Year 2 Weekly Blog - "When we put our problems in God's hands, He puts His peace in our hearts"

It’s been another week of brilliant learning here in Year 2! The children have worked so hard that the time just seems to have flown by! Each day we have continued our CAFOD ‘Walk against hunger’ and the children are becoming more creative in their movements as the days pass by! The song of choice this week has been the Macarena - the dance moves have certainly made the laps feel shorter!

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Year 3 Weekly Blog "No one has ever become poor by giving." - Anne Frank

What a special moment it was on Wednesday! Our Year 3’s were so excited for you all to see their books and to share some of their favourite pieces of work so far. We have definitely missed your presence in school during the past year and a half. Having you in school to look at your children’s learning was just magical!

In class the children have been working very hard! The BUZZ of excitement during science has been infectious. This week our apprentices have had to work with their group to make a motor and a buzzer work. The children have worked together, listening to each others’ ideas and had problem solved when things haven’t gone to plan. Some groups had a few ups and downs as they needed to rethink their ideas.. but not one person gave up! Hearing their cheers of happiness and seeing their smiles when they have succeeded has been one of those wonderful teacher joys!

In English we have been continuing our learning of how to use inverted commas for speech and Maths we have grappled with some large numbers, looking at represented them with concrete apparatus and then using our reasoning skills to problem solve.

Our History has got in to full swing this week, as we thought carefully as to why Emperor Claudius may have wanted to invade Britain, after Julius Caesar had two failed attempts 98 years earlier. The children enquired and analysed explanations, looking for key evidence!

Let’s Celebrate!

Isaac…For always showing such interest and excitement towards learning. During your science this week you have shown great focus, resilience and so much enthusiasm towards making your circuits work. Seeing your face light up was an absolute delight! You have also made such great progress with your throwing and catching and we could not be more proud of your effort with this.

Pippa… We have been so impressed with your wonderful determination and ability to reflect on your work. It is an absolute pleasure teaching you. Your humour, kindness and your friendly way with others is so welcomed in our classroom. You listen carefully during discussions and we see this in your writing. A huge well done Pippa!


  • Don’t forget the next parent meeting appointments are taking place on Wednesday 23rd March from 2:30pm - 5:30pm.

Year 3 Home learning 18.3.22


This week our focus has been: adding the prefix ‘anti’. We have discovered that this tends to mean ‘against or opposite’.

  1. anticlockwise

  2. antiseptic

  3. antisocial

High frequency spellings:

4. little

5. come

6. again

7. want

Year 3 key spellings:

8. business

9. breath

10. breathe


We have been learning all about electricity here in class and have been creating simple circuits. Your homework this week is to create a poster for children, to teach them how to stay safe when using electrical equipment. You will find this homework as a 2do on purple mash.


Please complete these math’s areas on IXL:

K.1 - Count in equal groups

K.2 - Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

K.3 - Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

K.4 - Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups

This week.....

I have only one word for this weeks learning…truly magical. On Monday a Dragon came to nursery to lay her eggs in a dragons lair….ooooh eggciting (sorry I couldn’t resist!).

On Tuesday we had two tonnes of sand delivered, so we decided to make a beach!!! I must say moving that amount of sand was hard work! Needless to say we did it and we now have the most wonderful beach, although the children now are asking where the sea is!!!!! I’m not sure what I can do about that, I will have to put my thinking hat on!

We have been continuing our mathematical journey by exploring shape, space and measure. We have made obstacle courses, visited new areas around the school, drawn maps, read books using spatial language, spotted patterns, made patterns using natural resources, predicted routes to get to places and used small world to practice position and direction. There is so much to learn! Watch out for the handout about Spatial Reasoning I will be sending home, it may give you some ideas for activities at home.

Our exploration of number five is fabulous. The children now understand that ‘5’ can be made up of five ones, three ones and two more, four ones and one more… Click here to watch ‘Where are Five & Friends?’

Next week we will start exploring number 6.


This week we have continued our Easter Story by reading about ‘The Last Supper’. The children were concerned that Judas made a bad choice. Everyone was so eager to know what happened next we had to read on! One of our friends also brought his Easter story for us to read.

If you click on the button below there is the Easter story in sequencing cards. Perhaps your child can cut out the cards, tell you the story and put them on the correct order? Wow, that would be great. Let us know how they get on.

Also, each day we have been doing our Cafod walk for Hunger by walking twice around the school field. We can’t believe how much we have raised already for our Lenten collection. As of today our total is….£92.11. We are all blown away by you generosity, let’s see if we can get above £100!

Key Persons Blog

What another busy week here at Nursery! Our magical quest has continued with the arrival of a Dragon on Monday! Underneath the Dragon was a basket of eggs...the children counted 12!! We closely examined them (gently of course) and are watching and waiting to see if any magic happens.  We have made a Dangerous Dragons display and have ben very creative painting our own dragons. We made sure we looked really closely at  the colours of dragons. Our dragons are even breathing fire.

Click here to listen to Zog the dragon story.

We didn’t forget to make more fairy playdough (we all had sticky blue hands this time….not sure if we followed the recipe as closely as last week!!!). We have also learnt how to write like fairies using magic fairy dust and magic wands.

There has been a lot of music in the air this week and have been singing a song about ‘Leafy Green’ who has a body made up of healthy foods (not chocolate I’m afraid!).

We have also been rally busy on a top secret mission involving plant pots and chocolates. Shhhh! (All will be revealed!)

Using our open ended resources there has been some wonderful creative play in the garden. Building towers from the coloured bricks and plastic reels and also making cubes from the large waffles. We have also enjoyed singing and dancing in the garden, enjoying the sunnier days.

 Colette, Michelle, Hannah, Justine and Frances

I believe it’s going to be a lovely weekend so enjoy the sunshine and have lots of fun! We will see you on Monday, who knows maybe one of our dragon eggs may have hatched!!

P. S. The children will need an early night on Sunday as we have lots of learning planned for next week. Don’t forget Colette’s Parent Meetings on Monday and Hannah’s on Tuesday. We look forward to ctaching up with you all.

Stay safe


Football Tournament Information

Well done to the children who have been selected for the football tournament next Tuesday afternoon. It will take place at AKS from 2pm until 4.30pm.











The children will have their lunch before they leave school. They will need to be collected from school at 1.30pm to be taken to AKS by a parent or guardian. Please ensure that they have plenty of fluid for the afternoon.

The children will all be issued with school kit on Monday. They just need to ensure that they have shin pads and boots/trainers.

Any questions, please do ask.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 16th March - REVISION

Message to Parents

This year really is flying! The children are being asked to work incredibly hard in class and our pace of learning is incredible. As always, the children are rising to every challenge that they are being set.

After this week, we have 7 weeks until our assessment week. Maintaining a balanced curriculum is really important to me. They have to experience learning in all of the other subjects as well as the increased focus on maths and english. There has been huge progress made in these areas because the children are so motivated and determined to do well. Each morning, children visit the revision boxes in the classroom and help themselves to the resources that they know they will need to consolidate in each subject area. The revision folders that the children have should be now bursting with material.

Intrinsic motivation and the children being determined to succeed will inevitably lead to their success. Effort breeds success.

Please do get in touch if you need any more support. I had so many conversations with you at the book look in the hall and parents’ evening - your constant support is appreciated!


Next week you will be taking your next set of papers in the run up to SATs. I have absolutely no doubt that you will make progress due to the effort and work that you are putting into your class work.

SPELLING - Revise all of your spellings from your spelling book. Which words are you finding tricky? Is there a particular rule?

GPS - You have two short papers to work through at home. Are you comfortable with all concepts? What could you research further? Could you use IXL for further consolidation?

MATHS - I have given you an arithmetic paper (this is where you can increase your scores) and you should have chosen an extra area of maths. I have added White Rose Home Learning to the button below. You can watch videos to help you in any area of maths that you are not sure about.

READING - Have a look at previous papers…where have you lost marks?

Year 3 Home Learning 11.03.22


This week our focus has been: adding the prefix ‘re’.

  1. redo

  1. replace

  2. reheat

High frequency spellings:

4. because

5. looked

6. people

7. have

Year 3 key spellings:

8. address

9. answer

10. busy


This week we have been looking at using inverted commas when using direct speech. Can you have a go at the task on Purple Mash, ‘Mark wants chicken’, it will be under your 2do’s.


The last week to complete the Maths areas on IXL :

F1 - Subtract one digit numbers

F2- Ways to subtract

F3- Write subtractions sentences

F6 - Subtractions with pictures

F7 - Write subtraction sentences based on pictures

Hand in hand with fairy grace.....

A very special week has occurred in nursery. It stared with a special visitor coming to nursery, a fairy called Fairy Love (the children named her). She helped us to investigate the fantasy world of all things fairies and pixies. We even found fairy footprints in nursery and the garden as well as a sprinkle of fairy dust!

Fairy Love brought us some tiny potions bottles full of magic. We have started to make up our own spells and potions in the water play. It was a different colour every day with different pixie dust…..better beware everyone!

We have been practising our rhyming skills by making silly soup. Click on the button to play at home.

We also played rhyming words with a huge cauldron and a ‘real’ magic wand. We knew it was real because it lit up when the magic was happening!

Whilst we were doing our daily walk for Lent we happened upon two gargantuan (our favourite word) branches which we dragged back to nursery to make a fairy glen…it is soooo magical. Outside in the garden we made a forbidden forest!

Frances and a team of intrepid gardeners have also started preparing the garden for summer planting. They began by weeding the big tractor tyre and planted a meadow to attract butterflies and bees in the summer.

We have been so very busy and nursery has been transformed into a magical kingdom…watch out for the pictures on next weeks blog

Key Person blog

It has been a magical time this week at Nursery. We have noticed some evidence of fairies all around. The children know how to tell if a fairy has been near:

Soft chiming bells, a sprinkle of fairy dust, tiny flickers of light and a gentle breeze in the air.

With all this in mind we have created our own fairy drawings and paintings, explored fairy sounds by using our own soft chiming bells. We have also made the most ‘fairylicious’ sparkling playdough which was red, blue and yellow. The children have made their own indoor fairy glen with sparkling lights and created their own story using a story map. Thank you to the wonderful gardeners who did some lovely spring planting.

Have a lovely weekend.

Hannah, Colette, Justine, Frances and Michelle.


 This week we continued talking about our Lenten promises and how we could be more like Jesus. Our Lenten promise chart is getting very full as we complete many acts of kindness and generosity.

May we say a big thank you for your Lenten Almsgiving our magic counting jar is getting full. If you haven’t sent your donation in yet don’t worry…you still have time. Some of the children have sent in with their donation a list of the acts of kindness they have been doing at home. Well done everybody!

We also talked about how we should all be grateful for our wonderful world and everyone and everything on it.

We started to read the Easter story. We started by reading about Palm Sunday.

The children continue to explore and play with number and also we have been developing our understanding of shape and space including how things fit together, movements like turning and flipping, symmetry and scale. They are also beginning to predict and recognise familiar routes for example how to get to the chapel, field etc.

We have been loving finding lots of books which have a magical or fantasy theme. We read Room on a Broom and a huge red dragon appeared! Click here to watch.

One of our other favourites is ‘On the Way Home’ by Jill Murphy. Click here.

Next week be will post our own story and the display we are currently painting…it’s a bit scary!

Everyone has worked so very hard this week, I am sure a well earned rest is in order. Have a restful weekend before we continue on our magical quest next week, where we will be exploring the world of dragons, boggarts and much much more. We can’t wait!!!!!!

Keep safe and we will see you on Monday!
