Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 21st May


This weeks focus is common exception words
Spelling quiz will be on the first Monday back after half term.

Don’t forget spelling quizzes can be accessed online on Purple Mash each week.

  1. difficult

  2. famous

  3. extreme

  4. guide

  5. heart

  6. history

  7. minute

  8. popular

  9. natural

  10. believe

Just one week left to work towards reading targets. I am so pleased with the progress the children have made so far - I think this may be the best half term with had with our reading this year. After half term the children will complete the star reading assessments again and their book levels and reading targets will be reviewed. Keep going Year 3…You are amazing!

Summer Term Optional Homework

As mentioned on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog, the Summer term sees us launch our new Home Learning Policy. Below is a link to this half terms home learning tasks.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 17.05.24- 'Punishment is not for revenge but to lessen the crime and reform the criminal'

What a week it has been! Monday through to Wednesday was just our usual working week with lots of English and Maths making up the majority, with us squeezing in our final crime and punishment lessons before Thursday’s trip.

As you may of heard, Thursday saw us take a trip to Lancaster to visit both the castle and the police museum. It really did feel like taking a trip through history with the castle being an old 15th century prison and the museum being a more modern 20th century prison. Due to some of the courts still being active in the castle, we were not allowed to take photos but we did manage to get some inside the museum.

We finished the week in a very vibrant way with everyone in green to celebrate ‘Green Day’, in order to raise money for our eco budget and to find more ways to support and grow our environment. Photos are available over on the eco/play blog.

Due to popular demand and with the presence of Miss Liddell (Speech and Language specialist) on our school trip, we used our class council time as an opportunity to learn a new language- sign language. The children were instantly hooked in the idea of learning a new diverse language and have focused on the alphabet, numbers 1-12 and personal statements such as hair/eye colour and names.

What have we been learning this week?

English- After starting our new topic of non fiction texts, we looked at the feature of an article and techniques that reporters/publishers use to hook their reader in.

Maths- Lots and lots of scaling up/down this week, especially with this being such a common skill used in Year 6. This has been used across both of our units with us needing to do this to find percentage of amounts (especially 10%) and also to convert between units.

French- It has been all things family in French these past few weeks. We looked at some basic family statements for us to practice and then created a basic french family tree. The children then had a go at drawing their own family tree- from siblings all the way up to great grandparents.

Deeper thinking questions

Every week now, we would like children to explore their weekly learning at home by discussing interesting questions with family members. This may be at the table during dinner, before bedtime or when out for a walk. However you choose to discuss these questions is up to you but this may give you more of an insight into what we have been learning in class.

What was you favourite part of the Lancaster Castle tour?

Which was your favourite room in the police museum and why?

Can you tell your parents your name in British Sign Language?

Let’s Celebrate

  • Esther for being an enthusiastic learner- You have shown such intuitiveness and interest during our history topic this half term. You really took in all of the information that was delivered on our school trip and I could tell that you found this information both useful and exciting. You deepened your knowledge even further by asking lots of curious questions throughout the day.

  • Sophia for being a reflective learner- Reflecting on feedback is such as vital skill in Year 5, especially when it comes to tricky methods in maths or constant use of grammar but you always reflect on this. You never underestimate the power of the purple pen and understand its importance. Your ever present perfect behaviour out on the playground also shows me that you reflect on what I share during council sessions.

  • Virtue Butterflies- Our virtues for this half term are learned and wise. Our butterfly goes to Layla. I love the way you have been playing this week with lots of different people. Your variety of play and your bubbly energy really make you a brilliant playtime partner.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    • Marvellous Manners- Erin

    • Role Model of the Week- Luke


  • Homework- Can all children make sure that they are practicing their spellings and making sure their homework books are back in on Thursdays.

  • Thursday 23rd May Eco afternoon- Fraizer from Fylde Rangers will be joining the class this upcoming week for a big project in the environmental garden. Children are to wear jogging bottoms and long sleeve clothing to protect themselves from nettles.

  • Thursday 23rd May food tasting- The children will be making their spaghetti boloneise this week in food technology. The children will have the opportunity to eat their final dishes and to try other children’s. If you have any queries about this and would not like your child to take part then please let me know.

  • Half Term- School to close for half on Friday 24th May at normal time. School will reopen on Monday 10th June.

  • Tuesday 11th June Sports Day- This will be the second day back after half term so feel free to practice the events over half term. The events and set up will be identical to last year- starting at 1:30-3:00.

  • Friday 14th June Swimming Gala- Due to our longer half term and availability at the YMCA pools, we won’t be able to host a trails morning to take race times in order to pick our swimmers for the gala. Therefore, the children who have registered an interest in taking part are to record their own times for freestyle (front crawl), backstroke and breaststroke. It will just be one length of a regular sized swimming pool (25m). Please can a parent or guardian record these times and then let me know their time either via email or written down and brought into school. Ideally, can these times be completed before half term but anytime over half term is great- allowing us to collect everyone’s times and choose who will be competing.

  • Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- Sponsorship forms have gone out to all children. Get fundraising for a brilliant cause. Money to be brought in on Jim Jam Jog Day.

  • Music Wider Opportunities- For the past year, your child has learnt a musical instrument as part of the Wider Opportunity Scheme in school. For our Year 4 children it has been the flute, and for Year 5, the clarinet. As your child progresses to their next class, there will be the opportunity for them to continue to learn the instrument that they have learnt this year, in small groups, if they choose to do so. If your child wants to continue, there will be a cost to these sessions. That will be worked out once we know how many children want to continue their instruments into the next year. 

    Please complete the form below as an expression of interest.

Year 1 Homework 17.5.24


Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.


I have made every child a phonics pack, please use it over the weekend and over the half term holidays. The work you do at home makes a huge difference and we can tell when you have worked at home. Two weeks is a long time so please try and fit it is as much as possible, it only needs to be a few mins per day. You can take the pack on holiday and the RWI videos are great to watch. This is the only homework I would like you to focus on as it is our priority over the next few weeks.

Below is a copy of the letter that is in your phonics pack:

In this pack there are a selection of flashcards and games to help practise our phonics reading skills. Please can you practise this at home, as we are off for two weeks it is really important that we continue our phonics during the holidays as the Phonics Screening will take place from Monday 10th June to Friday 14th June. Please note these screenings will take place over the week, so please continue to practise during the week, we are back at school. I will let you know when you child has completed their screening, but I cannot give results as the score threshold may change. You will find out if your child has passed or will retake in year two in their report. If there is anything your child needs to focus on, I will write it on the pack and I have put specific sound sheets in so you can practise these at home.


When reading these words it is important we are accurate not speedy, I know for RWI we have been focusing on being speedy readers to move up in groups.

The Phonics screening is about accuracy, we have been practising in class please can you follow this at home, the children will know what to do:

 Scanning for the special friends

Fred talk

Read the word

During the screening I can’t prompt them so it is best they get in the habit of the above. By practising they will do it automatically.

If you have any questions about the phonics screening please email me.

Ask your child which sounds they have been learning this week, you can watch the videos to practise at home.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 3 Weekly Blog 17th May - The Earth is God's gift to us, it's full of beauty and wonder - Pope Francis

Hugo, Lettie and Mia-Grace led class worship outside this on Wednesday. It’s lovely to be able to get outside with the better weather. We listened to them read Fire from Heavens Acts 2 and sang My Lighthouse and Mary did you know. Our word of the week has been “care” we have spoken about how we care and what and who we care for.
In RE we have read about St Paul and his journey to Damascus that changed his life.

Read more

A busy week in the garden!

This week, the children have been extra busy! We have started to transfer the plants into the raised beds, planted our final batch of potatoes and have added carrots. The allotment area is certainly starting to take shape and we can.t wait to taste the fruit and vegetables, when they are ready.

Year 5 Homework 17.05.24

Homework will look slightly differently from now on, with us offering optional homework across the half term aimed at accessing the wider curriculum, engaging in fun and active tasks and to share your learning with your parents. Compulsory homework will still be live which will consist of:

  • Spellings

  • SPAG

  • Reading

  • Times Tables

The optional homework will have no deadline with this being optional but this can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’.

Compulsory Homework


  1. mischievous

  2. muscle

  3. necessary

  4. neighbour

  5. nuisance

  6. occupy

  7. occur

  8. opportunity

  9. parliament

  10. persuade

  11. physical

  12. prejudice


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.

Times Tables

Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


We have really upped our reading this half term, with some children in the millionaire club, some doubling their word count for the year and lots of others making really good progress.

This week...

A lovely week. We have spent most mornings learning alongside Reception and we have really enjoyed it! It was lovely to catch up with friends that we made last year and also brothers and sisters. A true learning community.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

The weather has been wet this week but it hasn't stopped us having a fun packed week of learning. 

On Monday, Mr Nays PE class was brilliant. He taught the children how to play cricket! One team of fielders and the other team ‘throwers’ of the ball. We had to run around the a set cones before the fielders retrieved the ball. It was a very competitive but in the end it was a draw.

The children have been busy decorating their t-shirts for Sports Day, we can't wait for you to see our designs, they all look fantastic.

The children have been practicing writing sounds using the sound rhymes to help them to form the letters. It's lovely seeing the children having a go, just like Tommy Turtle. 

We have some very exciting news about our wormery. They have been working hard turning their food into compost, but also, they have had babies! The children have been investigating with magnifying glasses, watching the tiny worms move in the soil. It’s all very exciting.

This week we have been rhyming words. We had a rhyme bag with lots of different rhyming objects, the children had to work out the rhyming objects. It was a bit tricky. We used things like cat and bat, fish and dish. We also played a rhyming game on the computer. The children have asked for it to go on the blog, so here it is. Have fun rhyming. Click here. 

I can't believe we only have one week left before we break up for May half term.

Have a wonderful weekend. 


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

This week has been a little different as we have been able to spend some time with our friends in Reception. We did impress Mr. Nay and Mr. Murray in PE this week , as we played a team game practising our throwing and running skills.

Its been a very active week this week with lots of outside activities. We have really enjoyed going on the trim trail this week, and being very adventurous as we climb, but always keeping safe as we do it.

We have been lucky with the weather and have enjoyed outside picnics every day. We even had a picnic in the castle.

Thank you for sending in your t shirts for Sport Day. We are looking forward to showing you all our kills we have been learning and practising hard.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.


A big thank you to everyone who managed to pop in to see us on Tuesday after school. It is always lovely to see you and share your child’s achievements.

A gentle reminder to to send in a plain white t shirt to decorate in readiness for Sports Day (18th June at 2.00 pm).

Jim Jam Jog

On Monday, sponsor forms went out going out for our annual JIM JAM JOG - a firm fixture on the school’s calendar. Every Summer, 240 children, staff and parents come dressed in their pjs ready to run as many times around the school field as possible. The funds raised always go towards the development of the school; this year that is our outside area and break time equipment. This year, it will take place on Monday 17th June at 8am.

In addition, this year we wanted to help another cause. It is very important that our children are aware of their community and causes that are close to them and us. There have been a number of significant events that have really made us stop this year and reflect. We hope that this summer, we can raise money for them both.

On 15th September 2023, we lost a very dear former pupil of ours, Harrison Bretheron. In a couple of week’s time, the family and friends of Harrison will be running his 22nd mile. Harrison never made it to 22 years of age; this is their tribute to him. All money raised from the run will be donated between Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and The Firefighter’s Charity; both of which have supported many of our current and former families. So far, they have raised over £15,000 - it is remarkable. We want to do our bit as well. Please support this event as much as you can - get your pjs ready!

We will be hosting a second charity towards the end of the year which our Year 5 children will tell us all about in a few week’s time.

Ideas for the weekend!

If you happen to be at a loose end this weekend here are some ideas to do as a family.

Sound Starters Game

If it’s raining and you can’t get out and about here’s a fun (noisy) game to play indoors.

Click any of the yellow bubbles on the game to hear a random sound. Some are real sounds and others are funny sound effects. Some start off quietly and gradually get louder, some are long and some are short so there’s lots to talk about. Click here.

Phonics learning opportunities

To develop listening skills.

To describe sounds and talk about the differences between them.

To know a range of words that can be used to describe sounds.

Have fun!

Whatever the weather, enjoy just being together with loved ones.

God Bless


Year 5 Weekly Blog 10.05.24- ' You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you’

What a lovely and temperature rising week it has been! This week marked a special week in our liturgical calendar with it being the ‘Ascension of Jesus’. We celebrated this as a whole school at church on Thursday- marking the day Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. The mass was filled with many moments of delight and pride, with members of the public commenting on the children’s excellent behaviour and hymn singing.

In our RE lessons this week, it has been a very personal and reflective focus- with the children understanding what their conscience is and using this to decide moral dilemmas. Ask your child if they can remember any of these dilemmas and discuss what would you would do in that scenario.

What have we been learning this week?

English- And just like that, we have finished the famous ‘Highwayman’ poem. The children loved creating their own version of part 1 and also reading stanza by stanza of part 2 and predicting what happens next. We finished the week by starting our new topic, focusing on non-fiction texts. We discussed what this phrase means and linked our prior learning to retrieve common examples of this.

Maths- There has definitely been a year 6 level of focus and work ethic in our maths this week with the children juggling two different units and linking the methods used from each of them. Our first topic has been focusing on percentages and calculating percentage of amounts. Our new topic has been converting units of measure, with us experimenting with measuring heights and how to convert from m, cm and mm.

History- This week focused on a new method of punishment which was introduced in the 1700’s. A quick discussion into the method of transportation and explaining why as a country we chose to do this. We dived into a famous transportation case, where an 8 year old child was trailed and sentenced for this punishment and the consequences of this.

PE- We are now putting our individual skills together and using these in a real game like situations. The application and development of skills have helped create some fantastic games of cricket- both filled with high quality and competitiveness.

Deeper thinking questions

Every week now, we would like children to explore their weekly learning at home by discussing interesting questions with family members. This may be at the table during dinner, before bedtime or when out for a walk. However you choose to discuss these questions is up to you but this may give you more of an insight into what we have been learning in class.

Have any of your family members been to Australia? What was it like?

Who is the smallest and tallest member of your household? Can you measure them in meters and then convert this to cm and mm.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Archie for being a cooperative learner- Working as a team can often be difficult, especially when it is required both in the classroom and out on the pitch. Your teamwork skills stand out in the classroom, in which any changes of learning partners do not change your focus towards your learning. This year I have seen improvements outside on the playground with your teamwork. This is huge as you know the importance of this quality when it comes to team sports.

  • Riley for being a resilient learner- Focus is a big goal for you going into the last part of the year, I can see you have been working to improve on this- Keep going! I have also seen your resilience in subjects that you may not class as your favourites. You kept going when playing cricket in PE, having a really good go with the catches and to also not let your head drop when batting. 

  • Virtue Butterflies- Our virtues for this half term are learned and wise. Our butterfly goes to Roseanna. You really are one of our role models when it comes to making wise decisions in the hall at lunch and out on the playground. You never put a foot out of line and our a pleasure to be in the company of.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    • Marvellous Manners- Benjamin

    • Role Model of the Week- Faye


  • Homework- Can all children make sure that they are practicing their spellings and making sure their homework books are back in on Thursdays.

  • Football Kits- If you have played for the school football team this year, could you have a look for any kits that you may still have in which they are to be brought back in. This will consists of blue top, blue socks and white socks. This will either be the Our Lady’s kit (with CN Active sponsorship) or the Premier League Primary Stars kit.

  • Thursday 16th May- We will be going on a school trip to Lancaster to visit the Castle and the Police Museum to further learn about our crime and punishment unit in History.

    Children are to wear normal school uniform for safety reasons and to all bring a pack lunch on the day. Children are to arrive at school for 8:30am for a 8:45 departure. The coach journey will around 1 hour so any children who require travel sickness bands then please do bring them.

    The payment for the trip is live on parent pay.

  • Friday 17th May- This will mark our annual ‘Green Day’ as a part of our eco commitments as a school. Children can bring in £1 to wear green own clothes. The money raised will go towards the children’s eco ideas that were created and voted during our council sessions.

  • Swimming Gala 14th June- Due to our longer half term and availability at the YMCA pools, we won’t be able to host a trails morning to take race times in order to pick our swimmers for the gala. Therefore, the children who have registered an interest in taking part are to record their own times for freestyle (front crawl), backstroke and breaststroke. It will just be one length of a regular sized swimming pool (25m). Please can a parent or guardian record these times and then let me know their time either via email or written down and brought into school. Ideally, can these times be completed before half term but anytime over half term is great- allowing us to collect everyone’s times and choose who will be competing.