Year 6 Home Learning 13.1.23


Spelling - Silent letter spellings.

crumb, debt, plumb, scissors, scenario, plaque, design, foreign, reign, anchor, chemical


Please complete the IXL strands on comparing numbers.

J3- Multiply a decimal by 10, 100 or 1,000

K3- Divide a decimal by 10, 100 or 1,000


Please complete the short mini test on Prepositions and then the worksheet in your homework books, to recap all of our work on prepositions.

History (last week to complete) on Purple Mash

Year 2 Home Learning 6th January


Please read for at least 20 minutes every day. The children’s targets have been reset on AR reader. Please note that quizzing is not currently available at home and will need to be done in school.


Spellings to learn this week:

WR words (silent w) - wrap wreck wrong wrist wriggle wrote wrestle write wrinkle

Spelling quizzes will take place on Fridays.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 6th January 2023“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” —Melody Beattie

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a happy and peaceful Christmas.

It was lovely to see the children return to school this week, excited and ready to start learning again.
We’ve eased ourselves into the new term with a new book and lots of exciting learning opportunities with it. The children have thoroughly enjoyed reading Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot.
On Friday, we had a very special visitor…Miss Tiddles - a real tortoise who is just 2 years old.

We have made our own tortoises with plasticine and next week we will be weighing them and comparing their weights.

The children’s reading targets have been reset, as they are at the start of each half term. Please continue reading daily at home with your children, it really does make such a huge difference. At the moment AR reader is set for quizzing in school only, it will not be accessible at home - I will keep you up to date with any changes.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Special Announcement

Miss Woodend’s little girl, Millie, was born on 30th December. We send lots of love and a huge congratulations to her and her family.

Thank you to those parents who accompanied us to church on Friday morning.

Year 1 Homework 6.1.23

Thank you for those who have decorated their homework books and brought them in, if you haven’t please could you decorate and bring back next week. I have two books in school without names so if yours is missing please let me know and I will write names on and give back to your child :).

Please can you focus on reading and spelling this week, it is really improtant that your child reads regularly at home aiming for at least 30 mins per day. Start with a few minutes then build it up each week. We are starting to test the children on their book using Accerated Reader in school and I will let you know their test days. We will also try and listen to your child read at least once a week in school. So we know you have read with your child please sign in their reading record if they have read a few pages write where you read to so we can continue at school. Thank you.

Here are some whys you can support your child at home with their reading.

The spellings this week are:

have little saw

do our out

You can use your homework book to practise the spellings.

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back. I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and you were on the good list!!!

All the children have been happy to be back at nursery and to tell us all about what Father Christmas had brought for them. You will be pleased to know that the nursery ladies were on the good list too…phew!

Over the past three days we have been reminding ourselves of the routines of the day and refreshing our numeracy and phonics before we continue on our learning journey next week…it will be all systems go! You may want to go on to Purple Mash to reinvigorate the children’s number and sound knowledge!

For our learning thread this half term will be finding out about…dinosaurs!!!! Before Christmas we had a whole group discussion about what we would like to learn more about and dinosaurs were a unanimous decision.

If you click on the button below to look at our planning. You will be able to join in with our learning at home. We are all sooooo excited!

Remember to have a restful weekend!

We will see you on Monday ready to ‘find out’ about dinosaurs!

God Bless


Year 5 Homework due on Thursday 12th January


This weeks focus has been words with double letters. The first 5 words are new words we have learned this week and the other 7 are other double letter words we have done this year. Children are to be tested on these words every Wednesday morning.

  1. embarrass

  2. excellent

  3. exaggerate

  4. especially

  5. interrupt

  6. accompany

  7. according

  8. appreciate

  9. attached

  10. accommodate

  11. aggressive

  12. assessment


We have been going over our word classes (noun, adjective, verb, adverb) during retrieval tasks in English. Homework is to complete these IXL tasks to continue with our retrieval.

EE2- Identify nouns

KK6- Identify adverbs


Will be on IXL. Children are to continue practicing their times tables until we get TTRS back up and running.

D8- Multiplication facts up to 12: find the missing factor.

D2- Multiplication facts for 2,3,4,5,6,8 and 10: find the missing factor,

Year 1 Weekly Blog 6.1.22

What a great start to the week, although we have only been in for three days we have been very busy.

In Maths we have looked at how to make 7 in different ways.

Our English topic is monsters, we read the Gruffalo and retold the story outside. We then had some special visitors in Class and we asked them lots of questions.

We disscussed that there are lots of different families, and talked about our own in RE, we drew our families who live with us and our other families members.

We had a lovely Mass service today. The three Kings arrived to see baby Jesus with their gifts and Logan was one of the kings he was amazing he had the special job of giving his gift to baby Jesus.

Let’s Celebrate:

Henry is going home with this person for super handwriting well done :).


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework, It is really important that you are reading reguarly at home so your child can make good progress with their reading especially as they will have their Phonics screening in June.

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond and Miss Johnson

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The best is yet to come. The start of a New Year is the chance to rewrite your book.'

Welcome back…

Wishing you all a very happy new year. It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to school this week, despite the wind, rain and cold. The most important part of any school is the people within it. We have loved seeing the smiles and listening to all of the wonderful stories that the festive season has brought. Today we walked down to church to celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. It was an opportunity for the children to spend a few minutes in silence reflecting on what a miracle the baby Jesus was. Father Peter spoke about the gifts that the wise men brought and asked us all to reflect on how we use our gifts to make our world and community a better place.

The children have been thinking about what 2023 might look like for them. The children have all reflected on their year ahead and thought about their new year’s resolutions- what do they want to improve this year and what are they going to do to achieve this. They are all going to come across some monumental experiences and opportunities this year. Some of them will be challenging, some will be exciting, some they will be anxious about. Whatever happens, they know they have the skills to tackle it with great resilience and determination.

This half term, we are looking at what it means to be a Learned and Wise learner. Both of these qualities will be really important as we journey towards half term…

This week we have done lots of work on decimals in Maths, comparing, ordering and using counters to make these numbers. In English we are continuing our work on Biographies, and we all had a go at applying for a job at Pixar based on the knowledge we have gained on Walt Disney.

End of Year Assessment

This year, the SATs tests will take place the week beginning Tuesday 9th May (after the King’s Coronation). I have had a conversation with the children this week, discussing what our plan of action is, to best prepare them. They know that the pace of learning will ramp up this term as we try and get everything that we need to cover, completed. This is the first time that we have discussed them as I am a great believer that Year 6 is not just about the SATs. However, it would be unfair if the children did not prepare for the tests properly.

The children know that there is nothing to be worried about and they should not feel anxious about taking them, all they need to do, is their BEST as their best is ALWAYS good enough. Please do not run out and start buying SATs materials, I will provide everything that you need and these will be targeted to the children and their current learning.

If anybody does have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Judo Club

Today, we have had a demonstration for the judo club that will be taking place on a Friday morning at school. This club is a 5 week club. There is a cost for the club, but Mrs Gregan has agreed to pay half of the fees for each child meaning that the cost for each child will be £14 for the course instead of £28.

There is a limit to how many children can safely attend, however, we will be able to continue the club after half term for those children not able to take part this time. Please complete the form below if you would like your child to take part. We will let you know the groups for the club early next week and then set up a payment on Parent Pay to pay to attend.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week and for the first week back after Christmas we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

India Arthur Mason Holly


Monday morning- Athletics training in the ,morning for Year 6 resumes

Monday 9th afternoon- Girl’s football team needs to be collected from school 1:15pm for the reschedules tournament

Indoor Athletics Competition- Will take place on Tuesday 17th January at Stanley Park Sports Centre in Blackpool. If interested, please attend the athletic training sessions, which take place at 8am before school starts. The dates of these sessions are available on the sports timetable.

Some of the sports monitors have offered to help after school at the Reception sports club from 3:30-4:15pm. This will start next Tuesday with: Amber, Jacob M and Holly and the following week it will be: Kiefer, John Joseph and Saul. Please do let me know if your child is not able to help out on these evenings.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Home Learning 06.01.23


This week our focus is on words with the ending ‘fer’.

  1. Refer

  2. prefer

  3. transfer

  4. offer

  5. infer

  6. defer

  7. differ


Please complete the IXL strands on comparing numbers.

H1- What decimal number is illustrated?

H2- Model decimals and fractions


This week we have been identifying prepositions and looking at how we can use them within sentences. Please reinforce this learning by completing the following IXL strands:

LL 1: Identify prepositions

LL 2: Identify prepositions and their objects

History (Two Week to complete) On Purple Mash

Make sure you include the following: