Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 2nd September 2020

Your weekly homework due in on Tuesday 8th September.

English: Next week we will be starting our biography unit of work in English. Can you find a biography about someone who inspires you and either email it across to me or print it off and bring it into school? We will be making a class book with all of the biographies that we have collected. Think about somebody who may be a good leader or who has done something inspirational with their life.

Maths: IXL Strand A4 - Don’t forget to go on Year 6

RE: Can you create a piece of artwork inspired by our mission statement You are Precious in my Eyes. Be creative and think about how you would illustrate it.

Class Council: On Monday 14th September, we will be holding class council voting in class. If you would like to run for Class Councillor. Please have your speeches ready for then.

Your Year 2 journey begins!

HELLO and a big big welcome to Year 2! September is just around the corner and before we know it, Tuesday and the beginning of the new school year will be here! I CANNOT wait to see all of those smiling faces back in the classroom and to have us all back as a class and whole school community!

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Welcome to Year 6 - Today is the start of a new adventure, new challenges to face, new memories to make and new obstacles to overcome!

Welcome back to school! Way back in March, I did not think that it would be September that our school community would be reunited - I could not be happier to be welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday. And into Year 6! Over the past few days, our school staff have been busy bees getting the school ready and organised ready for when the children come back.

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Welcome to nursery

Barbara, Clare, Colette, Sarah, Frances and Rowan are very busy this week making sure everything is ready for the children to start nursery on Tuesday. We are all excited about meeting everyone and are keen to start learning again.

It would be helpful if everyone had read the ‘information for September opening’ on the previous post before Tuesday to ensure that you are clear about the guidelines that have been put in place to keep everyone safe. I am sure you will understand that entry into nursery may be a little slower than in previous years, so please bear with us.

During the period of time that nursery has been closed our families kept in touch via emails. In September we will continue this process. Please email me using this address: or telephone on our direct line 01253 739617. I will get back to as soon as I can.

Finally, as it will be difficult to share group learning with you we thought it would be nice for nursery to post photographs of the children each week on our web page. To enable me to do this I will need your written permission. If you could email me your consent that would be great!

It just remains for me to say, have a fabulous bank holiday weekend and I will see you on Tuesday.


The final post...

I took lots of photos last week whilst the children were in school and I do not want you to miss one moment of your child’s final week at Our Ladys. Please find photographs of your children using the new trim trail and a few videos from the talent show.

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Story time with Barbara

Here’s another story about the GIGANTIC bear. I hope you like it!

Sadly this will be the last story of the summer term. I must say I have thoroughly enjoyed doing them for you. It’s been such a lovely way to stay in touch.

The last ‘Let’s Learn at Home’ booklet is scheduled to come live on Monday 27th July.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to everyone for their support through what has been a most difficult time. I feel saddened that we couldn't finish our year of learning and fun all together, but I look forward to seeing you all in Reception in September.

I hope you all have the most splendid summer and please do keep safe.


Information for September Opening

Dear Parents,

As you will be aware over the last two terms the whole of the country has been living through a very difficult time as families have experienced lockdown measures. Within school and Nursery we have had to plan and implement rigorous risk assessment procedures in an attempt to create the safest possible environment for both children and staff.

The government has now issued further guidance for schools and early years settings as they welcome all children back in September.

Our normal practice in Nursery would to welcome our new Nursery families in June with an Induction Morning and home visits. I feel very sad that this important process has had to take place virtually but thank you for your engagement, patience and feedback.

This is such a strange time for us all and as we return in September unfortunately parents will still not be able to enter the school grounds.  All communication will need to take place via email or through phone calls. Any appointments must be scheduled and organised so that they can take place implementing social distancing protocol. I appreciate this is far from ideal and I pray that we will be able to return to a more normal practice soon.

I would encourage you to keep checking the Nursery page of the school website (this can be found by clicking the ‘Learn’ button at the top of the ‘Discover’ page) as any updates and current information will always be communicated in a timely manner.

Please use the four buttons below to access the Nursery Opening Plan for September and the detailed guidance. You may also want to visit the Discover Page of the website to access the schools guidance in the final newsletter of this term.

We are all very excited to begin working with your children and yourselves; please trust that we will welcome your children as the ‘precious gifts’ from God that they are…