This week we have delved further in to our two new virtues… Grateful and Generous. In class we had a liturgy where we shared what we were grateful for and then put these on our class display. Some of the things they are grateful for are very beautiful. We have now chosen the dates for our cake sale, where we have pledged to be generous with our time in making delicious cakes for KS2 and KS1, in the hope we can raise money for our chosen charity- CAFOD- this Lent. Harcout and Bamber will bringing cakes on Monday 20th March and Plessington and Marsden will be on Tuesday 21st March. Please be aware that we are striving to be as NUT FREE as we can, so no nuts or any trace in the cakes/ biscuits. If children would like to write on what their cakes are and any ingredients, this would also be helpful.
You are never alone when you are lost in a book…
I love World Book Day! Yesterday brought us much happiness, laughter and excitement. I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs from yesterday and that they make you smile as much as we did. This year, we have tried something a little different… throughout the school, we have spent the week studying an illustrated book ‘Journey’. All of our English lessons have been centred around this book and every year group has produced some amazing work in response to it, which will be displayed at the front of our school hall. The children have loved studying this book and we discussed how analyzing texts such as these requires such a depth and perception.
What have we been learning this week?
Such another busy week! The children have approached each of their SAT’s papers with such determination, resilience and maturity- we are so proud of them. They are now itching to get these back to receive their feedback and set themselves targets!
English - We have been applying our active and passive voice this week in grammar. Our English lessons have centred around ‘Journey’ this week. We have sequenced, predicted and analyzed this book, creating a S map of the story and inferred the characters thoughts and feelings. We have then put all this knowledge and content to create a diary entry of the character.
Maths - We have continued to master our fraction work, finding fractions of amounts, solving problems, adding and subtracting fractions and of course consolidating our arithmetic.
RE- The offertory has been our main focus this week, the meaning of this at mass and the gifts that we have to offer God in our daily lives.
Leading Learners
Well done to James and Evie this week.
James you show such a deep understanding of your learning and this shows in your work but also with your perceptive and thought-provoking insights during class discussions.
Lexi, we love your recent change in attitude towards your learning. Your focus in lessons and the way you are managing your distractions is having a huge impact on your work. You have realised that in order to make the progress you want to, you have to work even harder at the areas you find most challenging. This takes real bravery and determination, both of which you are starting to show but you must continue working on this- well done.
Grateful and Generous butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Lexi and Jacob O for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Abi Holly Jacob M India
Parents’ Evening - Please make sure that you have booked an appointment via Mrs Gregan’s blog.
Don’t forget to come to our Book Look next week on Wednesday 8th March 2:30pm
Water Parks meeting is on Thursday 16th March 4pm. MEDICAL FORMS HAVE GONE OUT TODAY AND MUST BE RETURNED ASAP.
Date for diaries- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly- Thursday 6th April
On Thursday 16th March the NHS will be conducting the National Child Measurement Programme. All children in Reception and Year 6 will have their height and weight measured, unless you choose to opt out. Please read the letter below for more information. They will also be conducting the School Health Needs Assessment Programme. This allows us to assess the health and social care needs of children in Year 6. Please read all of the information below.
Have a lovely weekend.
I will see you on Monday.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster