Year 2 Home Learning - Tuesday 14th July

Good morning Year 2. How are you all today?

Last week whilst working with some of the Year 1s, I discovered that many of them had worries about Year 2 and felt a little nervous about moving into a different class with new teachers.

Therefore, today I would like you to write a postcard to Year 1. In your postcard I would like you to tell the Year 1s what they can expect when they come into Year 2. Do they need to be worried? What will they be learning about in Year 2? Include your favourite memories from your time in Year 2. What made you smile? What advice would you give them? If you could go back, is there anything that you would change? Have you grown to be more of our learning characters this year?

Use the template below if you wish. I have also created a 2DO for you on Purple Mash if you would prefer to write it on there.

Here are some photographs to inspire you!

Extra activities

Click the link below to access the White Rose Maths website:

Click on WEEK 10 (W/C 29th JUNE) - Lesson 2 - Measure Mass in kilograms. Watch the video and complete the activity below.

Enjoy chapter 6 of the owl who was afraid of the dark - Dark is wonderful. Complete the comprehension questions below.

Usually, during the summer holidays, lots of you complete the library reading challenge. As everything is a little different this year, they are running the challenge online. Click the link below to sign up for the challenge (you will need a grown up’s email address).

To help with your choosing of books, I have attached a list of books that are great for Year 2 children. I know that you are very soon to be Year 3, but I thought it would be nice to see how many you have read already and if you could challenge yourself to read them all before September! Some we have already read in school!

Happy Reading!

Enjoy your day,

Miss Woodend

Year 4 Home learning Tuesday 14th July


Today you are going to do a bit of Year 4 writing revision and then you are going to create a magical item! My video went a bit wrong! It was supposed to have me in the top right corner but it didn’t work. But it still has my voice! At one point I show you a stone - now obviously you will not be able to see it!


Celebrating Year 4

Today I have set you a purple mash task to write a postcard to a new year 4 pupil. Your aim is to make them feel excited and hopeful!

Give them lots of advice about what it is like in Year 4 and what you need to be like. You could tell them about some things we learn about. I can then display them on our shared school board for them to read.!

Faith Filled and Hopeful

Today we will learn about how Mary praised God. Read and complete the prayer below.

Year 2 Home Learning - Monday 13th July

Good Morning Year 2!

Did you all enjoy your transition week and meeting your new teachers? I’m sure you amazed them all with your super focus, determination and enthusiasm!

I am so thrilled to be spending the final week of the year with you all. This week you will be completing some lovely activities whilst reflecting upon your time in Year 2. Let’s really go for it, have one final week of hard work and enjoy our final week as a class team together.

What have you learned this year?

Today I would like you to reflect upon everything you have learned this year. Think carefully about the different subjects and what you learned in each. Create a spider diagram showing all of your new acquired knowledge. If you’ve got a super memory (unlike Miss Woodend!), maybe you would like to create a spider diagram for each subject. Finally, I would like you to think carefully about what has been your favourite subject and why.

Don’t forget to take photographs of your spider diagrams. If you would prefer, you can create yours on Purple Mash and send it over to me when complete.

Here are a few photographs to remind you of the learning you completed in school.

Extra activities

Click the link below to access the White Rose Maths website:

Click on WEEK 10 (W/C 29th JUNE) - Lesson 1 - Measure Mass in grams. Watch the video and complete the activity below.

Enjoy chapter 5 of the owl who was afraid of the dark - Dark is fascinating. Complete the comprehension questions below.

Usually, during the summer holidays, lots of you complete the library reading challenge. As everything is a little different this year, they are running the challenge online. Click the link below to sign up for the challenge (you will need a grown up’s email address).

To help with your choosing of books, I have attached a list of books that are great for Year 2 children. I know that you are very soon to be Year 3, but I thought it would be nice to see how many you have read already and if you could challenge yourself to read them all before September! Some we have already read in school!

Happy Reading!

Enjoy your day Year 2!

Miss Woodend

Year 4 home learning. Your final week! Monday 13th July

English - Viking myths continued!

Watch the video below to find out your exciting task today. I forgot to say in the video that I would love you to draw the character too!!!


I thought we could spend our last week thinking about money. Enjoy the video and task below.

Celebrating our Achievements.

I have set a Purple Mash 2do and I would like you to do me a slideshow all about your favourite subject in year 4! I would prefer something we have done in class rather than Art (I know you all adore that!)

Maybe it is a subject you have grown more fond of this year, like English or Maths. Maybe it is Science or History. Perhaps you love geography or computing.

I have written some prompts in the help section (look for the blue question mark) to help you tell me more about why you love it and which parts in particular!

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

During our time at home over the last couple of months, we have all had to put our trust in God and be as full of faith and hope as we possible could be in such different and difficult times. Therefore, the teachers at school decided that the best virtues to focus upon during the last week of home learning would be faith-filled and hopeful.

We are going to end our year by growing closer to Mary our Mother each day. Complete the activity below.

What a super week Year 2

Well Year 2, it’s be wonderful getting to know a little bit about you and your families this week. We have really enjoyed this week and now we can’t wait until we are teaching you in September.

We hope that you have enjoyed all of the activities. Thank you for being such enthusiastic learners and for all of the fantastic work that you have done on Purple Mash and for the super emails and lovely photos and videos that you have sent to us this week - we hope that you enjoy the picture movie that we have put together for you.

I’ve also made a little movie to answer the questions that you asked us. I’m sorry that we can’t answer all of them at the moment but by September we should be able to share the answers to the other questions with you.

We hope that you enjoy the last week of term with Miss Woodend next week.

Keep smiling

Take care and stay safe

Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson and Miss Woodrow