Final home learning photographs of the week

I hope you have all had a superb day of learning and have managed to enjoy some rest time too!

Here are the final learning from home photographs of the week.

Enjoy spending some time together this weekend, you all deserve it!

Stay Safe,

Miss Woodend

"I find my happiness where the sun shines"

What beautiful weather we have been blessed with this week. It could not have been more perfect! I would like to say a huge thank you for making me up to date on your learning at home through humorous daily round ups, and such lovely photos, receiving these has been the highlight to my days.

Next week the learning from home will follow a similar pattern. I have heard many positive comments about how much your children are enjoying Purple mash and Sum Dog. I have made sure that we utilise this enjoyment along with getting up and active.

I am wishing you all a wonderful weekend together, take care of one another and stay safe. Remember that I am always just an email away should you have any queries.

Take care and thinking of you all,

Miss Bassett

Physical Development in Action!

When I wrote my weekly newsletter and asked you to send me photographs of your physical development activities I had no idea just how resourceful you would all be! You’ve moved the furniture in your homes, you’ve taken to the back garden and some of you have even continued with your yoga!

Then there are those of you who have created a whole gymnastics display!

Year 3 Photos from Friday's Learning from Home

We hope that you have another lovely day of learning from home today. Remember if you haven’t been in touch yet please do we would love to hear from you and see what you have been up to.

Take a look at what everyone has been up to today. Take care and have fun!

Friday 27th March Home Learning for Reception

1. Phonics: Please practise one of those tricky sounds that you identified yesterday.

2. Maths: Today why not have a go at baking. Whilst doing so you are practising measuring skills and our Reception maths vocab:

· full/ empty

· most/least

· heavy/light

You could also decorate your baking by adding numbers if using icing or shaping biscuits into numerals.

3. PE: Today we would like you to go on a family walk. What do you see on your way? Maybe you could collect objects on your way and make a picture when you get home using the objects that you have found.

Miss Bassett.

Home Learning Photographs!

Good evening!

Thought I would brighten up your day a little more with more home learning photographs.

Looking through today’s photographs got me thinking about this term’s virtues ‘grateful and generous’. Although things are a little different and we are having to adapt to different day to day lives, maybe you could sit down as a family this evening and have a think about what we are grateful for and how we can still be generous in these tough times.

I love how many of you have managed to take your learning out into the lovely sunshine over the past couple of days.

Sending my love,

Miss Woodend

Year 5 Friday March 27th Learning From Home

Good morning everyone!! Here are my lessons for the final day of the week. You have all earned a rest over the weekend!!! I can see from the pictures you are sending me of your work that you are on it!! Please keep sending these I am reading them best I can and they make my day.

I know a lot of you are joining in with Joe Wicks in the morning - keep doing this. Other children have been for isolation walks and bike rides. Have fun doing this active activities too.

Task 1 Maths

Year 4 Friday 27th March Home Learning

Hello everyone and a happy Friday to you! Here is your home learning below. Have a good rest over the weekend - or catch up on anything you are behind with! Keep up with all that lovely reading too.


The Dragon Slayer grammar! Today we are thinking about using Possessive Apostrophes. I know you did this in class with Miss Edmondson. I have put a video on the Help section and I would like you to read my helpsheet below and then complete the mild, spicy and hot activities in your Yellow Home Learning books. Make sure you feel really confident with how to use apostrophes and especially WHEN NOT to use them - they are not for every word ending in s!


Quite a lot of Sum Dog challenges today to practise those tables. If you dont finish today, do some over the weekend.


I hope you enjoyed your investigation into PItch and Volume yesterday. Today we are going to be thinking about ears and how the sound reaches them. Please read your instructions below on my helpsheet/experiment sheet.

Then read the info about Animal Ears.

Finally, Check your Purple Mash 2 dos make a leaflet all about Animals with the best hearing!

Year 3 Photos for today's Learning at Home 26.03.2020

Hello everyone. Another lovely day. Maybe you can take your learning outside in the garden again today. Enjoy the sunshine while you can!! Remember to keep helping each other and keeping everyone happy and smiling. Remember generous and grateful.

Here are some of your lovely photos showing what you are doing. Look at all the things that you can measure! Great work on the Iron Man too.

Thursday 26th March Home Learning for Reception

1. Phonics: We have now learnt all of Reception’s sounds. Please have a look at the sound chart below and find out which sounds your child struggles with. Once you have uncovered what these sounds are, I would like you to spend time each day practising one of these sounds each day.


· Hearing the sound at the start, end and middle of words

· Saying the sound and saying the sound in words using Fred talk e.g. p-e-g

· Spotting the sound in words

· Reading the sound in words

· Writing the sound and writing the sound in a word.

Sound chart for home learning.JPG

2. Lent challenge: Today we would like you to help Mummy and Daddy in the house. Could you tidy your bedroom or playroom? Put your clothes away? Help to pair the socks?

3. Maths: Who can build the tallest tower? How many bricks tall is it? Who in your family built the smallest tower? What is the difference between the two towers (how many extra bricks does the tallest tower have compared to the smallest?) Could you put all of the towers in height order?

4. Sum Dog: Please log in to find today and tomorrow’s challenge all about addition. Enjoy!

Miss Bassett.