Choir have been extremely busy preparing for their perfomance at Lowther Pavilion on Wednesday 5th March. Last week we were visited by one of the organisers of the event, Katie, who went through the songs with us and helped to perfect those finishing touches!
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 7th February
We have watched the Mark 10 Mission, we listened to Jesus’s important announcement 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus announced a new time of hope for everyone
Read moreYear 6 Weekly Blog 7.02.25 - 'For never was there a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.'
This week in our RE our focus has been on the liturgy of the word during mass and the significance of this on how Jesus is present through his words, looking closely at what messages he is trying to convey to us. We have deeply reflected on how, through the bible, God is speaking directly to us, telling us how much he loves us and how he wants us to live. This has fit beautifully with this week’s gospel we have read in class, which described how Simon Peter, James and John were compelled to follow Jesus after witnessing a miraculous catching of fish. During the Liturgy of the word, we too can reflect how we can become followers of Jesus and be fishers of mean, spreading God’s love.
I don’t think anybody can say that the Year 6 classroom is not a varied one! From performing Romeo and Juliet, writing footballer profiles in french to tackling long multiplication in Maths, we have certainly had a full and diverse week of learning. Older literature is our focus now, in particular Romeo and Juliet. This week we looked at three different interpretations of this play and we have mapped out the whole plot, summarizing each main event. I will be using the 1996 film occasionally throughout the teaching sequence. This film is a certificate 12, but I can assure you that all of the content that the children will be shown will be suitable and appropriate. Year 6 loved reading and analysing scene 1, collecting all of the Shakespearean insults, making up our own using collected nouns and adjectives and then using them in our drama later that day …
This week the children have attemped grammar and arithmetic SAT’s whole papers. The children have of course have attempted example questions since September, but this is the first time they have seen them as a whole paper. This is not a benchmark for their learning, and their score is not relevant at this time, as we have not yet covered the whole Year 6 curriculum. This was simply to give the children an insight as to what the papers look like, the style of questionning, to come across misconceptions sooner, rather than later, giving the children the time and space to reflect and evaluate in a safe space. They will be getting a bit of feedback on these next week, but please do not at this point focus on scores, instead please ask that important question … what did you learn? We have to teach the children to see beyond the immediate scores and instead see this as a process, a journey of self-reflection and learning.
Delving deeper through talk …
How is God present through the Liturgy of the word?
My Happy Mind…
What character strength are you most grateful for and why?
Leading Learners
Well done to Gabriella this week.
Gabriella- Gabriella, we are so proud of your resilience in Maths this week! You have come in to school each day, fighting to achieve your goals and we love your ‘I CAN’ attitude- keep it up!
Faithfilled and Hopeful Stars
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that show our two virtues of the half term in their actions. Children who show great faith in themselves, others and God. We will also be spotting children who are hopeful, who show hope for the future, enabling us to trust ourselves and those around us with the decisions that will shape our future. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Niamh for being faithfilled and hopeful.
Lunch Time Awards …
Marvelous Manners awards … Ben B
Role Model of the week … Faye
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Ben Niamh Isaac Elsie
Please do continue to keep up to date with your child’s homework (particularly spelling). The vocabulary that the children are being asked to spell are getting more complex and they will need your support to figure out the best strategy to use. Learning them over time, rather than bulking them the night before, always seems like the best route to use.
Have a happy weekend.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker
Year 5 Weekly Blog 07.02.25- ' To be a follower of Christ, you must stop thinking about yourself'
How can we be like Jesus? that is the question that we all wish to know and in order to do so, we must follow in his footsteps. To know what it means to be a follower, you must relfect upon yourself and analyse your own actions and how they impact others. We have been looking at how the beatitudes are a guide for us from Jesus in how to be his follower and reflecting on how we can live within these.
What a week it has been! It has truly been a week of representing Our Lady’s and giving back to the community. This started on Tuesday as we took a short trip down to St Annes library to rejoice in National Storytelling Week. It was amazing to see the layout and presentation of the library as we have just recently restructured our own school and class library.
On Wednesday, we carried out our biggest eco job of the year as we walked down to the pier and helped plant Christmas trees on the dunes to help protect and preserve the future environment. We were blessed with such beautiful weather and the children worked tirelessly and excellently with each other throughout the afternoon.
We have really been stepping up our mastery of number this week by looking at large multiples of four and how we can partition this in order to work out the missing factor. his will help massively as we begin working with ratios.
In English, all of our mini story writing and creative descriptive lessons have been coming together as we have started planning our final sci story of this half term- basing our plot on ‘E.T’.
Conversation starters
My Happy Mind: To finish off our appreciate module, the children have been drawing their ‘gratitude frames’ in which they have created a picture collage of all the things they are grateful for in life. Tell your household what was in your gratitude frame and what would be in theirs if they were to draw one?
Class Novel: In our class novel, we have just reached the part in our book where Leonard has arrived in England to reunite with his Dad and has noticed the significant difference from moving to a small town into a big city. Have your Mum or Dad ever lived in a big city? If so, where did they live? What was it like? How does it compare to living in Lytham St Annes?
Let’s Celebrate!
Toby for being an creative and focused learner: As you know from myself and Mrs Gregan, we admire beautiful book presentation and you Toby have this in abundance. I can tell instantly just how focused you are in lessons because you take such care of your work and how this is presented. To go with this, your creative writing has been outstanding, using your rainbow writing practice and imagination to create some fantastic pieces of work. I cannot wait to read your final story.
Virtue Star of the Week: This week, our virtue star goes to Josh. During our eco trip, we have seen another side to you Josh. You were so enthusiastic throughout the whole afternoon and you got stuck in straight away and worked your socks off. This showed that you care for our environment and you are hopeful of making our area a better place.
Lunchtime Certificates
Role Model of the Week- Rory
Marvelous Manners- Josseph
Homework- Please check the homework blog and keep helping your child with any work that they are struggling with- especially our spellings. It is important to make sure we are reading for at least 15 minutes a day at home to keep broadening our vocabulary, description and sentence structure.
Class Library- After a huge clear-out and revamp of our school library, we have started to rebuild our own class library in Year 5. Book series seem to be really popular and we have discussed some of the children’s favourites. If have any old series of books that you would recommend to read , then we would hugely appreciate any donations. Please ask your parents before bringing any books in to donate.
PE Days- Our PE days have changed slightly with our outdoor session being on Mondays and our indoor session on Wednesdays.
Fidget Toys- If this has not been discussed with your class teacher, then any sort of fidget toys are not to be brought into school. Please can bags be checked incase these have been left in from the weekend. Trading cards and chewing gum should also be kept at home.
Half Term- School will close on Thursday 13th February at normal closing time. School will then reopen Tuesday 25th February.
Trip to Manchester Friday 28th February- This will take place during the first week after half term. Details regarding payment are live on parent pay. Children will in their normal school uniform and will have to be in school around 8:30am. Depending on traffic, we should be back at school between 3:30-4:00. A text will go out to parents as soon as we get back on the M55 when travelling back to school.
Reception Weekly Blog 7.2.25 'Even a small gift can be used to help others when Jesus blesses it''
Reception Blog
Read moreYear One Weekly Blog - 7th February
Please read all about Year One's fantastic week five of Spring 1!
Read moreYear 4 Weekly blog Friday 7th February "Come follow me and I will make you fishers of people."
We have had a lovely week in year 4. In our RE sessions this week we have looked at The Creed and why catholics say it. What does it remind us about our beliefs? We have examined the gospel story where Peter is told - you will ‘catch people’ instead of fish and discussed the meaning of this.
We had a very meaningful day on Monday at the Grand Theatre. Children took part in debates, they had a workshop appreciating what accents and dialects are and how the differ from Standard English. They also learned about how to be excellent, active listeners. Big congratulations to Bea, who got up on stage to say what she had learned.
We have studied digestion in Science, made animations in Computing, learned about French festivals and created some wonderful Shakespeare soundscapes and physical theatre.
Conversation starters
What happens to your food when you swallow it?
My Happy mind
How can you spread happiness to others?
Let’s Celebrate!
Going Green Certificate for TT Rockstars this week goes to Myles, Alice and Emilia
Lunchtime awards: Anna
Role model: Albert
Marvellous Manners:
French star goes to Hugo for a great timetable in French
This week, the learning certificate goes to Emilia. Another double whammy certificate! You are a role model Emilia because you are always so respecting and responsible. I am so impressed with how reflective you are upon your own learning. You really go for it! Well done!
This half term are virtues are faith filled and hopeful. Full of faith in themselves, God and others and full of hope in each moment as a precious gift from God. This week Liam receives the star for being a role model in class - always hopeful in his own abilities and such a nice friend to others.
The following trips are now payable on parent pay. The first two are to pay for the coach fare and have been subsidised by school too:
Aladdin at St Bedes £2
The Grand Shakespeare Playmaking event £5
Gawthorpe Hall 24th March £18
Shakespeare Playmaking festival Thursday 20th March - extra details.
The day before the festival, children will turn up as normal at school and will go to the Grand for a tech rehearsal. On Thursday 20th March they will be at the Grand all day and in the evening. However, you will need to pick them up and take them for their tea on this day - usually this is at approximately 2:30 to bring them back for 5:00 at the Grand theatre stage door for the evening show. These times may slightly change but please begin to arrange who will pick them up and drop them off. Nearer the date, I will send an online form asking you to state who is picking up/dropping off.
Have a lovely February weekend,
Mrs Lyons and Miss Bray
This week...
A great week at nursery! We have been busy tidying the garden in preparation for planting in a few weeks. We have also noticed signs of Spring! We have noticed the daffodils and snowdrops in the nursery garden…warmer days are on the way.
In this weeks Gospel we explored the word ‘follow’ and what Jesus is asking when he said to Peter that they should be fishers of people. We read from Luke 5:1-11and watched a short video to help us understand the miraculous catch of fish the fishermen landed after following Jesus’ instructions click here to watch. We discussed what a ‘miracle’ is (an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God) and if have ever witnessed one.
We learnt that it is important to make the right choice about who or what we follow. Jesus asks each and everyone of us to make following Him our most important priority and that is what we have tried to do this week.
Spa afternoon
On Wednesday afternoon we had a relaxing spa afternoon. We transformed nursery into a Zen area with candles lavender diffusers and dimmed lights. We started by engaging in mindfulness and yoga activities. We then took turns to soak our feet in warm bubbly water and massage our friends hands with soothing hand cream. Everyone was beginning to feel a bit sleepy so we laid down on squishy mats, closed our eyes and placed cool slices of cucumber on them whilst listening to tranquil music….it was sooooo lovely. I hope everyone had a good nights sleep.
Michelle’s blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog
We have had such a lovely, chilled week this week as we have enjoyed our very own spa day. This was a lovely experience for the children as we pampered our friends with a hand massage.
We have continued to develop our fundamental movement skills in PE, concentrating this week on throwing and catching and hopping.
Hopping on one leg is really tricky. Why don't you challenge your child to a hopping race. You can do this anywhere and it's giving your child some much needed practice.
We have also met some new letter sounds this week and have worked hard d to remember these. We have also had time to practice writing these sounds as well.
Our learning has continued as we consolidated our understanding of number five. We have had a go at throwing the dice and saying which number it lands on without counting the spots. This is tricky so any games involving using a dice will help your child to subitise.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has booked appointments for Parents Day on the 14th February. If you haven't, then I do still have a couple of slots available.
Have a lovely weekend
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone,
We have had a fabulous week of learning. The children have had fun making 5 with their fingers, working out that we can make 5 in different ways. For example 2 on one hand and 3 fingers on the other hand make 5, or 4 and 1 make 5.
The children have been giving each other high 5s, and they have even been drawing around their hands and printing high 5s on their floor book, which looks great. Here is a game I think you will like. Can you feed the teddy 5 or less cakes. Click here.
I'm looking forward to showing you the children’s floor book on Parents Day, as the children have worked so hard. They have really enjoyed getting involved with their book.
We have also been practicing writing some of the sounds that we are leaning. They are tricky, but the children have enjoyed trying to have a go. It really helps to say the rhymes that go with sounds, as this will help the children to learn to write the letters as well as learning the sounds.
I can't believe next week is our last week before we break up for half term. Time flies when you are having so much fun.
Have a wonderful weekend, and see you all on Monday.
Numberblocks 5- Holes
For the children who are ready for a challenge! Here’s a short video about addition, subtraction and number bonds to 5. Five and friends discover a hole that makes their heads fall off! Learn how to count up and down and how to add to five with this video. Click here.
Parent Day
This term Parent Day is being held on Friday 14th February. Key persons will be available all day (9.00 am - 3.30 pm) so please sign up for a time slot (20 minutes per family) throughout the day. The appointment sheets will be brought out each evening after school. We look forward to seeing you for a catch up.
Read, write Inc.
This week we have met some more sounds e, l, h, sh, r. The children are getting very good at recognizing the sounds and saying them correctly. We practice them every day! We are still trying to write the sounds and the rhymes are helping. Click on the button below for the sounds placemat to have a practice at home. Don’t forget duck fingers to hold the pencil! Now lets see what Geraldine Giraffe has to say..
Click here for ‘e’
Click here for ‘l’
Click here for ‘h’
Click here for ‘sh’
Click here for ‘r’
Forest School is this Friday. We are hoping to make dens and eat pop corn!! Watch for more on this next week.
Half Term holidays.
School and nursery will be closing for half term on Thursday 13th February and reopening on Tuesday 25th February.
Garden shout out!
If anyone has any seeds, plants or shrubs they are willing to donate to the nursery garden we would be most grateful. Thank you in anticipation.
I hope the suns shines this weekend and we can spend lots of time outdoors. Fingers crossed!
Stay safe and God Bless
Year 5 Homework- Due 13th February
Mrs Barker’s group
Punctuation and Grammar
Each week, the children will complete 10 SPAG questions to keep on top of their reading and writing practice.
We have just started our new unit of factors, multiples and primes which is heavily times tables based. Make sure to keep practicing your times tables on TTRS- 5 minutes a day is all you need. Complete the following IXL’s
A18- compare numbers up to one million
S2- compare temperatures above and below zero
Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 7th February "Let Jesus calm the storm within!"
What a busy week for the arts: Collage, drama and poetry ……..
Read moreForest school information WB 10th Feb
Forest School information
Read moreYear 4 homework to be completed by Thursday 13th February
Word meanings
These are the words we have explored the meaning of this week. Can you tell your parents what they mean?
This week we have our normal spelling sheets, with our rule to practise too. We are looking at spelling comparative and superlative adjectives and the rules involved.
Over a third of the class have now gone green which means they can recall all times tables in less than 4 seconds.
TTrockstars working on going green - keep practising in the garage to turn your heatmap green. The more effort you put in, the more you are teaching your brain to recall facts.
Gone green - If you have turned your heatmap green, practise in the studio now to raise your rockstar status. Or you can go on multiplayer and select Rockslam. Challenge someone else who has gone green to a speed match!
This week we have learned the key facts 3 x 8 = 24 and 4 x 6 = 24. What is the same? What is different about these 2 facts?
We will Rock You on Charanga
Optional Home Learning - Spring
Please click on the link below to access this and further your learning:
Year 6 Home Learning 6.02.25
Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday
Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck- it’s all about the long multiplication method this week!
English- Please complete the reading comprehension. Remember to skim, scan and closer read, as we have been practicing in class!
Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!
Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 12th February
This weeks focus is ‘ey’ sound spelt eigh, ey and ei
Please continue reading at home each night, there’s just over a week for children to reach their reading targets.
Well done to Xander, Blythe, Logan, Heidi, Eliza, Barnaby, Bonnie, Dexter, Jacob, Freddie, Michael, Sasha, Marla, Jude Cu, Scarlet and Luca who have reached their targets.
Purple Mash - adding and subtracting multiples of 10 from 3 digit numbers - linked to our maths classwork.
TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables - all levels are now open for the children to work on .
Spring 1 Optional homework
Year 2 Home Learning to be handed on on Monday 10th February
Spatial Reasoning fun for maths this week ….
Read moreReception Weekly Blog 31.1.25 'May the Lunar New Year be as graceful and as the gentle snake'
Reception Blog
Read moreYear 6 Weekly Blog 31.01.25 'The one who has hope lives differently; the one who has hope has been granted the gift of a new life'
This week our liturgies have been centred around the Jubilee year- the year of hope. We have now launched this across the school, this is a landmark moment in the life of the global church. We, as a school community, are invited to join together as pilgrims of hope, pledging to work together for God’s kingdom of justice, peace and love. This week, we have created our Holy door leading to our classroom, welcoming hope for ourselves and others every time we enter…
Where has our learning taken us this week?
We have had another great week in Year 6, with lots of hard work, resilience and of course laughter! In English we have been practising using our active and passive voice, use of semi-colons, reading skills and have kicked off our topic on Romeo and Juliet. In maths, we have been scaling up and down, using our knoweldge oif number to problem solve, finding factors of numbers and missing numbers in calculations- all in preparation for next week where we will start our long division learning- children need to be able to retrieve their mulitplication facts quickly to be successful in this area, so please keep working with your children at home, if you feel like they need some extra practise! In French this week, we have been translating football vocabuary, in Music we have been harmonising and using notation and in Science we have conducted an experiement, testing the hypothesis: Do fizzy drinks contain more sugar than fruit juices?
Leading Learners
Well done to Ruby this week.
Ruby, you always have such a wonderful attitude towards your learning and this motivates the people around you. You are always focused and determined in any task you are given, your effort across all subjects makes you a super role model and we are always impressed with your reflections in RE.
Faithfilled and Hopeful Stars
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that show our two virtues of the half term in their actions. Children who show great faith in themselves, others and God. We will also be spotting children who are hopeful, who show hope for the future, enabling us to trust ourselves and those around us with the decisions that will shape our future. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Archie for being faithfilled and hopeful.
Lunch Time Awards …
Marvelous Manners awards … Jacob
Role Model of the week … Esther
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Faye Esther Luke Jacob
Parents day is on Friday 14th February- please make sure you have made your appointments.
Homework- Please check the homework every week and keep helping your child with any work that they are struggling with. It is important to make sure we are reading for at least 15 minutes a day at home to keep broadening our vocabulary, practising fluency and for some of us we need to be able to read with speed, whilst still undertsanding the text- this only comes through regulalr practice, please help them.
Year 5 Weekly Blog 31.01.25- ‘Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and a good thing never dies’
As we are coming to the halfway mark of Year 5, the children’s focus, reflection and attitude has really been visible this week in the expectations of upper juniors. To mark this checkpoint throughout the year, Mrs Gregan brought together all of Year 5 and 6 together to discuss leadership throughout the school and what we can do to improve on this. In English, we have been using various creative writing techniques in our sci-fi topic to create description such as extended noun phrases, modifying nouns/verbs, similes and personification. In Maths, we have stepped up our multiplication game and have been using partitioning and factorisation to help break down some trickier and larger sums.
We have picked up our French topic again which has been all things space. This links perfectly with our science topic as children are going into the lesson with so much knowledge. We have recently been comparing planets using French adjectives and how to construct this within a French sentence.
We have been getting through the chapters of our class novel, the ‘Windrush Child', as we reach the stage where Leonard, a young boy from Jamaica, comes to England to start a new life and rekindle with his father.
Let’s Celebrate!
Tilly for being an enthusiastic and focused learner: With the launch of our new class library, I always had you in mind for this role. Not just throughout this week but all year you have been so enthusiastic about your reading and then bringing this to life in your creative writing. Just keep doing what your doing Tilly!
Virtue Star of the Week: This week, our virtue star goes to Grace. You already know that manners cost nothing and yet these are just second nature to you. You are so polite towards every member of your class- child and teachers included. You may not realise this yet but your impeccable manners and respect will take you far in life Grace.
Lunchtime Certificates
Role Model of the Week- Poppy
Marvelous Manners- Tilly
Homework- Please check the homework blog and keep helping your child with any work that they are struggling with- especially our spellings. It is important to make sure we are reading for at least 15 minutes a day at home to keep broadening our vocabulary, description and sentence structure.
Class Library- After a huge clear-out and revamp of our school library, we have started to rebuild our own class library in Year 5. Book series seem to be really popular and we have discussed some of the children’s favourites. If have any old series of books that you would recommend to read , then we would hugely appreciate any donations. Please ask your parents before bringing any books in to donate.
Eco Trip Wednesday 5th February- We will be going down to the Sand Dunes to plant Christmas Trees, ready to be grown for Christmas 2025! The children will need to bring clothes/shoes that they don’t mind getting dirty along with a waterproof coat.
PE Days- Our PE days have changed slightly with our outdoor session being on Mondays and our indoor session on Wednesdays.
Fidget Toys- If this has not been discussed with your class teacher, then any sort of fidget toys are not to be brought into school. Please can bags be checked incase these have been left in from the weekend. Trading cards and chewing gum should also be kept at home.
Trip to Manchester Friday 28th February- This will take place during the first week after half term. Details regarding payment are live on parent pay. Children will in their normal school uniform and will have to be in school around 8:30am. Depending on traffic, we should be back at school between 3:30-4:00. A text will go out to parents as soon as we get back on the M55 when travelling back to school.
Year One Weekly Blog - 31st January
Please read all about Year One's fantastic week four of Spring 1!
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog Friday 31st January
We have watched the Mark 10 Mission, we listened to Jesus’s important announcement 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus announced a new time of hope for everyone
Read more