Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 4th December


This weeks focus is common exception words. Our spelling quiz will be on Monday 9th December

  1. sentence

  2. bicycle

  3. address

  4. heart

  5. arrive

  6. believe

  7. Father

  8. because

  9. clothes

  10. eight

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a videos of the songs, please keep practising at home.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
No optional purple mash homework this week - please practise our carol concert songs.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 5 Weekly Blog 29.11.24- ' Advent is the time to welcome the Lord and to verifying our longing to God'

With what usually tends to be a slow month, November has flown by as we enter the first week of Advent. A month of celebration and togetherness but we start week by week with ‘Hope’. It was wonderful for our children to start our advent preparations with a beautiful liturgy this week, with some wonderful scripture and song choice. Moving forward, we made our advent promises on a nativity star in which we thought about how we can be hopeful this year and intentional towards God.

In English, we have been analysing our main character, Prince Llewelyn, in our legend story and looking how his emotions change throughout the story. We have then applied this to writing a diary entry as the prince himself.

In Geography, we have continued with looking into biomes and have used a map to compare these across continents of the world.

This week, we have also finished our last hall practice session for our KS2 Christmas concert as we have practiced all of our songs in our booklet. Now it is about transferring this onto the altar and getting off script with our songs. We will be walking down to church weekly now for our weekly practices so it is vital that the children have coats and gloves during these very chilly conditions. Two groups of children have also been battling conditions this week and have been putting in the hard yards during some woodchip manual work, in order to get our forest school up and ready. Both Mrs Tierney and Mrs Lavelle could not praise the children more on how hard they worked and how much weight of woodchip collectively they managed to get through.

Conversation starters

  • My Happy Mind: We put our memories to the test by trying to memorize all 24 character strengths and placing them into their virtues. How many of the 24 strengths can you remember?

  • Geography: We have looked at biomes and climates to compare different environments of the world. If you could live in any part of the world, where would you live and why?

Let’s Celebrate

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue star this week goes to Tommy. You have such a sweet heart Tommy. You are such a valued member of the class and this week you have been so active around the classroom, always offering to help out with any of the adults’ tasks which has been so lovely of you. Your helping hand will be very much appreciated during this busy period of the year.

Daisy for being a determined learner: When it comes to independent writing tasks, you are a woman on a mission Daisy. You are so determined to make sure your work is of the highest quality and you take pride in your work. This has been seen this week as you have started your second book and we compared the changes in your handwriting since September. It was pleasing for me to see this and even more so for yourself. Well done!

Seth for being a enthusiastic learner: Both myself and Mrs Barker have seen a big improvement from you this week Seth. Your hand has been shooting up which shows your eagerness to contribute towards our learning. This has also been seen in your independent work as you have been working on managing your distractions. Keep this up!

My Happy Mind Champion of the Week- Poppy

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Beth

Marvelous Manners- Seth


  • Homework: Make sure to check the homework blog and make sure homework is handed in on time.

  • Coats: Now the weather is starting to drop and we edge closer towards winter, can all children have a coat with them to make sure they are protected when out at break times.

  • Travelling Nativity: Please enjoy the wonderful story of the nativity with your child when you receive this. This needs to be brought back into school the following day to allow another child to share this joy. You can take a picture of your child with the nativity and send me this via email.

  • Christmas Cards: To keep inline with our eco responsibilities and to remain sustainable, could we ask not to bring whole class Christmas cards and instead the children make 1 card which is for the whole class. These cards will then go onto our advent worship table.

  • Own Clothes Day: To celebrate the arrival of December and the festive period, then children can wear their own clothes and also donate a bar of chocolate for the Christmas Raffle. This will take place on Friday 29th November.

    This will be the same on Friday 6th December but it will be bring a bottle. This can be a bottle of anything that could go into our hampers and considered a prize such as alcohol, bubble baths, sweets in a jar etc.

  • KS2 Christmas Film Night: If you would like to watch a Christmas film after school, with your friends, with popcorn, hotdogs and hot chocolates, then head over to Mrs Gregan’s blog to book this.

  • Christmas Bake Off: Last year went so well, we just had to do it again! All things Christmas with cakes, bakes and jumpers on Friday 13th December.

  • KS2 Christmas Concert: This will take place at Church on Monday 16th December. The children will perform the concert twice at 2pm and 6pm.

  • KS2 Christmas Party Day: Wednesday 18th December

  • Half Term: School will close at 2pm on Friday 20th December for half term. School will reopen on Monday 6th January.

This week...

Each week seems to be getting busier and busier at the moment! I can’t believe we have been at nursery for one term already!! Looking at the calendar the next couple of weeks are going to be even more hectic, starting with our Christmas Nativity next week. This years production is called ‘Follow the Star’, we hope you enjoy it.


Thank you to everyone who has sent in pictures of their child enjoying the Travelling Nativity. There are some fabulous drawing depicting the Christmas story too!

Next week we will be journeying through Advent together. We would like to start by learning this song (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star), maybe you could help at home.

Advent is a time to wait (hold hand up as you say “wait”)

Not quite time to celebrate, (shake head and wag finger from side to side)

Light candles one by one, (put 4 fingers up, one at a time)

Till Advent time is done. (wave hands, palm down)

Day by day we work and pray, (put fist on top of fist, back and forth)

To prepare for Christmas day! (give yourself a hug)

As a group we will be reflection on:

How we can get ready at home?

How we can get ready at school?

How we can get ready for Jesus?

Don’t forget to join us at our family Mass this Sunday at Our Lady Star of the Sea church. We would love to see you all there.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone.

What a wonderful week of fun and learning we have had.

We have had so much fun this week in PE with Mr. Murray. He has been teaching us how to bounce a large ball, and throw it up into the air without letting it roll away. We dropped the ball from our hands, letting the ball bounce at our feet before trying to catch it. As you can imagine, balls were flying everywhere! Mr. Murray also asked the children to run around the outside of a big circle, and he would shout out 'change' and the children had to turn and run the other way…very confusing. Mr. Murray made it tricky by randomly shouting ‘change’, the children loved the challenge.

To continue our learning thread about our body, and to link numbers 1 and 2, we have been looking at pictures of everyone’s eyes and mouths (and other body parts, have we got one or have we got two?). We showed the children pictures of just the eyes and mouths of the friends and nursery ladies, we had to work out who was who. It was very tricky. We talked about how some things are the same, and how some things are different, for example, different/same coloured eyes or different shaped mouths, different skin tones and how we all have one nose and two eyes etc.

We have been very busy rehearing for our Nativity. The children have worked so hard, and we are looking forward to performing it to you all next week.

Here is a story about the Nativity. Click here. 

Have a lovely weekend. Rest up, ready for our big performances next week.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

We have had such a busy week as we have enjoyed singing our Nativity songs ready for next week. We can't wait to join Reception in telling the very special story of the first Christmas. We have loved seeing all your photos of the travelling nativity that you have shared with us. Thank you so much for taking care to send it back to nursery the next day. This means we can make sure every family will have a turn before the end of term.

We have been busy little elves this week but sorry, it's all top secret at the moment. You will just have to be patient and wait and see what we have been up to.

We have also continued learning about our bodies. This week we have learnt about our lungs. We watched a video about a little boy with asthma and it explained how our lungs work. Click here.

We then did a painting using our lungs, not a paintbrush. We used straws to blow the paint.

We have included some photos of the hail storm we had last week as we were too late to include them in the blog.

See you all next week and have a lovely weekend 


Christmas Cards

As in previous years, and in our ongoing commitment to look after God’s wonderful earth, we ask that the children do not send cards to everyone on nursery. If they would like to make one at home to send to everyone at nursery that would be fabulous!

Christmas Party

Key Stage 1 and Foundation Christmas party is being held on 19th December 9.30-11.30 am. All the children are invited to join us but if it is not your child’s usual session could you please arrange for them to be collected at 11.30 am. We will be baking a special birthday cake for Baby Jesus to eat at the party!!! Mmmmmmm!

Visit to Clarence House care home

On Wednesday 11th December we will be visiting Clarence House Rest Home. We will be joining Reception (in two small groups) to take some cards and decorations we have made to help spread some Christmas cheer. We may even sing a couple of our Christmas songs.

If you do not want your child to take part in this visit could you please let me know a.s.a.p.

Lastly, I thought I would just mention that after years of Nativities, it helps the children if they do not see you in the audience. If you sit where you can see them and they can’t see you it will limit the chances of them getting upset or distracted. Thank you.

I hope to see you all at Family Mass on Sunday.

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 5 Homework due Thursday 5th December

Essential Homework

  • Reading- 20 to 30 minutes a day at home.

  • Times Tables- 5 minutes per day.

  • Spellings- to complete the sheets in their books and 2 trail spelling tests

  1. angle

  2. shape

  3. diary

  4. perhaps

  5. sentence

  6. grammar

  7. weight

  8. crowd

  9. window

  10. swallow

  11. accompany

  12. conscience

  13. exaggerate

  14. government

  15. temperature

Mrs Barker’s group

  1. cure

  2. crunch

  3. fruit

  4. angle

  5. shape

  6. diary

  7. perhaps

  8. sentence

  9. grammar

  10. window

Christmas Concert Practice

We have been practicing for our KS2 Christmas Concert, which will take place on Monday 16th December.


This will be on IXL to cover the two topics that we have been doing this half term.

  • R1- Compare money amounts

  • V1- Acute, Right, Obtuse or Straight angles

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 27th November


This weeks focus words ending with ‘ure’. Spelling quiz will be on Monday 2nd December

  1. nature

  2. picture

  3. mixture

  4. feature

  5. vulture

  6. scripture

  7. fracture

  8. puncture

  9. furniture

  10. adventure

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a video of the first 3 song to practise singing along with.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
Optional homework has been set on speech marks and reading comprehension on fossils.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 6 Home Learning 28.11.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in. We have been doing this in class, so the children should be able to have a good go at this!

English- Please complete the reported and direct speech worksheet in your books.

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!

Christmas songs

Please learn the next 2 Christmas songs below.

You have a booklet with the words to all songs in your bag - please keep at home to practice and do not lose it.

There is also a copy of the words below as well as our videos