Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Tuesday 9th June

Good morning Year 2. I’m sure you’re now back into the swing of virtual learning once again and are ready for a new day of learning. Here are Tuesday’s activities.


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.


Day 2

Continue to research birds using A-Z Find a Bird guide on the RSPB website:

You may choose to continue researching garden birds or consider wading birds or birds of prey – it’s up to you!
This time, create some Top Trumps cards displaying key facts about each bird. You may wish to include subheadings such as: Picture/diagram, Population, Size, Wingspan, Number of eggs, Diet, One/two sentences about the bird or an amazing fact.

Colour your pictures and make your cards as presentable as possible! If you make a few cards, you could even play your Top Trumps bird game with your family!


Spellings - ‘Contractions’

Oxford Owl Spelling

Choose a spelling rule to work on today.


Click the link below and access ‘Summer Term, Week 6 (w/c 1st June)’

Watch the video ‘Lesson 2- Sharing’ and complete the work below.


Analysing graphs to 10


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Times tables

Click below for a website which will help you to practise your times tables even more. You can create a free account which will enable you to see which medals you have collected along the way. Remember in Year 2, our main tables to focus on are 2, 5 and 10, but you could have a go at 3s too for an extra challenge.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a wonderful day,

Miss Woodend

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Monday 8th June

Welcome back Year 2! Here are Monday’s home learning tasks. Enjoy!


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.


This week will be your second week learning about ‘Amazing Birds’. You all produced some brilliant work before the holidays so I can’t wait to see what you will achieve this week! If we were in school, we would have been enjoying one of my favourite stories ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ together, so to finish your two weeks of learning about Amazing Birds, I will begin reading this to you at the end of the week. I know you’re going to love it as much as I do!

Day 1

Enjoy the brief film clip of the blackbird feeding its chicks and the audio recording of a blackbird’s song. Discuss and marvel at each!

Look at the webpage RSPB Facts About Birds:

Read the section ‘I want to learn about …’ and use the links to read more information about the robin, house sparrow, chaffinch and blue tit. Note how each set of information is written like a series of clues, similar to a riddle, e.g. I see a bird with a chest of red, With black and white wings and grey on its head … It’s a chaffinch!

Your task today is to write a riddle(s) for other garden birds. Your riddle doesn’t have to rhyme and can include other information as well as appearance.

E.g. I see a bird that sings nearly all year round. It eats worms, seeds, fruit, insects and other invertebrates. Some think it is cute, but it will defend its territory. It is famous for its red breast. What is it? … It’s a robin!

Use the A-Z Find a Bird guide on the RSPB website to find key information on your chosen garden bird(s). Adult support will be required to read some of the information here.

Options may include: wren, blue tit, goldfinch, woodpigeon etc. Remember to sequence your information so that you only reveal the most obvious clue at the end! Test your riddle(s) out on your family!


Complete ‘Sentence Punctuation’.

Oxford Owl Spelling

Choose a spelling rule to work on today.


Click the link below and access ‘Summer Term, Week 6 (w/c 1st June)’

Watch the video ‘Lesson 1- The 10 times-table’ and complete the work below.


2 x tables


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Times tables

Click below for a website which will help you to practise your times tables even more. You can create a free account which will enable you to see which medals you have collected along the way. Remember in Year 2, our main tables to focus on are 2, 5 and 10, but you could have a go at 3s too for an extra challenge.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Enjoy your day,

Miss Woodend

Home Learning - Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning Year 6 and welcome to our final half term - SERVICE WITH A SMILE! Now more than ever, I am looking to you to ensure that your final term at Our Ladys is one that has service at the centre. If we were in school, you would be serving your school community and giving back for all of the love and support they have provided you for your primary school journey. I still want all of this to happen and you will have little tasks throughout this half term - keep your eyes peeled. House Captains and Sports Captains, it starts with you this week!

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Year 2 Weekly Home Learning Challenges - Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Welcome Back Year 2!

I hope that you all had a restful but fun half term holiday and enjoyed the Health and Happiness activities last week. You all certainly looked healthy and happy in your photographs which was great to see! This week we are back to learning and I know that you are going to love some of the activities I have planned.

As usual, each day I will be posting the English and Maths activities for you to complete. Then don’t forget to keep checking back here for your weekly tasks. Any documents or websites needed are attached below.

home learning.JPG

I hope you all have a wonderful week of learning!

Missing you all lots,

Miss Woodend

Year 4 Monday 8th June Home Learning

Welcome to your final half term in Year 4! We still have a lot to do in this final half term - so make sure you are focused like Cooper Crab and Don’t give up like Sadie Spider. First, watch my little video below which just explains a few things you need to know this half term. I will try to make one video each week which explains the coming week and what I expect.


We are going to try out some of the special Lancashire English units for the next 2 weeks. Next week’s one is all about David Walliams!

This week you will be exploring people who inspire us. Delve into facts and find out why these people are

inspirational. You’ll also have a chance to think about who inspires you too and make your own ‘Inspiration Book’.

Read and enjoy opening extracts from the following books in a series by Kate Pankhurst about several inspirational women. (You will need to become a member of LoveReading4Kids. Membership is free).

As you read, note down unfamiliar vocabulary and use a dictionary/thesaurus to find out what new words mean. Word hippo is a good one!

Select two or three of your favourite texts read today. Create some charts showing key information and/or mind maps. For example, you could scan the texts to find important dates and create a chart such as the one below.


Alternatively, you could create a mind map, noting all the key information you have read about one of the inspirational people.



It is time to move on to decimals! The secret is that decimals are just fractions in numerical form! This is why we learned all about fractions first!

I would like you to watch and join in with the videos from White Rose maths to learn about decimals. It is important that you listen carefully, join in properly and pause the screen to complete activities when the online teacher asks you to. You may want to complete them with an adult nearby to help.

Today please watch Week 1 (not Summer) Lesson 1 Recognise Tenths and Hundredths then complete the sheets below it. Finally, mark it using the answer sheet. Ask a grown up if stuck.

PART 3 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK - June 5th Learning together

Good morning everyone and welcome to our final set of tasks for Health and Happiness week. Today is all about STAYING ACTIVE! There are so many studies that link regular exercise to emotional well being as well as a healthy body. Moving helps our minds too! Discover inside and outside challenges and one last community challenge as Lancashire County Council collect archive material about this unusual time in history- when we all stayed home.

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PART 2 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 3rd-4th Learning together

Welcome to Part 2 of our Health and Happiness week. The following tasks and challenges help us to reflect on our feelings. It is so important to acknowledge our feelings and to learn how to manage them. Our emotions really do drive us each day, looking after them and understanding them helps us to become emotionally resilient.

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