Homework to be handed in Wednesday 12th February

READING - How often is your child quizzing? Do they bring their books home every night? Are they reading every night? It is the responsibility of children to make sure they quiz if they finish their book in school as they get reading time to do this every day. Please keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING Keep going with these spellings, make sure you can spell them independently:

Might Doesn’t Probably Maybe Library Circle

Think about the different ways I have given you to learn these spellings- which one do you like best? Which one works best for you?


On Purple Mash, under the 2 Do list, please complete the ‘Roman Soldier’ activity. Describe how a Roman soldier's Armour and clothing aided him in battle. This will be printed off and put on display so don't forget to include your name.


This week we have been adding multiples of ten- please have a go at the additions in your homework book.



Have a go at the’ Roman Soldier Code Quiz’ or put yourself in to the role of a Roman Soldier. Both tasks are under the 2Do list.

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 5th February

READING - How often is your child quizzing? Do they bring their books home every night? Are they reading every night? It is the responsibility of children to make sure they quiz if they finish their book in school as they get reading time to do this every day. Please keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING-One more week to practice these tricky spellings:

Might Doesn’t Probably Maybe Library Circle

Think about the different ways I have given you to learn these spellings- which one do you like best? Which one works best for you?


In class we are starting to learn about how we can change our sentence structures and how we can make complex sentences. We are looking at what a subordinate clauses? Subordinate clauses are different to main clauses as they do not make sense of their own- usually because they have a subordinating conjunction within them, such as ‘although’ ‘before’ ‘which’. Please can the children complete the worksheets in their books, adding a main clause to each of the subordinate clauses. Can they spot the subordinate conjunction? Can they circle it on the sheet if they can find it?


MATHS - The children have been working hard on crossing boundaries when adding and subtracting. Please can the children use the partitioning method (Method B from last week) to calculate the following calculations in their books:

maths calculations 2.PNG

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 29th January

MATHS- Please complete the calculations on below in your homework books, by following the methods we have been doing in class shown below. The children have been working hard on these in class, so therefore should know what to do in each method. You can decide which one works best, but try and show it in your working out.

maths calculations.PNG
help sheet of methods.PNG

Could you also please practice your numbers bonds to 100 to make sure you have that instant recall it is so important and will help you with ALL of your adding and subtracting in the future…

Make it a game …here is a brilliant game to help you practice- you could even have a go at beating your mum, dad or brother/ sister!

READING - Keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING- Please practice your NEW Year 3 tricky spellings (I have added some in there that we are forever getting wrong also to mix it up a little)

Might Doesn’t Probably Maybe Library Circle

Think about the different ways I have given you to learn these spellings- which one do you like best? Which one works best for you?


In class we have been revising compound sentences from our Year 2, the children are doing really well with this but do need lots of practice in order for them to use different sentence structures in their own writing. Please complete the compound sentence sheet in their books.

Compound sentences are when two main clauses are linked together using a coordinating conjunction. Have a look at the picture below to help:



Can you please complete the research sheet in your homework books finding out who the inventors of electricity were and any information you can find out about them.

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 22nd January

There were a lot of children that hadn’t completed the IXL strands or completed the sentences in their homework books this week. These IXL strands would help them greatly, as they really reflect what we are doing in class. I know for some children it took them a little longer than most weeks to complete some of this, therefore I will give children another week to complete all homework areas, but if it could be completed by next Wednesday it would be greatly appreciated. There will be a couple of extra bits or slight changes so please make sure you check all areas for any of these changes:

MATHS- Please complete the following IXL Maths strands G1 and G2 in ‘addition of two digit numbers’ and H1 and H2 in ‘subtraction of two digits’.

READING - Keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING- We have another week to practice our year 3 tricky spellings:

Strange peculiar describe sentence grammar straight

Well done to those children who took the time to make up mnemonics for the spellings, some of them were very impressive! How about this week you ask a parent to quiz you on the spellings in your homework book or even make up some silly sentences using the words?


If you haven’t already please complete the IXL strands Q1 and Q2 on prepositions and remember to complete the sentences in your homework books, using the following prepositional phrases:

Behind the shelves …

Before school starts

At home …

In the garden …

Along the lane …


Can you please complete the research sheet in your homework books finding out who the inventors of electricity were and any information you can find out about them.

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 15th January

READING - Keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING- We have new words for the next two weeks to learn at home, please make sure you look up the meaning of the words and learn how to spell them.

Strange peculiar describe sentence grammar straight

Why don’t you come up with mnemonics for each of the words? For example:

GRAMMAR - In our English sessions we have been learning about prepositions and using them within our sentences to give extra to nouns. Try to finish these prepositional phrases in your homework books, by finishing the sentence…

Behind the shelves …

Before school starts

At home …

In the garden …

Along the lane …

CHALLENGE: Maybe you could make your own up?

Could you also please complete the following ENGLISH IXL strands Q1 and Q2 on prepositions


MATHS- Please complete the following IXL Maths strands G1 and G2 in ‘addition of two digit numbers’ and H1 and H2 in ‘subtraction of two digits’.

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 18th December

Christmas Concert Preparation - The main homework this week is to practice and learn the words off by heart for the songs for our Christmas Concert next week.

READING- Continue to read lots of at home- I am so pleased with the progress the children are making, we need to keep this up!

If you haven’t already, please complete a book review for a book you are reading on purple mash, it will be under the 2do list section ready for you.

SPELLING- One more week to practice our spelling focus. There were some great pictures made from these spellings- well done.

Heart Special Remember Strength Appear Breath

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 11th December

Thank you so much for those who have completed the book reviews, they are wonderful and as soon as we have more in we will look at a good place to display them! We were extremely impressed with some of the creative paragraphs with the spellings of the week, especially as it helps the children to understand the meaning of the words and how they can be used in the right context.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT PREPARATION - Please make sure you are practicing and learning the songs ready for our Christmas concert.

READING- Continue to read lots of at home- I am so pleased with the progress the children are making, we need to keep this up!

If you haven’t already, please complete a book review for a book you are reading on purple mash, it will be under the 2do list section ready for you.

SPELLING- There are new spellings this week. Please learn the spellings as much as you can off by heart. See if you can design a picture in your homework book or on a blank piece of paper using the spellings. Look below for some examples.

Heart Special Remember Strength Appear Breath

MATHS - Please complete the IXL sections E5 and E6.

ENGLISH OPTIONAL HOMEWORK- Some of you just could not decide on the dragon you wanted to write about, so if you are feeling inspired and would like to, why not write a non-chronological report on the dragon of your choice or the one you didn’t get chance to write about. Try to use the vocabulary, sentence openers and connectives we have been using in class. I know some of you have already done this, which we have been extremely impressed with in class- we love how some of you go the extra mile with your work, well done!

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 4th December

Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you put in to your ‘Save the Manchester Ridge-Back’ Dragon poster- they are truly wonderful and we cant’ wait to put them up on display in the classroom!

READING- Continue to read lots of at home- I am so pleased with the progress the children are making, we need to keep this up!

There are lots of great conversations about books between the children, it would be great if we could put up some reviews to share the books we would recommend to one another. This week, if you finish a book that you have enjoyed, then please complete a book review on Purple Mash- it should be under the ‘2do’ section so it will be easy to find.

SPELLING- This week I have decided, as the spellings are quite tricky and we are struggling with a couple of them, we should have another week to perfect them, but this time can you put the words in to a short paragraph that makes sense- maybe it could be a short story or a news report of a dragon sighting or even a humorous story? It would be great to read some of these out in class …

Probably Woman Therefore Important Recent Various

MATHS - On Purple Mash please complete the Maths to do activities on ‘Fact Families’ and’ Match Related Facts’

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 27th November

READING- Please make sure you are reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes EVERY night and get them to ask you questions about the text, I can’t stress how important this is! Are you quizzing regularly enough? Are you reading books that you enjoy? Are you challenging yourselves with the books you are choosing?

SPELLING- This week we have spellings from the Year 3 and 4 spelling list of tricky words. The expectation is by the end of Year 4 children will be able to read, spell and use all of these words within their writing. so please have a go at practicing these in fun, creative and different ways- we would love to see all the different ways you try to learn them.

Probably Woman Therefore Important Recent Various

MATHS - Please complete the IXL strand L10 and L14 under ‘PLACE VALUE’

ENGLISH- As you know we have been learning all about a particular type of species of Dragon ‘The Manchester Ridge-Back’. Unfortunately this species are becoming rare (close to extinction) as people are mistaken them for a more viscous type of dragon. We MUST protect the Manchester Ridge Back! Help us by creating a poster on the sheet of paper provided urging people to protect this dragon- you will need to use pictures to attract people to look at it, explain WHY they need protecting and what people can do to help. These will then be displayed in class.

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 20th November

READING- ARE YOU READING WITH AN ADULT? Many children are coming to class saying they have not had the chance to read with a grown up at home. Please, please, please make time for this as it is the most crucial part of their learning.

SPELLING- We are slowly moving on to the Year 3 and 4 list now, although there are still some children struggling with the previous weeks spelling. Please keep going over these tricky spellings with your child, don’t just forget about them. Stick them in their bedroom, quiz them in the car or even put them on the fridge for all to see! Please learn the following spellings for next week:

Earth Build Decide Arrive Different Difficult

Once again, if you want more of a challenge then please feel free to practice some of our Year 3 and 4 key spellings on the following website.


ASSEMBLY PREPARATION - Children NEED to know their lines off by heart for next Monday please. Could you please make sure they learn their lines off by heart with lots of expression and volume. The lyrics of the song that we are learning as a class for the assembly have also been sent, if children could use the clip below to practice and sing a long to that would be great- they must also try to learn this song off by heart …


Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 13th November

READING- Please make sure you are reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes EVERY night and get them to ask you questions about the text, I can’t stress how important this is! Are you quizzing regularly enough? Are you reading books that you enjoy? Are you challenging yourselves with the books you are choosing?

SPELLING- Like last week the spelling is from Year 2’s key spelling list, just to remind ourselves of how to spell some of those tricky words. Like last week, make sure you know when you would use these words by putting them in to different sentences out loud with an adult or in your books. We will be quizzing on them as part of our spelling lesson next week:

People Money Hour Everybody Clothes Behind Children With

Once again, if you want more of a challenge then please feel free to practice some of our Year 3 and 4 key spellings on the following website.


MATHS - Please complete the IXL strand B2 and B4 under ‘comparing and ordering’ to practice our use of the greater than and less than sign- we must make sure we do not get mixed up with which way the crocodile snaps! I will be checking who has completed these strands on Wednesday.

ASSEMBLY PREPARATION - Children have now been given their lines to learn for the assembly on the 19th November. Could you please make sure they learn their lines off by heart with lots of expression and volume. The lyrics of the song that we are learning as a class for the assembly have also been sent, if children could use the clip below to practice and sing a long to that would be great- they must also try to learn this song off by heart …


Year 3 homework to be handed in Wednesday 6th November

READING- Please make sure you are reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes EVERY night and get them to ask you questions about the text, I can’t stress how important this is! Are you quizzing regularly enough? Are you reading books that you enjoy? Are you challenging yourselves with the books you are choosing?SPELLING- This weeks spelling list is from Year 2’s key spelling list. They seem to be ones that a lot of us get mixed up over and need consistent practice- make sure you know when you would use these words by putting them in to different sentences out loud with an adult or in your books. We will be quizzing on them as part of our spelling lesson next week:

Where What Were When Went Which

There will be some of you that feel quite confident with these spellings and can apply these to your writing. Therefore if you want more of a challenge then please feel free to practice some of our Year 3 key spellings on the following website. You could start on the Year 2 spellings and build up to the Year 3 and 4 spellings which are more challenging?


HISTORY - In your homework books can you research Stone Henge and write up some facts or information to share with the class. What information can you find?

MATHS- Complete the ‘compare and order numbers up to 1,000’ on purple mash- you will find this under 2do. Don’t forget to make sure you focus on the quiz as it could time out.

OPTIONAL SCIENCE - Create an information text on the human skeleton on Purple Mash under the 2Do section.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 16th October

SPELLING - well done on the spellings you collected and learnt last week. This week we have new tricky spellings to focus on. I have taken these from your books and focused on words that we keep getting wrong:

because climb beautiful could should would

We are trying lots of different ways to practice these in class- what exciting and fun ways can you think of to practice these words at home? Maybe produce some art work with the words? Write a silly story with the words in? Create a crossword? Or even get the grown ups to keep quizzing you? We will have a quick quiz next week to see how well we have learnt them!


MATHS Please complete the IXL strands L2 Place value models up to hundreds and L5 Place value up to hundreds

HISTORY You have now started your learning about the Stone Age. Please complete the reading of the slideshow on the Stone Age on your ‘2do’ list at the top of purple mash.

SCIENCE Please complete the worksheet in your homework books by labeling the names of the bones in the human skeleton and then completing the research question at the bottom of the sheet.

Year 3 homework to be handed in Wednesday 9th October

SPELLING - We are continuing to look at words with prefixes. This week we will also focus on the prefix ‘in’. Prefixes always go before the root word. How many words can you collect in your homework books with the prefix ‘in’? Can you find any in your books? What do they mean? How does it change the meaning of the word? Can you put some of them in sentences?

We will also be continuing to learn by sight our tricky spellings:

Though Thought Through Although Believe Caught

We are trying lots of different ways to practice these in class- what exciting and fun ways can you think of to practice these words at home? Maybe produce some art work with the words? Write a silly story with the words in? Or even get the grown ups to keep quizzing you? We will have a quick quiz next week to see how well we have learnt them!


Maths Try to complete as many as you can of the skip counting sections on IXL (between A1- A7) to help speed up our mental recall. Please try to complete at least two of these before next Wednesday. I can see some of you have been on IXL already this year to practice skills so well done!

Purple Mash Next week we will be evaluating your ‘lion and the Mouse’ fable retelling- have you finished it to the best of your ability? I will be looking at whether you have retold the story with words as well as pictures to show this, and whether the presentation is clear to follow.

OPTIONAL RE- In RE we are focusing on entering in to the Christian Family through the sacrament of Baptism. We will looking in to this in a lot more detail next week, so next Wednesday if you have any photographs or anything from your baptism that you would like to show to the class, you are more than welcome to bring it in to class on Wednesday for our RE lesson.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 2nd October

Well done on last weeks homework and getting to grips with Purple Mash! I hope you enjoyed it! You did great on the spelling practice- well done! There is a few of us however that needs to go back to the Maths task- reading and writing numbers- to continue to work on this skill. What score did you get? Did you get less than 60%? If so please keep working on this area with a grown up.

Read more

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 25th September

MATHS on Purple Mash- Please complete the 2Do Maths task ‘Read and write numbers’ to compliment what we are working on in class.

ENGLISH on Purple Mash- Please practise your homophones on the quiz set on the 2Do list. We will be looking at this in more detail next week in lessons. Remember homophones are words that SOUND the same but have a different meaning and spelling.

We have also stuck in some extra spellings and numbers for you to practise at home in your home learning books. We have noticed many children need extra practise at forming their digits the correct way and spelling of tricky numbers.

READING- It is vital that you read every night and make sure that you are reading to an adult. Ask questions, expand your vocabulary and discuss the characters. Enjoy your quiet time together!

Optional homework

We have really been enjoying our yoga sessions with Mrs Ward. Why not put some quiet music on and practise some of our yoga techniques. Can you maybe teach one of your grown ups? Practise being still and sitting mindfully. Breathe through your nostrils. What sounds can you hear around you when you are truly mindful? Collect them for Mrs Ward.