This week....

Yet another fabulous week of learning. Our brains are growing so fast.

We are all enjoying our visits to the beach and to the library. We are now thinking where else we can visit that is within walking distance!!

Key person blog

What a week for our caterpillars! We came in on Wednesday morning and one of our caterpillars was starting to emerge from their chrysalids! We were all super excited. At first there were only four but today, another has emerged, meaning all five have now gone through their metamorphosis (one of our wow words we have recently learnt).

Our caterpillars had grown beautiful wings. The children said that the butterflies must be hungry—it’s hard work growing wings! We dissolved our little sachet of nectar in water and placed little droplets on flowers and pot them in the butterfly habitat with some slices of juicy orange. The butterflies landed on them and seemed to enjoy their tasty treat! We have been feeding them nectar and plan to release them soon.

 We have also enjoyed reading our story we wrote together last week! Some of our friends hadn't seen the story as they weren't in last week, so we concentrated like Cooper Crab and told them all the parts of the story! We used our story map to help us—it was so much fun to remember all the different minibeasts we had put into our story.

We have continued with our trips out and have explored more of St Annes sea front, this time spotting baby ducks on the pond and investigating the waterfall. We tripped trapped across the bridge but luckily, we managed to avoid the troll. 

Some of us also enjoyed a super story at St Annes library, Whatever Next. Click here to listen at home. We also had our snack at the library!

PE was great fun in the hall where we practised moving in different ways to the Sticky Kids song. This is one of our favourites. Click here to join in at home.

The children have explored length by measuring and comparing lengths of lots of different objects, including themselves.

Click here for a measuring activity to do at home.

We have even made popcorn…it went everywhere!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we  will see you all next week for more fun and learning.

Barbara, Michelle, Colette, Justine, Stephanie and Frances.

I am sure you will agree that we are all working very hard…and also having lots of FUN!! Here are even more photos of our learning; sound sorting, symmetry, mark making big and small, constructing, reading our floorbooks, making collage pictures, playing hairdressers, working on the Touch TV and capturing minibeasts for further investigation!!! Phew!!

We have a request from any gardeners at home. We have had delivered a small Christmas tree to look after and nurture. If anyone has a large pot and some compost and you are willing to donate them to nursery, we would be most grateful. We are wanting it to grow the tree really tall then we can decorate it at Christmas time with baubles and lights!

Make sure the children have a good rest this weekend as next week is even busier!!!!!

Have a fabulous weekend full of family fun and we will see you on Monday!


Year 3 Blog 1.7.22 - Nothing is impossible. The words itself says, "I'M POSSIBLE!"

The weeks really are flying by! This week the children have WOWED us with their independent writing! We have a class of reflective learners and we are SO proud of each one of them. Our Year 3’s set off writing their own versions of the Iron Man… and then swiftly got their purple pencils out to add missing punctuation, improve their vocabulary choices AND sentence structures. Reading and marking their writing has been the biggest joy! Well done everybody!

We also had another special moment this week as we celebrated the feast of St Peter and Paul in church. Celebrating mass together as a school felt so special! Watching the children help one another with the parts of the mass was just beautiful, thank you children!

The children have also finished their investigations in science this week. We have been exploring different surfaces and seeing what effect this has when trying to make objects travel. The children worked brilliantly together and I am sure they could tell you lots about their findings!

Let’s celebrate!

A Determined learner… JACOB: A huge well done! You have shown such effort and focus this week and  always, “try, try, try” to do your very best. During our writing this week you made sure to carefully edit your work, checking to see if you had included all of our Year 3 skills, Brilliant Jacob!

A Co-operative and determined learner…BELLA: You have wowed us this week with your absolute focus and determination during your writing of the Iron Man. You thought carefully about the vocabulary you used and made sure to include the key parts of your story. You have achieved so many targets this year because you try so hard and never give up! Well done Bella!

Summer Reading Challenge:

Tpday we have had one of the librarians ftom St. Annes Library in to talk to us about the summer reading challenge at the library. This starts tomorrow and they are having a launch event with different activities. It is always good to keep reading ticking over during the summer holidays so why not sign up to complete the challenge. We are sure that the children will really enjoy it.


  • Please remember that our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Make sure to wear your PE kit on these days!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 3 team

Year 3 Home Learning 1.7.22


  1. library

2. actual

3. actually

4. complete

5. completely

6. opposite

7. fruit

8. heard

9. heart

10. height


IXL - Time

This week please complete these IXL strands based on time: W.13, W.14 and W.15


This week we have introduced “The Spider and the fly,” the poem that we will be focused on during our final weeks. We have been thinking about the different spider characters that we are familiar with from previous stories, poems, films and songs. We found that spiders are not always fearful characters!

In your homework book can you write a top trumps card to share facts about a particular spider. This could be a particular species or a spider from a story, song or poem. When writing your card, don’t forget to showcase your wonderful writing skills. What different punctuation can you include? Can you use exciting vocabulary? What about different sentence structures?

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Everything is possible, even the impossible' Mary Poppins

The sun has been shining all week this week and so has our enthusiasm! The children are working tirelessly on their play and on their work in class, and although it has been very hot during rehearsals this has not held us back! Mary Poppins is coming along perfectly (of course, in every way), we completed the very famous ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ this week and loved every minute of it. Keep going with learning and practicing lines at home, as all of their hard work is paying off. We now just need to work on our volume and intonation as we say our lines.

Read more

What a week......

It seems that every week is getting more and more busy. This week it has been hot so we have had to keep ourselves cool with lots of water activities. The children have instinctively looked for shade underneath our canopy of trees….how sensible!

To relax and try and find our ‘cool’ we did Rainbow Relaxation. See if you can remember how to do it! Click here.

Friday saw us hold our Gym Jam Jog sponsored event ( the first one in two years!). It was so lovely to see all our families back together having fun. Well done everyone and thank you for your wonderful support.

Key person blog

Wow….God has truly blessed us with the sunshine this week and there has been so much work to do!             We began the week by making sure that everything in the garden was still ‘rosy’ and we planted some new poppy and bluebell seeds.  So far, the existing flowers are ‘blooming’ marvellously, the tadpoles are still swimming (no sign of any legs yet but we are still hopeful) and there continues to be a plentiful supply of minibeasts to spot (according to our team of explorers!) The children are now the proud owners of some ‘Super Pupas’ as our greedy caterpillars have eaten all of their special food and have turned themselves in to Chrysalises. We will continue to watch them very closely!

This week we have enjoyed looking after our lovely plants in the garden—it has been so warm and sunny that we have had to give them lots of water to continue to grow! We have experimented in different ways to fill up our buckets and watering cans and moved around the garden to get to all the flowers. We also used the syringes to strengthen our muscles in our fingers—we hung the umbrellas upside down and tried to aim the water into them. We also them into a cascading waterfall. As well as practising our number skills aiming the water at the gingerbread numbers hanging on the wall. This was both great for strengthening the muscles in our hands and also cooling us down as the water fell back down onto us! There were lots of happy faces during this activity!

There was a successful trip to the beach where the children had made some sand art including a sand man using some seaweed. Sadly our Wednesday trip to the library had to be postponed due to a road closure but on a positive note a very helpful Police lady allowed us to inspect the Police van. It was fantastic!

There has been some popcorn making (we are still finding the evidence) and some excellent joke telling and some obstacle courses.

 Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Barbara, Michelle, Colette, Justine, Frances and Stephanie.


Created to Live in Community explores our relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good. Living in the Wider World helps children to extend their understanding of communities from Unit 1, as they learn about the responsibilities they have to people, places and the planet now and increasingly as they get older.

Religious Understanding introduces in a very simple way the concept of the Trinity, where God is three-in-one and each part loves the others and loves us. The children will come to understand that as we are made in the image of God, we are designed to love God and love one another in our wider communities too. Through the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with just the humble offering of a small boy, children will learn that our loving actions can be used by God to do incredible things.

We began our worship by singing a new song called ‘My hands are yours’, we are still learning it but we think its going to become of our favourites! It helps us remember how we can be more like Jesus by using our hands, feet and voices for good.

Home learning

We are doing so well with our phonics. Here’s a game you can play at home to practice! Click here to play!

We have been looking at pattern and symmetry on mini beast we can fine in the garden. It was a bit tricky at first but now we are looking for symmetry everywhere! Here is game to play at home …good luck!

As always we love our Numberblocks, especially Octoblock! Eight is great….click here

Also, watch out for some fun learning activity sheets being sent home today!


It’s hard to believe we only have four weeks left to the end of the year. The nursery ladies are already feeling sad. That means we have to make the time we have left together count, so we have been planning a Pirate Leavers Party!! Keep a look out for child’s party invitation.

Have a great weekend!
