Each week seems to be getting busier and busier at the moment! I can’t believe we have been at nursery for one term already!! Looking at the calendar the next couple of weeks are going to be even more hectic, starting with our Christmas Nativity next week. This years production is called ‘Follow the Star’, we hope you enjoy it.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in pictures of their child enjoying the Travelling Nativity. There are some fabulous drawing depicting the Christmas story too!
Next week we will be journeying through Advent together. We would like to start by learning this song (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star), maybe you could help at home.
Advent is a time to wait (hold hand up as you say “wait”)
Not quite time to celebrate, (shake head and wag finger from side to side)
Light candles one by one, (put 4 fingers up, one at a time)
Till Advent time is done. (wave hands, palm down)
Day by day we work and pray, (put fist on top of fist, back and forth)
To prepare for Christmas day! (give yourself a hug)
As a group we will be reflection on:
How we can get ready at home?
How we can get ready at school?
How we can get ready for Jesus?
Don’t forget to join us at our family Mass this Sunday at Our Lady Star of the Sea church. We would love to see you all there.
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone.
What a wonderful week of fun and learning we have had.
We have had so much fun this week in PE with Mr. Murray. He has been teaching us how to bounce a large ball, and throw it up into the air without letting it roll away. We dropped the ball from our hands, letting the ball bounce at our feet before trying to catch it. As you can imagine, balls were flying everywhere! Mr. Murray also asked the children to run around the outside of a big circle, and he would shout out 'change' and the children had to turn and run the other way…very confusing. Mr. Murray made it tricky by randomly shouting ‘change’, the children loved the challenge.
To continue our learning thread about our body, and to link numbers 1 and 2, we have been looking at pictures of everyone’s eyes and mouths (and other body parts, have we got one or have we got two?). We showed the children pictures of just the eyes and mouths of the friends and nursery ladies, we had to work out who was who. It was very tricky. We talked about how some things are the same, and how some things are different, for example, different/same coloured eyes or different shaped mouths, different skin tones and how we all have one nose and two eyes etc.
We have been very busy rehearing for our Nativity. The children have worked so hard, and we are looking forward to performing it to you all next week.
Here is a story about the Nativity. Click here.
Have a lovely weekend. Rest up, ready for our big performances next week.