This week, we have welcomed our newest members of our family, the reception children.
Read moreYear 5 Homework to be handed in by Thursday 28th September
A worksheet about fronted adverbials has been stuck in their homework books. The children are to re-write the sentences so that the adverbial is at the start of the sentence. The first sentence has already been done by the children.
Will be on IXL;
A9- Writing numbers up to one million in words
Music- Due in on Monday 25th September
Will be on Charanga. The children are to go onto rhythm gird and create a rhythm similar to what we practiced on Monday. Go to settings and select 4:4 and do this by using notes E and D only.
Year 4 Weekly blog 22.9.23 "From little seeds, grow mighty trees."
I am still awaiting a number of parental consent forms to be completed. I have lots of lovely photos to share of our first weeks in Year 4 and cannot do so until all consent forms are in. Please complete ASAP.
It has been a very busy week in Year 4. I tested the children’s drama skills this week when we did the story of ‘Joseph and his brothers,’ using freeze frames. we have some super little actors!
Also, this week we have completed our second Kidsafe lesson in RHE. Children discussed bullying and also identified their own trusted adults in their life. THey learned about the power of their voice and how it is important to be able to say, ‘no.’ Please read the letter below explaining further
We have been knuckling down in maths this week - learning the column method for addition and understanding why we need to regroup/exchange if we have more than 9 ones or tens. In English, we had a special visit from an author this week, Dan Worsley. He was fantastic with the children and helped them imagine their own pirate. Children produced some super writing on this theme.
We have loved finding out more about seeds this week, when we discoved how different seeds disperse (spread) We examined seeds with different structures and identified their method of dispersal. Many children came running in on Thursday with handfuls of acorns from our tree in the garden! It is lovely to see how motivated they are on this subject.
Swimming lessons are going really well - children were kept very busy by Gail and Graham this week. They were very hungry when they got back to school!
Your child’s annual flu vaccination
Please follow the link below to fill in the flu vaccination form for this year - stating whether you want your child to have it or not. This is a simple nasal spray, done within school time
The school code to enter when asked is BP119627
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Tommy has received a Lizzy Ladybird certificate. We are watching you become such a good listener and a person who will really listen to advice given. This is great!
Lily has received a Sadie Spider certificate for always being so ready to learn and being such a superb listener in class. You have really impressed us with your can-do attitude. Well done both of you!
Well done to the following children who have already met their reading target this half term and received 100 housepoints for their team:
Charlotte, Teddy, Poppy, Amelia and Beth
Curious and Active butterfly
This half term, our virtues are ‘Curious and Active.’ This week we thank Rose for actively helping others out when they need it
Our class assembly is on Thursday 5th October at 2:10 and 2:35 - we hope you can make it.
FLUTE letters - please return these by Monday so your child can bring home a flute
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessey, Mrs Carter and Mrs Grey
Year 2 blog 22/9/2023 "I am a Gift from God" Psalm 1 27:3
We have new counsellor!! Read on to catch up on important reminders, magic moments and how you can deepen the learning and the fun at home!
Read moreThis week....
A bit of a wet one this week. The children have been less keen to go in the garden. Towards the end of the week when the sunshine popped his head out we quickly found that the garden was a bit muddy and full of leaves and twigs that had been blown off the trees! A big clear up team was needed!
Dan Worsley: Author visit
On Wednesday, Dan Worsley came to school. Dan is a local author and ex-primary school teacher who is passionate about developing a love of books and story telling. Mrs. Gregan invited some of our children to join Dan as he told magical stories. We loved it!
Me, My Body, My Health
The children met the story book characters of Freddy Teddy, Mollie the Cat and Billy Bird who will reappear throughout this scheme of work. They will learn about their uniqueness in real terms, including celebrating differences and individual gifts, talents and abilities. They will learn about looking after and using their God-given bodies and develop their vocabulary around this topic.
Click on the button to read the story
We also continued looking at God’s Wonderful Earth by watching a short video about the story of ‘Creation’. Click here to watch.
Meet One- counting to one
A little block falls out of the sky, meets her numberling and discovers one wonderful world, singing and counting to one. Click here to watch at home.
The children have been spotting ‘one’ everywhere! Click here to meet one and perhaps you could count ‘ones’ at home; one pan, one chair, one carrot…you get the picture…enjoy.
Michelle’s blog
Hello everyone
We have continued with learning about the Creation and this week have concentrated on "one world, one me" exploring similarities and differences. We learnt that although we are all people, we are all unique, with our own skills and talents. Even though people can have the same name, nobody is the same.
We are absolutely loving our PE sessions with Mr. Nay and this week we also had a session of Cherry Tots, where we explore our emotions through music and dance. This week we met Sad and Glad cherries and had lots of fun pretending to be sad and glad.
One of our independent skills we have been practising this week is putting our shoes and socks on after PE. This is a good skill to have so any practise the children can get at home will help your child enormously when they go to school.
Some of the children were chosen to represent nursery at a storytelling workshop by a local author. This was lots of fun and we were so proud of how well the children sat and listened during this event.
This week we have also met Number block number one and have been exploring the oneness of one. We will be meeting the rest of his friends over the coming weeks.
As part of our healthy eating project we made (and ate) fruit kebabs. They were delicious!
As you can see we have been so busy this week, I'm sure I've forgotten lots of other things.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you all next week.
Emma’s Blog
Hello everyone I hope you are all well.
All the rain and wind has not stopped us from having so much fun this week at nursery.
The children have been working on moving their bodies in Mr. Nay's PE class on a Monday morning. Mr. Nay has been very impressed with how our children can follow his instructions by showing him how good they listen. We played a game where the children were split in to 3 teams and they took it in turns to run to the middle of the room to get a bean big and then take it back to their team. At the end, we all counted how many bean bags each team had collected. The children thought this was brilliant. We also played a moving game where Mr. Nay would shout out a movement such as hopping, running, backwards, jumping etc. The children had to listen and follow the instruction but he was quick at changing the movement. The children are having so much fun in Mr Nay's PE classes.
This week we have started to look at the number 1. We have been busy with different activities such as playing find the number one on the tuff tray. There were different numbers in the tray and the children had to pick out the number 1 by covering it with a gem. The children found this to be working there brains. I'll be sending this activity to take home and you could try using an object to cover the number 1 and when you find number 1 colour it in. We also have been looking at the number blocks on the screen and meeting number 1 which children recognise. We also have been writing the number 1 on the TouchTV. The children all did really well with controlling the big pen for the screen (duck fingers). There were lots of different coloured number ones; we had a rainbow of ones!
Here is a number counting game for you to play at home. If you start from 1 to 5 and if children would like it a bit trickier, go higher with your counting. Have fun and good luck. Click here
The children have been busy painting their own colour monster out of kitchen roll. The children chose the colour which showed how they were feeling; red for anger, blue for sad, green for calm, pink for loved, yellow for happy and black for scared. When the children had finished, they glued on some googly eyes to make them look more like monsters. The children had lots of fun and enjoyed tell us how they were feeling. They are now pinned up on our colour monster wall in nursery. The children are so proud of their monster.
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. See you all next week, take care.
…and a few extra form Justine.
This week we met Sadie Spider...
Nestled in the rolling hills of Cape Ability, lies Weaver’s Cottage. This is where Sadie Spider lives, spending her days trying to catch those pesky little flies for her lunch, but it isn’t easy!
Through her story, Sadie showed us how to keep going when things got difficult. She helps us to change our mindset and have a more resilient attitude towards challenges in life.
Sadie showed such resilience when she kept trying to make a successful web. She modeled true grit and has the mantra, ‘Try, try, try (to catch that fly)’ She expects to work hard and enjoy the process! We have all been trying to be more like Sadie Spider and not give up when things get tricky!
Lastly, this week we have been celebrating our uniqueness and the fact that we are all so different. Click here to read about Colin and Lee Carrot and Pea and find our how it’s good to be unique. Click here.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy being together.
God Bless
Year 6 Weekly Blog 22.09.23 - "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
Collaboration is key - especially in Year 6! This week we have collaborated and shared in every lesson - this has helped us to learn from each other. We have collaborated in Geography, making graphs on Purple Mash to show the rainfall in two places in South America, in our PE playing games of cricket, in our practicing of the assembly and most importantly getting to grips with our new roles around school . Alongside this, we are striving to be curious and active, questioning the world around us and actively making changes where needed.
This whole notion of collaboration will stand us in good stead as we move forward as a class. Earlier this week they each received their positions of responsibility and what a great start to the year they have made! They came back to school on Tuesday ready and raring to go and they have worked together beautifully, what a team they make. It was so wonderful to see how they each celebrated one another! You will see this in full force on Thursday 29th September 2pm for our class assembly. Please make sure they are practicing their lines and song for next week- thank you.
Author Visit
We loved our visit from the author Dan Worsley, he has truly inspired us as writers in the exciting workshop he did with us, and we have created some wonderful pieces of writing about a boy named Bazza- see if they can tell you a bit about their short story!
Samlesbury Hall Visit
Next term in History we will be learning all about the Tudors and even writing our own biographies of Henry VIII. To aid this learning, we have arranged to take the children for a visit to the historic stately home ‘Samlesbury Hall’ on 14th November where we will spend the day there and be took on a tour around the grounds. We have added the cost of this trip to parentpay, and we wanted to give you plenty of notice- many thanks.
Helpers in the mornings:
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Tabby Nicola Lily-Mae Edi
Leading Learners
Well done to Ruby-Lily and Stan this week.
Ruby-lily- Focused Cooper Crab- Thank you Ruby for being so focused in every lesson, doing your best and being ready to learn!
Stanley- Enthusiastic Bobby Bee- Thank you so much for the time and effort you have put in to your writing this week- I love how you are reflecting on your targets, listening to ways to improve your work and actively making positive changes. You could not be working any harder and we are so proud of you.
· Check the sports page on the website through Engage. Make sure you are aware of all training: dance, football and netball.
· Please return St Bede’s admissions forms from last week if you have not already.
· It is our class assembly on Thursday 28h September.
· please encourage children to complete homework on time and handed in on Thursdays- it is great preparation for High School
Have a lovely weekend with your family.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker
Year 6 Home Learning Friday 22nd September
Priority is to make sure we know all our lines off by heart and exactly when we come in. Could we also make sure we know our song off by heart, ready for our practice on Monday- not long now!
English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Verbs have been a big part of our learning this week, maybe whilst you are reading you could collect verbs and look at the different ways they have used them within a sentence?
Maths- Please can you have a go at the reasoning page- if you need to work alongside an adult do or you can come and ask a teacher BEFORE the day it is due in.
Grammar- Year 6 need to be able to identify different sentence types- please remind yourselves on whether sentences are simple or compound. Remember to look out for the coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS), this tells you it is a compound sentence.
Complete IXL EE 8 English- don’t forget to check it is on the Year 6 section not another year group.
we have also been identifying main and subordinate clauses, on IXL and in other areas of grammar these are sometimes called independent (main) and dependent (subordinate) clauses. These helps us to identify and write different types of sentences. Please see the picture below to help you and then complete the following IXL strands.
Spellings - this week we are focusing on homophones…
Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group
Like make more number other over people
Year 4 homework to be completed by Thursday 28th September
SORRY HOMEWORK BOOKS WERE NOT GIVEN OUT! They will be given on Monday.
For the first half of the year, we will be doing lots of revision of previous spelling and spelling rules, to make sure they are solid. Each week you will have 10 key words and 10 to do with a spelling rule. Please learn all for a spelling test of 10 of these words each Thursday
This week you have key words: my, come, here, there, some, where, up, one, mum, had, all, can
Please complete the Look, cover, say, write, check sheet given out - as you practiced with Miss Hennessey. You do not need to do it 5 times if you know it after 3 times.
Then do the purple mash quiz set in your 2dos.
Also, you have the spelling pattern tch at end of words:
catch, fetch, kitchen, notch, hutch, snatch, match, ditch, hatch, watch
Please go on Purple mash and complete the quiz for these words too.
Assembly parts
Our class assembly is all about Plants! It will take place on Thursday 5th October at 2:10 and 2:35. You are very welcome to come into school to view it.
Please continue you rehearse your part so you know it. We will be practicing lots next week.
Science - Purple Mash
I have set you a Purple Mash 2do about Germination which we have covered in class this week. See if you can explain the process in 5-6 parts and include pictures.
Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 19th September
Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.
The children have been given a worksheet to complete and stick into their homework books.
dangerous poisonous perilous mountainous venomous famous enormous hazardous jealous tremendous
Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 25th September.
School Sports Fixture Update
Next week sees the return of the sports fixtures - weather permitting! It always seems to throw a spanner in the works. Please pray for dry weather.
Training will take place every Monday morning at 8am. All children from the three squads are expected to attend.
The Year 5 & 6 A team and Girls’ Football team will play fixtures for the next 4 Tuesday evenings. The results of these games will not be recorded, they are friendly fixtures to practise their skills and tactics.
Children need to be collected from school and taken to AKS ready for fixtures to start no later than 4pm. Both fixtures will be over by 5pm. All football fixtures are being played at AKS, apart from Heyhouses. We will play at their school.
The Year 5 & 6 B team will be training ready for the tournament that will take place in November. All three tournaments will be competitive.
Kits will be organised over the coming week.
Training for the netball team is taking place every Monday and Wednesday lunch for the next week, then just Monday lunches going forward.
The fixtures will take place at home and away venues. Please collect the team for the first two fixtures and take them to the school that they are playing at.
Games will start at 4pm and finish by 5pm.
Kits will be organised next week.
Year 2 Homework to be completed and handed in on Monday 25th September - Thank You
We have maths and spellings this week. These are the building blocks of learning - please enjoy!
Read moreYear 6 Weekly Blog 15.09.23 - 'If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something new - it is now!'
After two weeks of application writing, house captain speeches and class council speeches, we have nearly arrived at the point where all children know their positions of responsibility. Yet again, the children spoke with such passion and sincerity in their videos when they addressed their houses in a bid for their votes. We could not be more proud of all of the children who gave it a go and faced their fears. The videos were all different, showing all of their many gifts and skills, all in which are vital to work as a team ready to lead the school. We discussed what we had all learnt from the process and I think the children were shocked at just how brave they all were! Positions and leadership responsibilities will be announced on Monday and these jobs will start straight away. I cannot wait to see how the children get on this year and what legacy they leave on our school community. Next week we will be speaking about celebrating one another and being happy for one another’s roles around the school, we know there may be some people who will be thrilled with their leadership jobs but unavoidably, there may be some that feel disappointed. It is crucial that we deliver the same message to the children, that all jobs within Year 6 are vital in the working of the school and we must all work together and help one another to make the school a beautiful place to be. Sometimes God’s plan for us, is not always the same as what we had in mind, but he knows each of our gifts and talents, and He will always guide us along the right path, where we can make the most difference. We need to embrace every job and make it our own, I know Year 6 will do this so well.
Next week our Reception children will be starting school full time and will enter the school along with the rest of the school. This can sometimes be, as I am sure you will all remember, an overwhelming time for both children and parents. We would love some help taking these children around to their class teacher and who better than our Year 6 leaders? Every week we will be picking 4 children to come to school at the slightly earlier time of 8:40am, to help the teachers on the gates. Next week the following children have been asked, but please email if there any difficulties with this time.
Charlie Jay Georgia Owen
We have made a really good start to our learning in class this week. In Maths we have been continuing exploring the different calculations structures of multiplicative and additive, they have been building these and discussing how we can use these when reasoning through word problems. It is quite clear at this point, those children who are really secure with their multiplications and those that need to spend a bit more time speeding up their mental recall. In Year 6 the expectations are so high and learning goes at a much quicker pace, the children will grasp concepts and move their learning forward if they do not have to spend too long recalling number facts. So please remind them to use TT Rockstar’s and other online platforms we have to practice these. We have been so impressed with their enthusiasm and energy in English lessons this week as we have been predicting and raising questions about our class novel ‘The Nowhere Emporium’. Some of their predictions were very interesting, I can’t wait to start the novel with them next week to see if some of their theories are true! Earlier in the week we also created some extended noun-phrases based on pictures from the text and used these to make our own list poems, which were brilliant! Then we have been studying South America in Geography, practicing are overarm bowling in PE!
It was lovely to see so many of you there for the Year 6 induction drop-in session on Wednesday. This is such a crucial year for your children and we must work together to ensure each of them reach their full potential and have a real sense of achievement this year. I hope you enjoyed seeing where your child learns, meeting the teachers and finding out a little bit more about the year ahead. Below is an induction presentation, that may go through key points and offer information about the year. Please always know that if you ever need to talk then we can always arrange a convenient time or please drop me an email. Hopefully, the following information can answer some of the questions that were in the box. We have also responded by organising a short meeting on Castlerigg straight after the Year 6 Assembly on Thursday 28th September 3pm, we hope you can join us.
A desperate plea:
I am desperate to put photographs of your children on this blog to share all of the wonderful learning but I can’t do this until I have all consent forms back and I only have half. Please could you make sure you have sent the following two forms, even if your child has no medical needs this form still needs to be completed.
NHS nurses will be visiting school on Wednesday 22nd November to administer the ANNUAL FLU VACCINATION. The Vaccination is free and a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose.
This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. There may be rebound in flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.
Online Consent form: Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
Please use the following link to access the online consent form:
Please quote the code for our school : BP119627
Please complete for both consent and no consent giving reasons
Leading Learners
Well done to Georgia and Iris this week.
Georgia- Focused Cooper Crab- Wow what a start to Year 6 you have had! You are totally immersed in your learning and always on task, giving your absolute best! Keep this up and you will shine even brighter this year! What a fantastic learning partner you have been this week- thank you for your patience and compassion.
Iris- Cooperative Roger Robin - throughout this week you have subtly helped so many children in our class. A true leader does things unnoticed and for the greater good of the class. You do this all of the time. Year 6 will be a great year for you - I can tell!
Check the sports page on the website through Engage. Make sure you are aware of all training: dance, football and netball.
Please return St Bede’s forms to school and don’t forget to do the admissions for high school online along side this
It is our class assembly on Thursday 28th September.
Castlerigg meeting straight after assembly on Thursday 28th September 3pm
please encourage children to complete homework on time and handed in on Thursdays- it is great preparation for High School
Have a lovely weekend with your family.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker
'Our family is a circle of Strength, founded by Faith, joined by Love and kept by God.'
Another wonderful week in Reception!
Read moreYear 1 Homework 15.9.23
It has been lovely to see lots of leaves arriving this week, the children have loved sharing their achievements with the class. I will hand some more out in the next few weeks, please email me if you need some more.
We have changed the library books and you should all have a RWI book in your bag. Please practise reading the RWI book and share the library book together.
My homework this week is to write a sentence about your weekend, have a look at the sheet for more information. I would love to see pictures or drawings so we can share with the class next week.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Drummond
Year 1 Weekly Blog 15.9.24
Welcome to our weekly Year 1 blog. Please read on….
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 15.9.23 - ‘Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.’
The time is flying by, what a fantastic week we’ve had in year 3. Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Alice and Mia-Grace for being “Curious and Active.”
Read moreChildhood is about playing, discovering, and believing in dreams; the imagination and possibilities are endless. Unknown
The curiosity and activeness of a playing child is a sight to behold.
Read moreYear 2 Weekly blog - "Because God loved us first, we can love others and see the beauty of His design in all people."
This week we have been busy thinking all about what type of person we want to be. We discussed how our beliefs as Christians impact how we behave. We decided that as followers of Christ we wanted to be,
“Helpful towards others; to be responsible for our world by keeping it safe and clean; to always treat others with kindness and love; and to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.” Read on to find out more …
Read moreYear 5 Weekly Blog 15.09.23 " Education… like democracy is always in the making, forever incomplete and founded in possibilities”
What a busy week it has been! It is hard to believe that it has only been two weeks of the new school year. The focus for the start of the week was all things London. What a trip it was, still hard to believe we did it all in one day and the children were still full of energy at the very end of the night. We got to see lots of wonderful sights such as Big Ben, a tour of the Houses of Parliament, and the London Eye. I was super impressed with the children’s focus the following day and their effort throughout every lesson- learning through thee yawns.
It was brilliant to see so many of you on Wednesday night at induction evening and finally meet some of you. For anyone who didn’t manage to make it, here is the PowerPoint slides from the evening.
In English, the children finally found out what our first novel of Year 5 is- which is the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The children were ecstatic as many children have already seen the film and many are also eager to discover this fantastic story.
Flu Vaccinations
Please follow the link below to fill in the flu vaccination form for this year - stating whether you want your child to have it or not. This is a simple nasal spray, done within school time
The school code to enter when asked is BP119627
Medical and Consent Forms
If you have not done so already, please follow the links below and fill in these crucial forms so that we have up to date information about your child. I cannot put any photos online our our first couple of weeks in school until I have all forms in.
Let’s Celebrate
Archie for being a co-operative learner- I have seen you work with lots of different people this week and on our trip to London. You have been so polite and cooperative with everyone and treated everyone the same. An excellent quality to have both in the classroom and on the football pitch.
Pippa for being a brave learner- What a day out in London you had. You battled through your sickness and that bright and bubbly personality did not change once throughout the day. You still took part in all of the activities in the day and shared your insights during the tour. You deserved the extra two days off.
Ruby for being a brave learner- You have settled into life at Our Lady’s so well and have interacted with everyone in the classroom. You have thrown yourself into every activity and have become a much loved member of Year 5.
Elsie for being an active learner- You have gone above and beyond in helping around the classroom and keeping the Year 5 ship steady. You have carried out your class job excellently and have offered to help in other areas as well. Keep it up!
Forms- Please make sure that all of the forms above have been filled out and submitted.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 5 team
Year 4 Weekly blog "We are here to feel, wonder and gaze in awe at our beautiful world."
What a lovely week we have had in Year 4. In RE this week, we are learning about the bible. Children learned about how the bible is structured and they learned how to use a bible to find the correct chapter and verse in a book. Our focus is on the New Testament, so we began with the story of Abraham and how his great faith in God enabled him to be father of nations.
Also, this week we have completed our first Kidsafe lesson in RHE. Children discussed how we keep ourselves safe in general. We thought about what trust is and played a trust game. Then we identified ‘yukky feelings’ and how it is important not to ignore them. Please read the letter below which explains furher
The highlight of the week was our wonderful trip to Ashton gardens. Children loved the treasure trail where we found, named and described different flowers and trees. They collected seeds to bring back into class and it was so lovely to see their wonder when watching a bee drink nectar from flowers and pollinate them. Children did observational drawings of roses in the rose garden then had lunch and a play on the park before heading back to school. I have given them some homework this week that means they can get out in nature once more!
It was also a joy to welcome you into our class this week and let your children give you a tour of Year 4. It was so nice to meet you all. If you did not manage to come, don’t worry. Here is the power point shared at the induction evening.
Our first swimming session this week was a great success - no lost clothes and everyone remembered where their locker was! Children tried really hard and supported one another.
Your child’s annual flu vaccination
Please follow the link below to fill in the flu vaccination form for this year - stating whether you want your child to have it or not. This is a simple nasal spray, done within school time
The school code to enter when asked is BP119627
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, we have 3 certificates. Poppy has received a Bobby Bee certificate for being such an enthusiastic and keen learner who participates so well in class - you have settled in so well Poppy.
Grace has received a Tommy Turtle certificate for having such a good go at everything and again participating so well in class
Rory has received a Sadie Spider certificate for always trying his very best and being so determined to complete his tasks.
Well done all of you!
Curious and Active butterfly
This half term, or virtues are ‘Curious and Active.’ This week we thank Ciaran for actively helping others without being asked and being such a friendly boy.
Medical and consent forms
If you have not done so already, please follow the links below and fill in these crucial forms so that we have up to date information about your child. I cannot put any photos online our our first couple of weeks in school until I have all forms in.
Enjoy those plants and trees this weekend!
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessey, Mrs Carter and Mrs Grey