Year 3 homework to be handed in on 22.6.23

Maths IXL

Please complete the subtraction strands: F1, F2 and F3

English - Expanded noun phrases

This week we have focused carefully on expanded noun phrases and we are now super confident in not only identifying these, but also writing these in our stories and sentences.

Use your homework books to have a go at improving the following sentences by adding expanded noun phrases.

Ingredients for Food Tech

Miss Neves has asked that the children come to school with the following ingredients next Wednesday.

Sports day warm up!

In our obstacle race we have a tricky skipping section. Why not get out in the sunshine and practise your skipping skills. Can you do 5 consecutive skips or more?

Year 1 Homework 16.6.23

The children have worked very hard this week and deserve a treat so my homework is to enjoy your weekend and have lots of fun, hopefully it stays sunny.

 Once again thank you for all of your support, the children have made so much progress this year and I am incredibly proud of them :)

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 16th June 2023 - Shine like the sun!

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 16th June - Shine like the sun!

Welcome back! I hope you’ve all had a lovely half term, it was great to see the children come back into school refreshed and ready to learn. The last half term is always busy…we’ve already got the Gym Jam Jog, Sports Day, a library visit and a trip to the zoo booked in. You’ll find all the dates you need for your diaries at the bottom of this page.

The start of a new half term has meant the start of new topics in science and geography.
In science we will be learning about materials, their properties and their uses. We started the topic thinking about what we already know and what we’d like to learn. The children had some interesting questions including: How are bricks made? What makes paper strong? How do you make concrete? How are materials turned into objects?

Our attempts to grow beans has been a partial success! When we returned to school on Monday some of the beans had grown over the half term holiday, we’ve continued to water and care for them and hopefully we’ll see some more beanstalks appear.
The children were excited to tell me about the sunflowers they have been caring for over half term - please send any photos you have to

Our new topic in Geography is ‘Around The World’, this week we were introduced to Bobby the Bee, who lives in the UK. Bobby explained that he would like to visit a country in each continent over the next 6 weeks. This week the continent was Europe and the county we focused on was France. We heard about lots of famous french landmarks and types of food that are popular in France. I wonder where Bobby Bee will take us next week?

In music, we learned to play glockenspiels to ‘The Friendship Song’. Check out our video!

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

In Maths we’ve continued working on our 5 and 10 times tables and we’ve managed to find a 5 times table song to the tune of one of our favorite songs! The children have really impressed me with the times table knowledge - I wonder if you can challenge them at home with the 2s, 5s and 10 times tables.

We’ve nearly reached the end of our Aladdin topic in English - this week we have looked at The Cave of Wonder. We identified items that Aladdin and Abu came across in the cave and wrote noun phrases. On Thursday we used these noun phrases to independently write a description of the cave. Next week we’ll be joining Aladdin and Jasmine on their magic carpet ride, thinking about what they can see and hear on their magical journey.

On Monday we had a relaxing indoor PE lesson, we made use of our lovely big classroom and took part in a yoga session.

On Wednesday morning, we practised our kicking skills on the school field. We set up a number of stations and the children worked in small groups focusing on kicking and stopping a ball with control, Kicking the ball with accuracy between 2 markers and kicking the ball in a straight line.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Lena, what a ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ you have been this week! You have been asking some great questions in lessons to clarify your understanding and extend your learning. You are growing in confidence every week, well done!


Heath you have come back to school focused and ready to learn. You have been making sensible choices and managing any distractions around you. I’m really looking forward to a successful and productive last half term with you in Year 2.

This week’s Star Readers are Nathan, Joseph and Martha.

Butterfly - Alana
for being intentional.


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - Tuesday 20th June 1.30pm - PE kits to be worn please.
Gym Jam Jog! - Wednesday 21st June 8am
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - Friday 23rd June (1st Group)
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - Friday 30th June (2nd Group)
Library visit - Wednesday 5th July
Zoo trip - Thursday 13th July (more info to follow)

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Homework Friday 16th June

Maths -
Complete the 5 times tables activities in your home learning books.

Science -
Research famous materials inventors - what did they invent? What is their invention used for?

Can you find some fantastic facts about France?

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

You can also log in to TT Rockstars using your Numbots log in, Click the image below to go staight to the TT Rockstars log in page.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.
Reading targets have been reset for our final half term.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 23rd June
around wanted going well kind path gold money door wild

Amazing opportunity for budding actors!

An exciting opportunity is on offer at the Grand Theatre that you may be interested in. Between 26th-29th July, they will be hosting a free Musical Theatre workshop day for children aged between 11-17.


You’ll get to learn songs from your favourite musicals with expert practitioners and have your say on the arts in Blackpool.


Here is the digital invite and document that provides more information…


Places are on a first come first serve basis. Please share this widely with any young person you think might be interested. They can register their interest here:

"I would advise young artists to paint as they can, as long as they can, without being afraid of painting badly." - Claude Monet

This term in year 4 the artists learnt about sculpture and the many ways you can do sculpture.

We learnt about Magdalena Odundo and tried to recreate some of the 2D shapes used in her sculpture to create vases, we used different colour soft pastels in black paper for contrast.

Year 4 artists also learnt about Barbara Hepworth a British artist and Sculptor, we had a go at sculpting soap bars , this was proven to be tricky but so much fun and the classroom smelt amazing for days!

Looking at sculpture and the ways it can be made we had a go at modelling wire to create our own sculpture, this has given the children a variety of mediums to explore sculpturing with. Many sculptures can be made from found objects and reused materials too.

“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” – Leonardo da Vinci

In year 2 this term was busy but very creative. The artists experimented mark making using charcoal, the children experimented how different ways of holding the charcoal can create different marks, charcoal is so messy but so much fun! We tried to create a texture from different objects in the classroom using a variety of mediums, the children were encouraged to touch and discuss what they could feel and how they would recreate that texture in their sketchbooks. Following this the artists brought their favourite toy and had a go at observational drawing, drawing only what they could see and trying to recreate the texture on paper, these were amazing! On our last week we looked at illustrations and how illustrators show their characters feelings. We looked at which parts of our face show our emotions. Eyebrows, eyes and mouth help us to understand how a character in a book or film is feeling, we had a go at creating our own feeling emoji, there were some very creative emojis!

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." - Vincent Van Gogh

What a busy term in year 3! In art we have travelled back in time and looked at prehistoric art, starting by learning how the pigments for painting came from. We looked at cave paintings and these were drawing with little detail. The artists were asked to draw common British animals in charcoal and later to enlarge them on to an A3 size using only cave painting colours, we knew that cave painting people only had natural resources and not a great variety of colours, we used a more earthy colour wheel.

The artists went on a hunt outdoors for natural resources and were able to experiment which would give a nice pigment when painting with. Year 3 had a go at making their own Prehistoric palette by mixing flour and water and by adding different condiments we obtained different colours, we used paprika, nutmeg, turmeric and cinnamon, some worked better than others but they all smelt amazing!

The children created their own cave wall to paint in, for this we used cardboard as a base, we glued sand, couscous and lentils and once dried we were able to add our favourtite British animal, we had so much fun doing this.

To end our term we did a virtual visit to the caves in France “Chauvet cave” and looked at the hand drawings and tried to recreate our own hand paintings , positive(paint on hand to print) and negative (hand on paper and paint around hand creating a negative hand print). This was very messy and children really enjoyed the process!

"The painter should not paint what he sees, but what will be seen." - Paul Klee

This term the artists in year 1 have explored mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and inspired by the artist Jasper Johns style we painted our own “0 through 9”: experimented Lego printing and discussed all the patterns that the Lego created and had a go at trying to print our names initial.

Year 1 have looked at how a colour can have so many different shades and had a go at creating different shades of green creating a hand using the shades obtained.

The artists got to know about Clarice Cliff and his circle tree ceramics and tried to create their own inspired by the artist way of painting.

To end our term we did paint by the sound of the music, I played a couple of tunes and asked the children to first dance how the music made them feel and then using their paint brushes as their ballerinas to recreate that feeling on paper and thinking carefully on the chosen colours for that same music and feeling, it was a the perfect lesson to end our term!

"Art is a harmony parallel with nature." - Paul Cezanne

This term the artists in Year 5, have been learning of portrait drawing, for this they have used mixed mediums and different techniques. They had a go at drawing King Charles III portrait ready for the coronation and these looked amazing!

We also had a visit of an artist and had a painting workshop “ Art without thought”, by Jack Crayton. Jack has told us about his journey in the army and how art has helped him in his life. Jack has taught us to draw/paint in perspective and the final masterpieces were amazing and in the end the children asked amazing questions and were so polite. On our final week we had a charcoal workshop too, the children were showed different techniques that could be use with charcoal, by drawing with the rubber and had lights to midtones and creating contrast , charcoal is a great and inexpensive medium to work with, although a little messy!

Year 1 Homework 26.5.23

We have been working on accurate reading rather than speedy reading in preparation for our Phonics screening, there are three things to remember: special friends (ai, igh, o-e), Fred Talk(sound it out loud), read the word. I have given everyone flashcards to practise their accurate reading it is not a race, it is important that they take their time, find the special friends first and say each sound this will help them blend properly. Try and practice words with chatty friends ( a-e, e-e, o-e, i-e, u-e) these are harder to find and alien words as we want to make then into real words. Words like whike, stroke, smung and spran are tricky as sometimes the children want to add extra letters (smung: smug/ suming, spran: sprant, or mix up ‘ro’ and ‘or’ stroke: storke). If you have any questions please email me and I can help.

Here are some more flashcards that you can use, if needed. There is no need to print them off you can show them on an iPad or computer.

Spellings will continue after half term so your child can focus on their phonics, please access these helpful resources below and use the websites the children love playing the games. If you any extra support, information please email me and I can help you.

 Thank you for all of your support the children have made so much progress this year and I am incredibly proud of them :)

Have a lovely break.

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 26.5.23 'Not trying is much worse than failing.'

‘Not trying is much worse than failing.’

A World Without Failures by Esther Pia Cordova

What another busy week we have had, we have been incredibly focused in our RWI sessions to help prepare us for our phonics screening, this will take place the week we return to school Monday 12th June- Friday 16th June. It is really important that you use your phonics pack to practise and maintain their hard work at school as 2 weeks is a long time. It doesn’t need to be hours just a quick 10 minutes daily (if possible) or as much as you can, something is better than nothing at all. Once again thank you for all of your support at home, it is wonderful to hear how excited the children are to share their learning with you at home. I have been told about phonics lessons at home and I can see how proud they are, and we are too :). Here are the links again we love these games.

Maths: We have continued writing ‘equations’ (e.g. 5 + 2 = 7), we have been checking that the plus and equal symbols are in the right place. We have been telling our own number stories to each other and writing the correct equations to match.

English: We have been amazed by all of the children’s writing this week, they have used their innovated story maps to retell their own story independently. It has been great that they have been focused and have not given up when they have found it difficult and most importantly applying their phonics knowledge to support them.

 PE: We loved our extra PE lesson on Thursday afternoon with Year 2 to practise our sport day activities. We did it again today and are excited to show you when it is our sports day.

Music: look at our brilliant performance of us and down, this time we used musical instruments.

On Thursday I set the children a challenge, could they play with somebody they don’t normally play with in our class. At first we were a bit worried, but we were up for the challenge. I was so pleased to hear all the lovely stories and games they played together, most children decided to sit next to them at lunch time and most importantly we all had fun. I am so proud of all the lovely friendships we have developed in our class and we are being kind friends to each other by making sure nobody is by themselves.

Upcoming Trips:


Our final trip to the library will be on Friday 23rd June, please bring in your library cards, if you would like your child to take a book home.

Ridgeway Farm:

On Tuesday 4th July we will be visiting Ridgeway farm, I will provide more details after half term.

Let’s Celebrate:

Congratulations to our awardees: two ‘Bobby Bees’ for their fantastic innovated independent stories, well done.

Henry is going home with this person for always making good choices and being brave and playing with new friends, well done :).

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :). I will be creating some new certificates for next half term for those who have achieved their platinum award.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely break

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


This week....

Summer has definitely arrived and what great fun we have had! it’s been an outdoorsy (I’m not sure that’s a real word) week. We have planned our learning to take place in the garden and on the field.

The children have had so much fun and managed to get wet and mucky! Great fun!!

Barbara (and Emma’s blog)

We started the week with Marvellous Monday, and how marvellous we were! We tried to remember all the shapes that we had learnt earlier in the years and all their properties. We watched and listened to the Shape Soong to refresh our brains. Click here to listen at home. We all then went to find a shape to describe to the group, and we were FANTASTIC! We then played ‘guess the shape’. Click here to play at home. There is also our old favourite ‘shape monster’ Click here. Enjoy!

We went to the field this week for PE. We decided to take along the parachute. We shook it, hid underneath it, played teddy bounce and another popular game ‘cat and mouse’. we all laughed so much.

We have continued our exploration of the number 10, by counting things we could find in the garden into an egg box.

Thursday was such a warm day some of our friends played with the BIG water play outside nearly all afternoon. Goodness, did they get wet! We made chutes, squirters and best of all a huge puddle in a tuff tray to stamp and splash in!

The children have been den building and making obstacle courses with the soft shape. Take a look!

and just a few extra's….actually quite a lot!

What a busy week! We all need a rest now!

Have a lovely half term and stay safe.

Barbara and Emma

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

This week we have enjoyed the sunshine with lots of outdoor play and a picnic outside. The sunny weather has inspired our artwork this week. We made some pictures using hot and fiery colours of red, yellow and orange. We explored colour mixing with the powder paints and spoke about sun  safety, and how too much sun  can be dangerous. The children said ‘The sun is hot. That’s why we have to put our sunhats on.  ‘The sun gives you sunburn’ ‘I like to feel hot on my back’ We watched a video about colour mixing, click here to watch at home.

We also had lots of fun on the field with the parachute, trying to bounce teddy as high as he could go.

Don’t forget we break up this Friday for 2 weeks. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday

Steph’s blog

Hello everyone.

What another busy week! We have loved playing in the garden with the bubbles and the big water trays and ramps. We even spotted some rainbows in the water spray - we really enjoy using the syringes and spraying the water everywhere!

When we discussed what we wanted to learn at the beginning of the term one of the friends in our group asked if we could learn how to draw a robot! So this week that is what we did! We followed the instructions and could recognise lots of different shapes from our carpet time with Barbara this week! Here is the instructions we used if you’d like to have a go at home (make it as easy or tricky as you like!) Click here.  

We have been creative designing our sports day T-shirts - they look great! We can’t wait to show them off on sports day. If you haven’t already please could you bring in a plain white tshirt for your child to decorate - thank you! 

We have also been practising writing our names this week - we have worked so hard and we are getting so good at writing all the sounds! Have a go at home! Here is a reminder of how to say the sounds the way we teach them at school: click here.

The children have also enjoyed testing each other! They asked if they could use my sound cards and pretended to be nursery ladies holding up the cards and seeing if their friends knew the sound! They were also helpful if their friend wasn’t sure, it was lovely to see!

Hope you all have a lovely half term break! Get some rest and have lots of fun!


Purple Mash

Please check out Purple Mash. I have set lots of activities for over the half term holidays (for a rainy day). If it’s warm and sunny you must enjoy it!

Here’s a few activities if you fancy a outdoor challenge.

Sports day

Our Foundation Sports’ Day is being held on Monday 19th June at 1.30 pm. If you wish you child to attend please be at nursery no later that 1.15 pm. It should last about one hour. If you are unable to attend can you please let us know.

Plans for after half term

It’s hard to believe that these will be the last plans of the year! Tempus fugit!

It just remains for me to say….have a FABULOUS half term holiday!

God Bless
