Home Learning - Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning everybody! I have had a good look at your Sumdog results last night and the report that it is providing me. There are some out and out high flyers on the website…well done! Some of your times on there are amazing. Some children are not accessing it as much as you should. It is a really good tool so please use it to keep your maths ticking along.

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More home learning photographs!

WOW Year 2, you really are blowing me away with your fantastic work at home. You are all being such ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bees’.

I have had a few requests from parents asking if I can post the home learning for the next day the evening before so that they can get things organised. I will most certainly do this when I can.

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Year 4 photos of home learning

What a wonderful learning community we are! Children, you should feel very proud of yourselves. I love all those rainbows. Enjoy everyone!

Year 3 photos from home learning Wednesday 25th March

I am absolutely loving seeing what you have all been up to at home, there is some brilliant learning going on. Well done to you and your grown ups, keep them coming to get a starring role on today’s photo wall.

Year 4 Wednesday 25th March Home learning

Good morning my little sunshines! It has been lovely to hear from some of you on the class blog or through email. I am missing you all very much! Ready to extend those brains and be like Sadie Spider today? Good!


Growth Mindset ‘Home School’ poster

I would like you to create a poster for your home school with all our learning characters on. Do you like the Lyons’ family home learning poster? It is up in our office! You could put it up in your work space at home! Why not tell your parents all about our learning characters and how each one helps us to learn? If you are learning at school, ask a teacher for some card and create one for your learning space at school!

Contact me!

Today, I would love to hear from you in the class blog. Access it in purple mash.

I would also love an email with a photo showing what you have been up to if possible.


Here is Megan, who has been busy with her school work but also doing a spot of decorating too. I love removing wallpaper!

Mrs Hotchkiss’s class are sending jokes too. I do love a good joke. Here are some for you on one of my favourite themes!

How do two cats end a fight? They hiss and make up!

What do cats say when confused? I’m purrrrplexed!


Continue to complete fresh challenges on Sum Dog today. Also begin to practise your 11 x table. Write down all the multiples up to 12 x 11 in your Maths home learning book. Whats the pattern?

Purple Mash maths task

This is in your 2do’s on telling the time.


You may need to go back and watch the Dragon Slayer film again today because I want you to get descriptive! You are going to teach your parents the grammar skill extended (or expanded noun phrases) and do lots of lovely ones about the Dragon Slayer story in your home learning books. You can draw the characters too if you like. Try and use powerful vocabulary. There is a song and a quick film in the ‘Help your child’ section to jog your memory.

Again, don’t forget daily/weekly learning. Have you made your rainbow yet? Have you spotted any?

Wednesday 25th March Home Learning Reception

Thank you once again for the wonderful pictures and updates. It brightens my day to see all of the children enjoyed their learning at home. So many of you are starting the day with Joe Wicks PE lessons! here’s the link for those of you who haven’t yet taken part: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/videos

1. Phonics: Today let’s learn a new sound. Our sound is oy-Toy for a boy. Please watch one of our favourites, ‘Geraldine the giraffe’ learn this sound on Youtube:


Like yesterday, now that you have watched this short video, go on a sound hunt around the house, what can you find? Following this, read a story of your child’s choice and see if today’s sound is in the story. How many times can you hear the sound? How many times can you see the sound? You could then practise your letter formation.

Ready for a further challenge: Remember that you could have a go at writing words containing the oy sound such as boy, toy and enjoy. You might like to turn this into a spelling challenge if you feel your child is ready for this.

2. IT: Login to your Purple Mash account following the website link:


You then need to click on: find my schools login page, and then type in our school name. Once you have done this please then type in your child’s username and password.

Today we would like you to create a picture of your family using paint.

3. PE: Today have a go at football! Can you kick a ball to each other? If you don’t have a football you could have a go at making a round object using newspaper and tape to create your own ball. If it’s too windy or rainy you could use this ball to practise your throwing and catching as it will be nice and light for the children to catch.

4. Sum Dog: Today is the last day to complete the first challenge or to have one final practise. Tomorrow the challenge will change!

Miss Bassett.

Year 3 Tuesday 24th March Learning from Home Pictures

A big Happy Birthday to Steph from all of us in Year 3. Hope that you are having a lovely day.

Thank you for sending pictures of you learning from home. Here are the ones that have been sent today.

Have fun. Keep learning and keep sending us those pictures.