Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.'

And in the blink of an eye…another week in Year 6 has passed. From the minute that the children walk into class in the morning to the moment that they walk out of the door, they are constantly learning and challenging themselves to be the best that they can be. It really astounds me just how much work that the children have completed. As we approach Advent, and the birth of Jesus Christ, we continue to strive to be Faithfilled and Hopefull in our actions, which are our two virtues this half term.

Learning is always fast paced in Year 6 and this week has been no exception. This week it has been all about our writing! Every day, the children have taken a paragraph/ event from our class novel and we have either written our very own as a class or the they have independently innovated the main ideas to create their own paragraph. The next day, they look at the feedback they have been given and challenge themselves to meet this target. Wow, what wonderful writing they have created. They have all worked so hard and produced such depth, trying hard to blend their description, dialogue and action throughout.

In Maths we have been adjusting the calculations to be more efficient and accurate. Our RE topic this term is such a reflective unit of work, as we ask the children to reflect on the injustices within our world today. They are often surprised that some of the situations still occur. We spent today reflecting on a poem about the plight of refugees in our world. Why not read the poem and see what you think?

They have no need of our help
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you or me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back to where they came from
They cannot
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not okay to say
These are people just like us
A place should only belong to those who are born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world can be looked at another way.

Now read the poem backwards. What a powerful poem with a really significant meaning. The discussion around this and the empathy the children showed was so humbling, what a group of compassionate children you have. Following this lesson, the children have started to write their own poems about refugees.

Earlier this week we met our Recpetion partners, we did lots of talking to find out a little bit more about them and read a book together…

Leading Learners

Well done to Leo and Evan this week.

Leo, I have loved reading your writing this week. Your creativity and desire to hook the reader in and entertain them with your words, is beautiful. You have been so creative with your descriptions that I felt like I was actually IN your story! You have also controlled the pace of your writing creatively with your punctuation and variation of sentence lengths, just at the right time. Thank you for working so hard and reflecting on your targets. 

Evan, you are so focused on your learning and always engaged, ready to learn and answer any questions thrown your way! You listen to the learning, reflect, manage any distractions extremely well and challenge yourself in your work. You work so hard to improve and hit your targets every day and this is reflected in your work. A big well done Evan- keep up the great work!

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Edi Harvey Tabby Iris


Our Christmas performance is in church on Monday 18th December at 2pm and 6pm.

We close for Chrsitmas at 2pm on Thursday 21st December

Friday 8th December is a big day - £1 to wear your Chrsitmas jumper for the day, £1 if you would like to buy some cake and £3 if you would like to enter in the Our Lady’s Bake Off!! On your marks…Set… Bake!

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 23.11.23

English - Please complete the short comprehension sheet on the DEFORESTATION.

SPELLING: this week we are continuing to focus on words ending in ‘ough’. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

Same Sentence show small sound take


Let’s practice our reasoning skills with a short quiz!

Also, there are many children in class we have spotted this week that need to practise recalling half of numbers, especially odd numbers. Please can we spend a bit of time throughout the week on the game ‘hit the button’

OR are you one of the children that needed to practise their number bonds to 100 or decimal frations…if so please practise 10 minutes a day on Hit the Button…

Science (two weeks to complete for our display)

This week we have started our topic on evolution, inheritance and adaptations. Next week we will be looking at inhetited characteristics that we get from our family. For homework, I would like you to please find a photograph of a family member or members who show these inherited characterisitcs… this photograph will be displayed in class so make sure we are ok to use this! Could you also write a few sentences/ paragraph on what inheirted characteristics you have from parent or grandparents!

It’s that time of year again …

Please could you next learn the next two songs off by heart for our Chrsitmas Concert…

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 21st November


This week we have read about the annunciation to Mary. Can you remember what happened? Think about what the Angel Gabriel said to Mary and how she felt.


IXL Counting and number patterns

3 Skip-counting by 8

TT Rockstars

Later this week we will begin learning the 8 times table. Can you challenge yourself on TT Rockstars to get yourself ready for Thursday? Remember to go onto Studio to get your Rockstar Status!


Prefix ‘sub’
subway subzero submarine subtitle subheading subsoil subdivide subtropical submerge subtotal

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 27th November

Year 2 Home Learning to be handed in on Monday 27th November


THANK YOU - to everyone who has really worked hard on their lines for the nativity. It is tricky trying to help the children to understand the scene but if they know their lines it all makes sense to them. Please make this your priority this week again.



THank you to all those children who complete their IXl challenge every week you are doing brilliantly! This week acn you complete: IXL A21 and A23.


Adding the suffix ly this week! Please learn the following spellings- click on the button - they are also in the children’s homework books.

Please ensure homework books are returned on Monday so that they can be marked and new work placed in them if we need to - Thank you.

Homework helps give the children a deeper sense that we are working on their learning together (school and home) -reinforcing and consolidating what we have learnt at school.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 17.11.23- 'Everything is better in pajamas'

Another week has flown by as we edge closer to December, closer to our Nativity and closer to Christmas! We finished our week in style with our annual PJ day- in order to raise money for Brian House. The children were full of joys all day (especially having their teddies with them). We used this as a perfect opportunity to pair up with our buddy class and read to our Year 2 companions. I think their favourite part was comparing teddies though.

We continued with experimenting with forces in science, looking at forces which counteract gravity- with the focus being on air resistance. We discussed how this forces acts on a parachute when falling through the sky so the children made their own mini parachutes and dropped them to test their safety.

Let’s Celebrate

Michael for being an enthusiastic learner: Your love for learning just fills me with joy. The way you tackle every lesson, whether it is a new topic or a  continuing problem- you always do it with the right attitude. You are always open to trying new methods and learning new concepts- which gives you the best chance of succeeding.

Rose for being a creative learner: No wonder English is your favourite subject! Your creative ideas and writing are just magnificent. You really throw yourself into a story and bring out such description whatever the task is.

Faye for being a faith-filled learner: After our RHE lesson today, where we looked at the definition of what faith means- ‘having absolute trust in someone or something’- this is how I would sum you up. I know that I can trust you to always make the right choice and that you will always follow instructions.


  • B Team Football Tournament: Will take place this Monday. Children are to picked up from school at 12:30 and taken to AKS. The tournament will be from 1:00-4:00

  • Girls Football Tournament: Will take place on Thursday 23rd November. The same procedure will apply for this tournament as of the one above.

  • Eco Trip- We will be doing a beach clean this upcoming Tuesday. Children will again need appropriate clothing such as a coat, gloves if you would like and an old pair of trousers and shoes. We are still needing 2 volunteers for the trip as we are going with Year 2. Please drop me an email if you are interested in attending. We will be leaving around 12:30 and should be done between 1:30-2:00.

  • Bake Off- Will take place on Friday 8th December. £3 to enter (festive themed)

Year 1 Homework 17.11.23

As we have had such as busy week and you all worked so hard practising your lines and song for the assembly, my only homework is to read over the weekend. I will give out the next 6 spelling but our test will be on Friday 1st Decmeber.


Please keep reading at home books have been changed today. Please can you ensure that your child’s reading folder comes in to school every day. As we aim to listen to all children read to an adult at least once a week and change their books.

Purple Mash Ongoing

Please continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.


Our first spelling test will be on Friday 1dt December, please practise these at home:

do is has

so by was

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

This week...

A fabulous week! We have had a ‘Super Sorting’ table where we organised small objects by colour and then categorised them further according to fruits, dinosaurs, transport, and animals. It was really tricky, but we did it!!

We have also been practising writing our ‘sounds’ using magic writing sticks and coloured sand. We are getting very good. Thank you for your support at home.

We have had lovely feed back from the children who have already had a turn of taking the travelling Nativity home. The photos are wonderful, the true meaning of Christmas. Take a look at some of the photos

This week we have had problems with our camera’s so all the key person pictures are all together! Sorry!

Emma’s Blog 

We have had a fabulous week of fun and lots of learning.

If you hear your child singing songs about baby Jesus, an Angel or a star, yes you've guessed it, we have been very busy learning our Nativity songs. The children are really enjoying singing them!

Everyone has been working so hard this week. We have been mark making the lsounds hat we have been learning in the sand using sticks or our fingers, saying the sounds as we arite them. It is nice to see how the children are using their duck fingers to mark make. Saying the rhymes really helps us to form their sounds.

We also met some new sounds and letters this week; p, i, o, g and n. We have been practicing forming the sounds on the Touch Screen, fabulous work!

We have continued our learning thread; listening. We have played a listening animal game which will help the children with their concentration and listening skills.

Here is the link to play the game. Click here

We have also been Cooper Crabs in our PE class. We had to follow instructions about how to use our bean bags and ribbons. There were some really tricky moves, the children worked so hard (including Barbara and I).

On Monday the children had lots of fun in Mr. Nay's PE lesson. Not only were we practicing our hopping, jumping and running skills, we were working against the really strong winds! Whilst doing this, the wind blew Mr Nay's cones all over the playground. The children were so kind and enjoyed picking them up for him. I think he was pleased too.

Lastly we have met Number 4 this week. We worked out that we could use 2 fingers on each hand, put them together and make 4. The children have been learning to write the number 4 on a long length of paper on the floor. When doing this we were saying our rhyme, 'down and right, off once more, cross the line and that's a 4.'

Look out on Purple Mash as I have set the children some work to practice their numbers and sounds at home. I can't wait to see the work they have done.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you all on Monday.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

This week we have continued to practise our writing skills by writing on lots of different surfaces. We used sticks in the coloured sand, we used the pen on the Touch Screen, we used felt pens on the white board and we used pencils on really long lengths of paper on the floor. We made sure we used our 'duck fingers' as we practised writing the sounds we have been learning. We have learnt some new letter sounds this week- i, o, p, g and n. We did have fun this week as we experimented with sounds as we imagined what our names would be if they began with a 'd'. It gave us the giggles!

We have also met Numberblock number 4 this week as we begin to understand that 4 can be made in a couple of different ways.

Practice for Nativity is going really well. Don't forget to return the form with your request for tickets so you can see our fantastic songs we have been learning.

It was lovely to see so many of you at Curriculum Evening as we explained a little about why nursery is so crucial in becoming a confident learner. Independence is so important.

 Here is a little quiz for you: How well does your child score?

My child can…….

  • Get dressed by themselves. Think about fastenings on clothing, for example dungarees are tricky.

  • Put on shoes and socks. Again choose shoes which are easier to put on. 

  • Wipe and blow their nose and throw the tissue away afterwards.

  • Peel and eat whole fruits (not water melons!).

  • Use a knife and fork to eat.

  • Recognise their own name when written down.

  • Put on and take off their coat, and hang it up.

  • Do up their zip- again a bit tricky but keep going.

  • Tidy up after playing.

  • Go to the toilet independently and wash hands afterwards.


7+ Fantastic!!!!

4-6 Well on their way to being more independent

0-3 More practice will help your child become more independent

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Meet Number 4!

Four is the new block on the block and he can’t wait to share how much he loves to be square. Click here to watch.

We are:

  • learning that 4 is one more than 3

  • counting to 4

  • the structure of 4 as a square number

  • recognising if 4 items without counting (subitising)

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next weekend


Sounds (n,i,p,i,g,o)

It’s Geraldine Giraffe time!

n - Click here

o - Click here

p - Click here

i - Click here

g - Click here

Use your sound at to have a go at writing the sounds. Be a Tommy Turtle and ‘have a go’!

Christmas Nativity Reminder

This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.

Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December. If you would like your child to be on the DVD you MUST attend this performance.

Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events, with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances. Letters to purchase your tickets have gone out this week…check your child’s bag.

All children should be in nursery no later than 8.45 am on each performance day. If it is not your childs usual session could you please collect them promptly at the end of the play (at the nursery gate).

If your child requires a costume for their part in the play you will have received an email from the office this week, otherwise you can assume that there is an outfit available here.

We will need all additional costumes in as soon as possible please. If you are struggling to find any item just drop me an email.

If I can just mention two small things; after many decades of Nativity experience I find that sometimes three performances are a big ask for nursery children. It may be an idea to attend the dress rehearsal and one other performance (if possible, I understand that it will not be possible for all our children). Also another top tip, it is wise to sit where you can see your child but they cannot see you, as this often unsettle them and then they will not take part.

Don’t forget to return your ticket request form and money a.s.a.p.

PJ Day

Thank you for joining in PJ Day in support of Brian House are our local children’s hospice. Your donations are gratefully received.

Smile everyone and shout ‘silly sausages’!

Lastly, a big thank you everyone who managed to make it to Curriculum Evening on Thursday. It is always to lovely to see our families get involved.

Have the most wonderful weekend. I believe it’s the Christmas lights switch on in Lytham on Saturday! I will keep a look out for you!

Keep safe and God Bless


Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Nothing worth having comes easy'

What a wonderful and busy week we have had in Year 6… the highlight of the week was most definitely our visit to Salmesbury Hall on Tuesday. This was a great way to kick start our learning on the Tudors, there was so much to take in, but we learnt so much from our tour guide Simon.We particualrly enjoyed learning about the ‘white lady’ where a few of us took on the characters extremely well. Take a look at what we got up to …

We hope you enjoyed our Curriculum Evening last night. It was so lovely to see so many families sharing our learning with us and we enjoyed exploring how we teach our wider curriculum. Thank you so much to those Year 6’s who came to help and support us, it is much appreciated.

Today, we have had another different day, where we have been very snuggly and warm in our PJ’s to raise money for Brian House- thank you so much for your donations!

Within class this week, although we have been struck with illness this week, we have continued working harder than ever, putting our resilience and readiness to good use. In English this week we have compared and created a toolkit for writers of how to engage the audience in story openings, before writing our own story next week.


A small plea- please could we ensure all children are practising their spellings throughout the week that they get for homework to ensure they have learnt and memorised crucial spelling patterns that they need to apply to their writing. Every week we do a quiz in class, and it is clear that some children are not spending the time on these that they need to. Thank you for your support.

Leading Learners

Well done to Angel, Alex and Lily-Mae this week.

Angel, you impress us every day with your enthusiasm, focus and determination in lessons. You have real ownership of your learning, and are a pleasure to teach, with your quick wit, curious mind and polite manners- you never miss an opportunity to thank us or offer help.

Lily-Mae, you have kind and beautiful soul, where you quietly and humbly show compassion to those around you, always willing to offer a helping hand or offer a kind word. You work so cooperatively with who ever you work with; listening, offering your opinion sensitively and showing great focus.

Wow Alex, you have really impressed us with your enthusiasm, focus and desire to learn during Science lessons. You have shown when you put your mind to it, you are capable of great things! Keep asking questions and investigating to find the answers!

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Harvey Evan Owen Tabby


Those in the girl’s football team- please see detail on the sports page for next Thursday!

The Great Our Lady Bake off (and Christmas jumper day)- Friday 8th December

On this day, families can bake a cake for an entry fee of £3. Each class will decide on a winner and there is a prize! We will be inviting parents in this afternoon from 2:00-3:00 for coffee and to sample some of the bakes!

Key Stage 2 Nativity Monday 18th December 2pm and 6pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea church

All Key stage 2 children will be taking part in this beautiful event - they have brought home a song booklet this week, which they must keep safe. Please see homework for which songs to learn off by heart each week and keep the booklet safe.

Borwick Hall residential payment is now live on ParentPay for those that wish to make smaller payments more frequently instead of a lump sum nearer the time.

Wednesday 22nd November - Flu Vaccinations = a reminder below of earlier posts incase you have not already stated consent or no consent:

This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. There may be rebound in flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.

Online Consent form: Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School

  • Please use the following link to access the online consent form:

  • Please quote the code for our school : BP119627

Please complete for both consent and no consent giving reasons

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, MrsBarker and Mrs Webster

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 17.11.23

English - Please complete the short comprehension sheet on the Tudors.

SPELLING: this week we are continuing to focus on words ending in ‘ible’ and ‘ibly’. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

Name New old only our place


Let’s practice our arithmetic and reasoning skills with a short quiz!

Also, there are many children in class we have spotted this week that need to practise recalling half of numbers, especially odd numbers. Please can we spend a bit of time throughout the week on the game ‘hit the button’

It’s that time of year again …

Year 6 have all come home with song booklets now (please take good care of them) and they will have a number of songs to learn and practise each work, ready for their final Our Lady’s Chrsitmas Concert! Next week children should also recieve their script, as they will be leading the prayer and reflection on the night. Here are the songs to practice below:

HISTORY: The six wives of Henry VIII.

You have two weeks to complete this, as we are expecting depth and quality (no copy and pasting).

Henry VIII was a significant monarch in British History, but what can you find out about his 6 wives?

Gather as much information as you can about the wives and what happened to them. You can show your research in any way, in your books, on purple mash or on a piece of paper.

What was their date of birth and death?

How old were they when they came to the throne as Henry’s wife?

Did they have any children?

What was their influence on Henry?

Year 5 Homework- Due 23rd November


The focus for this week are homophones. There are 3 pairs of homophones in the list that we have learned this week and the rest are other homophones that have been previously learnt.

  1. allowed

  2. guest

  3. passed

  4. stationery

  5. cereal

  6. farther

  7. pear

  8. aloud

  9. guessed

  10. past

Christmas concert practice

We have practiced ourfirst 3 songs of our nativity concert. These songs are;

  • Joy to the World

  • Mary Did you Know

  • Bring him Home (God on High)


Will be on IXL;

  • K10- Square numbers


Will be in their homework books. The children are to complete the main clauses of the ‘ed’ sentence starters which are about our class novel- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

The children are then to research and choose 3 of their own ed sentence starters and write a sentence for each of them about our class novel.