Year 4 Confusion with White Rose maths lessons! Please read

Hi everyone,

I believe there is some confusion regarding the white rose maths lessons. When you open year 4 White Rose it comes up with the latest lessons they have created. They are up to Summer week 7.

We are using The unit labelled week 1 (not Summer. It is the lowest box on the image below that you need to click on. The activities are matched to this.


I hope this makes things clear. You just need to minimise Summer Term - Week 7 and this list will come up for you to select week 1.

Year 4 Tuesday 9th June Home learning


Today you are going to research facts about Martin Luther King. Read the information from the following websites and watch the video of his speech ‘I’ve been to the mountain top.’

Vocabulary that you might need to explore today – equality, boycott, tolerant, entitled, segregation.

Today you are going to write a quiz for your family and friends based on the life of Martin Luther King.

I have set you this task on Purple Mash in 2quiz. As you have never used this before, you will need to watch some help videos. Click on the icon like this at the top of the Purple Mash screen to watch help videos:

video button.JPG

As there are many types of quiz question (all with help videos) I would just like you to focus on two question types - text and image and MCQ (multiple choice questions) Watch the introduction video then the video for these types of question.

Then make your quiz!!

Try to include some of the new vocabulary you have learnt in your questions. Test your quiz out on your family at home or your friends.


Today please watch Week 1 (not Summer) Lesson 2 Tenths as decimals then complete the sheets below it. Finally, mark it using the answer sheet. Ask a grown up if stuck.

Year 4 Monday 8th June Home Learning

Welcome to your final half term in Year 4! We still have a lot to do in this final half term - so make sure you are focused like Cooper Crab and Don’t give up like Sadie Spider. First, watch my little video below which just explains a few things you need to know this half term. I will try to make one video each week which explains the coming week and what I expect.


We are going to try out some of the special Lancashire English units for the next 2 weeks. Next week’s one is all about David Walliams!

This week you will be exploring people who inspire us. Delve into facts and find out why these people are

inspirational. You’ll also have a chance to think about who inspires you too and make your own ‘Inspiration Book’.

Read and enjoy opening extracts from the following books in a series by Kate Pankhurst about several inspirational women. (You will need to become a member of LoveReading4Kids. Membership is free).

As you read, note down unfamiliar vocabulary and use a dictionary/thesaurus to find out what new words mean. Word hippo is a good one!

Select two or three of your favourite texts read today. Create some charts showing key information and/or mind maps. For example, you could scan the texts to find important dates and create a chart such as the one below.


Alternatively, you could create a mind map, noting all the key information you have read about one of the inspirational people.



It is time to move on to decimals! The secret is that decimals are just fractions in numerical form! This is why we learned all about fractions first!

I would like you to watch and join in with the videos from White Rose maths to learn about decimals. It is important that you listen carefully, join in properly and pause the screen to complete activities when the online teacher asks you to. You may want to complete them with an adult nearby to help.

Today please watch Week 1 (not Summer) Lesson 1 Recognise Tenths and Hundredths then complete the sheets below it. Finally, mark it using the answer sheet. Ask a grown up if stuck.

PART 3 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK - June 5th Learning together

Good morning everyone and welcome to our final set of tasks for Health and Happiness week. Today is all about STAYING ACTIVE! There are so many studies that link regular exercise to emotional well being as well as a healthy body. Moving helps our minds too! Discover inside and outside challenges and one last community challenge as Lancashire County Council collect archive material about this unusual time in history- when we all stayed home.

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PART 2 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 3rd-4th Learning together

Welcome to Part 2 of our Health and Happiness week. The following tasks and challenges help us to reflect on our feelings. It is so important to acknowledge our feelings and to learn how to manage them. Our emotions really do drive us each day, looking after them and understanding them helps us to become emotionally resilient.

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PART 1 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 1st-2nd Learning together

Hello everyone. This week the teachers have put together a selection of learning tasks that help us to reflect on our own well being. Usually we would complete these tasks in class with our friends. This year you can complete them with your siblings and family.

We have divided the tasks into three:

PART 1 - Mon and Tues complete the Healthy Hands - learning all about germs

PART 2 - Wed and Thurs complete the Healthy Feelings - exploring our feelings and managing them

PART 3 - Friday get creatively active! - looking after our bodies

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Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 21st May


Today you have a Fractions assessment to complete. As last time, I would like you to send me your mark please and let me know how you found it. What do you still need to practise with fractions?

Then underneath is my video showing you how I worked them out so you can watch this with your ‘purple pen’ in your hand - ready to correct any errors - make sure you understand where you went wrong.


Today, I would like you to write another limerick. This time it could be about anything of your choice. It could be about you! It could be about a brother or sister (as long as it is kind!!) It could be about a pet, a book character, your favourite food, a star wars character, the weather, lockdown, a learning character, your favourite animal…

I have set it on Purple Mash again and this time I have done more than one page in case you are really inspired and want to write lots. Here is one about my favourite animals - I can’t stop thinking in limericks now!!!!!

My favourite animal is a hummingbird,

Next a pufferfish, then owl coming third.

I do like a seahorse,

And cats of course.

Jinxy cat heard that and just purred!


Year 4 Home learning Friday 15th May


Well - are you ready for the final chapter? Lets see what happens.. Who will triumph at the Firework competition? Will Lalchand have to be killed? Will Lila become a firework maker?

I have put the last chapter below. (I was tempted to read it to you so I could put on my silly Italian voice for Signor Scorchini but I changed my mind!)

I would like YOU to read this together with an adult - maybe take in turns to read. Read actively - picture the beautiful scenes on display. The names of the firework makers are very funny!

  1. Take an accelerated reader quiz on this book - click on the how to help your child link to get straight to our ‘Accelerated Reader Quizzes’ page.

2. You also have a book review to do some time over the next week - in Purple mash.

Maybe consider which book YOU would like to read next. How about reading some more Phillip Pullman? How could you begin to challenge yourself with your choices of books so that you are reading books with vivid language and marvellous characters like this?


Today we will be finding fractions of quantities/amounts. This will need a lot of focus, effort and practice. You can do it Year 4! Grow your brain.