Year 1 Weekly Blog 14.7.23 'Stand tall and be proud, be yourself, you are amazing!'

‘Stand tall and be proud, be yourself, you are amazing!’


As we approach the end of term I want to tell you how proud I am of everyone and to say a big thank you to yourselves and your children, for working so hard together to make such great progress. It has been such an amazing first year at Our Ladys.

Maths: This week we have been writing addition and subtraction equations, using a cherry part-part-whole digram, ensuring that the parts and the whole are in the right place.

Our train day out

On Tuesday we had our train trip, we were so lucky with the weather and enjoyed watching the train arrive at St Annes station. We had a ride on the minature railway, followed by an ice cream and a play in the park, what a treat! We then wrote a recount of our trip in English.

History: On Thursday we had a visit from Lytham Fire Brigade. This is linked to our topic the Great Fire of London. We enjoyed sitting in the fire engine and even got to use the hose. We started to learn about what London looked like in 1666, then discovered there was a fire, we have enjoyed watching different videos with magic Grandad being a class favourite.

Today we had a great fire of London day and did lots of great activities. We compared fire engines now and then, started to make wattle and daub panels and rebuilt the city of London in a way that would prevent the fire happening again.

Castle: On Thursday we opened Castle Hodges we listened to a story in it and enjoyed playing in there at break times.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, two Sadie Spiders for their determination with their handwriting and for super spellings.

Henry is going home with these children for both having a great week and for excellent work in Maths and English, well done.

Reading Challenge: I am really sorry I didn’t get chance to sort out certificates today. It is our last week of certificates, Wednesday will be the last day to recieve a certificate as Thursday will be a very busy day.


  • Don’t forgot to bring in a coat just incase it rains, we try to get outside as much as possible.

  • Mass for Year 6 and Mrs Hodges: On Wednesday we will be walking to church to celebrate our fantastic Year 6’s and our caring, wonderful Mrs Hodges! Please make sure you have a waterproof with you just in case!

  • Please send in a large plastic bag on Monday as we will be preparing the children’s work, wellingtons and any belongings in their trays ready to take home on Tuesday. This will give us plenty of time to make sure all items have been returned! Thank you

  • We break up on Thursday 20th July at 2pm

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 7.7.23

What another incredibly busy week! Two school trips, sports day and a transition day. I am so proud of the children, they were brilliant on our school trips and tried their best on sports day. I can’t believe there are only 8 1/2 days left of school!

Today we had our transition into Year 2 the children came back with huge smiles and told me all about their morning. They all have a button and their challenge is to look after it and bring it back to school in September.

Maths: This week we have created our own subtraction number stories, and then used these to fill in their cherry part-part whole diagrams.

English: We have started to write the begining of our story and will continue it next week. Thank you for the amazing train homework,the children loved sharing their trains.

Geography/DT/Science: as part of our topic work we visited Ridgeway farm and went to St Annes farmers market. The children enjoyed both trips and asked wonderful questions. We learnt so much!

Sports Day:

Well done to Marsden who won overall. The children were amazing and enjoyedsports day. It was lovely to see so many grown ups supporting their children, the children loved seeing you. Thank you :)

St Annes Train Trip:

On Tuesday 11th July we are going to look at St Annes Railway station and walk to the front to ride the miniature train and have an ice-cream. This is linked to our English topic Trains. Please wear appropriate clothing for the morning as we will be outside, school uniform or PE kit and a coat, thank you.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, two Clara Clownfishes for asking wonderful questions on our school trip and linking their learning.

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week in school, you have really been focused and were excellent on our school trips well done.

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).

Green Day Friday 14th July

The Eco council are raising money for new general and recycling bins for the playground. Please bring a pound and wear green.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 30.6.23

We have been working very hard this week. We are looking foward to a very exciting week next week!

Maths: We have been looking at subtraction and making up our own number stories using the Rekenreks.

English: We made our posters independently I was verry impressed! We have started our train topic we read the books: ‘How to Train a Train’ and ‘Thomas goes Crash’ we have found out lots of interesting facts out about trains.

Science: we discussed signs of Summer and took a picture with our class tree, then compared our tree in the different seasons. We talked about the changes that happened each season and remembered that we were surprised during Spring because there were still no leaves on our tree! This was because it was so cold in Spring, it took a lot longer for the leaves to grow back on our tree we are pleased to see they have grown back in Summer.

Mass: yesterday it was lovely to walk with our Year 5 buddies, and the rest of the school to attend our reflective mass for the feast day of St Peter and St Paul.

Upcoming Trips:

We have lots of exciting trips coming up.

Ridgeway Farm:

On Tuesday 4th July we will be visiting Ridgeway farm, as part of our Science, Geography and DT topic.

If you have said you are bringing a packed lunch please bring it in, everyone else I have ordered school lunches.

Please wear appropriate clothing for the farm (non-school uniform) and bring a waterproof coat as we will be out in all weathers, it is recommended that you wear wellington boots, or old outdoor shoes.

On Thursday 6th July in the morning we will be visiting St Annes Farmers Market, we will meet and chat to the different stall holders to find out more about where their produce has come from.

On Tuesday 11th July we are going to look at St Annes Railway station and walk to the front to ride the miniature train and have an ice-cream. This is linked to our English topic Trains.

The total cost for these trips will be £13.50, Mrs Hodges has put the trip on Parent Pay.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, a Bobby Bee and Sadie Spider for great enthusiasm in lessons and for not giving up.

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week in school, you have really been focused and a great role model.

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :). We have our first Emerald award too!

Sports Day is on Thursday 6th July at 1:30, we have been practising and are excited for you to come and watch us.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 23.6.23 ‘A little magic can take you a long way.’

‘A little magic can take you a long way.’

Roald Dahl

I can’t believe we at the end of another week already! Even though there are only a few weeks left we have lots of exciting activities planned.

Maths: We continued our addition work and made up our own number stories using the ten frames, ‘first I had 5 chocolates, then I had 3 more, now there are 8 chocolates’ we used 2 different colour counters to represent our objects and told our stories the class. We were very creative.

English: We discussed pet shops and looked around one online then we came up with our own sentences, ‘I went the the pet shop and saw a fluffy dog with a long tail’. We worked in groups to think about how we coud look after a pet rabbit, next week we are going to make posters using our work bank sheets.

Gym Jam Jog: What a great turn out we loved running in our Pjs and eating toast together in the classroom. Thank you for your support it was lovely to see all the children and grown ups enjoying themselves.

Yesterday we all completed a mini first aid course, we learnt how to put a plaster on, who we call when there is an emergency and what we can do if someone is lying on their back and needs help. We loved listening to the story the mini adventures of Freddie especially because we have a Freddie in our class too!

This was our finial visit to the library in Year 1 we listened to a poem and a Roald Dahl traditional story, we returned books and borrowed new ones. We were very pleased to see our picture that we made to say thank you for the library was in the children area. There’s an exciting summer challenge that starts on 1st July pop into the library to find out more information.

Upcoming Trips:

We have lots of exciting trips coming up.

Ridgeway Farm:

On Tuesday 4th July we will be visiting Ridgeway farm, as part of our Science, Geography and DT topic.

On Thursday 6th July in the morning we will be visiting St Annes Farmers Market, we will meet and chat to the different stall holders to find out more about where their produce has come from.

On Tuesday 11th July we are going to look at St Annes Railway station and walk to the front to ride the miniature train and have an ice-cream. This is linked to our English topic Trains.

The total cost for these trips will be £13.50, Mrs Hodges has put the trip on Parent Pay.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees, a Kiki Chameleon for creative storytelling and a Bobby Bee for enthusiasm in RWI.

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week, you have been a very kind friend and been very focused in all lessons especially RWI.

Reading Challenge: Unfortunately due to staff illness, we didn’t get chance to check certificates or change books, we will do this next week. Thank you for your understanding.

Sports Day is on Thursday 6th July at 1:30, we have been practising and are excited for you to come and watch us.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 16.6.23 'The world belongs to those who read.'

‘The world belongs to those who read.’

Rick Holland

Wow, the children have been so resilient this week, it has been very hot and we have had our Phonics screening. I am so proud of everyone they have all worked incredibly hard and stayed focused.

As a treat we enjoyed ice pops and a film this afternoon, thank you again for all of your hard work at home, it has shown this week and I can’t believe how much progress has been made.

Maths: We have revisited teen numbers again and used the rekenreks to make these number remembering 10 and a bit. Our stem sentences we have been practising are 10 needs …… to make…. ….. is made from 10 and ….

English: We have started editing and marking our wonderful work from last half term, we are looking forward to our new topic next week Pets and Trains all will be revealed in the next few weeks :).

 PE: We practised our bouncing skills on Monday and on my duties I brought the balls out so we could practise during playtime, we loved it! Today we practised our Sports Day activities and races, we are excited for our Sports Day on Tuesday.

RE: We loved our lesson with Mrs Hotchkiss, we learnt that Jesus showed his great power when he calmed the wind and waves. We reflected that we can ask Jesus to help us when we are afraid. Here is our re-enactment of Jesus and the storm.

Upcoming Trips:


Our final trip to the library will be on Friday 23rd June, please bring in your library cards, if you would like your child to take a book home.

Ridgeway Farm:

On Tuesday 4th July we will be visiting Ridgeway farm. Please can you fill in this form so we can order packed lunches. The price of the trip and more information will be available next week.

Let’s Celebrate:

As we have all been amazing, we couldn’t pick two children for our certificates so it is for the whole class for all the learning characters:

Well Done Year 1, it has been a very busy week, You have shown enthusiasm and creativity in our Phonics sessions. You were all focused during the screening, we have worked hard together and supported each other. We were determined to remember our ‘special friends’, ‘Fred talk’ and ‘read the word’ and were reflective with our learning to keep improving. I am so proud of each of you and for all of your hard work.

 Keep it up :)

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week, you have been focused this week in all lessons, well done :).

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).

Sports Day is on Tuesday 20th June Weather permitting at 1:30 we are looking forward to seeing you :).

Gym Jam Jog is on Wednesday 21st June at 8am don’t forget your sponsorship forms and come in your pyjamas.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 26.5.23 'Not trying is much worse than failing.'

‘Not trying is much worse than failing.’

A World Without Failures by Esther Pia Cordova

What another busy week we have had, we have been incredibly focused in our RWI sessions to help prepare us for our phonics screening, this will take place the week we return to school Monday 12th June- Friday 16th June. It is really important that you use your phonics pack to practise and maintain their hard work at school as 2 weeks is a long time. It doesn’t need to be hours just a quick 10 minutes daily (if possible) or as much as you can, something is better than nothing at all. Once again thank you for all of your support at home, it is wonderful to hear how excited the children are to share their learning with you at home. I have been told about phonics lessons at home and I can see how proud they are, and we are too :). Here are the links again we love these games.

Maths: We have continued writing ‘equations’ (e.g. 5 + 2 = 7), we have been checking that the plus and equal symbols are in the right place. We have been telling our own number stories to each other and writing the correct equations to match.

English: We have been amazed by all of the children’s writing this week, they have used their innovated story maps to retell their own story independently. It has been great that they have been focused and have not given up when they have found it difficult and most importantly applying their phonics knowledge to support them.

 PE: We loved our extra PE lesson on Thursday afternoon with Year 2 to practise our sport day activities. We did it again today and are excited to show you when it is our sports day.

Music: look at our brilliant performance of us and down, this time we used musical instruments.

On Thursday I set the children a challenge, could they play with somebody they don’t normally play with in our class. At first we were a bit worried, but we were up for the challenge. I was so pleased to hear all the lovely stories and games they played together, most children decided to sit next to them at lunch time and most importantly we all had fun. I am so proud of all the lovely friendships we have developed in our class and we are being kind friends to each other by making sure nobody is by themselves.

Upcoming Trips:


Our final trip to the library will be on Friday 23rd June, please bring in your library cards, if you would like your child to take a book home.

Ridgeway Farm:

On Tuesday 4th July we will be visiting Ridgeway farm, I will provide more details after half term.

Let’s Celebrate:

Congratulations to our awardees: two ‘Bobby Bees’ for their fantastic innovated independent stories, well done.

Henry is going home with this person for always making good choices and being brave and playing with new friends, well done :).

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :). I will be creating some new certificates for next half term for those who have achieved their platinum award.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely break

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 19.5.23 'somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world'

‘somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world'

Matida, Roald Dahl

What a fabulous week we have had, a little bit of sunshine has made us feel happier. We have enjoyed learning about Queen Victoria and how she influenced the trend for white wedding dresses and tiered cakes. We compared her wedding dress to the wedding dresses that other royal brides wore. We drew her wedding dress and cake and then designed our own. What great designers we are. We have continued sharing our history homework and we have learnt so many interesting facts! for examle King Charles 111 is the oldest King aged 73 to be crowned and King Edward V1 the youngest at the age of 9

Maths: We have started writing ‘expressions’ (e.g. 5 + 2) and ‘equations’ (e.g. 5 + 2 = 7), We are looking at the plus and equals symbol, we have practised the stem sentences …. plus…. is equal to and … is equal to ….. plus …… and writing four equations to match the pictures e.g there are three blue birds and two yellow birds:

  • 3+2=5

  • 2+3=5,

  • 5=2+3,

  • 5=3+2

    We learnt that an addend is a number which is added to another and sum is the result of adding two or more numbers together. So the addends above are 3 and 2 and the sum is 5.

    Today we rotated different activities to give us the opportunity to practise the skills taught in maths.

English: We finished writing our retell of the Caveman Next Door and have started to innovate our stories changing the main characters and the places they visit. We are so impressed with the children’s independent writing, we are becoming accurate spellers applying the skills learnt in RWI and working hard on our handwriting and enjoying the challenge of cursive writing.

Next week we will be focusing on strategies to prepare us for our Phonics screening, this will commence the week we come back after our half term holiday. I will be making up packs next week for your half term holiday homework. Please read as much as you can and use the resources that are on the help your child at home section. There are some great games on the Phonics play and Phonics bloom websites.

 PE: We have loved our PE lessons this week, on Monday we played throlf, which is like golf but you roll or throw underarm or overarm to the target, some children managed a hole in one! Today we had a relay race.

On Thursday the whole school attended Mass, to celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. We walked and sat with our Year 5 buddies, we have developed some lovely relationships and the children are always excited to see each other.

Look at our brilliant performance of the song up and down, we have been learning this song in our music sessions.

Computing: on Purple Mash we learnt how to create a simple algorithm by using the direction keys to move the characters in the right direction and we learnt how to debug their algorithm, if we had made a mistake, we enjoyed these challenges. If your child would like to have another go, I have set it as a 2do. See if they can remember how to find and complete the challenges. Open the 2do, click on the purple menu button top left of screen, click new, click on challenges we only went up to challenge 4 but they can complete all of the challenges if they want to have a go, they get more difficult each level. Next lesson we will complete longer algorithms and creating our own challenges for each other.

Show and Tell

Please can we not bring toys in for show and tell, I do not want them to break or go missing, It has been lovely to hear about all our achievements outside of school. We didn’t get chance to finish our show and tell today so if you have something to share you can bring it in on Monday.

Let’s Celebrate:

Congratualtions to our awardees: a Sadie spider for her determination in Maths and a Lizzie Ladybird for brilliant sentences.

As everyone has had Henry we voted in class if we wanted to continue to send Henry home or to stop. As there are not enough weeks in the year for everyone to take Henry home twice. We discussed that although we will feel disappointed we should be pleased for our friends and if you take Henry home not to show off and to also to be kind and considerate. 26 voted to said continue and 4 said to stop so Henry is going home with this person for always working hard a for being a great role model in our class :).

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 12.5.23

We have had another fantastic week of fact finding and celebrations.  We have re-enacted the coronations of both Queen Elizabeth and King Charles, we discussed the similarities and differences between these two wonderful events.  We found out that in Saturdays coronation Camilla was crowned as Queen but with Queen Elizabeths coronation Prince Philip wasn’t crowned as King.  This is because traditionally Kings always reign, and Phillip could not out rank the Queen.

 We have learnt more about King Charles and made a timeline to show his life. We are looking forward to learning about Queen Victoria next week and how she changed traditions and inspired new trends such as a white wedding dress and tiered cakes.

Royal Family Challenge

Thank you for all your fact finding at home, the children have enjoyed sharing their research with the class and we have been impressed with their creativity with brilliant videos from BBC Jude, Barnaby, Danny and Jude and so much more! Unfortunately we didn’t get to share everyone’s wonderful work so we will continue on Monday. Well done everyone!

Maths: This week we have continued looking at the numbers 6-10 and made our own human number line, which was great fun. We have described where the numbers sit on the number line, e.g 3 is AFTER 2 but BEFORE 4, 3 is BETWEEN 2 and 4. Please can you make your own number line at home and practice the stem sentences to describe where each number sits.

Without mathematics, there`s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is number

Shakuntala Devi

English: We are busy writing up the caveman next door using our story maps and actions to help us remember our sentences. We have all enjoyed this book written by Tom Tinn-Disbury about Ogg the caveman and how his friend Penny helps him live in the modern age.


PE: We loved our joint PE lesson with Year 2, they were great role models and helped us develop our underarm and overarm throwing skills. PE will be back to normal next week and will continue to be on Mondays and Fridays.


This afternoon we loved our visit to the library we enjoyed choosing our own books to take home. We will be going again after half term so bring in your library cards if you would like your child to take a book home. If you do not have a library card and would like one, please let me know. There is a party for Elmer at the library on Saturday 27th May 10am-11am.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: Two Bobby Bee certificates for their enthusiasm in RWI.

 Henry is going home with this person for a super week in school, well done:)

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who recieved their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).


  • We are walking to Church on Thursday to attend Mass, please ensure your child has a suitable coat as the weather has been unpredictable recently.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 5.5.23

We have loved celebrating the coronation in school today, we enjoyed all the different activities in class. At lunchtime we managed to get outside and have a picnic with the whole school and sit with our Year 5 buddies. It was lovely to see everyone dressed up in red, white and blue and as members of the royal family.

Yesterday we started our History topic on the royal family, we discussed what do I know about the royal family? What would I like to find out about the royal family? What is happening at the weekend and who are the members of the royal family? We learnt about the different members of the royal family and made their family tree as a class, then in groups. We were really impressed that the children worked together as a team and could make the family tree.

We are so excited for next week We are going to re-enact the coronation of King Charles and compare this to Queen Elizabeths coronation. We are also going to find out more about the royal family together.

Royal Family Challenge

I have set for your homework a challenge to carry out research and find an interesting fact about the royal family that you can share with the class. You can be as creative as you like and think about how you might display, present or share this interesting fact in class. You might want to build a model that explains your fact, you could draw a picture and write your fact like a fact file, you might even want to make a video like a news report!

Please bring you interesting fact into school by Thursday 11th May (or if it’s ready before that’s fine too!).

Maths: This week we have continued looking at the numbers 6-10 and that they can be composed of 5 and a bit representing them in different ways using a range of resources. We have used the STEM sentences 5 needs____to make___ ___ is made of 5 and___. We have also drawn our own cherry part-part whole diagrams to represent these numbers!

Mrs Hotchkiss came in to teach us a few lessons too, we looked at greater than >, equal to = and less than < please can you ask your child at home what the symbols mean, maybe they can write their own. I think you will be very impressed with how quick the children are with their answers !

English: we have started to orally retell The Cave Man Next Door and create our own story maps ready for us to start writing it up next week.

Computing: we had to order pictures for making rice krispie cakes and jelly, it was very tricky but we did it. We are getting quicker at logging on and off Purple Mash. Please keep practising.

PE: due to the bank holiday we will have PE on Tuesday so we don’t miss out, please come in your PE kit on Tuesday.

RE: We continued our discussion about how Jesus appeared to his disciples in the upper room we imagined that we were the disciples and thought of questions we would ask Jesus. More excellent independent writing, I have enjoyed seeing all the childrens confidence grow and I love how they challenge themselves and how they are are using their phonics knowledge to write without any adult support! We are incredibly proud of Year 1.


On Friday afternoon we will be visiting the library, I have the library cards ready for those who brought the form back and if you would like your child to bring a book home, please bring in your library card.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: for being a great role model in Year 1 and for super focus in RWI and excellent sentences in English.

Henry is going home with this person for her excellent Maths work, you didn’t give up when you found it difficult and you became more confident by the end of the week, well done:)

Reading Challenge:

Due to a busy day and week we will award the reading challenge winners next week in our assembly.


  • Don’t forget to wear your PE kit on Tuesday next week.

  • Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 1 Weekly Blog 28.4.23

Last week I set the children the challange of trying to pick healthy options for their snack, well done it has been great to see the children eating lots of fruit and vegetables this week.

On Tuesday we retold and sequenced what had happened in the classroom last week. Then this week the time machine came back! But there were no dinosaur footprints, we investigated to work out when the time machine had travelled from and who or what had come out of it. We hot seated the main characters and thought of some fantastic questions and answers. Today we had to think of advice to give to Ogg and in our sentences we had to use and/but/or. We only had a few minutes before lunch so we practised our sentences on whiteboards. I could not believe how amazing they were, they all wrote them independently. I am excited to see their final sentences on Tuesday written up neatly and remembering to use capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops.

Maths: This week Mrs Hotchkiss came to see how hard we have been working in Maths she is really pleased with us. We have been focusing on how the numbers 11-15 can be composed of 10 and a bit, we have used our rekenreks and cherry diagrams to represent these numbers. We have been practising the STEM sentences 10 needs____to make___ ___ is made of 10 and___. See if you can remember the STEM sentences for the different numbers.

Computing: we have been learning about algorithms ( a precise set of instructions used to solve a problem of achieve an objective). To do this we have had to follow instructions to colour pictures in make Lego models and on the iPads paint a bird. At first we all found it very difficult but by the end of the week we were experts. I have set for homework a house for you to colour following the algorithm:

(1) Paint the chimney using cookie dough.

(2) Paint the roof using jellybeans.

(3) Paint the door using chocolate.

(4) Paint the walls using sprinkles.

(5) Leave the windows unpainted.

PE: on Tuesday Mr Swindlehurst is going to come and teach us a lesson, so please come to school in your PE kit.

RE: We discussed that Jesus appeared to his disciples in the upper room and imagined we were Peter and wrote what happened, we drew happy and shocked faces.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: a Sadie Spider for excellent determination in maths, working well with your partner to find different ways to make the same number and a Lizzie Ladybird for super sentences in English your handwriting keeps getting better and better!

Henry is going home with this person for his excellent Maths work well done :)

Reading Challenge:

Well done to these children, they will be announced in our assembly next Friday, keep it up it would be wonderful if everyone could get their bronze certificate.


  • Don’t forget to wear your PE kit on Tuesday next week.

  • Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 21.4.23

This week we discovered a time machine in the classroom with some footprints, we discussed what had happened! We thought it could be the evil pea again or maybe a dinosaur. We decided to use the iPad to record to see if we could capture our guest. We found out we had a dinosaur in our classroom! We pretented to be the dinosaur and imagined coming out of the time machine and how we would move around the classroom. Then wrote sentences about what had happened and how we could get the dinosaur back in the time machine so he could go back home.

Maths: We have been focusing on shapes, we had different challenges to complete at the end of the week to give us the opportunity to discuss these shapes and even make their own in a range of ways.

Computing: we have been looking at grouping and sorting shapes and making our own pictograms. Please can you continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash, the children’s log in cards are in the reading books or if can’t find yours please let me know and I can give you a new card.

Today Steve from CORAM life education came to speak to us about how we can keep our bodies healthy, We met Harold and helped him pack a healthy lunch. We have been set a challenge to bring in healthy food for our snacks. Your child has also brought a leaflet home with more information.

Let’s Celebrate:

Yesterday we were very lucky that Diane from RWI could come in and give us extra training, she worked with these children and they were super stars. They had a RWI session with lots of adults watching! They have all been awarded Cooper Crab certificates for being focused during the full session they were brilliant listeners and learners and Tommy Turtles for being brave and not being distracted by all the adults in the room, well done :).

Henry is going home with this person for a super week well done :)

Reading Challenge:

Well done to these children, they were announced in our assembly today, keep it up it would be wonderful if everyone could get their bronze certificate.


  • Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 6.4.23

As a school community we have gathered together each morning, to watch as each year group has re-enacted parts of Jesus’ Easter journey. Each day as part of our RE, we have taken the time to discuss, reflect, ask questions and role play. Then watched the next class to share their interpretation with us. Here is our own retelling of Palm Sunday.

English: We have written innovation drafts of our Peter Rabbit stories, after Easter we are excited to write our stories again in our best handwriting and then self-assess and mark our own work.

Maths: We have continued looking at wholes and parts using cherry diagrams, we have also been introduced to bar charts! To help we used multilink and had to work out the parts by seeing how many multilink fit in the bar chart. We are getting quicker at working out the parts. Please continue to practice at home by asking your child how many more they need up to 5 e.g the whole is 5, I have two what is the other part? then once confident go up to 10.

Science: We were excited to take our cress home and shocked that our apple seed has grown a shoot, we germinated it weeks ago then planted it 2 weeks ago. Our sprouting peas have grown too!

Lenten Promise:

Wow what a successful art exhibition we had yesterday, thank you so much for coming it was lovely to see the excitement on the children’s faces and for them to share their amazing art work with you. I can’t believe how many people we were able to fit into the classroom! We raised over £65 for CAFOD!

We have had a lovely end to our half term, I promised the children if they worked hard this week, we could have a golden day! It was well deserved, we continued with our Easter arts and crafts.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: A Sadie Spider for your determination with your handwriting and reading and a Lizzie Ladybird for being a reflective learner, listening and focusing during input and applying this especially in your English work.

Henry is going home with this person for super listening especially in English, I am so proud of your focus this week and I know you are too, well done!

Reading Challenge:

Well done to these children, they were announced in our assembly today, keep it up it would be wonderful if everyone could get their bronze certificate.

Easter Egg Competition

There were lots of brilliant entries well done :), there was even a Miss Drummond egg, I feel very honoured thank you :). The class council voted for their winners it was a very difficult choice. Well done to our Year 1 and our Key stage 1 winners.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely rest and Easter break :)

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 31.3.23

This morning, we had the pleasure of watching the Year 2 worship of Palm Sunday. It was such a lovely start to our school Holy Week, we are looking forward to the rest next week and discussing and reflecting on them as part of our RE.

English: We have started to innovate our Peter Rabbit stories, we have thought of a different character and a different fruit/vegetable. I have been very impressed with their writing and I am excited to read everyones stories and for the children to mark and self-assess their own work.

Maths: We have continued working on our part-part-whole cherry diagrams to find all the possible combinations of 5 and working out 1 more and 1 less of a number. Ask your child at home lots of questions to secure this knowledge. We have loved playing lots of games to help us improve our fluency, such as if I have 3 counters in my open hand how many are in my closed hand. I am going to clap 5 times (clap twice, how many more time do I need to clap) ask you child at home how to play. We really had to think hard about 1 more and 1 less as the questions have been worded in a different way. Have a go at the ones I have set for the homework. We also used the rekenreks to tell stories: first there were 6 birds 1 bird flew away, then there were 5 birds.

History: On Tuesday we found a letter in our classroom and a book, it was from an astronaut, who set us a challenge to work together to build a tower with only tape and paper! It was great fun.The book was about Neil Armstrong, we have loved finding out about him this week and I have enjoyed the children bringing in books to share with the class, we love learning about different people.

We designed our own coin and stamp to commemorate the moon landing, ordered and retold the trip to the moon, made a group Neil Armstrong timeline and discussed reasons for and against going to the moon. We thought it might be nice to see but it could also be dangerous and we might get stuck there!

Music: We composed our own music using a repeated pattern and played it to our name song.

RWI: this week my group loved reading about the whales we decided we should make some posters to help save them, we researched whales and what we could do to help them. We discovered that we need recycle our plastic properly so it doesn’t end up in the ocean.

The other groups loved retelling their stories and acting it out, we love drama!

Lenten Promise:

We enjoyed our arts and craft day, invitations have gone home and our exhibition will be on Wednesday 5th April starting at 3- 3:40, we are very excited for you to come and see our beautiful creations. There will be a donation box in the classroom, to help us raise money for CAFOD.

Let’s Celebrate:

We have two Kiki Chameleons for a very creative week and super sentences in English keep it up :)

Henry is going home with this person for an amazing week in school well done!

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart. Try and just sign once per day so we can keep it going, thank you :). We will announce the certificate awardees next week in our Thursday assembly.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  • Please bring your lenten boxes back by Wednesday 5th April.

  • We break up at 2pm on Thursday 6th April.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 24.3.23

‘Even the smallest one can change the world’

Beatrix Potter

It was a great start to the week with our assembly, the children worked incredibly hard and I am very proud of them. They we amazing, thank you for all the lovely comments we really appreciated them. Here is our brilliant Hail Mary video.

It was great to chat to the rest of our parents at parents evening and share how much progress everyone is making, how hard they are working and how proud we are of them.

English: we started our own story maps for our own tale of Peter Rabbit the Radish Robber! Mrs Gregan joined us for two of our English lessons this week and was very impressed with our sentence retell and our actions to help us remember our sentences.

Maths: I set the children the challenge of playing the game odd one out. They had to subitise 3 sets and say which was the odd one out and why, e.g. the 5 numicon, five dots on the dice and 2 counters, the counters are the odd ones out because the others show 5. Then they created their own for their partners. We created our own bus stories with the rekenreks, there are 5 people on the bus one person gets on the bus how many are there now.

Science: we have loved our science this week, we went on a signs of spring hunt and did a tree bark rubbing, drew flowers outside and in our books and labelled them. Then we planted cress seeds and pea shoots and used magnifying glasses to help us draw an observational picture of a daffodil with oil pastels. One of our apple seeds germinated. We know it takes years for a tree to grow but we want to investigate and see what will happen to our seed while we are in Year 1.

RE: We heard the story of Jesus and his followers going into Jerusalem and thought about how we would welcome a special visitor to our school. We hot seated Jesus and asked some fantastic questions ‘why did you choose to ride a donkey?’ Xander, ‘because my Mum rode a donkey to the stable’ Isla, ‘Is it fun being Jesus?’ Heidi ‘yes beacuse people like me and I help people’ Daniel.

We all attended mass this week with our Year 5 partners and Year 2 as part of our Lenten journey. It was wonderful to see the older children look after Year 1 they all sat and listened beautifully.

Library: I will give the forms out next week (sorry I forgot to hand them out) if you would like your child to have a library card, fill in the form and return to school. I will take them to the library, then when we go after Easter they will be ready and children with libaray cards can pick a book to take home.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate holders this week:

All of year 1 for: an amazing assembly, we were focused during practise. Creative with our Mum portraits, poems and songs and curious to learn how to sign the Hail Mary. We were brave performing to an audience.  We all worked well together and were supportive of each other. We were determined to remember our lines and when to come on and off the stage. We were all enthusiastic with our performance and reflected to help make improvements.

I am so proud of you all :).

Cooper Crab: for being very focused this week on the carpet and writing brilliant sentneces in English.

Kiki Chameleon: for your detailed flower drawings and labelling all the parts of the flower in science.

Henry is going home with this person for her hard work in RWI well done.

Well done to our PE superstars, for their excellent Space routine.

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart.

I can’t believe we have even more bronze certificate awardees this week well done! This weeks and last weeks awardees were announced during assembly, they were all very proud to share their acheivement with the whole school.

Lenten Promise:

As a class we voted to have a craft day at school this will be on Friday 31st March, we will be making a range of crafts and Easter cards for the residents at Stella Matutina and the parishioners. To help raise money for CAFOD we are going to sell tickets for you to come and see our exhitbition of crafts in school. Invitations with the date of the exhibtion will be going out next week.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 17.3.23

‘There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they will take you’

Beatrix Potter

It has been lovely to come back to school this week and find out everything the children have been up to whilst I have been away. I really missed them and it was nice to hear about how excited they were when they knew I was coming back. A big thank you to Miss Lavelle, Miss Johnson, Mrs Carragher, Mrs Davis and Miss Forster who have been very busy helping the children with their work.

We have had such a busy week again with lots going on. It was great to chat to some of our parents at parents evening and share how much progress everyone is making and how hard they are working and how proud we are of them.

This week we have been practising our assembly, I have been very impressed with them, they have remembered their lines, songs and worked hard. We are very excited to share our hard work with you on Tuesday.

English: we have continued our wonderful work on Beatrix Potter, we read Peter Rabbit and hot seated him, the children loved thinking of questions to ask him.

Maths: We have continued looking at wholes and parts in maths and represented them by using a part-part-whole cherry diagram. We manipulated 6 multilink from whole to parts, to find all the different ways we could make 6 with two parts. We even drew our own cherry diagrams!

Music: We used the xylophones to play the name song, we had so much fun, we love our music lessons.

We loved our trip to the library, we met Stefan and he read Pirate Pete’s Talk like a Pirate, Miss Forster, Mrs Davis, Mrs Carragher and I had our own lines! Unfortunately the children decided we had to walk the plank, they thought this was hilarious. They had some brilliant pirate voices so we decided they could stay on the ship :). Although a few children wanted to walk the plank so they did at home time. We also had time to listen to the Snail and the Whale. The children were a credit to the school and so well behaved we have been invited back to the library. I am sending home a slip for you to fill in and attaching a copy on the blog for you to complete so your child can have their own library card. So next time we go they can choose a book to take home. If you already have a library card you can bring it in to school.

I have attached two versions, a PDF and word document, you can only open the word document on a computer or laptop.

D&T: the children loved their design and technology lesson today, Miss Neves has sent home an envelope for the children to do at home, cut out the person and attach the arms with the split pins enjoy.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate holders this week:

Lizzie Ladybird for working hard in Maths and listening well on the carpet.

Sadie Spider for being focused during our practise and using lovely expression when speaking.

Well done to these two children, Henry went home with this person last week for a super week in school, he is thinking about how he can make good choices and this is being demonstrated in class.

Henry is going home with this person this week, for a brilliant week! I have been really impressed with your independent work and your organisation during our assembly practise you know your lines and when you need to be on the stage and have been supportive to your friends.

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart.

I can’t believe we already have bronze certificate awardees well done .

Lenten Promise:

As a class we voted to have a craft day at school this will be on Friday 31st March, we will be making a range of crafts and Easter cards for the residents at Stella Matutina and the parishioners. To help raise money for CAFOD we are going to sell tickets for you to come and see our exhitbition in school. I will let you know the date of the exhibtion ASAP.

Cake Sale:

On Monday Year 6 are having a cake sale for their Lenten promise to help raise money for CAFOD, All cakes will be sold for 50p. If your child would like to buy a cake please bring money in. Thank you.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  • Don’t forget it’s the second parents evening on Wednesday 22nd March.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 10.3.23

What another busy week! The children have worked very hard and have adapted well to the changes this week. I am looking forward to coming back next week, I have missed them :).

In science we were looking for signs of Spring, however we have had very strange weather this week as it normally snows in Winter not Spring! Look at Mrs Gregan’s newsletter to see the video of the children playing in the snow today during break, they had so much fun. We learnt about deciduous and evergreen trees and discovered our class tree is a deciduous tree because it loses it leaves in Autumn and Winter. We drew and labelled our own trees in our books.

English: We researched Beatrix Potter in groups, using the iPads and we had to read some information about her. We then used this information to make a fact file about her. We are starting to read her the tale of Peter Rabbit books and are excited to retell and rewrite them.

Maths: We have continued looking at wholes and parts in maths and represented them by using a part-part-whole cherry diagram. We have manipulated different objects from whole to parts, to help the children recognise that the whole and the two parts are the same quantity.

The children loved the origami workshop on Wednesday.

Trip to the Library:

On Thursday 16th March, we are going to visit St Annes library, we are very excited. We will be walking there so please ensure your children comes into school with a suitable coat.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to Patrick for being focused in Phonics and Blythe for her enthusiasm with her reading. Keep up the hard work.


Unfortunately due myself being ill this week, we have postponed our assembly to Tuesday 21st March. There will be two showings of the assembly: 9.10am and 9.35am. This gives myself and the children chance to enjoy putting it together and takes the pressure off. We will be practising next week and are excited to be performing to everyone again :). Thank you for your understanding.


  • Please book your parents evening slots, if you haven’t already (online) Wednesday 15th March and Wednesday 22rd March, from 2.00pm-5.30pm - book here

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 3.3.23

It was lovely to see so many grown ups on Wednesday for our book look, the children loved looking through their books and felt proud to share their hard work with you.

On Monday we discovered a red door in our classroom, we made predictions about what we thought might be behind the door. Over the week we found out it was the red door from the book: The Journey by Aaron Becker. The whole school has had this book to use in English this week.

We looked at the first page and discussed what we coud see and how we thought the little girl (we named her Rose) was feeling.We created our own worlds behind our own red doors and wrote what our world was called, who we would bring and what we would take with us. I was very impressed with the children’s indepedent writing. We then worked in groups we each had a different picture, wrote what we could see and thought of our own sentence for the picture to create our own story.

We loved sharing our stories with the Year 5 children yesterday afternoon, everyones outfits were amazing! We also enjoyed some world book day activities too!

We had some very tricky challenges in Maths, we all had a piece of paper and we had to cut it in 4 parts with 1 part being bigger than the other 3. We had a few misconceptions as some of us were counting as we cut but forgot about the other part in our hand so we ended up with 5 or more parts, but with lots of practise we got there.

We have also been looking at a whole group using egg boxes and other objects, we had to say if it was whole or not whole. We were all very good at this even when I filled the containers with different objects and used different colours, we could see it was whole because there were no spaces. ‘This is a whole group of…. because I have all of them none of them are missing’

In RHE we discussed some good secrets and bad secrets and helped Susie, we decided on things that we could keep to ourselves such as a surprise birthday card and things we should tell an adult such as another child taking our snack and saying that we shouldn’t tell anyone. We were all

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees for being very creative thinking of lots of different actions for our poem and song, and for your enthusiasm with your reading, you have read lots this week and have ben excitied to change your books.

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week at school.

Well done to our PE superstars for excellent teamwork :).


On Tuesday 14th March it is our class assembly at 9:10, we will be practsing next week and are excited to be performing to everyone again :).


  • Please book your parents evening slots, there is more information on Mrs Gregan’s newsletter.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 24.2.23

First of all I would like to say a huge thank for those who came to our Phonics stay and play, the children loved showing you around the classroom and they enjoyed playing all the different phonics activites with you. I understand it can be difficult to leave work during the day so if you would like more information or have any questions please send me an email.

I have uploaded the PowerPoint and all the activities in the help your child at home area. Click underneath to go straight there.

In Maths we have been looking at different ways to make 6 and wholes and parts, the children had playdough and had to listen to my specific instructions:

  • cut your playdough so you have two parts that are different sizes.

  • cut your playdough so you have two parts that are about the same size.

  • how can you cut your playdough to give you the biggest possible part? what do you notice? we found out we had one large part and one small part.

  • if we put our playdough together will it be whole? We combined the parts to make a whole.

  • I then asked a challenge question can you cut your playdough so one part is bigger than the whole? We realised that this was impossible!

On Wednesday Father Peter came to school for our Ash Wednesday Mass, we also exchanged out Lenten boxes with Year 5. The boxes looked amazing it was lovely how you had thought about your partners likes and created a box specially for them.

In Science we have started looking at seeds and plants, we found out about the different fruit and vegetables that can be grown in our gardens. We tasted apples and pears, cut an apple in half and drew it. Our observational drawings were brilliant, we talked about all the details and the colours we needed to use.We were inspired and wanted to know if we could grow an apple tree from the apple seeds, so we researched it. We found out you can but it takes years! You have to first germinate the seeds by putting them in a tub with damp paper towels then leave them in the fridge for three weeks. So we thought we would conduct an experiment to see what would happen to our seeds.

We went on a flower hunt outside and all took our own photos on the iPad of the flowers we found, there were crocuses, daffodils, daisies and snowdrops.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees for great improvement with her reading and super listening this week and for working hard in RWI you always join in and stay focused.

Henry is going home with this person for her brilliant artwork and fantastic sentences :).

Well done to our PE superstars for excellent teamwork :).

It was lovely to go the Lytham Heritage Centre to view our amazing artwork and see two of our children recieve their highly commended awards. Well done :)

Important Dates:

Year 1 Coffee Afternoon and Book Look

On Wednesday 1st March at 2:20-3:20 you are invited to come into school to have a look at your children’s books, they will pick their books and work that they are proud of and want to share with you.


On Tuesday 14th March it is our class assembly at 9:10, we will be practsing next week and are excited to be performing to everyone again :).


  • Please book your parents evening slots, there is more information on Mrs Gregan’s newsletter.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher