
Wow, what a week! We have found out all about how to make bread and wheat. We all watched a powerpoint about my friend Pip. Click on the button to see the slides.

We then made some bread…it was so yummy! We have been talking about all the foods that are made from wheat/flour. On Friday morning we read the story about a Runaway Chapati. Click here on the button below to read the story. On Friday afternoon….we ate chapati’s…..mmmmmmm

Harvest Festival

On Monday 17th October school will be off to Church to celebrate Harvest Festival. We have decided to have our own mini Harvest Festival in nursery (it will probably go on all week!!). As in previous years school and nursery will be collecting food for the Food Bank. Nursery has been asked to collect tins of soup. Any donations would be very welcome, just send them into nursery next week (by Friday please) and we will make sure they are delivered.

To help us celebrate Gods Creation of our wonderful planet we have all been doing the Harvest Samba! Watch out Strictly, we are very good! It’s a 10 from me! Click here to have a dance at home. Get your sparkles on!

If you still have any energy left click here.

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone! It’s been another very busy week here at Nursery.

We started the week with Barbara’s friend Pip who shared his journey to his friend’s farm where he saw the farmer gathering the wheat. Pip taught us how to make bread so we decided to have a go at making our own. I won’t say any more but I’ll let you have a look at the photos so you can see for yourselves!!  Needless to say it was yummy!

The children had also been noticing how many leaves had been falling in Nursery garden. The colours were so varied and beautiful and we decided to make a colourful autumn display by collecting some of the leaves and making leaf prints!

As always there has been lots of time spent in the garden making obstacle courses and practising our skills on the tricycles and the scooters.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend together.

Kind regards


Michelle’s blog

 Our week has been so busy, we have had so much fun and learnt so much. Our main focus has been Autumn and learning about the changes in the weather and the environment. We have used our new Autumn collecting baskets to forage and collect our Autumn treasures. We then used our foraged items to practise our cutting skills. This is such an important skill for the children to master, so we are giving them as much practice as possible. See here for some fun activities to develop cutting skills. Click here for some cutting activities to try. We also used our foraging treasures to make a very big Autumn collage. The children were fascinated by the shapes and colours of the leaves and made some wonderful leaf prints for the autumn display.

We have also had a very physical week, with lots of Wacky races, such as backwards races and  hopping races. During PE we have practised listening and following instructions to Sticky Kids. Here is one of our favourite songs. Click here to have a go at home.

Our learning continued as we met Numberblocks number 2. We had a tricky challenge as the number 1 and number 2 baskets got mixed up. We had to work hard to put everything back in the right baskets, working out which items belonged in the number 1 basket and which belonged in the number 2 one. But, we worked it out, like Tommy Turtle, we kept trying. Click here to meet number 2.

Thank you to everyone who came to our parents meetings, and hopefully I will catch up with everyone soon. Don’t forget to check Purple Mash this weekend.

Have a good weekend, see you next week!


Stephanie’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What another fun, busy week we have had. We have really enjoyed talking about Autumn and all the changes that have been happening to the trees and the weather. We collected different leaves from the garden and made leaf printing pictures using the paint. This was a great activity to look at different colours and talk about the textures of the leaves.

We spoke about our upcoming harvest festival and how we can help others by collecting food to donate. Your child may have told you about our Harvest Samba around the nursery – we loved singing about all the foods we can grow and eat. We’d love to see some photos if you have grown anything in your garden, or if you tried the potatoes we harvested from the nursery garden last week.

Making bread was so much fun! We took turns to add the flour and warm water to the bowl and made our own bread rolls to eat at snack time. We really enjoyed spreading butter on them ourselves!

We have continued to look at ourselves this week and all the things that make us the same and different. We have enjoyed books that show us different cultures and spoken about how we can be friends with everyone. We have practised different ways to say ‘hello’ and ‘happy’ in other languages and also using our hands to sign. Here is a video you could watch at home to practise ‘hello’ in different languages: Click here to find out more.

We have looked at Number 2 this week – Click here to watch We paired up with our friends to practise going from 1 to 2 and enjoyed doing 2 hops, jumps, claps etc outside in the garden. We also tried to see if we could fit 2 friends in the red twirly seat which then progressed to 3, 4 and even 5! It was a bit of a squeeze! We also led on the floor to see if we were taller or smaller than the shark we had drawn – have a look at our scared faces!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!


 I think you will agree it has been a fun week!

I’m sure about this weekends weather but enjoy it anyway. Get on the wellies and waterproofs and have a splashing time.

See you all on Monday

God Bless


Year 3 30.9.22 "You are precious in my eyes."

We have continued our work on fables, this week and found our school mission statement lying at the heart of the fable, The Frog and the Ox. One of the characters in the story believes that he has no special talent like his friends. He tries to change himself to become more like the animals around him, however, it doesn’t work out very well! II takes another character to recognise the frogs special qualities. We found that this fable was teaching us a special message, that we are all special and unique. This made us think about our school missions statement and how we remember Jesus’ words, “You are precious in my eyes.” It also taught us that we can all help one another to find their special gifts and to celebrate these differences together.

We have also been getting stuck into our maths learning, focusing on finding efficient ways of adding three addends together. The children are now very confident when explaining their reasoning, sharing why they chose to add certain numbers together first. We have a lot of really enthusiastic mathematicians!

During PE this week we have been practising our tuck and pencil jumps. The children have worked together beautifully and each group created a wonderful gymnastic routine which include ways of travelling, jumps and small point balance. Well done our Roger Robins!

KIDSAFE - This week we have also started working through our KIDSAFE programme. Please see the attached letter which explains what the children will be learning during the programme and what we have been learning about this week.

Let’s celebrate!

Hudson our Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird! You have wowed us with you focus and determination towards your learning, in particular during maths! Each lesson you have listened carefully before setting off to work to solve as many equations as possible! We are so proud of you Hudson and how hard you work! We just know that you are going to achieve target after target! Well done.

Lily and Naomi our Roger Robins! We have loved seeing how kind, caring and helpful you have been towards your learning partners this week. You worked so well during PE and really helped your group to create a lovely routine. Your kind smiles encourage those around you. These small acts of kindness are so special. Thank you for making our classroom a kind place!


  • Parents day. Friday 21st we have our online parents day. Above you will find the teacher that you are to book an appointment with.

  • Assembly: Year 3’s assembly is on Tuesday 18th October at 9:10 and 9:35. We hope you will be able to come along to watch us perform!

  • Harvest: With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 3 are collecting tinned custard, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October.

  • Kidsafe:

  • Medical information: We have very nearly received everybody’s medical forms. If you have not already please complete the forms listed on our previous blog.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter

Year 3 Home Learning to be handed in on 6.10.22


1, said  

2. word  

3. first  

4. more  

5. like  

6. water  

7. any  

8, many  

9. who  

10.. other  


Please log in to IXL and complete the following units: E.1 and E.2

Assembly parts (To be handed out on Monday):

At the start of next week we will begin rehearsing for our assembly. Speaking parts will be handed out on Monday and will need to be learnt as soon as possible. Don’t forget to practice saying with expression and emotion.

Year 6 home learning 30th September

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

Grammar- This week we have been identifying main and subordinate clauses, on IXL and in other areas of grammar these are sometimes called independent (main) and dependent (subordinate) clauses. These helps us to identify and write different types of sentences. Please see the picture below to help you and then complete the following IXL strands.



Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘tial’

Maths - Please complete the following strands on IXL to add and subtract fractions:

M2- Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator using number lines

M3- Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator

Geography- You each have a sheet with a number of South American flags, can you colour them in correctly, cut them out, stick them in your homework books and label the country it belongs to.

Year 1 Homework

Spellings on Purple Mash

The children’s spellings this week have been set for them to practise on Purple Mash. The children will be quizzed (on paper) on five of the spellings below on Friday.

rain wait train paid afraid

oil join coin point soil

Following this link will allow your child to practise the weekly spellings as many times as they would like to. All you have to do is select the weekly spellings quiz and have another go at the quiz; I am unable to set the task as a repeated 2do.


Maths IXL

To consolidate their learning of counting, here are LOTS of IXL challenges for your child to have a go at. I have included the ones from last week. Start with numbers to 5 then move onto 10 once your child is confident. Please see this as an ongoing learning challenge and certainly not to be completed by next Thursday.

Numbers and Counting up to 5

B.1Identify numbers - up to 5

B.2Learn to count to 5

B.3Count to 5

B.4Count using stickers - up to 5

B.5Count cubes - up to 5

B.6Show numbers with cubes - up to 5

B.7Count on ten frames - up to 5

B.8Show numbers on ten frames - up to 5

B.9Represent numbers - up to 5

Numbers and counting up to 10

C.5Count cubes - up to 10

C.6Show numbers with cubes - up to 10

C.7Count on ten frames - up to 10

C.8Show numbers on ten frames - up to 10

C.9Represent numbers - up to 10

Please continue to read at home.

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Class Blog 23.09.22 'And I think to myself what a wonderful world’

‘And I think to myself what a wonderful world’

This week we have started our class story ‘Supertato’. We have only started reading the first 2 pages so have been making predictions about the story and discussing the characters we have met so far. We have been thinking about how they are feeling and what has happened to them. We loved our drama session Miss Liddell was Mrs Carrot then a few children wanted to be Mr Broccoli. We had to think of questions and if we were Mr Broccoli then we had to think of what he would say. The children though of some excellent questions and I was impressed with Mr Broccoli’s answers, well done!

During R.E. lessons this week we have begun to explore our understanding of ‘God’s Great Plan’. The children have been thinking deeply about all of the beautiful things God had made in our world. I wonder if they can spot any more beautiful things over the weekend? 

In Maths we continued grouping different objects, counting objects from a group of 10. Finding 5 in the numbers 6,7,8,9 and 10 and representing numbers in different ways.

We have loved our different continuous provision challenges this week, this is a great chance to develop our independence and practise skills taught in our lessons.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our last week awardees for being a Kiki Chameleon and being creative with our Maths grouping, by putting the objects in groups of 5.

Copper Crab- Well done Jude for setting a great example to the rest of the class as he always listens and makes good choices.

Todays awardees are a Lizzy Ladybird for a super week reflecting on themselves and working hard and Bobby Bee for being enthusiastic in her learning this week, well done :).

Henry the Dog

Each week a different child who has worked hard, will get to take our class dog home to look after over the weekend. Henry loves going on lots of adventures. We hope you have a lovely weekend with Henry, we can’t wait to hear what you have been up to :).

Class Councillors

Congratulations to our Year 1 Class Councillors. This is a big position of responsibility; I have no doubt that you will both rise to the challenge! Well done to all of the children who put themselves forward and spoke to the class about why they would like to be a Class Councillor too, we were very impressed with all of the speeches, the children then voted.


Have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

Year 5 Weekly Blog 23.09.22 - 'Family does not necessarily mean blood relatives, but often a description of a community'- Queen Elizabeth II

This week has flown by because of the bank holiday on Monday. It was lovely to hear about how the children celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s life and service to our country. Thank you for completing homework this week. Apologies for any technical issues on purple mash and IXL, think it may be a few teething issues which we will be looking to sort.

In Maths, we have been focusing solely on rounding and have moved up to rounding to 10,000 and 100,000. The children have adapted to the bigger numbers excellently by remembering our ‘High 5’ rule. We have ended the week by applying the children’s rounding skills to word problems to solve and to apply reasoning for their answers. The use of a number line also gives the numbers a visual representation of which number to round to.

In English, we have finished our first legends story of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth and have introduced our next story, the legend of Gelert. We have read through our new story and explored the vocabulary that the children found interesting. We have also looked at the elements of fiction stories, relating to the plot, settings and theme and use these to compare our two legend stories.

It was brilliant to see so many of you on Wednesday evening as we discussed the year ahead. I really hope I didn’t take up too much of your time as we know you all have busy lives, which makes it all the more special for you to take the time out to attend. Don’t worry if you were unavailable to attend, if you require any information discussed on the evening then please drop me an email and I can send over the presentation.

Let’s Celebrate

Matilda and Iris for being enthusiastic learners: After a successful PE lesson last week, the children were allowed to keep their same partners for gymnastics. Both Matilda and Iris have shown a keen interest in our topic and are happy to share their creations with the class. They have led the way of how to behave throughout PE lessons, including how to handle equipment, working brilliantly as a team and being considerate of others around them. Keep it up girls!

Edi for being a focused learner: I could give this award to Edi every week if possible. He is always ready for the task being set and is constantly setting an example of how to behave in the classroom, especially at the start of the day when we begin our morning activity. Edi never needs reminding on what he needs to be doing because he is such a good listener. An absolute joy to teach!


Football- Football training will resume to its normal time which is Monday at 8am. Football fixtures begin on Tuesday, with kick off at 4pm. The teams will be decided during Mondays training session, with kits being handed out that day. If your child has not made it into the football team, they are still free to attend training sessions on Monday. Additional information regarding the sports fixtures and the schedule is available on the sports newsletter/calendar on the ENGAGE page of the school website.

Netball- Netball training will still be on a Thursday at 3:30pm and fixtures will also begin this Tuesday. More information regarding the netball fixtures and schedule will be available on the sports newsletter/calendar on the ENGAGE page of the school website.

Choir- Thursday 3:30pm

Dance- Will resume on Monday at 3:30pm.

Art- Please can you bring in your art t-shirts as Mrs Mather is keen to begin painting in her lessons. Art lessons are on Tuesdays.

Reading Books- It looks like children have been doing lots of reading at home but can children remember to put their reading books back in their bags ready to bring them into school.

Homework- Homework this week be on paper copies. This will be in the children’s homework folders which are to be completed and stuck into their homework books, ready to be handed in on Tuesday.

Year 5 Home Learning- To be handed in on Tuesday 27th September

This week your homework is in your homework books.


To complete 20 minutes a day at home of reading. Children are to read their chosen books from school and then they can quiz on their books in school, when they have finished the book.


This week we introduced our new RE topic of ‘Stewardship of the Earth’. Over the next few weeks, we will look at how we damage the earth and how we can fix these problems through biodiversity etc. The homework will be to read through their recycling information leaflet and then use this to answer their questions.


There are two question sheets to complete for maths this week. The first will be an arithmetic sheet, which will include multiplication , division, addition and subtraction questions. The next sheet will be rounding up to 100,000.

This week...

After a sombre start to the week we have slowly managed to get back into our routine. The weather has been a bit hit and miss and on Thursday we realised that we haven’t seen ‘real’ rain at nursery for such a long time! The children kept saying “it’s raining!”.

We are slowly working our way through our monthly plans but keep getting side tracked by things that keep happening in nursery. For example, on Friday during worship we had been talking about Gods creation of our wonderful earth when all of a sudden we remembered it is going to be Harvest in a couple of weeks. This led to a conversation about if God hadn’t made the sun, rain, land…how could be grow food for the farmers to harvest and for us to eat.

Seizing the moment we went into the garden to harvest the potatoes we had grown. The children dug them up and then washed them. We have sent a potato home for you to cook for tea!!!

Have a look at these fabulous photos!

Next week we will talk more about the seasons and harvest. The children are wanting to make bread!!!! Watch this space, Paul Hollywood better watch out!

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone! Just because it has been a shorter week doesn’t mean that we haven’t done as much!

As always, there have been lots and lots of storytelling, some by the Nursery ladies and some by the children. They all seem to have such hungry appetites for books….they just love stories!!! The children have been so inspired by the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ that they decided to make their own brick houses in the garden. Even the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ appeared to try and blow it down!!! Click here to watch. We are continuing to enjoy ‘Little Rabbit Foo Foo’ (making his bad choices!) and also ‘Lima’s Red Hot Chilli’!

The fine weather earlier in the week allowed us to spend lots of time in the garden and we made some wonderful finds. There were lots and lots of conkers…I think we counted 23 at one point! The cases were really spikey as well! We also discovered quite a few ladybirds….even some baby ones too. Some of us were lucky enough to go on a little walk through the ‘Environmental Garden’ behind the school field. It was so lovely and we even found a bench for a sneaky little sit down!!

Inside nursery there have been lots of water and sand play, puzzles, large construction (don’t worry…we did wear our builder’s hats) and we made some wonderful flower gardens.

I told you we had been very busy! We had better have a good rest this weekend.

Kind regards


Michelle’s Blog

What a fantastic busy week we have had this week.

We have continued learning about how God created us all to be individual and unique. We have explored our similarities and differences and discovered all about our families. Click here for Along Came a Different

Hopefully you will have received your log in details for Purple Mash and will have seen the activity for your child’s self portrait.

We then explored houses and homes in different stories, going with Goldilocks for a walk in the woods and hiding from the Big Bad Wolf in our houses we had built in the garden. Click here for another lovely version you can share.

We have explored further afield this week, gong on an adventure to the Environmental Garden, where we discovered a rainbow bench. We took the wibbly wobbly path around the school field and visited the chapel before we discovered some stars and a boat.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in snack in your child’s blue bag, this really does help them to be more independent at snack time and is a good practise for school. Please remember that snack should be a piece of fruit or veg, please, and grapes should be sliced lengthways for safety. Click here

Please keep a look out for a letter in your child’s blue bag with a template for a leaf for our Wishing Tree display. Please write your wishes for your child’s time at nursery and we will display them on our Wishing Tree- hopefully we can make your wishes come true.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!


Stephanie’s Blog

Hello everyone! We have had another lovely week in Nursery. Our friendships have continued to grow and I have seen some very happy faces this week!

We have continued to look at Number 1 this week – we are great at choosing 1 object to add or take from a group and a favourite activity this week has been working together to build a tower. We all added 1 block each to see how tall we could make it. We also checked if it was smaller or taller than us! Some children wanted to add a second block to make it even higher which will lead us into looking at Number 2 next week.

We worked hard this week to practise our listening skills. These skills can help with learning new things and with developing friendships and engaging with the world. We have been listening to what we can hear in the garden and inside – we’ve worked hard to work out which sounds are which when it is very noisy. We’ve enjoyed playing a game with the instruments – I showed the children 5 instruments and played them so they knew what they sounded like. I then covered them and played one to see if they could work out which one it was. You could play this at home with things you have around the house – make it tricky if they find it too easy!

We have been ‘Have a go Tommy Turtle’ again this week – we have worked hard on challenges in the garden. Some of us have tried hard with the stilts and kept going until we could do it. We also found a broom and worked together to ride it – it was tricky to get more than one friend on at a time but we managed it!

We have been developing our body awareness. We named different parts of our body and looked at ways we are the same and ways we are different. We have made different faces on the big screen, making them look different each time. ‘Simon Says’ was a bit tricky but lots of fun! We spoke about who lives in our house and drew pictures of our family. The children really enjoyed telling us about who is special to them. You could draw pictures at home and ask your child to tell you about the new friends and nursery ladies they have met in school.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!


Fundamental Movement Skills

Fundamental movement skills are a specific set of skills that involve different body parts such as feet, legs, trunk, head, arms and hands. These skills are the “building blocks” for more complex and specialised skills that children will need throughout their lives to competently participate in different games, sports and recreational activities.

This months challenge is for the children to practise balancing on one leg  and then the other for five seconds without wobbling or putting the other foot down! Good luck ‘have a go’ Tommy Turtles

 Children’s Dental Health

Information For Parents


• Brush children’s teeth twice a day with a small headed toothbrush with medium-textured bristles and a family fluoride toothpaste.

• Brush last thing at night, just before bedtime and only have water to drink afterwards.

• Brush one other time of day

• Children younger than 3 years old should only have a small smear of toothpaste on their brush.

• Children aged 3 years and older should use a pea sized amount of toothpaste on their brush.

• You should encourage your child to spit out the toothpaste and not to rinse afterwards.

 St. Annes Library

The library is holding a Fun Palace at St. Annes Library on Saturday 1st October, 10am to 4pm. Click on the button below to find out more.

I feel it’s a rather long blog this week, sorry. It’s just we have so much that we like to share with you all. Don’t forget to check Purple Mash and here’s a little game for you to play at home! Click here and happy counting!

Have the most wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday for an even busier week at nursery!

God Bless


Year 3 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 29th September


1 .could

2. would

3. two

4. over

5. about

6. make

7. people

8. down

9. now

10 number


Please make sure you log into TTRockstars throughout the week. It is a wonderful way to practise those times tables which are so very important!


We have continued to look at fables this week. Could you choose a fable of your choice to read together and discuss what the moral of the story is.

Optional: You could write about this in your homework book along with a picture to illustrate the fable that you chose to read. I will also set this as a 2Do on purple mash if (instead) you would like to complete this homework on the computer.

Year 6 Home Learning Friday 16th September

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Thursday



English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Whilst you are reading can you collect nouns in your homework book? Think about whether they are proper, common or an abstract noun.

Grammar- Year 6 need to be able to identify different sentence types- please remind yourselves on whether sentences are simple or compound. Remember to look out for the coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS), this tells you it is a compound sentence.

Complete IXL EE 8 English- don’t forget to check it is on the Year 6 section not another year group.

Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘cial’

 Maths - Please complete the adding and subtracting fractions on Purple Mash- take care making sure you read the correct operation and sometimes there may be more than one answer?