Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassion of its members.'

I am so very excited to be welcoming our class family back together again on Monday. There will be lockdown stories, key events that have happened and an awful lot of learning to discuss. I am usually one to keep chatter to a minimum in class but I must say, I cannot wait to hear all of the giggles and conversations that will be had between the children come Monday.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”

I do feel that this year, we have all experienced some form of darkness, but I am so hopeful for the light that is emerging. The days are much brighter and they are lighter for longer, the sun is shining and the children will be coming back to school. We all seem to be moving in the right direction. I am incredibly excited to be welcoming the children back to school on the 8th March.

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Year 6 Blog - 'Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything that it touches.'

It is really hard to believe that we are at the end of week 3 this term. We always talk about how time flies in Year 6, but now more than ever it really seems to. This has been another successful week of learning in Year 6 and I am incredibly proud of the children both at home and in school. There are different pressures for all of the children and they are required to work in a different way. Both groups of children are asked to be more independent than they usually would, in the current circumstances.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”

Well…we have made it to the end of what has seemed to be a confusing, fast paced and difficult week. When I came into school on Monday, I did not think that I would not be seeing the class together as soon as the following day. In these difficult times, it is so important that we come together as a community and remember that it is what we do together that will have the most impact.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Happiness is singing your heart out.'

This week has been all about making people smile and to share our joy with others. We have been busy making Christmas cards, baubles and a carol concert for the residents of Stella Matutina. They read out the email that we had sent them this week and it brought tears to many of the residents. If we can just spread a little joy to them this Christmas….what a wonderful gift. With the £1 from the danceathon next week, we hope to send them an incredible gift. I will post the video of the carols on the website next week when we share our whole school Christmas nativity. Hopefully it will bring you some light too.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'For it is in the giving that we receive.'

As Mother Teresa once told us, ‘It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.’ It has been lovely to insert some Christmas cheer into our classroom this week and to think about the needs of others before ourselves. We have constantly prayed for the residents of Stella Matitina during this term and I know how much joy the children’s letters have brought to them.

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Year 6 Blog - 'Let every heart prepare him room.'

As we head towards the season of Advent, now more than ever, we are trying to be the light that is shining in our world. Each and every day, I am reminded of the joy that each of your children bring. There is not a day that does not go by where we don’t laugh in class - we are really having such a wonderful time learning and overcoming all of the challenges that we constantly face. I am really looking forward to celebrating this magical time with the class. We know that our Christmas preparations will be different this year - maybe it will give us more time to reflect its true meaning.

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Year 6 Blog - 'Love and compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.'

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. This week is always a poignant week as we stop and remember all of those fallen victims of war and conflict. We started our week on Monday with a worship. The children had all made a poppy for the centre focus and we shared prayers for everyone who has been affected by war and conflict around the world.

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Year 6 Blog - 'Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.'

Compassion, it is such a big word with such an important meaning. This week in RE we have looked at times when Jesus showed mercy and compassion. He didn’t just show it to people who were one type of member of society, He showed to everyone - from every aspect of society. We have been looking at how we can bring compassion and mercy to our community and to the people in our lives.

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