Year 5 Weekly Blog 29.9.23- ' A child is not finished when they are defeated; they're finished when they quit'

It’s been another productive week in Year 5 with lots of learning across the curriculum taking place. In History, we role played the Battle of Marathon and discussed tactics from both sides as to why each side won and lost the battle.

In Maths, our place value unit turned to the focus of rounding- in which the children displayed excellent retrieval skills. Today, we took it up a notch and tackled some trickier rounding questions. With focus and resilience, the class achieved their objective which was great to see.

In English, we have finished the first two chapters of ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ and have been creating character descriptions and also making predictions by inferring from the book and film.

Let’s Celebrate

Jacob for being a focused learner: It is no surprise that you are always making progress Jacob- it is because you are super focused throughout lessons. Your eyes are always following the teacher and you don’t let others around you to distract yourself from the task at hand.

Brilliant work!

Bella for being a resilient learner: You have been plying through your reading this week and have been so determined to reach your target. You have come in every day and led by example of how to approach your reading- both with your attitude and work ethic. A brilliant start to Year 5 Bella.

Keep it up!

Arthur for being an active learner: You have been fully emerged in our writing topic and have been so active in participating in each activity- regardless of already knowing the story.


  • As we enter October and start facing harsher conditions, can all children bring a coat into school everyday. Their school hoodies do not count as coats when it is raining outside.

  • Parents Day: Will be on Friday 20th October. Please can all parents book their appointments via the link on the school newsletter.

  • Harvest Festival: We will be celebrating Harvest at mass on October 12. In preparation, each class has been assigned a different type of food to collect for the Fylde Foodbank. Our chosen food is cereal.

  • Clarinets- Please ensure that all clarinets are brought in on Monday for our music lesson.

This week....

Another busy week at nursery. We have embraced to changing weather and conditions by exploring Autumn. We have looked the trees and noticed their losing their leaves and also that the leaves are now different colours. We even went on a discovery Autumn scavenger hunt in the environmental garden in school. We found all sorts of interesting things.


We have been practising our pencil hold by writing Number one, here’s the rhyme

1- One line down like a stick makes a 1, that was quick!

If you fancy why not have a go at writing 0! That’s a challenge!

0 - Round in a loop, like an empty hoop

Next week we will be moving on to Number 2. One discovers it’s tricky to play tennis when you are the only block in the world. She bumps into Another One - and they join forces to make Two. Why not get ahead of the game and meet ‘Another One’ Click here.

Good luck everyone!


Our Harvest celebration will be on Thursday 12th September. We have been invited to join with Foundation and KS1 class worship. This year we are asking for donations of tinned beans as nursery’s contribution to this years chosen charity; Fylde Foodbank. Fylde Foodbank is a charity which fulfils the aim of providing food to people and families in crisis. Please give them your support.

As in previous years nursery will be doing the Harvest Samba song and dance (along with other class choices). Click here to have a go at home!

There will be a box outside nursery from next week to collect your donations. As always thank you.


Some of our families have mentioned that they are struggling to find the school admission form on the website. It is located on the main school page. If you scroll down you will find a selection of buttons including the Admissions button.

If you click on the button below I have put the correct form to complete. I would advise that you still visit the school website as there will be additional information for you.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

What a wonderful fun packed week we have had.

On Fridays we take a little walk across the playground and school field to the Chapel. We take our feelings jars and our reflection candle to help us say a prayer and talk about who we would like to pray for. We try to learn a new song about God or Jesus each week! The children really enjoy their visits to the Chapel.

As the season is changing, it’s that time of year for putting away our summer clothes and bringing out our thick coats, hats, scarfs and gloves.  It would be really helpful if you could have your child's name on the items which are likely to be removed (and lost) but also it helps the children to recognise their name. Thank you. 

We have also been practicing putting on our own coats, by laying the open coat flat on the floor with the hood facing their feet, the children put their hands in the arms of the coat then they flip it over their heads. It's a bit tricky but we are practicing and improving. Doing this will help the children become even more independent. Shoes next!!.

Something exciting has happened in nursery.  We have an Autumn table full of all colours with leaves, conkers, acorns and also there may be a squirrel and a hedgehog (not real) hiding in there too. We have been making some Autumn pictures for our wall display using Autumn coloured paints and different autumn coloured collage bits and bobs to decoration. If you are out and about on a walk or in the park this weekend, see if you see any different coloured Autumn leaves and bring them in to add to our table. I've also printed out an autumn hunt checklist for when you are out and about. It would be lovely to see what you have found in your area.

The children have been having so much fun learning some new songs by Spud and Yam. Their songs are packed with lively Celtic and Caribbean rhythms, rhythm and songs. The children’s favourite song is all about the Bogey Man! But if your child sings it to you, you might be scared BOO!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.  


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone

We have had another fantastic week of brain growing.

We have had lots of fun with Mr. Nay during our PE which we managed to do outside. This week we had to listen carefully to his instructions as we moved around the playground in different ways.

We have also continued to explore Numberblock number one, learning to recognise him and when he is hidden amongst numerals. We have also been learning how to use the interactive white board to work out our number problems.

We have also been learning more about our bodies and what keeps us healthy, sorting food into healthy and unhealthy categories. It was ne of our friend’s birthdays this week ad we helped them to celebrate by sharing chocolate cake which was ok because we have lots of healthy fruit and milk, so a little treat is ok.

As the weather turns a little cooler we have been discovering all about Autumn as we went for an Autumn Hunt. We found lots of clues that tell us Autumn is now here. An Autumn Hunt is a fun activity to do this weekend if we get a nice day. You can always send in any finds for our Autumn Investigation table.

We have been trying really hard to put our coats on by ourselves and have been using this fantastic trick. Click here

Being independent and doing things for ourselves gives us a confidence boost and helps us to learn more. If we think we can then we can!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,



In this weeks session we explored the movements our bodies can make by taking part in a story where Freddy Teddy and Mollie the Cat take a morning walk. It helped us to realise how wonderful our unique, God-given bodies are.

Click on the button to read the story at home.


This week we had the BIG story telling puppets out to help us retell the story of the Three Little Pigs…what fun we had. There were some really scary wolves! Click here to listen to the story of the Three Little Pigs at home. Perhaps you could act it out at home!

Lastly, I hope you all manage to get five minutes rest and quiet this weekend to recharge your batteries for what will inevitably be another busy week next week. Stay safe.

God Bless


Year 2 Weekly Blog - "What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God"

We have had a rather reflective week during our RE learning and discussions. Firstly, reflecting on our gifts; our families, friends, talents, our world and the many blessings God has given to us. Following this, we turned our attention towards each other…our class family. Each child was given a flower which the other children in the class wrote on, sharing the gifts they notice in one another. This was such a special moment in our week, the children all focusing on others and celebrating their gifts, talents, similarities and differences. Finally, when returning back to their own flowers, each child’s faces were full with delight as they read what special qualities their peers notice in them.

Let’s celebrate

Certificates: A huge well done to HENRY O and ISLA who have both been awarded a Focused Cooper Crab certificate this week!

Curious and Active Butterfly: Well done FREDDIE you have been curious in your learning of our wonderful world, asking questions and seeking answers both at school and at home!

Magic Moments

We are very nearly there with consent forms and are just waiting for a couple more to be completed. As soon as we have all of these we will be able to share with you the photos that we have taken that week. We really wanted to pop on our science experiment- testing to see if materials were waterproof!

KIDSAFE - safeguarding lesson 4. Keeping our private parts private and when a secret is not a secret. Please read the parents guide below so we are sharing the same messages with the children about keeping save.

How to deepen your learning at home

Next week in Geography we will be looking at the capital city of UK. What is our capital city? You might enjoy finding out a couple of interesting facts that you would like you share with your class on Monday next week.


Flu Vaccination - Don’t forget to sign the NHS flu vaccine consent form on the previous blog.

Coats - Please make sure you bring a coat to school each day, the rain has caught a few of us out this week.

Homework - This is to be handed in each Monday, a huge thank you for the wonderful learning that you are all doing at home!

Assembly - Our class assembly is quickly approaching. On Thursday 12th October you are invited to watch us perform our Harvest assembly. We will be performing this twice, the first showing will start at 2:10, with the second starting at 2:35. You are welcome to come for one or stay for both of these performances.

Parents meetings - Parents meeting this year will be on Friday 20th October. You can now book your appointment time - please see Mrs Gregan’s latest blog for the link. Below you will find which teacher we would like you to book with:

Harvest Plea: In preparation for our HARVEST FESTIVAL on Thursday 12th October at 9.30am mass, as a school we have made the decision to collect food items for Fylde Foodbank who are struggling with the amount of need in our area. We would be so grateful if Year 2 could collect tinned tuna. Donations can be made from next week and will be much appreciated -thank you.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Miss Bassett, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson

Year 6 Home Learning

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

PLEASE complete the comprehension short paper on Malala Yousafzai. Look at the questions carefully and don’t forget to highlight or underline key information in the text that can help you answer. If you need help, please feel free to work alongside an adult.

Maths- Please can you have a go at the reasoning page- if you need to work alongside an adult do or you can come and ask a teacher BEFORE the day it is due in.

Grammar- Our focus is on sentence structure, looking at different sentence types and how we can connect clauses using conjunctions. There are two main type of conjunctions and we have to be able to identify and us these. Please practice using the IXL strands below:

MM1 - Identify coordinating conjunctions

MM2- Identify subordinating conjunctions

Do not spend any longer than 10 minutes on each of these IXL strands, even if you don’t get to 100!

Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘able’ and ‘ible’

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

these time water would two some part around

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 6th October


This weeks focus is homophones. In order to practice these, children will have to hear the word in context to differentiate it from the homophone pair.

  1. cereal

  2. steal

  3. father

  4. stationery

  5. heard

  6. serial

  7. farther

  8. stationary

  9. herd

  10. steel


The children are to complete the grammar sheet in their books which is about using commas to separate clauses. They are then to write 5 of their own sentences which have to include;

  • a main clause and subordinate clause.

  • a comma to seperate the clauses.



To practice ‘Dancing in the street’ with the backing track on to these notes.

Challenge- can you walk up? C D E F G A

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 26th September


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


Please read the text “Who’s a clever girl then?” and answer the questions in your book. You could use a highlighter to find the answers (evidence) in the text, just like we did in class with our Paddington story.


Click on the clock below to practise making the time. Can your grown up challenge you to make different times e.g. half past 4 or 11 minutes to 8? You can use the picture below to help you.

TT Rock stars

Your TT Rock star log ins are now in the front of your homework books - they are the same as your numbots log ins. Keep logging on and practising your times tables, our TT Rock Stars display will soon be up in the classroom. Can you become a Times Table Legend?!


suddenly carefully accidently gently simply finally completely humbly horribly giggly

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 2nd October.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 22.9.23- ‘Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world’

Another productive week in Year 5, with the children flying through their place value work- showing a great understanding of numbers up to a million. After the bulk of lessons on democracy and parliament, our history lessons turned focus back to Ancient Greece- specifically looking at Sparta and how the lifestyle was different to that in Athens. Fronted adverbials have been our grammar focus in the last few weeks and it has been brilliant to see the children include these in their writing. I am still waiting on some parental and medical forms to be completed. Please fill in the forms below.

This week, we have had the pleasure of hosting local author and storyteller Dan Worsley to our school. Dan shared his experiences of becoming an author and the process involved in writing a novel. He then came into Year 5 for a writing workshop session- focusing on character description, actions and dialogue.

Let’s Celebrate

Luke for being a co-operative learner: As each day has gone by, your engagement in lessons has increased. You have really stood out to me in Maths for your brilliant partner work and dedication to the learning. This has been excellent to see.

Bella for being a inquisitive learner: No matter the subject or the task, you always want to improve your learning by asking lots of curious questions. You make really good use of your ‘have a go’ and ‘magpie’ books to store all of your inquisitiveness.

Isaac for being an active learner: You are always making the right choice and setting an example of how to follow instructions. An excellent work ethic and an excellent learner.


This week, we completed our second Kidsafe lesson on Bullying. The children discussed what bullying means, the different types of bullying and why do people choose to bully.

Parental Consent Forms

I am still waiting for a significant number of parental consent forms to be filled in. Until this is done then unfortunately I can’t upload any photos to the blog.

Walking Home Form

I understand there was a technical issue with accessing the walking home form. I have uploaded this and it should be okay to access now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Year 1 Homework 22.9.23

Reading Books

All the children now have reading books, I have also sent home a bookmark, these are to there to help support you, by giving examples of questions you can ask while reading.

The colour of the bookmark is not the RWI group your child is in, as all the reading schemes are different. However they link to the books they are reading, for example purple RWI will have blue bookmarks, green will have yellow.

Please read little and often, we want to encourage reading for pleasure, not turn reading into a chore. If you are finding that your child is reluctant to read at home or you have any questions please send me an email and we will come up with ideas to help support you.

From next week all children will be listened to in school by an adult.

Science Homework

My homework this week is to bring in or email me a picture of you when you were a baby please can this be done before Wednesday as it will link to our Science lesson.

Purple Mash

We will be starting our Computing lessons over the next few weeks, as an ongoing challange please can you teach your child how to log on and off Purple Mash, this will save us a lot of time and help us start and complete our lessons. The log on cards are stuck in the front of their yellow reading record books.

Here is some more information about Purple Mash:

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond