'How lucky am I to have something so special, that makes saying goodbye so hard.' Winnie the Pooh

And here we are. This year has certainly been a roller coaster on emotions and events, which when we look back at them can only make us stronger. This week we have reflected on the past 17 weeks which each child telling me what they have learnt about themselves. I cannot tell you how humbling this experience was. The children have all learnt just how independent and resilient that they can actually be…they can definitely be the change they want to see in the world.

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Year 2 Home Learning - Thursday 16th July

Good Morning Year 2!

Well, this is it! We have reached the end of our year together, and what a year it has been! Tomorrow, the whole school will be completing the same activities so that we can celebrate the end of the year as a whole school community.

Although this year hasn’t been as we would have expected, I couldn’t be more proud of you ALL. Both your learning in school and at home has shown just how far you have come, how much you have grown, and what independent and confident learners you are becoming. You all amaze me with your determination and resilience. Although this year may have been tough, you never once gave up and continued to shine like the stars that you are.

Not only are you precious in God’s eyes, but you all truly are precious in MY eyes! I wish you all the best of luck for Year 3, but I know you will be fine and are going to love the new challenges you will face. I will most certainly be popping in to see you all as soon as I can.

Here are today’s activities

Enjoy listening to the story below - ‘Spinderella’ by Julia Donaldson

In the story, Spinderella learns an important lesson. Can you think what it might be?

Now I would like you to reflect upon the personal qualities and skills that you have developed throughout your time in Year 2. Think about our learning characters. Do you feel like Year 2 has helped you to grow more determined? Do you feel that you are now a kinder and more loving friend?
Use the flower template to record your reflections on. You could put your name in the middle and add your ideas to the petals, or you could add your idea to the middle and colour the petals. It is up to you!

Extra activities

Click the link below to access the White Rose Maths website:

Click on WEEK 10 (W/C 29th JUNE) - Lesson 4 - Millilitres. Watch the video and complete the activity below.

Usually, during the summer holidays, lots of you complete the library reading challenge. As everything is a little different this year, they are running the challenge online. Click the link below to sign up for the challenge (you will need a grown up’s email address).

To help with your choosing of books, I have attached a list of books that are great for Year 2 children. I know that you are very soon to be Year 3, but I thought it would be nice to see how many you have read already and if you could challenge yourself to read them all before September! Some we have already read in school!

Happy Reading!

Year 4 Home learning Thursday 16th July

Dear Year 4 - this is our last day of me leading your online learning - our last day together. Tomorrow we are celebrating together as a whole school!

Please make sure you watch my three videos today - one is just to say goodbye - so make sure you scroll down to the very bottom of the page!


Today we are going to have fun looking at themes within all our amazing novels we looked at together. Thor makes an appearance today!


Celebrating Year 4

Create a mind map of all your amazing Year 4 learning in Purple Mash. Include your memories too. Watch the quick video below so I can show you how.

Faith Filled and Hopeful

Let’s look at this final message and make a Mary acrostic poem. Keep it on your wall to remember to say your 3 Hail Mary’s each night throughout the Summer.


Before you reach the holiday this weekend it is really important you make reading over the break a priority.

The Lancashire Library Service is here to help!! Please click on the link to find out more and then click on the next button to link directly to “The Silly Squad” page.


Story time with Barbara

This week’s story is all about Eddy’s teddy whose name is Freddy! Have you guessed…it’s a rhyming story.

Don’t worry it’s not too scary!

Watch out next week fro another story about Eddy’s teddy, Freddie!

One of our fabulous friend has sent in some photos of her learning at home. Thank you.

Year 4 Home learning Wednesday 15th July


A new challenge today! Be really resilient and courageous with this one - Sadie Spiders and Tommy Turtles please!!


Celebrating Year 4

You have done so many things to be proud of in Year 4. I would like to reflect on and celebrate all the things you are proud of achieving in Year 4 today in form of a slideshow in Purple Mash.

PLEASE include all your wonderful achievements and adventures from lockdown. I would love to know what you have thought about your lockdown experience.

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

Let us reflect again on our role model of faith and hope - Mary.

Year 2 Home Learning - Wednesday 15th July

Good Morning Year 2!

Have a look at the image below. Do you recognise it?

blob classroom.JPG

That’s right! We looked at this image right at the beginning of Year 2 when we were thinking about our class rules and expectations. Have another close look at the classroom and think carefully about the following questions:

Which Blob do you think best represents you and your time in Year 2?
Do any Blobs show any of the great choices that you made in Year 2? Do any of the Blobs represent any of the wrong choices you may have made in Year 2?
Which feelings do the Blobs represent? What colours would you associate with those feelings? For example red for anger or yellow for happy. If you are able to print the image, you could colour each Blob in the colour to match their feeling.
Remember that everyone looks at the image in different ways. What you think might be different to what someone else thinks. Did you ever think that someone felt a certain way in Year 2 when it turned out that they didn’t feel that way at all?
Maybe you could give the Blobs that represent you a number and then write about when you felt like that in Year 2 and why. You could have felt like many of the Blobs - remember this is perfectly fine!

Enjoy reflecting upon your thoughts and feelings throughout your time in Year 2.

Extra activities

Click the link below to access the White Rose Maths website:

Click on WEEK 10 (W/C 29th JUNE) - Lesson 3 - Compare Volume. Watch the video and complete the activity below.

Enjoy the final chapter of the owl who was afraid of the dark - Dark is beautiful. Complete the comprehension questions below.

Usually, during the summer holidays, lots of you complete the library reading challenge. As everything is a little different this year, they are running the challenge online. Click the link below to sign up for the challenge (you will need a grown up’s email address).

To help with your choosing of books, I have attached a list of books that are great for Year 2 children. I know that you are very soon to be Year 3, but I thought it would be nice to see how many you have read already and if you could challenge yourself to read them all before September! Some we have already read in school!

Happy Reading!

Have a wonderful day,

Miss Woodend