"Be kind whenever possible..."

With our Nativity not long away, we have been busy rehearsing! The children were so excited to practise on the big stage, and they are itching to wear their costumes. We cannot wait to show you the children’s hard work. The children are performing their Nativity for Jesus and I am sure that you will see how much they love Him throughout their performance.


Roger Robin Ciaran for.. being so caring towards others Ciaran. You always think of others and, when seeing someone upset, you are one of the first to give them a hug and to help them to feel happy again. Thank you Ciaran, for your kind actions and words, these always help to make our classroom a happy and caring place.

Cooper Crab Lily for… trying so hard this week to stay focused! We are so impressed with you Lily, you have grown so much during these past few weeks and seeing your improved self-control is wonderful! Your concentration has shone and really shows in your learning. Keep up this brilliant effort Lily!


We have now learnt all of our initial sounds, and we are currently focusing on blending these sounds together to hear or read words. This skill is improving by the day, and the children have really worked hard to recognise the green and red words that were sent home earlier in the term. Please continue to practise reading and handwriting at home.

Nativity parts

Please continue to practise parts at home. Most of the children know when to say their lines but not everyone. This is the last weekend before our Nativity so we really need to make sure that everybody knows their line, can say it loudly and is able to add gestures where appropriate. Thank you for your co-operation.

Silly Sock and Christmas jumper day

On Friday 13th December we are asking children and teachers to wear their best Christmas jumper and silly socks. This is because Year 6 would like to raise £1,000 for Brian House. Please bring £1 to school on this day to help Year 6 reach their target. Thank you. 

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend together as a family.

Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley

Home Learning 29.11.19


Next week the children will be innovating the story of Supertato and replacing the character of Supertato with their own super vegetable. I have asked the children to practise orally retelling the story, with their new character in Supertato’s place. The story map can be found below.


Shape worksheet, to be stuck into home learning book.

Year 2 Home Learning - 29.11.19

English IXL

A.1 A.2

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

C.1 C.2 C.3

E.1 E.2 E.3

K.1 K.2 K.3

L.1 L.2 L.3 L.4

O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.9 O.10 O.11 O.12

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

Maths IXL

A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 D.10 D.11 D.12

E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5


Set 7 from the spelling pack - have do little out our saw

Doubling the consonant and adding ‘ing - tripping clapping shopping splitting running beginning

I have not given any other home learning this week as it is important for the children to know and practise their Nativity lines.

Thank you, Miss Woodend

"Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem, may we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man!"

My goodness, that’s another busy week done and dusted in Year 2! The children have been incredibly busy finishing and editing their ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad book?’ stories this week, which I can’t wait to sit down and read this weekend. I can’t quite believe just how much more independent the class have become when writing, and how their confidence has grown when spelling tricky words and using punctuation in the correct places.

Read more

This week....

This week we have been busy rehearing our Christmas Nativity. Everyone has enjoyed singing the Christmas songs…you are certainly in for a treat!

I trust everyone has received their requested tickets for the performances? If not pop into nursery a.s.a.p. We would not want anyone to miss seeing their child’s debut.

With regards to children who do not normally attend nursery on the ‘Nativity’ sessions; if you could collect your child immediately after the play has finished from the nursery entrance we would be most grateful. All children on these days should be at nursery no later than 8.45 am

Finally, can we say a big’ thank you’ to all our families who managed join us for Advent mass on Friday. Please come again next week we would love to see you there. Also, there is tea and toast afterwards!!

Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday December 5th


The children have completed their Star Reader test and I am conferencing them one to one on their next targets this Friday. As always those children who have put in the extra mile have done really well. Reading is a gift please continue to create space for the children to read at home every day. Thank you.


Final mental maths for the moment. Please complete the table of mental maths sums- think carefully about the strategies you are using!

Now complete IXL B4 the commutative law!

Science - Purple Mash

We went through our replies to Sir Isaac Newton and discovered there was a big difference in the quality of response. I would ask that all the children work hard to make sure their homework is well thought out and carefully completed. Sir Isaac replied but most children did not notice- if I have reset your please reply to him again!

I have also set you a describing forces challenge- use the descriptors on the left to help you remember to use the vocabulary we have used in our science lessons: Push pull, forces, energy, weight, friction , sliding friction, rolling friction fluid friction, air resistance and water resistance. We will be printing out the best work for display!!!

Concert practice

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 4th December

Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you put in to your ‘Save the Manchester Ridge-Back’ Dragon poster- they are truly wonderful and we cant’ wait to put them up on display in the classroom!

READING- Continue to read lots of at home- I am so pleased with the progress the children are making, we need to keep this up!

There are lots of great conversations about books between the children, it would be great if we could put up some reviews to share the books we would recommend to one another. This week, if you finish a book that you have enjoyed, then please complete a book review on Purple Mash- it should be under the ‘2do’ section so it will be easy to find.

SPELLING- This week I have decided, as the spellings are quite tricky and we are struggling with a couple of them, we should have another week to perfect them, but this time can you put the words in to a short paragraph that makes sense- maybe it could be a short story or a news report of a dragon sighting or even a humorous story? It would be great to read some of these out in class …

Probably Woman Therefore Important Recent Various

MATHS - On Purple Mash please complete the Maths to do activities on ‘Fact Families’ and’ Match Related Facts’

Year 6 Home Learning Wednesday 27th November

Please find your homework for this coming week.

Spelling - common exception words

Common exception words 2.PNG

Maths - calculate these multiplication calculations in your homework book. Think about the most efficient way to calculate. What strategy will you use? Show all of your working in your maths book.


RE - this week, we were visited by Mrs Lynam who talked to us about Amnesty International. She has asked us to design a Christmas Card to send to some people who are in need and are being supported by Amnesty International. Complete your to do on Purple Mash.

Why not design your own picture on 2paint a picture and then import it onto your card?

Home Learning 22.11.19


Year 1’s home learning this week is to design their own super vegetable/fruit!

The Superhero must have a name and I would love the children to label their superhero with adjectives.

Please do not feel the need to create this superhero in real life, but of course if the children would like to, that would be SUPER!

IXL - Maths (children to complete as much as they are able to.)

C.19 - C.23.


Please could the children bring the name of their road and house number, written down. On Tuesday, we will be learning all about where we live.

'You are precious in my eyes' Isaiah 43:4

What a lovely week we have had in Year 3! I must start by saying how proud we were of all the children for their wonderful performance on Tuesday. The children spoke out so confidently and loudly and their acting skills were very impressive, especially as they had so many lines to learn. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed sharing it with you all. What an important message it had too- remembering that we are all different and unique because God made us that way therefore we should all accept and value one another differences, and as Jessica said beautifully on the day as her character Eli ‘and I don’t make mistakes’.

We have had a great week of learning this week, continuing to look at non-chronological reports and the features we need to include once we start our very own next week. In Maths we have been focusing on the commutative law and the whole-part model representation, which the children have grasped excellently. In RE we have looked at The Visitation and focused on the Hail Mary, its meaning and even writing our own version of the prayer. Today we had a visit from Father Peter in preparation of India’s baptism that we will be attending next Wednesday. This is such a special time for India and her family and we feel honoured as a class to be get to be there and be a part of it.

This week Jack, Harriet and Saul delivered a wonderful liturgy in the chapel on how we must help one another- it was so beautiful to see the children praying with such reverence.

It was lovely to see so many of you at our curriculum evening last night and sharing all about how we develop mastery and resilience in Maths during school. There was such a buzz around the school, it was lovely to see!

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Holly for being such a reflective Lizzie Ladybird working so hard to improve your handwriting, spelling and presentation. ,

Stephanie you have been such a Bobby Bee! Showing great enthusiasm and going above and beyond in your learning, doing extra work at home and fully immersing yourself in your learning.

Important Information…

Our Key stage 2 Christmas performance is on Tuesday 17th December at 2pm and again at 6.30pm. The songs they sing are beautiful

Our Advent masses begin next Friday morning - at 8.00am in school. Please come and join us - it is always such a lovely time.