Year 6 Home Learning Friday 22nd September

Priority is to make sure we know all our lines off by heart and exactly when we come in. Could we also make sure we know our song off by heart, ready for our practice on Monday- not long now!

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Verbs have been a big part of our learning this week, maybe whilst you are reading you could collect verbs and look at the different ways they have used them within a sentence?

Maths- Please can you have a go at the reasoning page- if you need to work alongside an adult do or you can come and ask a teacher BEFORE the day it is due in.

Grammar- Year 6 need to be able to identify different sentence types- please remind yourselves on whether sentences are simple or compound. Remember to look out for the coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS), this tells you it is a compound sentence.

Complete IXL EE 8 English- don’t forget to check it is on the Year 6 section not another year group.

we have also been identifying main and subordinate clauses, on IXL and in other areas of grammar these are sometimes called independent (main) and dependent (subordinate) clauses. These helps us to identify and write different types of sentences. Please see the picture below to help you and then complete the following IXL strands.


Spellings - this week we are focusing on homophones…

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

Like make more number other over people

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 19th September


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


The children have been given a worksheet to complete and stick into their homework books.


dangerous poisonous perilous mountainous venomous famous enormous hazardous jealous tremendous

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 25th September.

School Sports Fixture Update

Next week sees the return of the sports fixtures - weather permitting! It always seems to throw a spanner in the works. Please pray for dry weather.


  • Training will take place every Monday morning at 8am. All children from the three squads are expected to attend.

  • The Year 5 & 6 A team and Girls’ Football team will play fixtures for the next 4 Tuesday evenings. The results of these games will not be recorded, they are friendly fixtures to practise their skills and tactics.

  • Children need to be collected from school and taken to AKS ready for fixtures to start no later than 4pm. Both fixtures will be over by 5pm. All football fixtures are being played at AKS, apart from Heyhouses. We will play at their school.

  • The Year 5 & 6 B team will be training ready for the tournament that will take place in November. All three tournaments will be competitive.

  • Kits will be organised over the coming week.


  • Training for the netball team is taking place every Monday and Wednesday lunch for the next week, then just Monday lunches going forward.

  • The fixtures will take place at home and away venues. Please collect the team for the first two fixtures and take them to the school that they are playing at.

  • Games will start at 4pm and finish by 5pm.

  • Kits will be organised next week.

Year 1 Homework 15.9.23

It has been lovely to see lots of leaves arriving this week, the children have loved sharing their achievements with the class. I will hand some more out in the next few weeks, please email me if you need some more.

We have changed the library books and you should all have a RWI book in your bag. Please practise reading the RWI book and share the library book together.

My homework this week is to write a sentence about your weekend, have a look at the sheet for more information. I would love to see pictures or drawings so we can share with the class next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 2 Weekly blog - "Because God loved us first, we can love others and see the beauty of His design in all people."

This week we have been busy thinking all about what type of person we want to be. We discussed how our beliefs as Christians impact how we behave. We decided that as followers of Christ we wanted to be,

“Helpful towards others; to be responsible for our world by keeping it safe and clean; to always treat others with kindness and love; and to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.” Read on to find out more …

Read more

Year 5 Weekly Blog 15.09.23 " Education… like democracy is always in the making, forever incomplete and founded in possibilities”

What a busy week it has been! It is hard to believe that it has only been two weeks of the new school year. The focus for the start of the week was all things London. What a trip it was, still hard to believe we did it all in one day and the children were still full of energy at the very end of the night. We got to see lots of wonderful sights such as Big Ben, a tour of the Houses of Parliament, and the London Eye. I was super impressed with the children’s focus the following day and their effort throughout every lesson- learning through thee yawns.

It was brilliant to see so many of you on Wednesday night at induction evening and finally meet some of you. For anyone who didn’t manage to make it, here is the PowerPoint slides from the evening.

In English, the children finally found out what our first novel of Year 5 is- which is the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The children were ecstatic as many children have already seen the film and many are also eager to discover this fantastic story.

Flu Vaccinations

Please follow the link below to fill in the flu vaccination form for this year - stating whether you want your child to have it or not. This is a simple nasal spray, done within school time

The school code to enter when asked is BP119627

Medical and Consent Forms

If you have not done so already, please follow the links below and fill in these crucial forms so that we have up to date information about your child. I cannot put any photos online our our first couple of weeks in school until I have all forms in.

Let’s Celebrate

Archie for being a co-operative learner- I have seen you work with lots of different people this week and on our trip to London. You have been so polite and cooperative with everyone and treated everyone the same. An excellent quality to have both in the classroom and on the football pitch.

Pippa for being a brave learner- What a day out in London you had. You battled through your sickness and that bright and bubbly personality did not change once throughout the day. You still took part in all of the activities in the day and shared your insights during the tour. You deserved the extra two days off.

Ruby for being a brave learner- You have settled into life at Our Lady’s so well and have interacted with everyone in the classroom. You have thrown yourself into every activity and have become a much loved member of Year 5.

Elsie for being an active learner- You have gone above and beyond in helping around the classroom and keeping the Year 5 ship steady. You have carried out your class job excellently and have offered to help in other areas as well. Keep it up!



Forms- Please make sure that all of the forms above have been filled out and submitted.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 5 team

This week...

Wow, what a week!

The children are really enjoyng nursery and making new friends. We have had a fun week even though the weather hasn’t been too good.

We have visited the chapel and we each friend said a prayer for someone they love. we talked about how we were feeling and chose a pom pom to represent our emotions. I was glad to see we were mostly yellow, green and pink, phew!


Our worship this week introduced the children to the story of creation, where God created the earth, sea, stars, plants, animals and humans. The five-story sessions encouraged children to creatively explore this topic and help them to deeply know that they are created by God out of love and for love.

Click on the button below to talk about the slides at home.

Click here to read about God’s Wonderful Earth.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had another fantastic week at nursery and we can’t believe some of these children have only been with us a week. We have all been so impressed with how they have taken to all the nursery routines- it’s like they have always been here!

Thank you to everyone who read last week’s blog and has sent in their child’s snack in their book bag, it makes it so much easier for the children if they can get their own snack out of their trays. Independence is a big part of what we do at nursery, as we prepare all the children for their next journey, which will be starting school. We impressed Mr Nay, the sports teacher for the school at our first PE lesson this week. He said our listening skills were amazing. Thank you, Mr Nay, we thought our PE lesson was amazing too, and we can’t wait to do PE every week. We are going to be just like athletes by the time sports day comes around.

As well as PE, we have also had lots of practice balancing in the garden as we built our own obstacle courses. We turned ours into a pirate ship and used the telescope to look for pirates. We do have good imaginations. It has been so much fun this week getting to know all our new friends and playing games together. Here are some ideas for imaginative play outside while the weather is still nice Click here.

Our busy week continued as we explored our topic of All About Me by painting our self-portraits. They are so good we are going to have to display them in our very own art gallery. We looked really closely at our features in a mirror so we could make sure we used the right colours for our hair and our eyes. We learnt about differences and similarities and this theme continued into worship this week as we learnt about the Creation and how God created everything, including us.

We learnt we are all people but we are all different. I don’t know how we found the time but we also visited the castle on the school field, for a play and decided to make our own box of props to take with us next time, lots of knight costumes, some princess ones and even a dragon. After we had been to the castle we also visited chapel, where we prayed for all our loved ones and sang a song about how God is big and mighty.

Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a fun packed week with lots of giggles and working our brains hard.

We have been getting to know each other by looking in the mirror and talking about what we see, eye colour skin, hair and we have been painting pictures of ourselves to go onto the nursery wall.

We continue to make our faces using paper plates, coloured buttons for eyes and wool for hair. The children drew their nose and mouth, then we talked about how they feel by discussing the expressions shown from the mouth. The children wanted to take them home so maybe try to make your own faces at home using paper plates and different household objects and talking about your feelings based on the facial expressions.

In nursery, we all like to be healthy and we have been looking and talking about healthy and unhealthy foods. We play a game with the children where there are different foods in a shopping basket and the children had to think about the foods and pick foods as to whether or not they are healthy using a thumb up for healthy and thumb down for unhealthy. It really made the children think about whether sweet foods were healthy or just for treats. I have added a link to a game below for you to play which is all about healthy foods. Click here

We have been on an adventure to the castle in the school field. The children have been really excited to see it and we had lots of fun playing in it and climbing. We decided to make a flag for the castle and get dressed up so we could play the roles of knights, princesses, witches, dragons and we even had a parrot! We talked about what we would put on our flag and the children came up with a dragon, star and moon and we called it St Patrick’s Castle which is after the name of the road the nursery and castle face onto. The photos of our castle adventure are in the blog, the children had a fanatic time.

We had an adventure out of nursery with some of the children, taking them to the library for story time with myself and Barbara. We walked all of the way there and when we got there we sat and looked at the books whilst we waited for story time. The lady at the library read three books about different animals. The children sat really nicely and enjoyed listening. When we finished, the lady gave the children a picture of a parrot so when we got back to nursery we coloured and glued coloured feathers to our parrot pictures. The children loved doing this.

We have had a fantastic second week. I wonder what fun next week will bring.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


…and just a few from Justine!

Our Visit to the Castle

Such a fabulous week at nursery. Next week watch out for your child’s Purple Mash codes coming home. You will be able to access the virtual classroom and home learning that your child’s key person will post. It’s great fun!

Health and Safety notice

Could I please ask that if your child is bringing grapes, cherry tomatoes or large blueberries for snack or lunch, could you please cut them into quarters accordingly e.g. grapes need cutting into quarters. They foods can pose a choking hazard to young children

Family photos

We have started My Family wall but we are still some family photos missing. It would be great if you send in a photograph of your family for our wall. The children love to talk about everyone who lives in their house. Thank you.

Don’t forget it is the parent drop in on Tuesday 3.45-4.45 pm. We are looking forward to a catch up. Please note this is a catch up for you, could you if possible find alternative care for your child.

Lastly, I’m not sure what the weather will do this weekend but I’m sure you will find lots to do. Keep safe and I will see you all on Monday.

God Bless


Year 6 Home Learning Friday 15th September

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Thursday


English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day!

Geography- Can you complete the flags of South America homework- think about your presentation please.

Maths- Please complete the following IXL strands under A Place value and number sense.

A2 Place values

A5 Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert words to digits

A6 Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert digits to words

Spellings - this week we are focusing on recapping the word list from Year 5

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

which said word about first could down made

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 21st September


  1. fought

  2. nought

  3. ought

  4. bought

  5. cough

  6. trough

  7. rough

  8. tough

  9. enough

  10. thorough


Will be on IXL;

  • A1- Place value names up to millions

  • A2- value of a digit


Children are to select their own greek myth (cartoon only). This is to be found on YouTube and they need to find the 4 main points of the story for each page of their book. This can be done as a drawn sketch with annotations or just written out.