Let's get learning Year 4!

Hello my lovely year 4 children. Welcome to a new way of learning! It will seem strange to be learning at home and explaining to your parents what you are learning. However, it is very important to keep up and be excellent learners - just like you are at school! Try to be like all the learning characters and you will become such an independent learner, ready for year 5. It would help you to get into a routine and decide what times of day you are carrying out your home learning and weekly challenges.

How home learning will work.

DAILY LEARNING: Every day at 8.00am , I will post your new daily learning which will involve key Year 4 skills for Maths, English and other subjects. Much of it will be based on the lessons we were going to do in class. This will be in the home learning section of the Year 4 website. So, bright and early each morning - check this and get going! Children who do the Nessy program at home - please keep this up every day.

I will also put some ideas for weekly challenges on this blog here, based on the ideas children gave me in class and also from lovely ideas I have seen from the internet.

Weekly challenges for week beginning Monday 23rd March

Lego rainbow challenge: Many people around the country are putting a rainbow in their window to spread hope to everyone - children can spot them if they are out walking. To be a little different, we would love it if you could make one out of lego and place it in your window at home for all to see. Time to get creative!

Baking challenge: This week, we would love you to bake any kind of cupcake with your family. Weigh out the ingredients yourself and become a proper little baker!

Reading challenge: Read one very good book and collect some vocabulary from it. Think about your reading level - try to challenge yourself. Read for half an hour daily and think about collecting some vocabulary too! We are looking into creating a class blog on Purple Mash - so you will be able to share with everyone what you have read. Maybe it will be like a little book club!

PE challenge

Try to do at least half an hour a day of physical activity. Here are some ideas:

  • Go on a nature walk - see the first signs of Spring

  • Practise your different rolling and jumping techniques (safely in a space!) that we were doing in gymnastics

  • Go for a gentle jog

  • Set up an obstacle course in your garden and carry it out

  • Joe wicks is doing a daily 30 minute PE session online for children if you really like to challenge yourself!

  • If you like dancing, you could find a ‘Just Dance’ online or just put some music on and go wild!

  • Do some Yoga together

Emotional challenge

This week, let’s try to look on the bright side and be grateful. Every morning or at a meal time, think of one thing you are thankful for and share these thoughts as a family.

Now it’s time to check out your daily learning in the HOME LEARNING section. Please remember to email me if you have any questions at all. You will need plastic straws on Thursday for Science! Enjoy this exciting new learning journey with your family!

Mrs Lyons

Home learning websites and ideas - just suggestions from me!

As I have been reading and looking on the internet I have seen lots of nice ideas of ways to keep little minds busy and thought some of you might want to try some of them. My niece is in Year 5 and my nephew is in Year 2 and these are some of the things they are hoping to try at home with my brother in law over the next couple of weeks. Any feedback on how these ideas went down with your children would be appreciated as I can pass them on, remember please do keep in touch via our emails. Mine is k.edmondson@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Miss Brisco’s is


  • www.countryliving.com There are lots of live animal feeds around the world from zoos and woodlands that you can watch the animals on.

  • Make a time capsule and bury it in your garden or store it up in a loft. Put in drawings, letters, photos and newspaper clippings. You could open this in years to come and look back at this time with your family.

  • Start the 30 day Lego challenge (photo below)

  •  Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) is airing live PE sessions for children every day at 9am  Monday to Friday on his Youtube channel. Get your PE kit on and get moving. Watch out for Mr Nay’s sports activities too.

  • Get creative in the garden or in the park and use Andy Goldsworthy as your inspiration. Can you make a piece of environmental art? (photo below)



Home Learning - Monday 23rd March 2020

Good morning everybody! I hope you are up and ready and raring to go!

I have created a blog in Purple Mash which you all have access to. Have a look at the images below so that you can locate it. It is there for you to ask questions and to keep in touch. I will respond to anything throughout the course of the day where possible.

You should now all have your home learning books: maths, english and art. All of your home learning tasks need to be completed in these. I am going to try and keep learning the same where possible and I expect you to do the same and operate at the same standard that you would in class.

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Websites to visit while learning at home

Purple mash: www.purplemash.com

On purple mash I will be setting tasks for the children to complete each week. These will be found in the “to do” tab at the top of the page.

Poissonrouge: https://www.poissonrouge.com/login/en

Login details:

login: corona2020
password: corona2020

This is a great website that has a wide range of computer activities that will build not only your child’s computer skills but also many other areas of their curriculum.

Youtube: www.youtube.com

PE—Below you find find links to exercise videos that the children have loved in reception

PE with Joe Wicks - Please see Joe Wicks youtube channel for a daily PE challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz0go1pTda8

Let’s get fit—Count to 100 by Jack Heartman (Links to maths)

Just dance—There are a range of different dances for the children to exercise to. I’m sure you have already been listening to the classes current favourite: One direction!

5 a day fitness—These videos also expose the children to different languages such as French and Spanish

Go Noodle—This is a new fitness programme that links to many math and literacy concepts through fun dances and memory challenges.


Numberblocks—This is a favourite of mine. There are so many clever links within each episode. It is certainly a quality watch which will greatly support your child’s maths learning.


Geraldine the Giraffe– This is a great channel for phonic sound practise. But be careful it is not the videos called Mr Thorne. Those episodes are more for adults as opposed to the children.

Ruth Miskin - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ This channel is great to help you as parents understand phonics. Ruth will be uploading lessons each day whilst schools are currently closed.

Alpha blocks—Again this is a great website to help children and there reading. It is particularly good to support sound blending.

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. — Phyllis Diller

As the week has drawn to a close, the lunch time team have been overcome with the kindness and calmness of the children as the week has unfolded. It has been such a joy to see that in such difficult circumstances, they have had moments to be themselves and to have time with their friends playing, laughing and having fun. The love and compassion they have shared with one another has been quite humbling.

Table of the Week: The Team have decided that All houses are star table, children, you have been absolutely wonderful this week, thank you.

Role Model and Marvelous Manners: Again, the Team has decided that each and every child should receive both role model and marvelous manners. We are so proud of you all. Thank you so much children.

God Bless
The Lunchtime Team

Update on nursery closure

It is important that all parents read the latest post regarding nursery and school/nursery closures which has been posted today on the school’s main web page.

It clearly explains what will be happening from Monday 23rd March. If you have any questions please do give me a call. As always the nursery team will be happy to help and advise you.

May I also tell everyone that throughout these uncertain times I will be making regular postings online with activities to continue your child’s learning at home. Additionally after the Easter holidays I will be emailing ‘Getting ready for school’ booklet and ‘Supercroccy’s mission activity book’ . Newsletters will continue to arrive each month from your key person.

We would love for you to keep in touch with us to let us know what you have been doing.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding and we hope to be back together soon.

"Wherever there is change, and wherever there is uncertainty, there is opportunity..."

I would like to say a big thank you for your understanding this week, and I hope that you all keep safe and follow any new advice that we are given over the coming weeks. I have really missed seeing the children this week and I know that Miss Neves, Mrs Malley and I will really miss the children over the next few weeks. I will be uploading daily activities that you and your child can do at home to keep learning, whilst school is no longer open. Please keep visiting our class page to see the daily activities. Along with this, the Reception children are coming home with one book. We ask that you put any work from the directed activities and any extra activities that you think show off some of your home learning inside. We will be able to share these when we are back together as a class once again. Thank you!

I will also be uploading a list with your child’s login details for Purple mash, this is a great website and computer programme that we use across school. Please use this website to help develop your child’s IT skills.


This week we have two Roger Robins who have been very helpful and kind this week.

Co-operative Roger Robin Joseph for… your super effort to be kind and polite this week Joseph! Miss Neves has been so impressed by your kind words towards others. You have also been trying very hard in your learning and concentrating very carefully. We are so proud Joseph! Keep up the great work.

Co-operative Roger Robin Henry for… being so thoughtful around the classroom and always offering your help to others, including your teachers! You are such a polite boy Henry and are not only very helpful, but you have also made such a great learning partner during activities. Well done!

We hope that, during this very unusual time, you all keep healthy and happy.

All our love,

Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley

"Life is a one time gift. Use it in the best possible manner. So love, laugh and live. Be yourself and have trust in God."

I am sitting here, writing this blog, with a huge smile on my face. This week has been challenging to say the least. We have laughed, cried, been frustrated but more importantly, we have continued to live our lives and to enjoy every moment of it. There is no doubt that we are all sad about what has happened. I have watched the children be the most wonderful, compassionate, caring and humble group of children this year, who have led our school with such respect.

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Homework to be handed in on Thursday 26th March

Homework set early this week. If you are at home you can be doing this in the next 3 days. More home learning will be set for you tonight. Enjoy!


7x table. As last week you can use the sheet given to practise. Look for patterns eg Are the answers odd or even?

Try learning Percy Parker’s 7 x table song below:

There is also a link to a site where you can practise all your times tables learned so far. Do a little bit often!


Please complete the Purple mash grammar 2 do’s ‘Day out’ and ‘Harry’s Party.’

Don’t forget to learn your spellings too. Can you write a short paragraph including all your spelling words to show you understand what they mean?

Year 1 Home Learning 13.3.20


The children have got a worksheet to complete. This involves adding the prefix -un to a given word, then writing a sentence with the word they have made. If the children want to be brave Tommy Turtles, I would love them to come up with some words of their own .


Ongoing learning on IXL ‘Skip-Counting’ F.1 - F.9


Please ensure children are reading every night.


The children have been given some spellings to learn. I will be testing them on these next Friday.

1. put

2. push

3. you

4. your

5. they

6. be

7. me

8. she

9. he

10. tree

Flash Cards

A few children have now learned ALL of the flash cards. This is a HUGE achievement and I am incredibly proud of their hard work and determination. For these children their new challenge is to spell these words. They will be tested on the spellings of these words once a week and moved onto the next set when they can confidently spell them.