Year 2 Home Learning - 22.11.19



Set 6 from the spelling pack - some come they this there that

The ‘igh’ sound spelt ‘y’ - sky cry fly reply terrify multiply

English IXL

A.1 A.2

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

C.1 C.2 C.3

E.1 E.2 E.3

K.1 K.2 K.3

O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.9 O.10 O.11 O.12

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

Maths IXL

A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 D.10 D.11 D.12

Don’t forget regular reading and Nativity parts.

Thank you,

Miss Woodend

"Determination will get you through anything"

This week the Year 2 classroom has been filled with ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ as we have begun to write our own versions of our focus story ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad book?’. It has been an absolute delight to see such determination and enthusiasm from the children as they have put pen to paper and smiled as they have written each creative sentence in their books. I think some stories might contain a little humour and cheekiness, just like the original story! So far the children have written their beginnings and build ups, and from what I have seen in books, I can’t wait to read the finished stories next week. Stories that contain a little mischief definitely capture the imaginations of these Year 2 children!

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Pyjama Day and Advent Alms giving

Last Friday the children came to nursery dressed in their pyjamas and donated £1 for Brian House Hospice. I am sure you will agree this is a worthy cause. We are hoping to continue to build this fundraising total as part of our Advent Alms giving as we donate all Foundation and KS1 Nativity ticket sales along with the collection at the back of church during KS2 Reflection.

We are hopeful that we will reach that magic £1,000 with your help!

Year 4 homework to be handed in on Thursday 28th November


Practise ‘Rocking around the Christmas Tree’ (not literally since it is only November!!!)

Also practise ‘Abie’s Blues,’ and ‘Winter Wonterland.’


Double maths this week - please complete the double sided number bonds sheet and keep practising your number bonds to 10 20 and 100 at every opportunity.

Also please learn your three times tables for next week - you could use the’Help section’ on our page to follow the process as we used for the 2,s 5,s and 10,s. You could also play the class Bingo game we learned at curriculum evening - and in class!Don’t forget to use facts you already know - so for example, if you know 5 x 3 = 15 then you know you just need to add 3 to this to get 6 x 3. Also if you know 3 x 5 you automatically know 5 x 3.

Here are some other fun games to practise your tables:


This weeks spellings are:

pleasure, measure, treasure, leisure, picture, creature,

believe, imagine, material, laugh, special and decide.

Can you write an amusing paragraph, using these words?

Year 5 homework to be handed in Thursday 28th November


We will be taking our Star reader assessments next week. This assessment may move our ZPD, it also gives me an overview of each child highlighting those on track and anyone who needs more support for reading. Reading at home is so important, some children need to read with an adult share the text and discuss others may read independently too but all children should still be read to. The richness of a shared novel has the greatest impact- no lesson can match it.


A new timed maths sheet- I am not thinking about the time and I’m not comparing- this time is to help you stay focused as you move form one metal strategy to another

Spelling- this week words we have encountered in RE and Science:

Please write the words in a sentence to show understanding then write each one out 5 time or more until you can write it with your eyes closed










We have had some fun this week as we explored forces! I have set the children the next part of their Sir Isaac Newton homework. You will need to log onto purple mash. Sir Isaac has sent you an email you need to reply!

Christmas concert

Please press the link below to watch a video of us singing one of our concert songs- please practice using the video to singalong and learn the lines.

Have fun!!!

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 27th November

READING- Please make sure you are reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes EVERY night and get them to ask you questions about the text, I can’t stress how important this is! Are you quizzing regularly enough? Are you reading books that you enjoy? Are you challenging yourselves with the books you are choosing?

SPELLING- This week we have spellings from the Year 3 and 4 spelling list of tricky words. The expectation is by the end of Year 4 children will be able to read, spell and use all of these words within their writing. so please have a go at practicing these in fun, creative and different ways- we would love to see all the different ways you try to learn them.

Probably Woman Therefore Important Recent Various

MATHS - Please complete the IXL strand L10 and L14 under ‘PLACE VALUE’

ENGLISH- As you know we have been learning all about a particular type of species of Dragon ‘The Manchester Ridge-Back’. Unfortunately this species are becoming rare (close to extinction) as people are mistaken them for a more viscous type of dragon. We MUST protect the Manchester Ridge Back! Help us by creating a poster on the sheet of paper provided urging people to protect this dragon- you will need to use pictures to attract people to look at it, explain WHY they need protecting and what people can do to help. These will then be displayed in class.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 20th November 2019

Spelling - over the next few weeks, we will be focusing on our common exception words as we have been linking these to our writing.

Common exception words 1.PNG

Maths - Perimeter IXL

CC1 - Perimeter with whole number side lengths

CC7 - Area and perimeter of figures on grids

History - Thinking about the skills and the information needed to complete the newspaper report on the Battle of Bosworth, can you create a newspaper report on the execution of Anne Boleyn.

I want to see the following information included:

Where it happened? Who was involved? When did it happen? Why did it happen? What happened?

Can you also include an interview with someone involved?

"Many things have fallen only to rise again"

On Monday before we started our lessons we gathered in the chapel and remembered those who have fallen in conflict. The children were very respectful and prayful- it was a reflective start to our week. Following this- children brought in artifacts from Grandfathers and Great Grand fathers which commemorated their contribution to past conflicts- thank you children!

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