Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 6th February


  1. answer

  2. caught

  3. describe

  4. exercise

  5. history

  6. horrible

  7. responsible

  8. terrible

  9. possible

  10. sensible

  11. visible

  12. legible

  13. edible

  14. reversible

  15. credible

Mrs Barker’s group

  1. correct

  2. catch

  3. verb

  4. running

  5. history

  6. trust

  7. sight

  8. health

  9. credit

  10. terrible

Punctuation and Grammar

Each week, the children will complete 10 SPAG questions to keep on top of their reading and writing practice.


We have just started our new unit of factors, multiples and primes which is heavily times tables based. Make sure to keep practicing your times tables on TTRS- 5 minutes a day is all you need. Complete the following IXL’s

A4- convert between place values

S1- Read a thermometer

This week...

A funny sort of week but nonetheless busy! You may have noticed that Frances and Emma have been missing this week…poorly. The good news is that they are much better. Everyone has been praying for a speedy recovery

Year of Jubilee 'Pilgrims of Hope’

Every 25 years, we have a Jubilee Year, a moment of significance in the Church when we refocus and open ourselves to special graces. This Jubilee Year is entitled ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. It started on 24th December 2024 with the opening of the Holy Door in Rome. In school we have decided to changes our classrooms doors into Holy Doors of Hope. This week nursery completed their door…take a look, we are very proud.

Next week we ‘hope’ to take a ‘pilgrimage’ to look at everyone else’s door. If you would like to find out more and join our Pilgrimage click here.

Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

We have had such a busy week. This week we met number 5 and have explored how many ones are in five. 

We have also found out about how letters are delivered. We wrote 2 letters, one to Barbara and one to Mrs Gregan last week and we walked to the post box to post them. They were both surprised and delighted to receive their letters in the post.

It has been Chinese New Year this week and we couldn't resist the chance to try some Chinese food and to dress up as we performed a dragon dance.

Mr Murray worked us hard in PE as he taught us how to throw overarm . He was very impressed with our throwing skills 

In worship we continue to learn how simple acts of everyday kindness really do help make the world a better place. See if you can catch your child being kind this weekend.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 


Meet Number 5

We have had great fun meeting 5 this week.

Five arrives to get the band together-and gets the party started-with a big high five!

We learnt:

  • that 5 is one more than four

  • to count objects to 5

  • to subitise 5 objects

  • to line up and order 1to 5 in order

We also started to look at more number bonds.

4 and 1 equals 5

3 and 2 equals 5

4 ones equals 5

We are now practising writing the number 5. Here’s the rhyme to help you.

5-Down and round then line up high, high five. Don’t forget to keep practising the numbers 0-4 too!!!

Chinese New Year

This week we have been finding out about Chinese New Year. We learnt that Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday celebrated among Chinese people. It is often referred to as the spring festival because it signals the beginning of spring. It is a time when families and friends get together to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. We then celebrated by eating Fortune Cookies and prawn crackers….mmmmm yummy! We even made red (a lucky colour) Chinese Lanterns.

Then we did a Chinese Dragon Dance…such great fun! Take a look at the photos! We were having so much fun Mrs Gregan had to pop in to see what it was all about!

We had so much fun we asked Reception and yr3 to join us. Year 3 played the music for us and we danced, watch our video below:

Parent Day

This term Parent Day is being held on Friday 14th February. Key persons will be available all day (9.00 am - 3.30 pm) so please sign up for a time slot (20 minutes per family) throughout the day. The appointment sheets will be brought out each evening after school. We look forward to seeing you for a catch up.

Book bags

Could I remind everyone not to bring back packs to nursery as they are causing a blockage in the nursery entrance. A blue Our Lady book bag fits neatly into our storage boxes. They can be purchased form Top Marque on Park Road, St Annes. Thank you.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and a well earned rest.

Stay safe and God bless.


Year 5 Weekly Blog 24.01.25- 'If you want to see the rainbow, you have to get through the storm'

This week has definitely been a week filled with lots of hard work and learning opportunities. Whether it’s been starting new topics, continuing with big units or large independent tasks, the children have applied themselves really well into all of our pieces of work. It has been brilliant to see the children take on the advice given from the Year 5 staff about becoming independent learners and preparing them not just for Year 6 but even for high school! It was certainly a stormy end to the week with lots of indoor play taking place. We pray that all of you have a safe and secure weekend as the winds continue into next week.

In RE, we have finished our topic of covenants and have started our new topic ‘Inspirational People’. We started by discussing what the word inspire means and how different people portray it. The children loved sharing who their inspirations were and how they inspire them (and yes mums and dads were mentioned in this). We then linked this to how Jesus was inspirational and what qualities/characteristics he has.

In English, we have continued to bring our writing to life by blending our amazing extended noun phrases and using these to create mini sci-fi stories. We will then be expanding on this even more when we add some personification!

In Maths, we have continued with our factors and multiples unit and have been doing lots of deep thinking this week, with the children using their multiplication knowledge to apply these to problem solving and reasoning questions. We have also been looking at the importance of the word ‘common’ and how this applies to our factors and multiples undersranding.

In PE, now the athletics competition is over, our focus turned to our new topics. We started hockey in our outdoor PE lessons, with the children understanding the safety and technic of using proper hockey equipment. The children then applied these skills into some passing and controlling drills. In our indoor PE lessons, we have continued with our dance topic of ‘heroes and villains’, in which we linked our new RE topic to relate our inspirational and heroic icons.

Conversation starters

My Happy Mind: This week we have been reflecting on what we are grateful for and looking around the classroom to say why we are grateful for each and every one of us. Tell every member of your household why you love them and why you are grateful to have them in your lives.

Class Novel: In our class novel, we have been talking cuisines from different countries, particularly the Caribbean, as mentioned in our class novel. What is your favourite foreign cuisine that you have tried. Do you like spicy food? (unlike Mr Cornwell).

Let’s Celebrate!

  • Poppy for being a brave and resilient learner: You have had a lot thrown at you this week Poppy. You have been working so hard during your sessions with Mrs Tierney and Mrs Hennessy, and yet you always come back into the classroom and work to the best of your ability. All of this effort will pay off- you just have to believe in yourself

    Virtue Star of the Week: This week, our virtue star goes to Tommy. You are such a lovely lad Tommy. Without a doubt, you will always ask myself if there’s anything you can help with which is such a kind offer to give, especially every single day. You are a real motivator as well Tommy, always encouraging other children when they face a challenge and you are always engaging in our whole class discussions. Thank you so much for this and for just being you.

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Josh

Marvelous Manners- Jacob


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog and keep helping your child with any work that they are struggling with- especially our spellings. It is important to make sure we are reading for at least 15 minutes a day at home to keep broadening our vocabulary, description and sentence structure.

  • Eco Trip Wednesday 5th February- We will be going down to the Sand Dunes to plant Christmas Trees, ready to be grown for Christmas 2025! The children will need to bring clothes/shoes that they don’t mind getting dirty along with a waterproof coat. We are still needing a volunteer if anyone is interested.

  • PE Days- Our PE days have changed slightly with our outdoor session being on Mondays and our indoor session on Wednesdays.

  • Fidget Toys- If this has not been discussed with your class teacher, then any sort of fidget toys are not to be brought into school. Please can bags be checked incase these have been left in from the weekend. Trading cards and chewing gum should also be kept at home.

Year 6 Weekly Blog 26.01.24 'To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try' Rosa Parks

It has been such a reflective week in Year 6. In our RE and liturgy we delved a little deeper in to the scripture ‘I am the bread of life’, at how we can nourish ourselves spirituality as well as physically through our daily interactions with others, as well as prayer and different ways we can connect or talk to God. Earlier in the week we reflected on the gospel and what it means to follow God. We have also kicked started the Jubilee in assembly, where we are joining together as a global family for the year of Hope.

Where has our learning taken us this week?

We have had a lovely week in class. Full of hard work, enthusiasm and deep reflection- and we even managed to watch the Dr Who episode where the doctor met Rosa Parks, which was such a great tool to use before we wrote our wonderful Biographies. The children were so gripped and great conversations led on from this about the injustice of the time. This week the children have finished their Outcome 2 biographies on Rosa Parks.We have done so mcuh work leading up to this, gathering vocabulary, cohesive devices and practising our use of semi colons, the children had such a wealth of knowledge and tools and could write with great confidence. I am looking forward to marking them over the weekend- they are so proud of their work!

On Monday we had a wonderful visit from Rachel from ‘Faith Friends’, to help us to learn more about Judaism. The children showed such curisity and loved hearing about an alternative faith. They had so many great questions and we can’t wait to hear more about the celebrations and fesitivals on our next visit in summer…

Leading Learners

Well done to Riley this week.

Riley, thank you for reflecting so deeply on your writing targets, responding to any feedback given and making an active effort to keep improving your work- we are so proud of you! You take advice and comments on board and apply this to your writing, we have loved picking up your book this week and seeing just how much progress you have made! 

Faithfilled and Hopeful butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intention in their actions. Children who show great faith in themselves, others and God. We will also be spotting children who are hopeful, who show hope for the future, enabling us to trust ourselves and those around us with the decisions that will shape our future. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Esther for being faithfilled and hopeful.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Ola

Role Model of the week … Sophia

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Elsie Liam Michael Layla


  • Next Wednesday the NHS are here to measure height and weight. There is also a short survey for the children to complete in regards to their mental well-being. Please make sure you have read the letter they have had fully, so you know what to expect on this day.

  • Parents day is on Friday 14th February- please make sure you are mindful of this date and appointments will be available soon.

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 30th January


  1. disappear

  2. enough

  3. natural

  4. busy

  5. breathe

  6. beautiful

  7. frightened

  8. believe

  9. receive

  10. surprise

  11. ancient

  12. curiosity

  13. disastrous

  14. explanation

  15. foreign

Mrs Barker’s group

  1. float

  2. sweets

  3. score

  4. busy

  5. nature

  6. breathe

  7. speak

  8. because

  9. friend

  10. clothes

Punctuation and Grammar

Each week, the children will complete 10 SPAG questions to keep on top of their reading and writing practice.


We have just started our new unit of factors, multiples and primes which is heavily times tables based. Make sure to keep practicing your times tables on TTRS- 5 minutes a day is all you need. Complete the following IXL’s

A10- Writing numbers up to a million: convert digits to words

D7- Multiplication facts

This week...

A busy week with lots of new learning opportunities.

Community Coffee Morning

Last Friday a small group of nursery children joined Year 1 to go along to the Coffee Morning at the Parish Centre. What a glorious time we all had. We took some colouring to do alongside the parishioners and we also had orange juice and home made biscuits, which were delicious! We can’t wait until the next one!

Faith Friends

Faith Friends is a unique project whereby two people of different Faiths work together.

They support schools by bringing the curriculum to life by making connections between life and learning, and also that two people of different faiths, backgrounds and cultures can be Friends thus contributing to community cohesion in school and therefore in the wider community.

The children on Monday joined Reception to listen to Rachael tell us about the Jewish faith.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a fantastic week of learning.

As part of our topic 'People Who Help Us', we now have a hair salon in nursery. The children have really enjoyed role playing either being a hair stylist, or a client, but the children know we don't actually cut hair, we just do everything else! There have been some crazy hair styles on the children and nursery ladies.

The children have been working their brains, calculating how to make number 4 using 4 number blocks, connecting them together to make the 4 different ways of making the number 4 (number bonds). The children have painted and printed their 4s in our key person floor book and had a go a writing 4 as well! 

The children continue to love dough disco. We have had so much fun together, working the dough in our hands. Dough disco helps to strengthen the children's fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip, which in turn will help to develop their writing skills.

Here are some videos to do at home again. Enjoy. Click here and here.

On Monday, a lady called Rachel, from the Jewish Faith friends, came to see the school to talk about the Jewish faith. We were invited, with reception, to meet Rachel. She told us all about the Jewish cap.

We learnt that it's called a kippah and that it is a small, brimless, cloth skullcap worn by Jewish people as a sign of their identity, and to show respect to God. The children took it in turns to try the caps on. Take a look at the he pictures above.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone see you all next week 


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have had a very busy week as we now have our very own hairdressers and we have made sure that the nursery ladies look their best.

We have enjoyed PE inside and outside this week. Inside we danced to Sticky Kids. One of the songs involved repairing the road, we had great fun as we had to pretend to be diggers, rollers and dumper trucks.

Such a busy week 

See you all next week 


Sharing love with everyone in our school community

During Prayer and Liturgy this week we learnt more about Jesus' miracles and how he shared 5 loaves and 2 fish with 5000 of his friends. We wanted to share something with our friends in school so we have made heart pictures for each class to share our love. 

People who help us

We continue to explore all the ways in which people can help us. Click here to play the ‘Guess who game’. Enjoy!

Parent Pay

Could everyone please check their child’s school bag as the main office has sent out letters regarding your Parent Pay codes and account; log on to set up your account, you will be able to change your login password. Thank you.

Finally, I am sure you will agree it’s been a fabulous week full of learning and fun.

Have the most wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday!

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 6 Home Learning 23.01.25

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in.

English- Please complete the reading comprehension. Remember to skim, scan and closer read, as we have been practising in class!

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!


Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 22nd January


This weeks focus is irregular past tense verbs

  1. bent

  2. drank

  3. brought

  4. drove

  5. forgot

  6. heard

  7. thought

  8. told

  9. found

  10. held


Well done to Bonnie and Barnaby who have already reached their reading targets this half term. Please continue reading at home daily.

Purple Mash - place value of three digit numbers linked to our maths learnng this week. Can you write a simile poem to describe an alien?

TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables - all levels are now open for the children to work on .

Spring 1 Optional homework - My apologies the link wasn’t working last week - I’ve rectified this and the link should now work. Any problems please let me know. These tasks link to our learning in class.