Year 6 Weekly Blog 09.09.22 'Be brave, take risks and allow the unexpected'

Welcome to Year 6!

What a week we have had. Firstly I would just like to say how sorry I am for not be able to welcome the children back personally, although I did make an appearance virtually! Mrs Nel and Miss Forster have done an amazing job, as always, as settling the children back in and giving them an overview of the year ahead an my, what a start to Year 6 they have made. Once I was back in on Thursday, it was like I had never been away! It is so lovely to get the pleasure of teaching your children once again. The first two weeks in Year 6 are always a whirl wind but I am looking forward to meeting you all on Wednesday 21st September at induction Evening. Please make it a priority to come as Year 6 is such an important year with lots of new experiences for the children.

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Year 2 "You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose"

What a wonderful start to the year we have had in Year 2! It was amazing to see all of the children’s smiling faces as they proudly walked through the door on Monday morning, looking incredibly smart all ready for the new challenges ahead! We have been so busy getting to know each other that the week seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye!

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Year 1 Homework 09.09.22

Welcome to our Year 1 homework page!

This week, you have 2 challenges and your parents have some challenges too!


Challenge 1

Please can you practise with your child logging onto Purple mash and IXL, the log in cards are in your child’s reading record. It is important that your child learns to log in independently this will help during our computing lessons. Here is some more information:

Challenge 2

Read your new book, please can you read as much as possible at home this will help improve your child’s confidence and fluency.

 Parent homework!

Don’t forget to fill in these forms, thank you for those who have already brought in an old oversized T-shirt for Art, if you haven’t please can you bring one in ready for Friday.

Thank you have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 9.9.22 " Change is inevitable but personal growth is optional"

Welcome to Year 5

First week completed! We have had a fantastic first week back and the children have adapted really well from the jump up to Year 5.

The class are so kind hearted and are a lovely group to teach. I am excited to take to take this class on their learning journey throughout upper key stage 2.

The children have shown how responsible they are by carrying our their new class jobs, even helping other children in their jobs as well. It has been lovely to hear about their summer holidays and what they got up to. They certainty made me jealous with all of the amazing activities that they did. The children have loved our new history topic of Ancient Greece and looking into their myths and legends such as the Minotaur and the Labyrinth.

Treat others how you would like to be treated…

On our first day back, we went through the new set up in Year 5 and what the children were most looking forward to. After spending some time with the class at the end of Year 4, I could see that they would have no trouble following school rules. “treat others how you would like to be treated” has become our class slogan in which the children have shown how this is important to them.


Class Council- Next Fridays assembly will be our leadership assembly, where leadership roles in Year 6 will be announced, along with the class councilors for each year group. If you haven’t been a class councilor yet and you would like to be one this year, on Early next week we will be voting in class for who we would like to be class councilor. So if you are interested, you can prepare a small speech of why you want to be a class councilor and why people should vote for you. Good luck!

PE Days- Just to remind everyone, PE days are;

Wednesday- Rugby outdoors

Thursday- Gymnastics indoors

I do apologize for the mix up this week, I should really check the blog before posting it.

Art- On Tuesdays. Please can you bring in your art t-shirts.

Reading Books- Over the summer the library has had a complete makeover and is currently in the process of being set up. Therefore, if children would like to bring in a book from home for them to read at the beginning and end of the day.

Proud Cloud- In Year 5 we have a proud cloud which is used to celebrate the children’s achievements outside of school such as winning trophies and certificates. All you need to do is to email myself a picture of your child holding their trophy/certificate with a little description.

Football and Netball training- Football and netball training sessions will begin on Monday at 8am. Football will be ran by myself and Mr Nay whilst netball will be ran by Miss Lavelle. Fixtures will begin 27th September. If your child is interested, please bring the appropriate kit.

Football- Boots, shin pads, football kit, water bottle.

Netball- sports kit, sports trainers, water bottle.

Choir- Choir will begin Thursday 15th which will be ran by Miss Woodend.

Medical and Consent Forms- These forms have been attached below. Please can you fill these out ASAP. The home school agreement will also be attached.

Such a fabulous start to nursery!

It has been such a fabulous start to our year at nursery. I understanding that as parents you can be quite anxious when your child starts nursery. So a massive thank you for being brave!

As in previous years we would love you to get involved in our learning by supporting us at home. I know this can also be tricky but don’t worry do what you can

If you click on the button below it will tell you everything we are hoping to do this month…fingers crossed! You will notice that what we do not manage to get through will roll over into the next month. Also some skills will be present for the whole year!! Practise makes perfect so they say! If there is anything you want to ask about either catch me at the gate, drop me and email or speak to your child’s key person!

I’m not sure if you have managed to dip into the documents I sent home during the summer term so I will attach them again for you. Click here for the EYFS Development Matters and on the button below for What to Expect When. They are a good start to understand your childs development.

This year we are doing things in nursery differently. Monthly newsletters will not be sent out. Instead we are putting everything in this webpage. I usually write it on a Friday, it will have your child’s key person blog and images of their learning for the week.

You will also find parent information and home learning activities! Pencil it in your diary it would awful for you to miss any important information or special events!

Anyway here is what you have all be waiting for….your childs key person blogs.

Stephanie’s Blog

Hello everyone! What a wonderful first week in Nursery we have had. I have loved meeting you all and getting to know you. This first week has been about you getting to know all the nursery ladies and our new friends. We have learnt lots of new names already!

The children have begun to learn our nursery routine – they have been practising listening at Carpet Kingdom times and washing hands for snack and lunch – they have been great! ! We have snack time in the morning and afternoon – it would be great if you could put their healthy snack in their blue bag rather than their lunchbox then it can go straight into their tray in the morning. They have enjoyed independently going to their tray at snack time and seeing what is there to eat.

You will see from the photos that we have had lots of fun exploring nursery and playing with all the new things. We’ve loved playing in the garden and there has been lots of mark making and crafts taking place too. We have also read the Colour Monster and spoken about our feelings – the children may come home saying they are feeling ‘yellow’ or ‘blue’. Here is a link to the story so you can watch it at home. Click here to watch! We are sending home a colouring sheet so you can talk about feelings at home. Check your blue bags.

We can’t wait to see you all next week – we have lots planned and it’s going to be fun!

We are also going to make a display with all our family photographs on, so we would love it if you could bring a photograph of your family for us to add to it – you can email this too if it is easier.

Have a lovely weekend!


Michelle’s Blog

What a wonderful first week we have had! It has been really exciting meeting all our new starters. The children have had so much fun exploring all the toys and activities on offer.

This week has been all about getting to know each other and getting to know the routines of nursery.

We are all learning everyone’s name and the children have started to develop friendships already. Snack time has been very enjoyable with lots of chatting and laughing. We have snack time in the morning and in the afternoon, so don’t forget your child will need a healthy snack for these times, e.g. fruit or vegetables. It is easier for the children if this are separate to their lunch box- they can be placed in their book bag and go straight in their tray at the beginning of the day.

Story time has been great fun this week. We read Owl Babies and Shark in the Park. Watch Owl Babies here

We have also practiced our counting and subtracting by singing 5 Sticky Lollipops. Click here if you would like to sing along.

The children have all amazed me with how well they have all settled and they all tell me they are coming back next week!

Next week the children will be starting to paint their self portraits and to talk about their families. It would be wonderful if you could send in a photo of your family for our display. This can be emailed if you prefer.

Have a lovely weekend.


Colette’s Blog

Welcome everyone! What a wonderful beginning it has been to our autumn term at Nursery. The children have amazed the Nursery staff by allowing us to guide them along the path and in to Nursery where their new adventures can begin.

We have been meeting new friends and saying hello to some existing friends too. We have found our trays and had a look at which picture we have (mine is a cat!) We have also found the toilets, water machine, the place we hang our coats, where we put our lunch boxes (if we have one) and our bags and most importantly where the toys and books can be found. What an achievement!

Thank you for the lovely family photos that have been coming in. We can’t wait to put them up on our display. Don’t worry if you haven’t sent one in yet, there is still time. Also just a quick reminder that we have two snack times a day so if you could send your child’s snack in their blue bag that would be a big help!

Finally, remember to keep your eye on the website for any important information that you might need.

Have a lovely weekend together.


Worship this month

Created and loved by God

Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are created by God out of love and for love, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.

Next week we will introduce the children to the story of creation, where God created the earth, sea, stars, plants, animals and humans. A five-story sessions will encourage children to creatively explore this topic and help them to deeply know that they are created by God out of love and for love.

We have also started to visit our chapel in the school garden. We are learning lots of new songs to sing and to sign.

Diary Dates

Tempest school photographer will be in school on 12th October- I will give you more information nearer the time.

Break for half term 20th October 3.30 pm

Curriculum Evening 17th November- more details to follow

Nursery Drop in session 29th November 3.45-4.45 pm- just in case you want a quick catch up. This is for parents and not for children. Your key person will be contacting next week to arrange a meeting this half term.

Advent Mass in school at 8 am 25th Nov, 2nd Dec, 9th Dec and 16th Dec. Please come along with your child, we would love to see you.

Foundation Stage Nativity 7th and 8th December - more details to follow

Foundation Christmas party 19th December - all children invited- more details to follow

Break for Christmas 2pm on the 20th December.

Now just a few housekeeping points.

Owing to lack of space in our entrance would it be possible to get your child and Our Lady Book bag instead of a large back pack.

Could any item of clothing that may be taken off during the day please be clearly labelled. We are getting so confused, especially if we have two items the same.

We are a healthy eating nursery. Could all snacks be either fruit or vegetables only and put in your child’s blue bag and not in their lunch bag please.

Finally, it has been such a happy week in nursery and the children have enjoyed being together. We can’t wait to see everyone next week. Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the sun will shine.

God Bless


Year 3 Homework- 9.9 to be handed in Thursday 15.9

Hopefully your child has come home with their new homework book (fingers crossed).

Task one

This week we would like you to decorate the front cover / back. This can be with backing paper and/or illustrations of things that are of interest to you.

Task two

On the first page inside your book we would like you to draw a portrait of yourself and colour it in. It might be nice to have a mirror handy whilst doing this. Around your portrait we then would like you to share all of the things that make you YOU! Your special gifts, your talents, what you enjoy.

We can’t wait to share these with each other next week.

Task three

As you will be aware the children did not come home with a school reading book so please keep reading your favourite books from home. On Monday they will all be given their new ZPDs and will bring a school reading book home then.

Thank you to all of you who have returned previously lost books!

Year 3 9.9.22 - "The start of something new brings the hope of something great. Anything is possible!"

We have had the most delightful start to the new school year. Seeing everyone’s smiling faces as they arrived on Monday was just wonderful!

What enthusiastic and caring children we have. Each day we have been wowed by their desire to help one another. Writing this now I am remembering kind action after kind action. It has been a truly lovely week!

We have been getting to know our new class environment, our daily routines and have created our new class rules. We have also spent time thinking about how unique and special we each are. We are all different and each one of our children has special gifts that they have been given! Our aim this year is to celebrate and respect the things that make us who we are! Each child is an important piece to our jigsaw.

Let’s celebrate!

This week we have two ENTHUSIASTIC learners!

Amelia: You have been a bundle of excitement and have used this to help you to fly through your learning. You have also shown great concentration! We have been super impressed!

Lorenzo: You have also been very enthusiastic, already ready to learn and have been very active during our discussions! You have also been spotted being very kind to others in the class, helping them if they have needed it.

Well done!

Important forms to complete online.

Please fill in these forms as soon as possible so that we can ensure your child is safe and able to learn well.


PE Days: Monday - Outdoor Wednesday and Thursday - Indoor (half classes)

Art: Every Wednesday the children will spend some time in the afternoon with Miss Neves getting creative! Please make sure that your child has an Art T- Shirt in school.

Induction: We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom for our Induction evening on Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. This will allow us to share the journey we hope to take your children on this year, whilst also providing the time to chat face to face!

Snacks: Now the children have reached the Juniors we no longer have fruit provided to us. Please therefore send your child with a healthy snack (A list of possible snack ideas can be found on the Discover page of the school website under ‘Daily things to remember’)

Water: Please bring a labelled water bottle each day.

Homework days: New homework will be handed out each Friday. This will vary from week to week, sometimes including computer based tasks and sometimes things that we would like completing in their homework books. Homework is then handed in on the following Thursday.

Labelling: Please do ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled. It’s very tricky to get mislaid garments back to their owners if we don’t know who they belong to. Thank you in advance.
School Library: Throughout the holidays, the school library has been completely re-organised and sorted, and we have found that we have many books missing. Please could you have a good look in your homes and return school books if you have any. Thank you!

We hope you have a well deserved rest this weekend and we very much look forward to welcoming the children back in on Monday.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter.

Year 6 Homework Friday 9th September

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Thursday

Homework books - Please personalize/ cover your homework book to tells me something about you.

 English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Whilst you are reading can you collect nouns in your homework book? Think about whether they are proper, common or an abstract noun.


 Optional Homework

Have you never been a Class Councillor? Would you like this opportunity in your final year at Our Lady’s? Now is your chance …

If you would like to be considered in our class votes then you need to prepare a short speech, presentation or poster that outlines why your class should vote for you and why you would be good at the job. We are voting next Wednesday, so make sure you prepare and bring in everything you need before this day.

A new year of sport...

Sport is a huge part of Our Ladys. Not only taking part in the physical aspect of it but the lessons that we learn alongside it. Next week we will be relaunching football and netball training for our Year 5 and 6 children, alongside dance. Fixtures will be agreed by the primary schools next week, once this has happened, I will produce a full timetable of extra-curricular opportunities for this half term.

Once your child has signed up, there will be a code of conduct for them to sign so that everyone is on the same page with expectations moving forward. Forms to sign up are on the Year 5 & 6 class pages, but can also be found here too.

For the children in the younger years, do not worry. Over the year you will have clubs that are run just for you too! Keep an eye on the website.

Dance club!

It is with great joy that we have the return of our Dance club this year! The club will take place every Monday at 3:30 - 4:30 for our Year 5 and 6 children. We will be learning a new dance which we will then perform during a dance festival at the Winter Gardens in November.

If you would like your child to attend please fill out the form below.

We would like the children to prepare a short dance either themselves or in pairs (small groups) that they will perform/ audition with during the first week of the dance club, Monday 12th September. This will give both myself (Miss Bassett) and Miss Lavelle to get a greater understanding of the children’s preferred dance style…. and also to pinch a few ideas ourselves!

We can’t wait to watch them!

Miss Bassett and Miss Liddell

Welcome to Year 1

Dear Year 1, 

Welcome back, I hope you have had a lovely summer holiday.  Miss Liddell and I are very excited to meet you all again and we have a busy half term planned for the children. Next week we will focus on settling in and learning about each other. Our induction evening will be on Wednesday 14th September at 6pm. We are looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom. 

Here are a few important reminders: 

Our PE days are on Mondays (outside) and Fridays (inside) we will start our PE sessions on Friday 9th September. Please come into school in PE kits on PE days. If your child wears earrings, please remove them before they come to school on these days.  

To ensure everything comes home, please label everything that comes into school. All items of uniform, coats, PE kit, lunchboxes, water bottles, wellies etc. 

Please send your child in with a bag with spare underwear, socks, tights, trousers, skirt/pinafore etc. in a named plastic bag just in case of any accidents. They will be kept on your child’s peg.  


Art sessions will be every Friday, please can you bring in an old oversized T-shirt to keep in school. 


Finally if you have any spare underwear, socks etc. we would be grateful if you could donate them for our class.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.  


Here’s to a super year ahead!  


Miss Drummond 😊