Year 5 homework to be complete for Thursday 3rd October


Most of the class are really getting into their reading stride. I am delighted to see children carefully selecting books that are challenging yet accessible- this is a very important and mature skill. Children are experiencing increased reading success and their is a buzz in the room at reading time! Well done everyone. KEEP READING EVERY NIGHT- we need to improve our daily reading times now!

Assembly lines

Some children have assembly lines- please make sure you know them for Monday!


We have synonyms for feelings: sad and fear. Can you learn the spellings:

Livid, furious and irritated

Petrified, and anxious

When we write we are trying to choose the right word- sometimes the words we know are just not powerful enough!

Purple Mash

I am sure the children have already told you about our new computing platform- Purple Mash. The children have all been to a purple mash club at lunchtime run by Year 6. Today we completed our first task in class- writing about our history topic “Ancient Greece”. I have set two "2do” tasks for the children:

Task one: Game - Testing your 3 and 6 times tables facts

Task two: As requested A Slide Show. Creating a slide show all about your passion! Mrs Hotchkiss would have to create one all about sewing or Manchester Utd!

I have set up the tasks and the folders into which the work needs saving!

Have fun!

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 2nd October

Well done on last weeks homework and getting to grips with Purple Mash! I hope you enjoyed it! You did great on the spelling practice- well done! There is a few of us however that needs to go back to the Maths task- reading and writing numbers- to continue to work on this skill. What score did you get? Did you get less than 60%? If so please keep working on this area with a grown up.

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'A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new' Albert Einstein

What a wonderful week in Year 3 we have had, especially as the sun has been shining! I don’t know how, but we have managed to fit a lot of learning in to just one week, which shows just how focused and settled the children are in Year 3. This week we have had our first music lesson with Mrs Mallinson, we have had french with Madam Jefferson and of course Art yesterday with Mrs Curtis.

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Year 4 homework to be handed in on Thursday 26th September


Please complete units B! and B2. I have put your IXL passwords in your homework books - except for those who did not hand it in. Yours is in your bags.


Please do lots of reading over the weekend and read for 20 minutes each night - lets see how many children can meet their reading target this half term! Well done to Elise who has already met it!

Seed dispersal.

We have learned lots about seeds and how they disperse this week. Go on a walk around your garden or a park. Have a close look at the seeds in the plants. How do you think they disperse? Draw them in your homework book and see if you can write a little explanation of how you think they do it.

Our main categories were:

Wind: some seeds have parachutes, helicopters or shakers

Animal: Some get eaten, some get buried and some hitchhike on an animal’s fur!

Gravity - some are heavy and roll whilst others catapult out.

You could use some of our lovely language of explanation eg, in order to, as a result, consequently, since, because, this means that, this enables…..

Year 2 - Home learning 20.09.2019


I have sent home a sheet for the children to have a go at practising their handwriting as well as going over some of Year 1 spellings from last year. These spellings will not be quizzed on next week. New Year 2 spellings will be given out next week.

Don’t forget to read those books!


This week’s maths home learning is linked to the place value work we have been completing in class.

IXL English

A.1 A.2

C.1 C.2 C.3

IXL Maths

A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 (NEW SECTIONS ARE IN BOLD)

Remember, please work through what you can on IXL.

Thank you, Miss Woodend

Home Learning 20.9.19

This week the children have been asked to practise their number formation. Let’s make sure all of those numbers are the right way around! The children have also been challenged to describe Mole (from our class story) using as many adjectives as they can. If you could stick these two sheets into their home learning books, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please continue to practise the speed sounds with the children. If the children could practise their sounds every time before they read, that would be AMAZING!

Finally, please read, read, and read! “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”


Year 5 homework - to be handed in on Thursday September 26th


Please read every night. I have sat with every pupil this week and showed them their current reading data. We have set some personal targets too. I will be able to share all this with you too during Parents Day in October.

I have also sent home another Greek Legend “ The Giant Wooden Horse”. We see the return of Odysseus- this is a story set during the Trojan wars before he set off on his odyssey!


Once you have read the story of the wooden horse write a paragraph in your homework book SUMMARIZING - I have modeled this skill in class and we have already had a go independently to! Take care, make sure you sequence the main events so your summary is clear.


We have explored Roman Numerals to 1000- it is tricky! We learnt the mnemonic:

I value Xylophones like cows dig milk!

We have also worked on IXL unit A6. It would be wonderful if you can achieve 100 percent on A6- be resilient!

For those who have got 100% and for those who need more practice press the button below to complete the challenges. For the less confident have a go at beginners and intermediate and for the confident go for the advanced.


The suffix OUS

Mountainous, dangerous

Courageous outrageous (keep e to that the g is a soft g)

Orange words: Ancient and language

In class council today we decided that it was important for parents to sign our homework book each week. We agreed that when we have completed a task- but there is no written evidence- the children will write the task (few words) and the parent will sign. This makes it easier to see who may need support.

Thank you for all you support, it is very much appreciated