Hungry Little Minds

Hungry Little Minds is a new government campaign to support parents with helping their children to develop well in the areas of Communication Language and Literacy. The key message for parents from the campaign is:

‘Many little things light up hungry little minds. Children take everything in, and even the smallest things you do with them can make a big difference. They love it when you chat and read with them, even when they’re too young to understand everything. Whatever the time and wherever you are, you can turn almost anything in to a game. And every little things you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school’

Click here to find out more

Year 6 Home Learning - Week 2

Please can you complete the following homework to be handed in next Tuesday. Thank you

Just a reminder about the standard of homework expected. It should replicate the standard of work that is in your school books with all aspects completed.

Maths - Ensure you have completed all strands A1 - A6.

Complete strand A7 - Roman Numerals as a reminder from last year.

Reading - As always….read, read, read, read, read.

Spellings - resistible, reversible, legible, visible, inaudible

syllable, enjoyable, adorable, unstable, durable, movable, enable, liable, fable, savable

If there are any words that you do not know the meaning of, please look them up.

Geography - This week we have been learning about the mountainous regions of South America. This started with looking at tectonic plates and volcanoes. Can you choose either tectonic plates or volcanoes and make a poster all about them. Be as creative as possible! This can be done on the computer or drawn, it really is up to you!

Assembly lines - Please make sure you know your lines and song lyrics for our final practice on Monday morning.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 25th September

MATHS on Purple Mash- Please complete the 2Do Maths task ‘Read and write numbers’ to compliment what we are working on in class.

ENGLISH on Purple Mash- Please practise your homophones on the quiz set on the 2Do list. We will be looking at this in more detail next week in lessons. Remember homophones are words that SOUND the same but have a different meaning and spelling.

We have also stuck in some extra spellings and numbers for you to practise at home in your home learning books. We have noticed many children need extra practise at forming their digits the correct way and spelling of tricky numbers.

READING- It is vital that you read every night and make sure that you are reading to an adult. Ask questions, expand your vocabulary and discuss the characters. Enjoy your quiet time together!

Optional homework

We have really been enjoying our yoga sessions with Mrs Ward. Why not put some quiet music on and practise some of our yoga techniques. Can you maybe teach one of your grown ups? Practise being still and sitting mindfully. Breathe through your nostrils. What sounds can you hear around you when you are truly mindful? Collect them for Mrs Ward.

Home Learning 13.9.19

The children’s homework this week is all about READING!

The children have each been given a copy of the Read Write Inc. speed sounds chart and a lolly stick. This is the children’s to keep. Please spend time pointing to each of the sounds in and out of order with the lolly stick. Being able to fluently recognise, read and correctly say these sounds is invaluable to the children’s progression in reading and writing.

The children may not have learned all of the sounds at school yet, it would be wonderful for the children to become familiar with them, all ready for when they are explicitly taught. Watch this space as over the coming weeks the children will be producing a video on how to correctly pronounce the sounds!

Next week’s show and tell (Friday) will be for the children to bring in their favourite book from home. Children can bring this book in on any day and keep it safely in their tray.

Please read with the children as much as possible over the weekend and remember to record the children’s reading in their log.

Finally, thank you for supporting all of the children with decorating their home learning books. It was amazing to see their personality all over the covers!


Year 5 homework to be handed in Thursday 19th September


Reading every night! ENJOY!!!

Maths IXL

Please complete A1 and A2


The children have started researching in the Greek Gods. They have brought this home to complete. The cards in their bags create a fan. I would like the children to bring these back so we can pin them together and display them. I have linked one useful website here


This week we ave learnt the ay sound when it appears as “eigh” ey” “ei”

Please learn: reign, neighbour, obey, vein, eighteen, weight, prey, freight, sleigh veil, they

History optional

We have chatted about the film “Jason and the Argo-naughts” in class. It was made along time ago and its special effects are creative but fun to watch now! If you have time to watch it with your child I know they will gain a great deal as it references a lot of the learning we are doing at the moment. I have found the whole film on You-Tube. why not buy some popcorn and enjoy- there are some scary bits so sharing the experience would be best!

Thank you Mrs H

"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn"

What a fantastic second week back we have had here in Year 2! The children have fit seamlessly into their new routines and come into every lesson with such focus and enthusiasm. They have also taken on their extra roles of responsibility so sensibly this week, from taking the register to sharpening pencils - you name it, they’re doing it. I know some are already thinking about which job they would like to take on next half term!

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Year 2 Home Learning - 13.9.19

Thank you for all of the wonderful drawings and photographs of families, it was great to gain a better understanding of the different people the children talk about each day. Also thank you for backing and protecting your children’s books - hopefully they’ll last us for the year now.

This week’s home learning

Every child has come home with a log in book mark containing usernames and passwords for Accelerated Reader, IXL and Purple Mash.

This week, I would like the children to follow the link on the bottom of their Purple Mash log in and have a play. They can investigate what’s on there and have a go at completing their choice of activities and games. Enjoy!

IXL log ins have slightly changed so please check these. Please complete sections:


A.1 A.2


A.1 A.2 A.3

The Accelerated Reading log in will not work at home. Further details of how parents can check reading progress through Accelerated Reader will follow.

Finally, all of the children have come home with new reading books. Please read every day at home; remember books can be quizzed on and changed daily if needed. As the length of the children’s books grow longer, they will be expected to keep these for longer periods of time.

Thank you

Miss Woodend

This week....

It has been such a wonderful week at nursery. The children have embraced nursery life with great enthusiasm, we are so pleased.

During this week we have been painting and drawing pictures of ourselves. We have looked closely at our faces and bodies in a mirror and asked questions such as “how many”, “why”, “the same or different” and “what does each body part do?” We hope to have our 'There’s only one world and one me’ display finished next week, please try and pop in for a look! We will be extending this learning thread by discussing exercise and healthy eating.

At the beginning we introduced the number 1 and have spent the whole week exploring this particular number in all its entirety. We have found it hiding in our environment, in books and in songs that we have been singing, in fact we found there is 1 ‘something’ everywhere.

Could I take this opportunity to remind everyone to ensure that your child has one piece of fruit for each session that they are at nursery and a blue Our Lady book bag. Book bags can be purchased fro Top Mark in Wood St, St Annes.

This week everyone should have received their welcome newsletter from their key person. If for some reason you have not yet received yours please let me know.

I believe the weather is going to be lovely this weekend, I hope you all have the time to enjoy it!

Year 6 weekly blog - 'If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something new - it is now!'

After two weeks of application writing, house captain speeches and class council speeches, we have arrived at the point where all children know their positions of responsibility. Yet again, the children spoke with such passion and sincerity in the hall when they addressed their houses in a bid for their votes. We could not be more proud of all of the children who gave it a go and faced their fears. We discussed what we had all learnt by the process and I think the children were shocked at just how brave they all were! Positions have now been filled and clubs and leadership responsibilities will be starting on Monday. I cannot wait to see how the children get on this year and what legacy they leave on our school community.

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Week Two

Week Two.

School is buzzing this week as we all get comfy in our new surroundings and feeling hungry for knowledge. Year six have been awarded their positions of responsibility, congratulations to you all, I’m sure you'll all live up to your expectations.

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Homework - Wednesday 11th September 2019

Maths - as we have been looking at place value this week, please can you complete the following IXL strands

A1, A2 and A4

We will check progress next week so make sure you give it your all.

RE - What makes a good leader? Can you log into Purple Mash and complete the ‘to do’ set? A wanted poster on leadership. What makes a good leader? Is there a leader who you admire?

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Whilst you are reading can you collect nouns in your homework book? Think about whether they are proper, common or an abstract noun.

Spellings -

climb, thumb, subtle, limb, comb, tomb, numb, crumb, doubt, debt

credible, divisible, eligible, possible, responsible

Optional Homework - Over the past few weeks we have been learning how to do yoga and to be mindful. Practise yoga every day and mindful breathing. Why not create an image of your tree, bird or butterfly that we have been imagining.