And so the Advent seaon begins ….
Super busy week next week - important messages included here……
Read moreOur Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
And so the Advent seaon begins ….
Super busy week next week - important messages included here……
Read moreA hectic week at nursery. We have been talking about Advent and what is means; the first season of the Church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays. We have therefore been making room for our Christmas tree, organising our Worship area, preparing festive activities and everything Christmassy. We even have Christmas sparkly sand and on Monday we are going to make snow!!! We are all very excited!
All our families have said how much everyone at home has enjoyed taking home the Travelling Nativity. If you haven’t had your turn yet don’t worry we havent forgotten you! Here are this week photos
Fred Talk
This week some of our children had a go at ‘Fred Talk’ using only the sounds that we have learnt. We had such fun and made lots of words, such as p-a-t, s-a-t, m-a-t. Here’s a short video to explain Fred Talk. Click here
The children found out that the more sounds we learn (more after Christmas, we mustn’t run before we can walk!) the more words we can Fred Talk!
Maths Mastery
We continue to explore the ‘fourness’ of four. 4 is a small number and counting to 4 provides lots of practice in developing skills of counting such as one-one correspondence and saying numbers in the right order.
Four appears in lots of contexts, such as four legs on a table. We encourage the children to become ‘4 detectives’ Four has the special property of being a square number and the children’s attention has been drawn to this through the arrangement of 4 blocks or squares. Have a go at home at making 4!
We have also been identifying similarities between shapes:
At this stage, children show increasing intentionality in their selection of shapes, for example using cylinders to represent wheels because they can roll. Draw children’s attention to specific properties by using specific language in everyday situations, while children may use informal language. Properties may include:
numbers of sides and corners (2D) or edges, faces and vertices (3D)
equal sides
parallel sides
angle size, including right angles
2D shapes as faces of 3D shapes.
In their play the children show that they are utilising this knowledge by gathering specific items that are needed for their construction, e.g. making a bed for a teddy and gathering blocks of equal length to make the rectangle; taking time with constructing corners so the shapes fit together to make a right angle.
Here’s a great Shape Song. Click here
Michelle’s Blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have had another fabulous week of fantastic brain growing. Our focus this week has been learning about shapes. We have learnt the names of lots of different shapes as well as looking at similarities and differences. We are able to say whether a shape has three or more sides and how many corners the shape has too. We went on a shape hunt around nursery, finding lots of shapes in different places. We also had a go at drawing the different shapes on the interactive board, as well as cutting them out to make a collage. Why don’t you try to find as many different shapes on a shape hunt at home or when you are out and about.
We also used the shapes to explore different prepositions and had to describe whether the shapes were under, on, behind, in front of or next to the chair. This is something you could also do at home. Set your child a challenge so they have to find an object only by the clues you give them, e.g “ It’s behind or in front of etc”.
Here is a fun game to reinforce the shapes we have learnt this week. Click here
We have also had lots of activities this week to develop the muscles in our hands. This is all good practice before we start Reception. These hand strengthening activities also help us to have strong hands to put our shoes and socks on and to do up our zips. WE are practising our zips every day and more and more of us are now able to do this independently.
Here are some more ideas to try at home. Click here
Finally, we have started our Christmas crafts and we are as busy as elves. All top secret now though!
We are really looking forward to welcoming you all next week for our Nativity performances. We have been practising really hard!
Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone,
We have had a fantastic week of fun and learning.
Firstly, I just want to say that we have really enjoyed seeing the children's pictures of the Travelling Nativity. The children have loved telling us about their experiences with it and we can't wait to see more photos as it continues to travel around.
We have been getting very creative with making Christmas cards this week and have been looking at how different Christmas trees are in shape, size and colour. We made a mood board filled with different Christmas trees to help inspire the children with their ideas. The children have come up with some wonderful creations, not only with paint, but on the computer also. We can't wait for you to see what your child has created.
As we have been looking at the different shapes of trees, we have linked it to our more general leaning about shapes. We are looking at what they are called, working out how many sides the shapes have and how they are all so different, we also had an ago at drawing shapes on the screen. We played a shape game on the screen and here is the link. The children found it to be really fun. Click here
To continue practising our fine motor skills, we played a game where the children had to stretch hair bands over a large tube. The activity also helps the children to learn a way of putting on their socks, socks can be tricky. It will also help to strengthen their hand muscles, and great for problem solving and resilience.
We had a special visit from year 3 in nursery. They joined in with our activity, dough disco. Year 3 LOVED it, and the nursery children enjoyed being with the older children, as they showed them how to do dough disco. Thank you year 3 for visiting us.
We are all very excited for next weeks Nativity performance. The children have been playing, drawing, and reading stories all about the Nativity. When reading Nativity stories they have been relating the animals and characters back to their friends who will be playing those parts in the play.
Have a big rest this weekend as we are going to be working really hard again next week. I hope you all have a nice weekend and see you all next week.
Your final reminder for the Nativity
This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.
Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December. If you would like your child to be on the DVD you MUST attend this performance.
Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events, with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances. Letters to purchase your tickets have gone out this week…check your child’s bag.
All children should be in nursery no later than 8.45 am on each performance day. If it is not your child’s usual session could you please collect them promptly at the end of the play (at the nursery gate).
If your child requires a costume for their part in the play you will have received an email from the office this week, otherwise you can assume that there is an outfit available here.
We will need all additional costumes in as soon as possible please. If you are struggling to find any item just drop me an email.
If I can just mention two small things; after many decades of Nativity experience I find that sometimes three performances are a big ask for nursery children. It may be an idea to attend the dress rehearsal and one other performance (if possible, I understand that it will not be possible for all our children). Also another top tip, it is wise to sit where you can see your child but they cannot see you, as this often unsettle them and then they will not take part.
Next week, we will see the first of our nativity performances taking place. Across the school, each class team and key stage have been working hard to bring the most amazing story to life through song, prayer and performance. For our children, this will be a special moment in time. We know that for parents and families too, there is no greater joy than seeing your child perform the Christmas story; it will bring back memories of your own time in school. For us, the nativity is central to our prayer and liturgy. When the children tell the story, we are praying to God for the gift of his son. The children who will initially be taking to the stage are our smallest children; for which this can be very daunting.
When you arrive in school for the nativity, can I ask that you just bring yourselves ready to be present in the story. There will be enough seats for all tickets that have been sold, to avoid the need for any standing. Often we can get tempted to stand to watch, or stand to wave so that our children know we are there. This isn’t needed; they know you are there and they need you to be as still as you can so that they can perform like they have been practising. It is always nice to sit somewhere where you can see your child, but they cannot see you. You can both then enjoy the liturgy as intended. I would be really grateful if you can pass this message to whoever is coming to watch the performances. If you know of someone coming who will need additional support or seating, please do let us know and we would be happy to help in any way.
Lastly, as we start Advent I would just like to share this mostly lovely story which I feel tells the how Christmas is about being kind, thoughtful and caring to everyone we meet. It is a heartwarming Christmas story, I hope you enjoy it as much as we have at nursery. Click here for ‘Room for a Little One’.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.
God Bless
Our focus in RE this week has been about angels, since they seem to feature so much at this time of year. Children had so many questions about angels and spent time wondering about them. We then found evidence from the bible so we could figure out what purposes angels seem to have
In history this week, children proudly showed their amazing pyramids. We had structures you could eat, minecraft creations and some with real treasure. They were stunning! Children asked so many questions too - we did not find all the answers! However, we did discover who built the pyramids - thanks to a builder’s village excavated next to the Great pyramids. It was not as Disney would have us believe in ‘The Prince of Egypt’ film! Ask your children to explain.
In other news, some super problem solving in maths with larger numbers, french we have been learning all about clothing and in English we have studied our fairy tale ‘The Pied Piper,’ learning our own version and now it time to create our own stories.
This week, a Sadie Spider certificate goes to Isioma for trying so hard in all she does. You are doing so well! Also a Kiki chameleon/Cooper Crab certificate goes to Grace. You can always be trusted to be ready to learn and you put so much thought into all you do. Well done girls!
This half term, our virtues are ‘Faith-filled and hopeful.’ This week our butterflies are Rory and Tilly for always being such hopeful and kind pupils.
Well done to Amelia, Poppy, John-Paul, Teddy, Ciaran and Tilly who have met their reading target already this half term!!
Swimming stars: Rory, Isioma, Ciaran and Charlotte. Well done!
Music stars: Matilda and Lily
French stars this week are Toby and Charlotte for excellent work!
Christmas cards - Since we are an Eco school, we ask that if children wish to send Christmas cards this year, they just write one for the whole class, which we will put up in our classroom.
First church rehearsal on Wednesday. Please ensure children have coats and a good reading book and water bottle
The Great Our Lady Bake off (and Christmas jumper day)- Friday 8th December
Please bring £1 to wear your Christmas jumper. For an entry fee of £3 you can make a family bake. Each class will decide on a winner and there is a prize! Children can also bring £1 for a nice portion of cake.
We will be inviting parents in this afternoon from 2:00-3:00 for coffee/refreshments and to sample some of the bakes.
Key Stage 2 Nativity Monday 18th December 2pm and 6pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea church
Reminder about water bottles - Please can we ensure that children only have water in their bottles at school rather than juice.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessey, Mrs Carter and Mrs Grey
With a distinctive chill in the air, frost on the ground and rosy red cheeks, the children have embraced their playtime fun.
Read moreSPELLING: this week we are CONSOLIDATING the spellings that we have previosuly learnt. This should be easier and give you another chance of getting any incorrect ones another try! Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:
thing think three through very want
Let’s practice our place value skills with the short quiz on Purple Mash- please find the 2Do!
Continue practising speeding up your recall on halving and numbes bonds to 100 or decimals- such a vital skill we need to approach deeper learning- keep trying to beat your score!
This week we have started our topic on evolution, inheritance and adaptations. Next week we will be looking at inhetited characteristics that we get from our family. For homework, I would like you to please find a photograph of a family member or members who show these inherited characterisitcs… this photograph will be displayed in class so make sure we are ok to use this! Could you also write a few sentences/ paragraph on what inheirted characteristics you have from parent or grandparents!
URGENT- Please could you learn your lines that you now have- would be great if you knew this off by heart for next week’s rehearsal! Also, please practise and learn the next three songs off by heart for our Chrsitmas Concert…
It is hard to believe that we are now coming up to the first week of Advent, the week of Hope. After a turbulent year which we see daily through the news, there is comfort to be found when we pause to read, pray, and reflect over the course of the Advent season in which we eagerly anticipate the celebration of Christ’s birth. The first Sunday of Advent gives us the opportunity to centre our thoughts on hope.It's a beautiful chance to remember the hope God offers our world, and what He's given us through Jesus. We will be celebrating the start of advent alongside Year 3 on Monday at church. Please, if you are available, it would be lovely for you to walk down with us and join us in prayer. We will be setting off from school at 9:10 ready for mass at 9:30am.
Hope, this week, has been at the forefront of our RE lessons and worship as we continue our unit of work on Justice and the refugee crisis. We will be moving on to the study of significant people that have stood up to these injustices and the hope this gives us for a better world.
Year 6 have loved Science this week. We have been looking closely at inheritance and deciding whether traits are environmental or inherited characteristics. We have looked at this through Mr Men and Little Miss, thinkign about the characterisitics they could pass down to their offspring- we had such good fun with our creations…
Well done to Daisy and Molly-Ann this week.
Daisy, Wow Daisy you know how to work your socks off! You have such resilience, stickability and a desire to succeed, it’s contagious! Keep enjoying your learning and giving it your everything.
Molly-Ann, we have been so impressed with your focus during our writing this week, we know you love it but it is such a treat to see such enthusasim and flair! You have really set your mind to it, been extremely determined and created a beautiful piece of writing, reflecting on your targets and listening to advice.
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Friday 8th December is a big day - £1 to wear your Chrsitmas jumper for the day, £1 if you would like to buy some cake and £3 if you would like to enter in the Our Lady’s Bake Off!! On your marks…Set… Bake!
We are out and about a lot next week, walking to church. Please could you make sure children have a warm coat and hat each day to keep warm.
We have decided as a school not to send individual Christmas cards to each other, but to instead put this money towards a chairty of your choice. Children can if they wish, write one card for the whole class.
Our Christmas performance is in church on Monday 18th December at 2pm and 6pm.
We close for Chrsitmas at 2pm on Thursday 21st December
Monday18th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non-fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.
Have a lovely weekend all of you,
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker
The focus for this week has been double letter words. The first 5 are words we have learned this week and the rest are other double letter words- some of which we have covered already this year.
The next 3 songs of our Christmas concert have been practiced this week. Next week, we will begin practicing at church so it is vital that children are learning the lyrics at home so they are prepared.
We are one week away from the Our Lady Christmas Bake Off. Both children and staff will be entering separate competitions and everyone will take part in judging all of our entries. This is all in aid to raise money for Brian House- to give children less fortunate than ourselves a wonderful Christmas.
£3 - Bake Off Entry Fee
£1 - Cake Sale
£1 - Christmas Jumper
9:00 - 9:30am - Judging!
This will take place in the classroom for individual bakes and in the hall for the family bakes. The bakes will be judged on 2 things: flavour and festive appearance. Teaching team are judging the taste and the children are judging the appearance -one winner per class. For those children who are doing a family bake, these will come into the hall and Mrs Gregan and Mrs Nel will judge these. Make it special. Have a gingham altar at the front of your class and make it a real event.
Breaktimes - Cake Sale
We will then separate the bakes and have some for the class bake sale and keep some for the parents in the afternoon. The children will be bringing in £1 for the cake sale. See how much is brought in and then decide how much the children can buy.
2pm - 3pm: Parents Carols and Cakes
This week please practise learning the words off by heart to the following songs:
The Angel Gabriel
The First Noel
Once in Royal David’s City
Please complete the quiz in purple mash and learn the following 15 spellings for a test on Tuesday:
10 key words:
5 words with spellings patterns practiced:
Please feed yourself a daily diet of TT Rockstars! Try to go on it for 3-5 minutes every day. Make it a habit - maybe do it every day after breakfast. It has been set for the 2x 5x and 10x - get super confident and quick at these now.
This can be a Festive family effort. It is £3 entry fee and will be enjoyed by children and parents alike! Please wear Christmas jumpers (£1) and bring £1 to buy cake too.
Fill your house with song!
Read moreToday we have revisited using commas in a list. For your homework please complete the commas in a list activity by completing the sentences.
Practise your 8 times table by playing BINGO as a family. You have all got a set of 4 BINGO cards to cut out and multiples of 8 to be called out. Keep rocking on TT Rockstars too. You are making brilliant progress!
‘sh’ spelt ‘ch’
chute chef machine parachute chalet brochure charade chandelier moustache
Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 4th December
Reception Blog - Friday 24h November 2023
Read moreWelcome to our weekly Year 1 blog. Please read on….
Read moreWe will be starting our Geography topic soon, we will be looking at our local environment and our home addresses, please could you bring in a stamped envelope with your child’s name and address on by Friday 1st December, thank you.
Mrs Hotchkiss has filmed the Year 2 children singing some of our songs today. The songs are easy to remember and very catchy - I hope you enjoy singing along too! The Lyrics are attached too so you can practise together.
Please keep reading at home books have been changed today. Please can you ensure that your child’s reading folder comes in to school every day. As we aim to listen to all children read to an adult at least once a week and change their books.
Please continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.
Our spelling test will be on Friday 1st December, please practise these at home:
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Drummond
Our class worship was led by Lucia, Rosa and Jackson, they told the story of Jesus healing many (Matthew 8:14-16) and read prayers they had written.
Read moreWe practiced the next few songs of our Christmas concert this week. Please dedicate some time to learning these songs to help make our concert amazing when in church.
Will be on IXL;
R1- Comparing money amounts
R3- Add and subtract money amounts
Next week, we will be starting our first geography topic of rivers. In preperation, choose one famous river in the world and create a poster about this river. Your poster might include facts such as location, size, length and other interesting facts about your chosen river.
Here is a list of some of the most known rivers around the world;
This week has been an absolute joy!
Read moreThis week, the Eco Team were back out serving the community cleaning the beach surrounding the pier.
Read moreThis week, we have finished our first class novel, “Charlotte’s Web.’ Children have got so much from this amazing text - through the eyes of the characters they have learned what friendship is and isn’t. They have experienced fierce loyalty and heroism and followed Wilbur and Fern’s journey as they grew and changed. They have also developed analytical reading skills and written passionate letters of persuasion. We will miss these characters, but never fear! We will be starting a new novel next week and also progressing in our next unit on Fairy Tales
In history this week, we have learned all about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s grave and all the ‘wonderful things’ inside. Children have been intrigued by the mummy’s curse which apparently impacted after the discovery!
In other news, children have been showing off their skills in Coding in computer lessons and learning to calculate multiples of 100 over 1000.
This week, Teddy received a Cooper Crab certificate for his excellent focus in lessons and completion of tasks. Louis received a Bobby Bee certificate for his enthusiasm towards all learned, especially Charlotte’s Web
This half term, our virtues are ‘Faith-filled and hopeful.’ This week we thank Logan for being helpful and noticing when things need to be done.
Well done to Tilly, Poppy and Amelia who have met their reading targets this half term! FANTASTIC! Everyone else - keep going. Many of you are almost there!
Swimming stars: Rose and Rory, Lily and Teddy. Brilliant strokes and super listening too!
Music stars:
Parish Pantomine - Children are lucky to be going to watch Dick Whittington at the parish centre on Friday 1st December. Please pay for this on parentpay - £6
The Great Our Lady Bake off (and Christmas jumper day)- Friday 8th December
On this day, families can bake a cake for an entry fee of £3. Each class will decide on a winner and there is a prize! We will be inviting parents in this afternoon from 2:00-3:00 for coffee and to sample some of the bakes!
Key Stage 2 Nativity Monday 18th December 2pm and 6pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea church
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessey, Mrs Carter and Mrs Grey
Here to save our planet one tiny step at a time!
Read moreAnd in the blink of an eye…another week in Year 6 has passed. From the minute that the children walk into class in the morning to the moment that they walk out of the door, they are constantly learning and challenging themselves to be the best that they can be. It really astounds me just how much work that the children have completed. As we approach Advent, and the birth of Jesus Christ, we continue to strive to be Faithfilled and Hopefull in our actions, which are our two virtues this half term.
Learning is always fast paced in Year 6 and this week has been no exception. This week it has been all about our writing! Every day, the children have taken a paragraph/ event from our class novel and we have either written our very own as a class or the they have independently innovated the main ideas to create their own paragraph. The next day, they look at the feedback they have been given and challenge themselves to meet this target. Wow, what wonderful writing they have created. They have all worked so hard and produced such depth, trying hard to blend their description, dialogue and action throughout.
In Maths we have been adjusting the calculations to be more efficient and accurate. Our RE topic this term is such a reflective unit of work, as we ask the children to reflect on the injustices within our world today. They are often surprised that some of the situations still occur. We spent today reflecting on a poem about the plight of refugees in our world. Why not read the poem and see what you think?
They have no need of our help
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you or me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back to where they came from
They cannot
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not okay to say
These are people just like us
A place should only belong to those who are born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world can be looked at another way.
Now read the poem backwards. What a powerful poem with a really significant meaning. The discussion around this and the empathy the children showed was so humbling, what a group of compassionate children you have. Following this lesson, the children have started to write their own poems about refugees.
Earlier this week we met our Recpetion partners, we did lots of talking to find out a little bit more about them and read a book together…
Well done to Leo and Evan this week.
Leo, I have loved reading your writing this week. Your creativity and desire to hook the reader in and entertain them with your words, is beautiful. You have been so creative with your descriptions that I felt like I was actually IN your story! You have also controlled the pace of your writing creatively with your punctuation and variation of sentence lengths, just at the right time. Thank you for working so hard and reflecting on your targets.
Evan, you are so focused on your learning and always engaged, ready to learn and answer any questions thrown your way! You listen to the learning, reflect, manage any distractions extremely well and challenge yourself in your work. You work so hard to improve and hit your targets every day and this is reflected in your work. A big well done Evan- keep up the great work!
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Our Christmas performance is in church on Monday 18th December at 2pm and 6pm.
We close for Chrsitmas at 2pm on Thursday 21st December
Friday 8th December is a big day - £1 to wear your Chrsitmas jumper for the day, £1 if you would like to buy some cake and £3 if you would like to enter in the Our Lady’s Bake Off!! On your marks…Set… Bake!
Have a lovely weekend all of you,
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker
590 Tahoe Keys Blvd, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150