"No matter how bad your situation is, there's always hope if you have faith!"

WOW - what a week! Our first day back after the Christmas holidays already seems a distant memory as we have adjusted to the news sprung upon us on Monday evening! The children all returned to school as enthusiastic and eager as ever, and we were all looking forward to the term ahead. Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be, but already the children have shown just what resilient and strong little people they truly are! Whether you have been working in school or at home, I am incredibly proud of your achievements so far and how well you have adjusted to this new situation that we find ourselves in.

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This week....

This week has been a very busy week! After an uncertain start we have managed to learn many new things.

During the week we have been exploring the polar regions. We have learnt that the top of the world is called the Arctic and the bottom of the world is called the Antarctic. Together we found out the animals that live in each polar habitat. Ask your child all about what they have learned.

Click here to watch a quick video about what a polar habitat is. There’s even a quick quiz to do at the end, so pay attention!!

Also, click here to watch Andy’s Polar Party Rap. We really enjoyed this!

The children have been conducting freezing and melting experiments. We have discussed the changes which occur and introduced words like solid and liquid. Perhaps you could have a go at a freezing and melting experiments at home. Let us know what you do?

The children have been reading One Snowy Night by Nick Butterworth. If you click here you can listen at home, maybe your child could draw a picture of their favourite animal in the story and bring it into nursery next week.

I have attached our group learning plans for the next two weeks so you can support your child’s learning at home. Click on the button below.

We have also introduced number 4 this week. Meet four by clicking here. Number 4 is one more than 3. He is the new kid on the block and can’t wait to share how much he loves to be square.

We have been:

counting to 4

looking at the structure of 4 as a square number

recognising 4 items without counting

Click here for more Numberblocks activities. Enjoy!

Goodness, haven’t we been busy. If you have any time left you could play this memory game at the National Geographic website. Click here.

I know this weekend will be a quiet one but please do enjoy being together. Let me know how you get on with the activities. If you want you could send me some photos!

Stay safe and I will see you all on Monday.


Year 3 Photography work

Children what fantastic photography skills you’ve got, watch the video below and try to guess where/what it is and maybe even which of your friends took the photo. Happy watching! There are a few photos underneath too, so make sure you scroll down below.

Year 6 Weekly Blog - Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”

Well…we have made it to the end of what has seemed to be a confusing, fast paced and difficult week. When I came into school on Monday, I did not think that I would not be seeing the class together as soon as the following day. In these difficult times, it is so important that we come together as a community and remember that it is what we do together that will have the most impact.

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