Tuesday 24th March - Year 2 Home Learning Challenges

Good Morning Year 2!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s learning and are ready for a new day!

Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am



Re-read chapter 4 of Flat Stanley. Thinking about the 5 main parts of a story, can you write:

What happened in the beginning? Introducing main characters and setting.
What happened in the build up? How do we know a problem is about to occur?
What happened in the problem? What is the problem? Is there a dilemma?
What happened in the resolution? How was the problem resolved?
What happened in the conclusion? How did the chapter end? Were the characters happy?


Enjoy the author Oliver Jeffers reading a story:


Don’t forget to keep reading both independently and with an adult.


SumDog - I have set you a challenge to complete under the tasks section. You have until the end of the week to complete the tasks, but it would be great if you could complete them as I post them each day. Don’t forget that you can also continue to practise skills daily for fluency - check the task section on the left hand side of the screen.


Throughout this week, please access the materials below:


This will recap the fraction learning we have done in class and will be great for any children who were off during the last week.


Find different objects in your house that can become part of your shop.  Label them with amounts that are multiples of 10.  E.g. 10p, 20p, etc.  What can you buy with the coins that you found yesterday?  Take it in turns with an adult, one being the customer and one being the shop keeper. 


Tune in to The Body coach for ‘PE with Joe’ at 9 o’clock this morning, to get you warmed up for the day ahead. https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1

Also try a cosmic kids yoga session here - https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga


We have been learning about how to look after ourselves and our bodies in science.  Think about what you need to do in order to brush your teeth properly.  Imagine you are writing instructions for an alien who has never brushed their teeth before.  What would the title of the instructions be? What will the aliens need? What will the step by step instructions be?

Have a great day Year 2!

Miss Woodend

Tuesday 24th March Home learning for Reception

I hope that you all enjoyed your learning yesterday and are slowly getting into a routine while being at home. There are some fantastic websites available so please keep checking the website blog as I will keep adding to it as and when I find anymore.

This morning to wake you up why not join in with Joe Wicks PE lesson on youtube.

1. Phonics: Today let’s learn a new sound. Our sound is ou-Shout it out. Please watch one of our favourites, ‘Geraldine the giraffe’ learn this sound on Youtube:


Like yesterday, now that you have watched this short video, go on a sound hunt around the house, what can you find? Following this, read a story of your child’s choice and see if today’s sound is in the story. How many times can you hear the sound? How many times can you see the sound? You could then practise your letter formation.

Ready for a further challenge: Remember that you could have a go at writing words containing the ou sound such as out, shout and loud. You might like to turn this into a spelling challenge if you feel your child is ready for this.

2. Maths and PE: Today we want to keep you moving. Create your own number hunt. Write the numbers 1-20 on paper and hide these numbers around the house. Once your child has found them all they could have a go at ordering these numbers. They may find the teen numbers tricky. You could see which numbers they struggle to identify (prioritise any numbers under 10) and you could play the old party game “Four corners”. Put 1 number in each corner of your house. Put some music on and have a boogie! When the music stops the child has to chose a corner/number and if the number that they are stood at is called out then they are out of the game. You could play this with siblings and see who wins or you could play this child v parent. How many rounds can you win before your number is called.

3. Sum Dog: I am so glad that so many of you enjoyed using Sum Dog yesterday. If you haven’t yet logged on, please take some time today to get your child logged in and have a go at the challenges. If you’ve already logged see if you can better your scores from yesterday.

Miss Bassett.

Year 4 Tuesday 24th March. Home Learning


Good morning everyone! Are you raring to go? I have set up a class blog in purple mash, where you can ask questions and share things. Why not take a look?


Today you should find you have two challenges set in Sum dog. Log in and have a good go so I can check your progress later. If the site is slow, keep trying at different times of the day!

Purple Mash maths task

This is in your 2do’s on telling the time. It is easy today but it will get harder!


Today, we are focusing on using the key Year 4 grammar skill FRONTED ADVERBIALS. In the ‘Help your Child’ section, there is a video explaining all about them to jog your memory. The Purple Mash 2do activity, ‘A Day out,’ you did last week, explored fronted adverbials - so if you’ve not done it, log in and try now.

We have done them lots in class, so you will be able to teach your parents all about them. Then look at the sheet below for a grammar activity to carry out in your Yellow home learning books.

Eventually, (next week) we will be writing the story of the Dragon Slayer - so don’t be tempted to do it yet!


This is your normal Art day. Check on the Art page to see what Mrs Curtis wants you to do today.

Weekly/Daily challenges

Don’t forget your other daily/weekly challenges on the main Year 4 page. Are you keeping up with your daily reading? Have you thought about buying and reading ‘The Butterfly Lion’ to your parents at home? It is such a good book!

Mrs Lyons is reading a book called, ‘The Colour Purple,’ which is actually my favourite colour too!

Year 3 Photos from your learning at home

Here are some photos of your learning at home.
These Iron Man models are wonderful. What does yours look like?

Keep sending your photos and we will try and put them up on our blog for everyone to see.

Communication and Language

We know , for our youngest children, that every hour they spend in nursery makes a difference. With that in mind I will be posting regular information that might support you in providing learning and development at home.

There are a range of apps based around communication and language on the ‘Hungry Little Minds’ website.

Click here for Hungry Little Minds

Also, why not visit the ‘small talk’ website? click here


Home learning challenges for Monday 23rd March

1. Phonics: Today let’s learn a new sound. Our sound is ir-whirl and twirl. Please watch one of our favourites, ‘Geraldine the giraffe’ learn this sound on Youtube:


Now that you have watched this short video, maybe you could go on a sound hunt around the house, just like Geraldine. Following this, why not read a story together and see if today’s sound is in the story? How many times can you hear the sound? How many times can you see the sound? You could then practise your letter formation. This doesn't have to be on paper, you could use shaving foam to write the sound, get the paints out, or try moulding play-doh into the two letters.

Ready for a further challenge: Why not have a go at writing words containing the ir sound such as twirl, girl and shirt. You might like to turn this into a spelling challenge if you feel your child is ready for this!

2. Maths: Today we would like you to spend time looking at the shapes: Squares and rectangles. Both of these shapes have 4 straight sides and 4 corners. But what is different about them? Again, you could go on a shape hunt around the house to see what you can find that is either a square or rectangle and then sort these into two groups. This could lead nicely into some construction with a purpose. Using lego, hammer beads, building blocks or anything else that your child likes to construct with... see if you can construct a square (making sure each side is the same length!) and a rectangle.

To further this learning you could link to our more recent vocabulary in our focused story, “Goldilocks” of small, medium and large. Can they construct a smaller and larger square/rectangle to the one they have just built.

3. PE: Don’t forget to get into your back garden for a run around. Today I would like you to practise travelling in different ways: running, skipping, galloping and side stepping.

Alongside these three activities today, please don’t forget a bedtime story. Please use the recommended websites that I have mentioned in my previous post.

Also, any photos would be brilliant! Email me with how you have got on with these activities and any other activities that you chose to do. I will try and post a picture gallery at the end of the week to celebrate your home learning.

4. Sum Dog: If you go to the ‘Help your child’ section of Reception, Mrs Hotchkiss has made a lovely video to explain all about how to get started. Today, I would like you to log in and have a play at some of the games. I have set a maths challenge to be completed by Wednesday. The aim is to be able to count amounts up to 20. Have fun!

Miss Bassett

Year 4 Monday 23rd March Home Learning


We have a new and exciting way of practising our maths skills! This is called Sum Dog. If you go to the ‘Help your child’ section of Year 4, Mrs Hotchkiss has made a lovely video to explain all about how to get started. Today, I would like you to log in and have a play at some of the games. They look BRILLIANT! From tomorrow, you will have set tasks to complete on this that will appear when you log in!


We are going to be practising some of our grammar skills this week, whilst studying a great film called ‘The Dragon Slayer.’ (Click on link below to view) Today, I want you to get familiar with the film and carry out the activities given on the sheet attached below - Becoming familiar with the story.

It is important that, at first, you only watch the film up to 3 minutes 7 seconds, because then I ask you to predict what will happen next before carrying on watching.

You can answer the questions about the film orally to a grown up or write the answers down.

Don’t forget about your other daily/weekly challenges in the blog section - eg Reading, PE etc

Year 5 Monday 23rd March Learning from home!

Here are your lesson for today Monday March 23rd. I hope you have your maths and writing books with you. If not organise picking them up at school. Do your very best and keep in touch!

Panjans 1.JPG

Good morning Year 5



COMPUTER - please see the blog below titled “Monday 23rd- using SUMDOG while learning from home” here you will find an instruction video and your passwords for this new learning platform, which we will be using while you are away from school. The film is also in our Year 5 “How to help at home” section (orange button on our class blog). Have fun today playing the games. You need to know I managed to balance 13 strange items- let me know if you beat me- you’ll know what I mean once you get started


Reading- let’s move onto reading more SCI FI! If you were away last week the class played with Sci FI toys and wrote toy reviews we also talked about what SCI- FI is to them. We decided it was - aliens from other planets, space ships, blasters, star wars, imperial fighters and Dr.Who saving planet Earth. We then went onto to reading short SCI-FI stories. I have set another one here today called “THE PET SNATCHERS!” Open up the link and answer the comprehension questions in your book. Try to keep your new book neat and organised include a date and title.


Maths division. I would like to keep teaching you maths online- moving your learning forward I have created the lesson boards and filmed myself teaching. I will ask you to pause the film to complete the tasks set. Please press play below:


Finally email me:


Creative challenge:

We played with SCI-FI toys last week. This week I would like you to create a UFO. I have uploaded a picture of one Billy has. If you don’t have Lego what else could you use?


Physical challenge

You will need permission for this one. Have you seen the football stars completing the kick-up challenge with a roll of toilet tissue? My very own footballer is setting you the challenge- he has managed to do 9 so far-

Home learning update for Reception.

I hope that you have all enjoyed today’s challenges!

From tomorrow onward, our daily home learning challenges will be found on the @Learning from home’ tab found along the right hand side of the Reception page.

Thank you. I hope that you are all okay and enjoying this extra family time.

Miss Bassett

Monday March 23rd - Using Sumdog while we learn from home/school

Helping you to learn maths at home with SUM DOG

Follow the instructions, log on and play!

Dear children welcome to our online learning community. We will be helping you to keep learning every day!

We have subscribed every child in the school to the interactive maths website “SUM DOG.COM”. To get started I have made a little on screen instruction video below. You will need your username and password. The passwords for each class are to be found below :

Reception Sumdog Passwords

Year 1 Sumdog Passwords

Year 2 Sumdog Passwords

Year 3 Sumdog Passwords

Year 4 Sumdog Passwords

Year 5 Sumdog Passwords

Year 6 Sumdog Passwords

Year 3 Monday 23rd March - Learn at Home

Good morning Year 3

We hope you have had a lovely weekend with your family and are ready and raring to go this morning. We know it may seem strange to be sat at home with a parent showing you the learning you will complete today, but we know you will all make the best of it! The children at school will be completing these tasks too, so we can all share our great learning when we return to school. At school we will adapt our reward systems to suit our groups, maybe you can set up a learning point system like we have at school, a star of the day or even some golden time. Children, you can do these tasks in any order—work out what is best for you and your family. Parents, be creative and flexible with how you manage these tasks. Please give as much or as little support as needed, we are always aiming to build on independence in class, but the children know asking for help is a part of the learning process.


Please read the Iron Man chapter 3 if you were not in school last week. You might want to read this with someone or you might want to have a go by yourself.

Please read The Iron Man part Chapter 4

If you were not in school last week, you might like to draw a picture of the space dragon. Use the text to help you.

Today’s task is to write your own description of what the space dragon looks like. Remember to use lots of lovely description.

Creativity and maths challenge

The children have been reading Ted Hughes’ book ‘The Iron Man’ in English, and we would like you to make an ‘Iron Man’ out of the cardboard boxes and tubes you have been collecting over the weekend. Maybe you could colour it, paint it or use paper to cover it once you have built it? This challenge may take a couple of days to complete and you might want to break the tasks up into little chunks of time, suit the task to your day.

Your Iron Man can be however big or small you want, but before you start to make it we would like you to practise these key maths skills:

To be able to estimate the length of items in centimetres (remember estimates don’t need to be exactly right, how close can your estimates be to the real measurement?

To be able to measure with a ruler in centimetres.

Part 1—Estimate the length of each of your Iron Man’s body parts in cm.

Part 2—Measure the length of each body part of your Iron Man with your ruler.

Part 3 - Make your Iron Man

Part 3—When your Iron Man is complete measure the total height of your model in centimetres. 

Please record your estimates and measurements in your home learning maths book for us to see when you return to school, you could set it out like this.

Body part                                       Estimate (in cm)                   Actual measurement (in cm)

Legs— kitchen roll tubes                  24cm                                   ____cm

Head—cereal bar box                         14cm                                  ____cm

Eyes - milk carton lids 2cm ____cm

Arms - toothpaste boxes 12 cm ____cm

Body - cereal box 38cm ____cm

The total height of my Iron Man is 72cm

Enjoy! Please email photos of your Iron Man if you can, we would love to see them.


