Attention Year Three... Needed for ART!

Year 3, Needed for art beginning the week of the 26th April, you will need an OLD, WHITE T.SHIRT for printing and drawing on, this is for our Textiles topic. An old school t-shirt is perfect or an old white T-shirt of Mum’s, Dad’s or big brother or sister. We will be printing on them with dye and using Fabric pens. I have placed a box in the year three classroom for collection of the shirts, please name these on the label in the neck space. Thank you for your continued support. Mrs Curtis

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Year 6 Easter Reflection - "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE."

As we finish school today for Easter, I am reflecting on a week that has been filled with prayer. We have become thoroughly immersed in the passion of Christ and what it means for us here on Earth. I hope that our interpretation of the Easter story, through photographs, words and art has given you a chance to spend time on your own spiritual journey to the cross and to rejoice in the eternal life that we have been given.

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COVID-19 reporting and contacts over the Easter holiday

In the first 48 hours (until 3:30pm on Saturday 3rd April) after breaking up we continue to need your support. If your child shows symptoms of Covid-19 within 48 hours of last being in nursery, please can you report this to nursery immediately by emailing  

Following this, please then seek a test as soon as possible and inform the nursery of the result, as soon as you receive it, even if the result is negative. Again, you can do this by emailing  

If your child tests positive for Covid-19 having shown symptoms within 48 hours of last being in nursery, we need to be informed immediately so that we can notify any other children in your child's bubble and their families so they can self-isolate for ten days. This will help to prevent the spread of coronavirus in our community.  

If your child develops symptoms after 48 hours of last being in school (after 3:30pm on April 3rd) and then tests positive, then contact tracing should be picked up by the NHS Test and Trace Service. 

Your help with this is greatly appreciated. 


This week...

We have managed to reach the end of the spring term and thankfully all safe and well.

It has been an exhausting term and I can see that the children are beginning to flag (as are the staff). Nonetheless, we have had great fun learning and growing our brains. This week the children have been reflecting on the events of Holy Week and have drawn pictures to show how they are feeling.

All the nursery ladies are so proud of all the children’s achievements this term and we can’t wait to start our new learning thread after the holidays….Super Heroes!

Click on the button to see what we will be doing.

This week saw some glorious weather and that meant we could move nursery into the garden. On Tuesday and Wednesday we stayed outside all day. We even had snack and lunch in the garden. It was all very exciting!

As it was so warm we decided to get all the BIG water play out…we had to wear wellies though. We attached hose pipes, cisterns, got the water wheel working and watered the garden using HUGE teapots. Everyone enjoyed the water but we did get a bit wet!

All the children made Easter chicks with Clare and decorated Easter eggs on the computer with Colette. Don’t they look splendid?

Whilst we were in the garden the children wrote letters to the Poggle monster. We drew a picture of the Poggle on the computer and then stuck it on to the post box. You can write anything to the Poggle even if you are missing mummy and daddy. If you want to summon the Poggle you stamp your foot three times….

It was an excellent way to encourage the children to mark make!

Considering we only had four days at nursery this week we certainly crammed in as much as we could, we even made hot cross buns again.

Throughout the year the children have been practicing their balancing skills by building more and more complex and difficult obstacle courses. This week was our best one yet! Take a look!

Finally, on behalf of everyone at nursery I would like to wish everyone a happy and Holy Easter. I hope you all gets lots of time with loved ones, albeit in the garden. Let’s hope it’s BBQ weather!

Nursery reopens on Monday 12th April and we look forward to seeing all then.


"He is not here. He has RISEN"

We’ve come to the end of yet another term in Year 2, and my, what a bit of a strange term it’s been! It seems such a long time ago now, but we started this term continuing with remote learning. We then received the fantastic news that we would all be able to come back together as our class team, and a team is certainly what we are!

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This week...

We began the week by reading the Easter story and discussed the events of Holy week. We were all very sad talking about the crucifixion but happy again when Jesus was alive again. We have tried all week to be more like Jesus in everything that we do. We have shown love and compassion to all our friends.

The children watched a short video explaining Easter. If you want to watch it click here. Also, if you visit the CBeebies webpage there is more about Easter, including Jesus coming back to life depicted in sand. We were all fascinated by this, next week we are going to try and make pictures in the sand at nursery; Click here

On Monday and Thursday we made hot cross buns as another way to explore Easter. We found out that hot cross buns go back a long, long time (as far as the 12th century). According to the story, a monk baked the buns and marked them with a cross in honour of Good Friday. Over time everyone wanted to eat them and eventually became a symbol of Easter weekend.

We used the bread maker to mix the ingredients and then we watched as the dough started to rise. Jacqui in the school kitchen baked them in the oven and then we ate them all up!!!! Mmmmmm yummy!

 It was also Frances’s special birthday on Monday. We made her a card from everyone at nursery. We all had a lovely day…I hope Frances did too!

On Wednesday we read a story all about when mum turned into a monster. The cousins are coming to tea and Mum is busy cleaning, shopping and cooking. Sam and his sister are no help at all; they make lots of bad choices and create even more mess. Click here to listen.

The story inspired us to make a jungle camp in our garden just like the children in the story. It was so much fun!

Everyone was very excited to get a delivery of strawberry plants from Miss Neves in Reception. It took us ages to plant them. The children can’t wait until they grow and we can eat all the fruit. Fingers crossed!

As always nursery is a very busy place to be. We are so excited about our learning that it often takes us many directions all at the same time. Look at the photographs to see how many different activities have been happening.

As you will already know, nursery closes next Thursday for the Easter holidays. However, unlike in previous years nursery will not be closing at 2pm; we will remain open until 3.30 pm. We open again on Monday 12th April.

Try and have a restful weekend we have lots planned for next week! Our learning at the moment has no boundaries! Stay safe and I will see you all on Monday.
