Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 5th November


This weeks focus is homophones and near homophones - words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning, It is important that the children know the meaning of these words as well as the spelling so that they can chose the correct spelling in our spelling quiz.
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 11th November

  1. know

  2. pour

  3. knew

  4. there

  5. you’re

  6. their

  7. they’re

  8. quite

  9. quiet

  10. your

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
Time, addition and subtraction task have been set this week - these are optional tasks.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 5 Weekly Blog 01.11.24- The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate'

What a first week back it has been! The start of our longest half term of the year has begun and it has flown by. It has been a slightly different week, with Mrs Harrison taking the class for the first three days of the week. During this, the children have been doing lots of reading into our class novel with the us coming towards the end of the fantastic story. They have also started their new grammar topic of relative clauses and looking at different ways we can add extra information to our main clauses.

We also began our next module of My Happy Mind which is all about celebrating our minds and focusing what we are good at. We did this by analysing the 24 character strengths that we all have and self-reflected on which strengths we possess the most of.

In Maths, to prepare for our money topic, we have been looking over our place value of going smaller than ones. We have looked at the relationship of ones and tenths and how we can represent this in various representations. The week has also been heavily focused on preparing for our class assembly, with the children jumping straight into script reads, drama and singing. This will be performed on Tuesday 5th November at 9:15am and 9:35am.

We began our first Geography topic of the year with the focus being on the world map and the countries within. We started by recapping our knowledge of the worlds continents and oceans and linked our previous holiday destinations to a world map. We then finished off by testing the children’s knowledge of flags- especially those who have very similar flags to close by nations.

Conversation starters

  • Can you remember which character strengths you ticked as your strongest? Discuss this with your parents and see if they agree. Can you find the list of 24 strengths online and get your parents to pick their top 5.

  • Do you remember the 5 really tricky flag questions I put you to the test with? Can your parents get 5/5 on this too!

Let’s Celebrate

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue star of the week goes to Beth. This week you have taken your own time in your breaks to help organise other children’s book folders- to make sure that they are not scrunched or folded. The children really did appreciate this and it was such a thoughtful thing to do.

Lilly for being a focused learner: Your attitude towards your learning is always spot on Lilly, even when we have changed our seats- your focus has still been at the level we expect of upper juniors. Excellent work.

Gus for being a determined learner: Mrs Harrison has been super impressed with you this week Gus. You have really applied yourself throughout all of our lessons this week- especially in your grammar work in English.

My Happy Mind Champion of the Week- Louis

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- William

Marvelous Manners- Isioma


  • Year 5 Class Assembly: Our class assembly will be on Tuesday 5th November starting at 9:15am. The children will perform their assembly again at 9:35am on the same day.

  • A- Team Football Tournament: If your child plays in the A team for the school football team , then please read the blog on the sports page regarding this for more information. This will take place on Tuesday 5th November.

  • Book Look: This will take place on Friday 8th November, starting at 9:15am. If you’re available, please come down for a lovely coffee and book look morning.

  • PJ Day: Our annual pajama day will be on Friday 15th November. Bring £1 to wear your PJ’s for the day and to help raise money for Brian House charity

Year 5 Homework due Thursday 7th November


New half term which means reading targets have reset- can you reach yours before we break up for Christmas?

Times Tables

Keep up to date and super speedy with your times tables- lots of TTRS!


  1. favourite

  2. library

  3. surprise

  4. chosen

  5. given

  6. February

  7. guide

  8. stomach

  9. bruise

  10. muscle

  11. awkward

  12. privilege

  13. neighbour

  14. immediately

  15. determined

    Mrs Barker’s group

    1. never

    2. motor

    3. have

    4. our

    5. little

    6. favourite

    7. library

    8. surprise

    9. chosen

    10. given

Assembly practice

It is vital that we use this weekend to practice all of our lines and the lyrics to our song.

Children doing bidding prayers (Lorenzo, Gus, Grace and Isioma) you do not have to memorise these- they will be given to you on a sheet.

Song- Lean on Me by Bill Withers.

This will be played on playback speed of 1.25

This will be up to 3 minutes of the song.

This week...

Wow, what a week! We have hit the ground running. We have now started to learn our letter sounds. This week we have introduced m, a, s, t, d. More information on how we say and write the sounds can be found here, please take five minutes to find our more. Resist the temptation to race a head we will be taking it slow and steady and will not move on in haste. We will be sending home two sound mats this week for you to reinforce the sounds we are learning at home.

Here are a few short videos to work through over the next couple of weeks:

‘m’ click here

‘a’ click here

‘s’ click here

‘t’ click here

‘d’ click here

If you keep going back to the videos and spot objects around your environment it will help your child to remember! Also using your sound mat have a go at practising writing the sounds. Remember to say the rhyme as you write and to use duck fingers! Good luck everyone!

Meet Zero the Hero

We have started our Maths Mastery learning too! We met Zero the Hero.Ask you child how many ‘0’ is! Click here to watch.

We learnt that 0 means nothing…not even 1!

0 has no blocks…no blocks at all!

0 is one less than 1!

I have sent home a picture to colour in. When your child has finished send it back to nursery so that we can celebrate! Which brings me nicely on to this half terms My Happy Mind!

Why not ask your child if they can write this number the rhyme goes like this…‘round in a loop like an empty hoop’. Don't forget those duck fingers!

My Happy Mind

This half term we will be exploring our Character Strengths. Click on the button below to find out more and how you can support your child at home.

We will be creating a celebration board to documents everyone’s strengths. Watch this space!

Emma’s blog

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic break.

We have been very busy at nursery growing our brains and having lots of fun too!

It has been lovely seeing how the children have got right back into nursery life, learning, playing, helping and caring for each other, and most importantly, being kind to one another.

As it’s a new half term we are finding out about our bodies. Did you know, we all have a skeleton which is made up of 206 bones!!? We have been learning about our major organs, how to look after them by eating healthy foods and doing lots of exercise.

We played a game where the children worked their brains to sort which foods were healthy or unhealthy. Healthy foods got the 'thumbs up' group, and unhealthy foods got the 'thumbs down' group. The children agreed that they have unhealthy foods on their treat days.

To continue with the thread everyone had fun dancing to the skeleton song. We learnt how our skeletons bones are connected to another bone! Here is the song to enjoy at home. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. See you all on Monday for more brain growing.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

I hope you all had a wonderful relaxing half-term.

We have jumped head first back into our learning this week. This week we have started learning our first letter sounds. We are also making sure we work those muscles in our hands and fingers that will enable us to be fantastic writers. Both Emma and I have been sending home activities to do at home to get our funky fingers strong. Please do look out for these activities in your child's book bag and please send it back for your child's next nursery session.

We have also had lots of fun learning about our bodies, starting will h our skeletons. The children needed some convincing that they all had a skeleton but we have learnt that we have 206 bones in our skeletons. We sang this song click here.

We were all fantastic on our trip to the library for story time. The librarian was impressed with how well everyone sat and listened to the the stories. 

Our learning continues as we have started to learn about numbers, starting with zero the hero.

Have a look lovely weekend everyone 


Our trip to the library

On Wednesday we all went to St Annes Library for story time. It was quite a long way to walk but we did it!! We were all a bit tired when we got back though!

The Librarian read some spooky stories…oooooh!! The children sat so beautifully and did excellent listening. I was so very proud of them.

Click here to listen to one of the stories we read.


On Wednesday we started our fire work pictures. We started by making a HUGE splatter painting in the garden….sorry is everyone went home splattered, I know I did. We intend to do some ICT splatter pictures next, these shouldn’t be so messy!

Such fun! We are going to see how many colours we know the names of! Click here for the colour song! See how many colours your child can name…

Next week we are going to make a colour investigation table…we can’t wait!

If you are having fireworks at home or going to a bonfire remember to stay safe. We have been talking about the dangers of bonfires and fireworks. Click here for short video.


This week we read the parable of the Good Samaritan. Click here to watch and discuss at home. We have been trying to be even more kind and to love our neighbour as we would love ourselves…that’s what Jesus would want us to do.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is an award-winning cross curricular website for nursery and primary school children, enabling them to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way. Hosted online and compatible with all tablets and computers, it delivers an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games.

This we we will be sending home instructions on how to access the the website and also your childs unique login code. Keep a look our for work that is set from your childs key person too. Enjoy!!

Phew, I think that some of what we have been doing at nursery this week…we have achieved so much more!!! I think a well earned rest is in order thei weekend.

Have a lovely weekend everyone I will see you on Monday for another busy week!

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 30th October


This weeks focus is common exception words - those tricky words that have no pattern, we just need to learn them!
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 4th November

  1. every

  2. busy

  3. who

  4. improve

  5. arrive

  6. answer

  7. enough

  8. thought

  9. question

  10. differently

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day. New ZPD’s are in the front of homework books.
Targets have been reset…Go!Go!Go!
Can you get into 100% club this half term?

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising timestables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Football Tournament - Tuesday 5th October

Next Tuesday, there is a football tournament being held for A teams across Fylde, ran by the Schools Sports Partnership. We have decided to enter our team.

The tournament will be held on Tuesday 5th November from 12.30pm - 4.00pm at AKS on the fields. All parking needs to take place off site on either King Edward Promenade or Inner Promenade.

The children will have their lunch before leaving for the tournament, please collect your child at 12.30pm from school and take them to AKS. Mr Nay and Mr Cornwell will accompany the children there. Please could you let Mr Corwell know who is collecting your child, if it is not you, their parent. They need to be in their school football kit, shin pads and football boots and plenty of layers for this chilly weather. Please ensure that they have plenty of water and snacks for the afternoon.

The children, staff and parents are representing our school on the day, we need to ensure that we are respectful to all there.

The boys playing in the tournament are:

Archie, Liam, Benjamin, Ben, Rafe, Lorenzo, Logan, Rex,

Where does the light come from in your life? - Castlerigg Day 2

This has been a key message for us today at Castlerigg - Where does the light come from in your life? Yesterday was all about how we shine our light and today, reflecting on others and what we are grateful for in our lives.

Before bed last night, we had the most incredibly experience - night time prayer. The chapel here at Castlerigg is the old stable building, which is perfect as we prepare for the arrival of Jesus this Christmas. Daisy, the youth worker here, took us through a section of prayer and used the story of Narnia to illustrate it. Here she compared the character of Aslan to Jesus Christ, who too sacrificed himself for the good of his friends. It was incredibly moving and it took me a while to recover after; as you can tell from the images below. We then snuggled up and listened to a bedtime story from Lily. A rather lovely end to our first day.

This afternoon we headed off to the lake for some much needed reflection and fresh air. The children found out about places of interest in Keswick, headed to Derwent Water to skim stones then wandered to Fitz Park for some time together. It was so lovely to take in the views of the lake and spend some time in God’s world. The children were great.

After a delicious tea of pizza, wedges, salad and fruit, we are now getting ready to settle down for mass in the chapel. The children have written bidding prayers and are ready to sing.

Enjoy your night and we will see you tomorrow. We are departing at 2pm so should be back at school for 4pm - we will keep you posted!

This week....

Time flies when you are having fun and we certainly have been having fun at nursery. We have all noticed how much the children have progressed and can’t wait to move their learning further on when we return after the half term holiday.

Next half term will be extremely busy…we have Bonfire night, Remembrance Sunday and of course Christmas. Click on the buttons below to see what we will be getting up to!

Just for your diary the date for the Foundation Stage Christmas Nativity will be on the 4th and 5th of December. More details will follow after the holidays…watch this space!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

I can't believe how fast this term has gone. We have really enjoyed this time getting to know each other and the routine of nursery. We are so proud of them all.

The children have embraced taking the responsibility to look after the nursery garden. As autumn has arrived, there are plenty of leaves that have fallen onto the ground. The children have enjoyed sweeping them up, listening to the sounds they make when you jump on them. With all of the autumn treasures in the garden, we made a sticky tape wrist bands and used these to collect things we could find (luckily there were no bugs stuck on… phew!). Here are some interesting facts about autumn, click here.

The children have continued working hard with their fine motor skills by threading pipe cleaners though small holes, they also enjoyed filling and pouring with small utensils. To continue our hand strengthening during the holidays, here are 2 new dough disco songs for you all to have a go at home! Click here and here!

I hope you all have a wonderful break. Rest lots, and I will see you all in a weeks time.


Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog.

I can’t believe that we have reached half term already, it only seems like yesterday that we were starting the new term in September. I am so proud of all the children, they have been on an amazing start to their nursery journey, and have really started to grow their brains. We have learnt this half term all about how our brains work to keep us happy and calm, how we need to keep our brain happy and healthy so that the hippocampus, amygdala and pre-frontal cortex parts of our brain can work together. If you haven’t already, now would be a fantastic time to explore the Myhappymind website, as there are some useful resources for parents on there too.

We have also had a fantastic start to the year of worship by learning all about Creation and how God made our wonderful world for us. We have learnt how God loves us all and we should follow His example and share our love too. I do have to say that this is something the children are particularly good at, they are so full of love for each other.

As we get to know each other we have started to play games together, sharing and taking turns. It is wonderful to see the children begin to think of others and realise that they can get so much pleasure by making others happy.

We have also started to really practise our physical skills, both inside and out, where we have had lots of opportunities to learn to jump, throw, catch and run. This is something we will continue to develop throughout the year, all ready to wow everybody with our physical skills at Sports Day in the summer.

I hope you all have a lovely half term break. When we come back we have lots more learning planned as we grow our brains even more.



This week we started to learn the words and actions to ‘My Lighthouse’ in preparation for joining the whole school for celebration Assembly on a Friday. Click here to try the actions at home and here to listen to the song! The message is that God is a beacon of light, a fortress that defends, protects, and rescues us from our own doubts. The children love it!

Finally, here’s a little adventure you could do during the holidays…don’t forget to send some pictures!

Water bottles

A gentle reminder that if children are choosing to bring in water bottles from home can you please ensure that they only have water in them. As part of our healthy eating and drinking policy the children have the option to have milk or water only in nursery. Thank you.

Please remember that Nursery is closed for the half term holiday from Thursday 17th October until Monday 28th October.

Have the most wonderful half term and enjoy the time you spend together with loved ones.

Stay safe and God Bless
