:

Look back at all the Oliver Jeffers’ books you have read this week. You may even have some of your own favourites at home!

book review.jpg

Today you may choose to either: complete your story from yesterday, or write a review of your favourite Oliver Jeffers’ book to encourage a friend to read it.

Information to include in your review:
Title (Remember capital letters!)
Author and illustrator (Remember capital letters again!)
Summary (a few sentences detailing what the story is about).
Age recommendation - What age would you recommend the story for?
Star Rating
Other books by the same author (Remember capital letters!)

You may want to use these sentence starters to help you:
The story is about …
It is set in …
Favourite Part (and an explanation why).
My favourite part was … because…
I also enjoyed it when …

Oxford Owl Spellings

Choose a spelling rule to focus on today.


Complete these true or false maths challenges based upon your maths learning this week.

For more Friday maths challenges, visit the BBC Bitesize website:


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Purple Mash

I have set two games on Purple Mash for you to play this week:

Bond Bubbles and Sequence Snake


Unfortunately at the end of this week, our SumDog subscription will come to an end. Therefore this week, you can just simply enjoy playing the games that you have loved using in your learning throughout your time at home.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

I hope you have a brilliant end to your week,

Miss Woodend

Welcome back Year 1!

This week has been so wonderful, for so many reasons. The children returned on Monday, with the biggest smiles on their little faces. Some were a little bit quiet at first, but within no time their giggles, smiles and chatter filled up the classroom! It has been a true gift to watch their faces light up when they have been reunited with friends. They loved sharing their experiences and adventures of learning from home.

I could not have been more excited to teach your children again. I have been blown away with the progress that has been made, particularly with the children’s reading and maths! I cannot thank you enough for all of the learning you have been doing with the children at home. Thank you!

As I could not welcome back all of my lovely year 1’s into my own bubble, some of the children have been having a taster of what it to come, in the Year 2 classroom. Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly have been so impressed with the children in their bubble and their enthusiasm for growing their brains. Whilst Year 1 have not all been together in the same bubble, they have loved waving to their friends across the field, at break times and grinning to one another when we eat lunch together. This week the children have created their own Mr Men characters, practised partitioning/comparing numbers up to 100 and have loved creating obstacle courses at break times. They have worked their socks off!

I hope you enjoy looking through the photos of the children learning from school and at home! Sadly, some of the children’s photos don’t seem to have successfully copied onto my laptop. I will add them into next weeks montage!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Lane

Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 25th June


Time to listen to a myth today! This myth is called the Apples of Iduna. Make sure you listen to ALL the parts.

Then complete the sequencing activity and write a list of the main events of the story, using the pictures to help.


White Rose Summer Week 1 Lesson 2 Write Decimals

Computing - Coding Lesson 2

You have 4 challenges to complete. Watch my video which will get you started. I have put your task below the video too!