Homework to be completed for Thursday 12th December

Christmas songs

Please make it your priority to learn the words of our Christmas songs off by heart. Maybe practise two a night. We are doing our first rehearsal in church on Monday!


Please practise all songs for our first flute concert on Monday.


We have been practising lots of strategies in addition and subtraction. Children have brought home a sheet to complete where they choose and practise them.

Charlotte’s Web

Please read the extract from Charlotte’s web to your family. Don’t forget to EMPHASIZE the words in italics. Or you could all choose to take a part to read! Tell your family all about our story so far!

Year 2 Home Learning - 6.12.19

I must apologise! The home learning blog hadn’t uploaded from last week!


I have attached some Christmas addition and subtraction sheets that can be completed at anytime up to Christmas. I understand that Christmas can be an incredibly busy time of year and thought that these might be something nice for the children to complete when they have some spare minutes to keep their learning ticking along.


Please complete the attached English activity mat.


Set 7 from the spelling pack - have do little out our saw

Doubling the consonant and adding ‘ing/taking off the ‘e’ and adding ‘ing’ - tripping clapping shopping shining racing making

English IXL

A.1 A.2

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

C.1 C.2 C.3

E.1 E.2 E.3

K.1 K.2 K.3

L.1 L.2 L.3 L.4

M.1 M.2 M.3 M.4

O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.9 O.10 O.11 O.12

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

Maths IXL

A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 D.10 D.11 D.12

E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5

H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4


Miss Woodend

"May this season remind you of the hope, joy, love and peace found in Christ"

I can’t believe we are yet again at the end of another busy week! Our learning has been filled with the Nativity story this week, where the children were challenged to think deeply about why God chose Mary and Joseph and how they might have felt at the time. We looked closely at scripture from the Bible and wrote our own messages to Mary, explaining why she shouldn’t worry and how God would help her. These were absolutely beautiful to read and it was lovely to see the children’s pride as they shared their messages with each other.

Read more

'Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world' C.S.Lewis

This week has been all about our writing. We started the week off by showering our thoughts and ideas of the characteristics of each of our dragons- what they look like, where they are found and their unique characteristics. Once we had gathered enough information, the children then wrote their first independent non-chronological report on their chosen dragon. I can’t wait to get marking them! In Maths we are continuing with our addition and subtraction and in RE we have been looking at the true meaning of advent, reflecting on ways we celebrate this special time, in particular the symbolic meaning to the advent wreath. Today we have started our Geography topic on the Arctic, which will be our big focus over the next couple of weeks.

Advent Mass was beautiful once again this morning, with so many families coming to share this time of reflection. Please don’t forget that the last Advent Mass is taking place Next Friday at 8am in the hall. At this incredibly busy time of year, it is important to take time for ourselves and be reminded of the true reasons to celebrate at Christmas.

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Amber for being such a Curious Clownish learner- for asking all the right questions and always wanting to find out more.

Julia you have been such a Kiki Chameleon- well done for showing your creativity in your writing and doing extra writing at home!

Important Information…

Christmas Cards - We had a great chat in class today about Christmas cards and how every year at Christmas, instead of spending money and sending out cards, it is a much kinder idea in the season of Advent to collect the money and choose a Cafod World Gift to buy from us all. We agreed that the children could create or buy one card for the class and then donate any money they would spend on cards to our collection. As we get enough money, we will look at the World Gifts as a class and decide on the ones we would like to purchase for those less fortunate than ourselves.

Christmas jumper and silly sock day on Friday 13th December - Year 5 have organised the event and are hoping to raise over £1000 for local charity Brian House. On this day, children can wear their own clothes with a Christmas jumper and/or silly socks for a small donation of £1.

Our Key stage 2 Christmas performance is on Tuesday 17th December at 2pm and again at 6.30pm. The songs they sing are beautiful

Party day Wednesday 18th December. Drink (not fizzy) and fun snack (chocolate or crisps)- PARTY CLOTHES- sensible shoes for serious dancing!

We are so proud!

I am sure you will agree that the children told the story of the birth of Christ splendidly in their Nativity play this week. Everyone was so proud of their achievements. Clearly their confidence knows no boundaries!

I would just like to remind you that the Foundation/KS1 Christmas party is on Thursday 19th December 9.30-11.30 am. All the children are invited to join us…party clothes are a must!! However, if it is not your child’s usual session we would be grateful if you could bring your child at 9.30 am and the collect them promptly at 11.30 am.

Also, we break for the Christmas holidays on Friday 20th December at 2 pm.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 12th December


The class are continuing to make very pleasing progress with their reading. It is a rare day when we haven’y been able to spend 20-30 minutes of our day lost in a book. There is nothing nicer than seeing children lost in their imaginations!


We have mastery column addition and column subtraction - applying it to problems and large numbers. Please complete B5.


The ending que when is sounds like c (cat)





The ending gue when it sounds like g (gate)





Please learn them in you favourite way: I have attached some spelling challenge cards to help with fun ways to learn them!


I have set you a new challenge in Purple Mash. This time you have to select an image then place the force arrows on. Please labels your arrows showing the forces acting in the picture. Your Posters were fantastic last week! Have a look at my feedback.


We need to keep practising our songs- we are doing really well

Home Learning 6.12.19


The children have been challenged to complete the repeating patterns on the worksheet. To be stuck into home learning books.

For an extra challenge, I would love for the children to come up with their own patterns too. They can complete these in their home learning books.


As much reading as possible please!

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 11th December

Thank you so much for those who have completed the book reviews, they are wonderful and as soon as we have more in we will look at a good place to display them! We were extremely impressed with some of the creative paragraphs with the spellings of the week, especially as it helps the children to understand the meaning of the words and how they can be used in the right context.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT PREPARATION - Please make sure you are practicing and learning the songs ready for our Christmas concert.

READING- Continue to read lots of at home- I am so pleased with the progress the children are making, we need to keep this up!

If you haven’t already, please complete a book review for a book you are reading on purple mash, it will be under the 2do list section ready for you.

SPELLING- There are new spellings this week. Please learn the spellings as much as you can off by heart. See if you can design a picture in your homework book or on a blank piece of paper using the spellings. Look below for some examples.

Heart Special Remember Strength Appear Breath

MATHS - Please complete the IXL sections E5 and E6.

ENGLISH OPTIONAL HOMEWORK- Some of you just could not decide on the dragon you wanted to write about, so if you are feeling inspired and would like to, why not write a non-chronological report on the dragon of your choice or the one you didn’t get chance to write about. Try to use the vocabulary, sentence openers and connectives we have been using in class. I know some of you have already done this, which we have been extremely impressed with in class- we love how some of you go the extra mile with your work, well done!

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 4th December

Spelling - there was a big improvement in the spelling scores this week. Please keep it up!

Common exception words 3.PNG

Maths - this week we have been working on our two digit multiplication strategies. Have a go at these calculations.


Christmas Concerts - Please learn your lines for the concert and song lyrics. You all have books and lines to learn. These will be coming out on Thursday.

'Forget your troubles and dance!'

Over the past month, we have just danced and danced and danced! Have a look at what has been going on around the school.


It all started with our Dancethon where we danced from 8am through to 3:30pm - literally non stop! Throughout the day, all classes had a dance lesson with Miss Sarah and Miss Amy from Clifton Academy. This year we aimed to learn and tackle the Cha Cha Cha - Miss Hornby’s favourite! Thank you so much to our wonderful teachers - you made learning a challenging dance so much fun. Now that all the money has been collected and accounted for, we have managed to raise a staggering £1671 to replace part of the trim trail. Keep an eye on it over the next year! Thank you to all of our wonderful parents and families who came and danced with us in the morning. There was certainly lots of smiles on everyones faces.

Have a look at the video below to see our whole school come together for a big Cha Cha Cha in the afternoon!

Dance Festival

dance festival.jpg

Every year, a group of committed dancers face a tough judging panel with the hope of being selected for the dance team. This year, 20 children were successful and trained really hard alongside Mrs Harrison and Miss Bassett week in, week out.

We could not have been prouder as the children took to the stage to perform Absolutely Everybody in front of a packed crowd. Children you were brilliant, your sheer enthusiasm was wonderful to see. We really look forward to seeing the team perform next year…I wonder what the theme will be?

Tudor Dancing at Samlesbury Hall

It is always nice to see what other classes are doing with dance around school. Not only have our Year 6 class been learning and creating their own Tudor style dance in school as part of their lessons, they headed off to Samlesbury Hall on a trip and performed in the great hall there. Never has a school done such a thing there and the staff were blown away. Why not watch the dance below…

Homework to be in by Thursday 6th December

Spellings to be learned for next week are:

Christmas Jesus angel busy arrive centre

young touch double trouble country tough

Could you write a paragraph about the importance of Christmas/Advent using these words?


Please practise all songs learned so far for your concert.


IXL V1 and V2 thinking about thermometers and temperature


Try and meet that reading target - curl up and enjoy your reading book!